Season 3: What YOU Want



  • edited August 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    No. No, we cannot presume this. At all.

    No, no no no no no no no. NO. Oh my god that's impecably disrespectful!
  • edited August 2008
    Is that this internet sarcasm thing I've been hearing about?
  • edited August 2008
    Here's the only advice I can give:

    Please oh please DON'T take most of the previous suggestions. I think the quality of writing is a lot higher than the ideas offered.

    The first season had a degree of interconnectivity, but season two knocked my socks off. The little tiny ways that the episodes connected with eachother were absolutely my favorite part. I'd love to see more of that in the next episode.

    Season two got a bit, uh, cruder in humor? "Hit the Road" was funny without, if I remember correctly, being a bit crass. It's a turn off to some people, but some like it, so whatever.

    The way I the audience always knew the objective was definitely a strength of sam and max. Even when I was stuck, I always knew generally what I was trying to get at. I felt like this was weaker in SBCG4AP.

    The editing (from a cinematic perspective) is, at times, kind of utilitarian. The cuts are directly matched with who's speaking; from what I've learned in film school, this is a big no-no. Now I know that a video game is its own medium with its own rules, and it may be a limitation with the developmental tools. However, I think that some of film editing theory could be applied well here: when we, the audience, are hearing what someone is saying, we know that they're saying it no matter where we look. If I were to stand by watching a conversation between two people, I wouldn't look exclusively at the speaker, and then only change my glance when the other person spoke. I'd glance back and forth, in order to know not only how the words are being delivered, but also how they are being received. So, I think the visual aesthetic of Sam and Max could be more cinematic; however, I can see where real world constraints would make this concern a relatively minor one.
  • edited August 2008
    Hey, what happened to past Sam & Max? Do they live outside of time or what?
  • edited August 2008
    Hey, what happened to past Sam & Max? Do they live outside of time or what?
    Past Sam & Max went on to become Present Sam & Max.
  • edited August 2008
    Why not bring some of the cartoon villans into this mess that is called a thread (read: Mack Salmon/ Evil Danley Deever)
  • edited August 2008
    I think there are two pairs of Sam & Max: one following one timeline and another following a different timeline, since one pair did not experience the same things as the other. I think the two... or four... or whatever should meet again somtime next season. :D
  • jmmjmm
    edited August 2008
    The return of the Sam&Max theme + more amazing music from Jared
    (In fact, I'll order the soundtrack after posting this)
  • edited August 2008
    Very good. I'd like to see some characters from Hit the Road.
  • edited August 2008
    Hit the road is not Telltale's property.
  • edited August 2008
    Sammy wrote: »
    Hit the road is not Telltale's property.

    But it should be!:mad:
  • edited August 2008
    But it isn't.
  • edited August 2008

    1. Play as Max in one episode

    2. Play as seperate characters.(Like levels. Sam in one then Max in one.)

    3. Cameo appearences by Fone Bone & Strong Bad.

    3. S3 E3: Close Encounters of the Turd Kind. (Enemy of episode is a pile of crap)


    5. 3rd Person Boss Battles
  • edited August 2008
    A supervillain turd, really? Why don't we just call it Conker's bad Fur day while were at it & put tits on flowers. Actually, that's not a bad idea-HEY TELLTALE!
  • edited August 2008
    Cole Bad wrote: »

    5. 3rd Person Boss Battles

    pretty sure the boss "battles" are in 3rd person
  • edited August 2008
    Yes I think they are. Like Jurgen or the *bleep* Poppers.
  • edited August 2008
    Anyway, what I'd like to hear in Season 3 is Bill Farmer voice Sam again, and Nick Jameson voice Max again. I believe I posted this in another thread, but I'll say it again, the projects in which those two voiced Sam and Max aren't being sold in stores in the United States, and I think that's unfair. Nothing against the voices in the episodic series, but they seem... forced, in my opinion.

    Telltale, you listening?
  • edited August 2008
    I'm going to have to disagree with Asp on that. Personally, I think the Telltale Sam & Max are my favorites.
  • edited September 2008
    A special appearence from the Fonze and Adam West.
  • edited September 2008
    It would be marvellous if Max could be interrupted by Sam while he's telling a hint! (Or viceversa, hilarious!) Just like the system used for Strong Bad!

    Please, add this to the to-do list! :P
  • edited September 2008
    Bad Asp wrote: »
    Telltale, you listening?
    We're always listening.

    Doesn't mean we're always agreeing, but we are listening.
  • edited September 2008
    That's like my mum. Except for the listening part.
  • edited September 2008
    I want a more 2D art style, to make it closer to the comics and cartoon. Cel-shaded, I suppose.

    But redoing all the character models and locations would take a lot of work. Maybe season 4...

    Some of these episode ideas people are coming up with are pretty god awful, by the way. Not that I could do any better, just sayin'.
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2008
    Rakushun wrote: »
    But redoing all the character models and locations would take a lot of work.

    ...and money.
    Anyway, 2D/3D discussions are scattered all around the forum including technical and artistic opinions, by Telltaleans and others, on why S&M won't be flattening their selves back into 2D.
  • edited September 2008
    A giant block of butter. It will happen in the future. Maybe not today, mayb not tomorrow, maybe when I go to bed which I nedd becasue I is tired.
  • edited September 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    I'm going to have to disagree with Asp on that. Personally, I think the Telltale Sam & Max are my favorites.

    And why, pray, would you choose voice actors whose lines of dialogue are in games that are being sold in the United States over voice actors whose lines of dialogue still aren't?
  • edited September 2008
    Bad Asp wrote: »
    And why, pray, would you choose voice actors whose lines of dialogue are in games that are being sold in the United States over voice actors whose lines of dialogue still aren't?

    because ...i dunno... TT's S&M are BETTER?!?!?! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  • edited September 2008
    unsilviu wrote: »
    because ...i dunno... TT's S&M are BETTER?!?!?! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Especially Erich kastner. His voice fits perfectly in max's "sound violent but""decorative"" "
    whoops. sorry for the double post. um... help?
  • edited September 2008
    jmm wrote: »
    ...and money.
    Anyway, 2D/3D discussions are scattered all around the forum including technical and artistic opinions, by Telltaleans and others, on why S&M won't be flattening their selves back into 2D.

    I don't want 2D characters, I just want them to look closer to their comic/cartoon designs.
  • edited September 2008
    4 Museum like in Yoshi island DS.

    4. not sure if you mean like an enemy museum like in yoshi's Island DS, but that would be a little weird in an episode, don't you think? Maybe as an extra on the DVD? (Wow, I'm getting WAY ahead of myself. xD)
  • edited September 2008
    Bad Asp wrote: »
    And why, pray, would you choose voice actors whose lines of dialogue are in games that are being sold in the United States over voice actors whose lines of dialogue still aren't?
    Huh... buh... wuh?
    I don't... um...
    I have no idea what the hell you're trying to say, so either there's something I'm missing or you have no idea what you're talking about.
  • edited September 2008
    Sarcasm...mebbe...perhaps stating that it is only natural that we would like the new, more widely available voice actors since the old voice actors have been marginalized by a lack of availability. *shot in the dark*
  • edited September 2008
    mouse wheel support for multiple conversation options
  • edited September 2008
    wait! I dunno if any one has said this already, but I want to find out why Superball was guarding your closet door in 205!
  • edited September 2008
    Because it was a door.
    Superball guards every damn door in the universe.
  • edited September 2008
    My Wish for Season 3. :) more of the same. Telltale really haven't put a foot wrong. Just keep doing what your doing the games are great keep em coming.

    oh and if i must make a criticism just that episode 102 walking through all the doors and loading the rooms got irritating.
  • edited September 2008
    Chaosfan wrote: »
    Because it was a door.
    Superball guards every damn door in the universe.
    yeah your right.
  • edited September 2008
    First, in regards to the voices, I really don't have much of a problem with the voices... I actually feel they're spot on in regards to the characterization of Sam & Max.

    For what I'd like to see in Sam & Max Season 3, here are some things that would be awesome (some are echos of previous comments):
    1) Playing as Max for an episode or part of an episode. That would be fun! And it would add a nice twist to the season. Though TTG may want to take the gun away for that episode... I don't think Max would show as much restraint as Sam....
    2) An extended season, if it's feasible. I would love to see what TTG would be able to do with a season of 7-9 episodes, and with that sort of season length, TTG could release over Fall, Winter, and Spring, leaving Summer open as a bit of a break.
    3) Even more crazy scenarios! Really, my three most favorite episodes of the entire series so far have been (in order) S2-E4, S1-E4, and S2-E5. And really, while S&M always have wacky scenarios, these I think are the most "out there," especially S2-E4, which had one of the best game design and mechanics built in to the episode.
    4) Fun new locations.
    5) Maybe a little less linearity. I'm not sure how feasible it is, but it would be fun if the decisions you made in Sam & Max episodes had a tangible impact on the episode or season finale. It would also give a bit of replayability.

    Anyway, those are just some random ideas... regardless, S&M is awesome.
  • edited September 2008
    I'd like a new intro, not that anything's wrong with he one you have now it's just you switch at the start of season 2 so I just think it would be cool to make it slightly different every season.
  • edited September 2008
    I would love to hear the opening song from HtR again.
    Nice and catchy.
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