Season 3: What YOU Want



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    supmandude wrote: »
    I'd like a new intro, not that anything's wrong with he one you have now it's just you switch at the start of season 2 so I just think it would be cool to make it slightly different every season.

    I take every opportunity I can get to do new title sequences. I hope this will be another one :)
    Chaosfan wrote: »
    I would love to hear the opening song from HtR again.
    Nice and catchy.

    And owned by LucasArts :)
  • edited September 2008
    the opening song from season one was prtetty close to the song of HTR though...
  • edited September 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    And owned by LucasArts :)

    Um, I noticed that you put a little smiley face when you said it was owned by Lucasarts... are you happy that Lucasarts owns the rights to that song?

    Is there something I should know here that someone isn't telling me?:confused:
  • edited September 2008
    Yeah, we're pretty pleased about that.

    Or maybe you're trying to read way too much meaning into a smilie :)
  • edited September 2008
    I'd pay cold, hard cash for these things to happen. How about an "Abuse Leonard" mini-game?

    maybe it could be something like a tgs comic!
  • edited September 2008
    Can I be in the next season? I can make a frightening fan girl baddy. A bit like Lorne, but ironically with less breasts.
  • edited September 2008
    How about a weather system kinda like in Nights for wii which uses a random weather system. Their could be random rain and strong winds, also setting the date on your computer to December 21st Christmas will cause snow.Also the random weather system will affect game play e.g such as rain making the ground slippery.
  • edited September 2008
    It never snows at Christmas :(
  • edited September 2008
    Being able to go explore the actual office building rather just your office room would be nice.

    But not for every episode, since it would be annoying having to walk through it in an episode you don't need it for.
  • edited October 2008
    Rakushun wrote: »
    Being able to go explore the actual office building rather just your office room would be nice.

    But not for every episode, since it would be annoying having to walk through it in an episode you don't need it for.

    Yeah, maybe there could be a menu asking where you wanted to go, or map, like in SBCG4AP. That would make navigating areas a lot easier.
  • edited October 2008
    A notebook item so if you forget something you canconsult your notes instead of going back to X to talk with Y.

    ...Or maybe just add a Jet Set Radio reference.
  • edited October 2008
    Really, the main thing I want is a slight graphics rehaul. I don't mean more polygons or 2D graphics or a complete redesign for everything, I just mean something a little more stylized for the characters.
    Perhaps a touch of cel-shading.
  • edited October 2008
    Strong Bad Appearing?
    Another election episode.
  • edited October 2008
    I like the Stuckey's ideas if that's not currently owned by LA as well. One could take over the corner where Sybil's used to be and Sybil could remain to the right of Bosco's. A few other ideas is perhaps a Museum of the Highly Improbable? Telltale has done an awesome job with the flavor of the world, it would be interesting to see what they'd populate the place with. Also, perhaps an appearance by the Rubber Pants Commandos, either to save Sam & Max from an extremely harrowing situation or to provide some background flavor like Flint Paper did. Having C.O.P.S. open an arcade would provide some 2D flavor for the 2D fans. You could play those games if you chose. Perhaps some bonus content like the stickers for the street minigames. Basically, something you could get, but isn't necessary to finish the game.
  • edited October 2008
    Arnold Schwarzenegger as Max. You know you want to.
  • edited October 2008
    Stuckey's first appeared in On the Road, one of the comics, so I doubt it's owned by LucasArts. The interior wasn't shown, though.
  • edited October 2008
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Stuckey's first appeared in On the Road, one of the comics, so I doubt it's owned by LucasArts. The interior wasn't shown, though.

    stuckeys is real(comics), snuckeys isn't (htr)
  • edited October 2008
    Something I was expecting to see in Season 2 was a bigger hub area. The need to recycle environments between episodes within a season is totally understandable, but Season 1 started us off with Sam and Max's entire neighborhood, and Season 2 started us off with...the same thing (Stinky's diner and some redecoration nonwithstanding).

    I'm not suggesting ditching Sam and Max's street at all, but when playing 201 there was a part of me that was saying, "They built an entire neighborhood for Season 1, so why couldn't they construct the same amount of new hub area for Season 2?" I don't mind recycling locations between episodes of the same season, but if you're going to recycle locations between seasons themselves, I think at least as many new environments should be made. Season 1 set the expectation that Telltale's resources allowed them to build an entire New York hub area of four environments for seasonwide use, with the individual episodes allowing for one new full location (translating to roughly 3 environments). I hate to put things like this mathematically, but why then couldn't there have been twice as much neighborhood to run around in in Season 2, if it otherwise followed the same general formula?
  • edited October 2008
    Udvarnoky wrote: »
    I hate to put things like this mathematically, but why then couldn't there have been twice as much neighborhood to run around in in Season 2, if it otherwise followed the same general formula?
    That's the problem with breaking it down mathematically. :) Modeling environments is a big part of the time that goes into making an episode, but it's still just a part. "What's New, Beelzebub?" for example, had the exact same number of new sets and new characters as every other Sam & Max episode. But it ended up being twice as big as any episode we'd done up to that point, and it took a ton of work and time from everybody, and that was only possible because it was the big season finale.

    With every episode, we're going for what feels like a good length to us. We've built up guidelines for what's a reasonable amount of new characters and new environments to play with each episode, but what I've seen over and over again is that the team is flexible enough to put in some extra work if they think an idea is cool enough and will make the game better.

    And that goes both ways: we don't want fans saying, "This episode has only x new environments while the last episode had x+2! Rip-off!" Or "How come we don't get the exact number of minigames in this episode that we did in the last one?!?" What we care about is just, "Did it do a good job of telling the story?" and "Did you enjoy it?"
  • edited October 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    And that goes both ways: we don't want fans saying, "This episode has only x new environments while the last episode had x+2! Rip-off!" Or "How come we don't get the exact number of minigames in this episode that we did in the last one?!?" What we care about is just, "Did it do a good job of telling the story?" and "Did you enjoy it?"


    36! But last year... last year I had 37!
  • edited December 2008
    Why is this thread still on the first page, when places to go in season three thread is on the second page. They're both posted around the same time.
  • edited December 2008
    Because people are still posting in this thread. Threads are sorted by last post, not first post.
  • edited December 2008
    I'd like to see more of Sam's "doggy attitude". I noticed it a couple times before, but he never actually acts like a dog, like he should. For example, he should let his tongue hang out when he's driving. XD I always pictured that so great.
  • edited December 2008
    Actually he did that once in the comics. In the first panel of the second part of On The Road, I Love A Band Leader, Sam has his head out the window and his tongue out. Max is driving, though.

    I enjoy it when Sam acts like a dog, which is related to how I knew the above off the top of my head, but I feel that acting too much like a dog would be out of character for him. Although I would like to see a plot where it's important that the main characters are talking animals.
  • edited December 2008
    I think it would be awesome if one of the episodes had to do with movies becoming real. They couldn't make new matter, though, so the Sam & Max characters would be fused with those of the movie! It would never, ever happen, but that would be awesome. And In 204 Superball acted kind of weird when you asked him about what he felt like not working for bad guys. I want to know what that was about or maybe it was revealed in 205 and I'm just stupid :P)
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