Season 3: What YOU Want

edited December 2008 in Sam & Max
With Telltale hard at work on the Homestar Runner games, we probably have some time before they start too much work on Season 3 of Sam & Max. With all that said, I think it'd be fun to make some kind of a "wish list" of things we might like to see in future installments of the Freelance Police. Other games have had wish lists written by fans and I've seen on some occasions (such as City of Heroes) where those prayers were answered.

So, here's a few things I wouldn't mind seeing, if it's possible. Feel free to add your own thoughts:

-The return of Conroy Bumpus, from Hit the Road (unless there are legalities that prevent this).
-Finally, finally, FINALLY meeting the Mayor. Maybe have to get to his office to hear the latest case (and then, of course, a puzzle to be solved to get there and maybe to be used later in that episode or season).
-A meeting between Jimmy Two-Teeth and the cat from the beginning of Hit the Road (I loved that sarcastic little bastard).
-The revenge of...Leonard! He's free! He's out! And probably ticked off!
-Being able to control Max. I have two suggestions/ideas for this:
1) An entire episode in control of Max (maybe to rescue Sam?)
2) Being able to switch between the two of them, similar to Day of the Tentacle?
-Guest appearance by Steve Purcell, himself! Either playing himself or just providing a character voice.
-A Hollywood-related episode where Sam & Max, similar to Jay & Silent Bob, try to get more money and recognition for Midnight Cowboys (we DID see a movie trailer!)


  • edited June 2008
    How about this?
    1. Superball is the villan of this season
    2. A whole episode in which you play as Max
    3. An episode where the two visit their old pals, the Toy Mafia
    4. Have Max win the re-election campaign (maybe against Obama?)
    5. More Leonard abuse!
    6 Another trip to hell!
    That about sums it up. The series launches in January from what I've heard.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2008
    ted12 wrote: »
    How about this?
    1. Superball is the villan of this season

    Done! He's it.

    See, now you don't even need to play the season because it's revealed!
  • edited June 2008
    ted12 wrote: »
    The series launches in January from what I've heard.
    You need to start hearing different things :)

    We're not even close to starting on, much less deciding on, much less announcing, a release timeframe more specific than "Early 2009." I would hate to see people going around saying, "But I read on the internets that it was gonna be out in January what gives TTG why are you late you suck so bad!!!!"
  • edited June 2008
    1) Cyborg dinosaurs from a theme park running amock.
    2) Killer robot hyenas with death-ray eyes that are under the control of the puppet president.
    3) The idea of Superball being a villian is a great idea! That guy reminds me of Mr. Smith in The Matrix movies, and Mr. Smith really scares me. Plus, he was able to erase Sam&Max's memories which is even more suspicious.
    4) Sam&Max's possessed Desoto becomes a deadly monster truck!
    5) A mysterious criminal has stolen an ancient Mayan calander which has the power to control natural disasters. Could Sam&Max recover the calander before thier neighborhood gets sucked up in a giant twister?!
  • edited June 2008
    And I suddenly want a wizard of Oz parody for some reason...
  • edited June 2008
    vyperspit wrote: »
    4) Sam&Max's possessed Desoto becomes a deadly monster truck!
    ted12 wrote: »
    3. An episode where the two visit their old pals, the Toy Mafia
    5. More Leonard abuse!

    I'd pay cold, hard cash for these things to happen. How about an "Abuse Leonard" mini-game?
  • edited June 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    We're not even close to starting on, much less deciding on, much less announcing, a release timeframe more specific than "Early 2009."

    Ah. Good timing on this wish list, then!
  • edited June 2008
    Why do you hate Leonard so much? :(
  • edited June 2008
    Nobody hates Leonard, we just think it's funny when he gets beat up.
  • edited June 2008
    I'd like to see a Snuckey's somwhere in season 3, also, maybe a trip to the sub-basement of solitude. I know that these are from past S&M, but I like seeing familliar things - it helps me connect with the game even more.
  • edited June 2008
    It would have to be Stuckey's though.
  • edited June 2008
    what i would really like to see is an episode made of 4 or 5 small cases.... like one crazy action filled day for the freelance police... stop a bank robbery, rid themselves of the ghost of the "old desoto" come back to haunt them... chase down a rogue hog dog vendor... kill the creature terrorizing boscos shop that spawned from the bathroom... etc

    another cool idea would be to have portions of the episodes where the 2 of them separate and do things on their own (ex. have a vent that only max can climb through to open a door)

    and as i said in another thread i would really like to see their world evolve/degrade as the episodes go on...

    oh, and throw in a crash bandicoot joke somewhere along the line... im surprised they have not made fun of those games yet too
  • edited June 2008
    A mission where only Max can undertake, like infiltrating a Mafia-free Bunny Bar. Max meets a girl rabbit sidekick who is a kung-fu master and who has a crush with Flint Paper. And Superball is the arch villain of the season.
  • edited June 2008
    1 Side missions.
    2 achievements since their already in SBG4CAP.
    3 More Easter eggs.
    4 Museum like in Yoshi island DS.
    5 A better road.
    6 A competition or auction that makes it possible for you to be in the game.
    7 More minigames.
  • edited June 2008
    I had a dream one night that had Sam&Max inside the Desoto transformer, like the drawing I posted here, and they were fighting Mac Salmon's giant killer mech-suit. This maybe a great idea, but it does sound like its too complicated.
  • edited June 2008
    three words:

    Adam West Cameo
  • edited June 2008
    I want original content for my money! How about that? Ex-LucasArts dudes, show us what you're made of!
  • edited June 2008
    Zootch wrote: »
    three words:

    Adam West Cameo

    Doesn't he make special appearances only in cartoons?
  • edited June 2008
    Why? Is he banned from appearing in games? Or does he just refuse to do them? Come on I don't think he limits himself to cartoons.
  • edited June 2008
    1. Sam and Max have to use a motorcycle until the DeSoto is exorcized
    2. Return to the UK, or maybe a trip to Japan
    3. Fight against hippies on the West Coast
    4. Revelation: Superball reproduces by mitosis
    5. alcoholic cheese?
    6. Snuckey's
    7. The Mystery Spot
    8. FINAL FANTASY 7 RIP-OFF! (woo!)
  • edited June 2008
    Maybe if they used the back in time concept they should do something like go back to the JFK assassination to save JFK only for Max to be the one who actually caused it.
  • edited June 2008
    i reckon S&M could do good things with japan...
  • edited June 2008
    Maybe if they used the back in time concept they should do something like go back to the JFK assassination to save JFK only for Max to be the one who actually caused it.

    Wouldn't that get the game banned?
  • edited June 2008
    Wouldn't that get the game banned?

    Why would it?
  • edited June 2008
    Their was some game like this that got banned.
  • edited June 2008
    Personally, I don't see why it would, just as long as it isn't offensive. I could see if 9/11 was involved as that would be too recent and could offend family members of those who died or trigger flashbacks for witnesses.
  • edited June 2008
    Red Dwarf got away with it 11 years ago.

    I'd like to see a possible love interest for Sam, (which would probably turn out to be Max, but still) and more jokes centred around the characters. Some of the best moments in S&M are character-driven, like the stag party in 205 and "The Invaders" in the animated series.

    As for stuff returning from the previous seasons, I'd like to see a few characters come back, as it feels nice to have a sort of community in the S&M universe. If Stinky's, Sybil's or Bosco's return, they should be more populated. It's rather unsettling that Sam and Max are the only people who ever go in.

    Also, Jurgen MUST return.
  • edited June 2008
    I basically just want them to keep moving in the direction they've been moving in. More NPCs, more location variety, etc.
    delimew wrote: »
    i reckon S&M could do good things with japan...
    And vice-versa!
  • edited June 2008
    delimew wrote: »
    i reckon S&M could do good things with japan...

    Maybe they could go for Susi with Godzilla.
  • edited June 2008
    Or fight against a gang of ninjas.
  • edited June 2008
    vyperspit wrote: »
    Or fight against a gang of ninjas.

    that wouldn't be a fight it'd be a walkover
  • edited June 2008
    vyperspit wrote: »
    Or fight against a gang of ninjas.

    *cough* turtles *cough*
  • edited June 2008
    How about Sam and Max have to fight the real police? Crack down on the beat's internal corruption!

    Or the police don't agree on SM's methods!
  • edited June 2008
    More Superball!
    More Hugh Bliss!

    More out of country locations. Like, Japan and Australia.
    Let Sam learn martial arts and fight ninja monkey pirates.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2008
    delimew wrote: »
    i reckon S&M could do good things with japan...

    They did, in the cartoon. They took the recently decommissioned Megamax 9000 to Japan where it could live in peace amongst the other giant robots and monster mutants. That episode includes the quote "wow, that's a big nipple," which continues to surprise me.
  • edited June 2008
    Their was some game like this that got banned.
    You mean the 'game' that was supposed to be an as-accurate-as-possible digital reproduction of the event?
    I don't think that was banned so much as people were angry about it.
  • edited June 2008
    Why? Is he banned from appearing in games? Or does he just refuse to do them? Come on I don't think he limits himself to cartoons.

    His voice was in the video game Thirteen
  • edited June 2008
    Death of the demon DeSoto
    Possible death of the convertible
    Return of Bosco's antics from season 1, I miss them
    Less cluttered environments... There were a lot of new areas with a lot of things to look at in Season 2, but most of the stuff was useless, it made it a bit confusing for me.
    Less Sybil...
    Less Abe...
    More old Stinky
    Rope (Charlie Bronson's always got rope)
  • edited June 2008
    Since1845 wrote: »
    Less cluttered environments... There were a lot of new areas with a lot of things to look at in Season 2, but most of the stuff was useless, it made it a bit confusing for me.

    Cluttered environments are a key ingredient in the world of Sam & Max and always have been since the first comic in the late 80's! If anything we need more of it!
  • edited June 2008
    xChri5x wrote: »
    Cluttered environments are a key ingredient in the world of Sam & Max and always have been since the first comic in the late 80's! If anything we need more of it!

    Also it does make the game more challenging (leading me to look at cheats but anyho)

    As for the Hugh Bliss suggestion, can I make a cameo so I can kill the Bliss by stabbing him repeatedly in the eye?
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