Season 3: What YOU Want



  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2008
    unsilviu wrote: »
    Is it just me, or is Max getting "soft"?
    Like, in Chariots, he actually tried to help Sam by throwing the banang! To Heelp him! and He gets homesick.Hoomesick!
    The Miniature Organic Listening Device

    If you don't think Max would help Sam when he's in need, you have a very weird take on the characters. That said, in the case of the Banang, Max slapped it out of the way to shut Sam up, not to help him out.
  • edited June 2008
    Why would Max help Sam?
    He shot him in the head willingly!
  • edited June 2008
    Out of love though, of course.
  • edited June 2008
    Chuck wrote: »
    You need to start hearing different things :)

    We're not even close to starting on, much less deciding on, much less announcing, a release timeframe more specific than "Early 2009." I would hate to see people going around saying, "But I read on the internets that it was gonna be out in January what gives TTG why are you late you suck so bad!!!!"
    Good point there.
  • edited June 2008
    I want more references to Sam's affinity for junk food. In the comics he's constantly seen with ice cream bars, popsicles, corn dogs, and the like. The Telltale episodes have him...defensive about his weight? Is that a character trait from the comics that I forgot about?
  • edited June 2008
    Bring on the corn dogs!
  • jmmjmm
    edited June 2008
    Udvarnoky wrote: »
    I want more references to Sam's affinity for junk food. In the comics he's constantly seen with ice cream bars, popsicles, corn dogs, and the like. The Telltale episodes have him...defensive about his weight? Is that a character trait from the comics that I forgot about?
    Bring on the corn dogs!

    You forgot about Sam eating "Chimps" and drinking Banang, anyway
    maybe for season 3, TT could add a few puzzles involving junk food or a mini-game (or two) involving corn dogs
  • edited June 2008
    jmm wrote: »
    You forgot about Sam eating "Chimps" and drinking Banang, anyway

    I did no such thing!
  • edited June 2008
    jmm wrote: »
    You forgot about Sam eating "Chimps" and drinking Banang, anyway
    maybe for season 3, TT could add a few puzzles involving junk food or a mini-game (or two) involving corn dogs

    How many Sam can eat before he barfs.
  • edited June 2008
    side or optional missions.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2008
  • edited June 2008
    free whiskey???
  • edited June 2008
    How about President Max becomes a target of an assasian like some of his early predecessors? The assasian can be a killer cyborg from the distant future like the Terminator.
  • edited June 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Well, you see, adventure games aren't big on the 'enemies' thing. At least, not in the common sense that you see in most games- there are antagonists, people who stand in your way, etc., yes, but that's not what I mean. 'Enemies' (and maybe it's just me, this is just how I usually think of the term) in games usually refers to the kind of things you see in action games- you can fight them, they pose a threat (at least, in theory), etc.
    I'm going to assume that you mean random NPCs that can be shot at. Still no- shooting random people for no good reason doesn't seem very Sam & Max-y. They could be doing something wrong, yeah, then you could shoot them, but that's kind of hard to convey.

    after reading some of the stories in surfing the highway, I think some of us who only played HTR misread max as a anti social perverted krazy loner who shoots innocent ppl because it is amusin. l know l have thought the rabbit to be like that until recently.

    I think the tt titles are more accurate to the rabbit's personaity than HTR
  • edited June 2008
    doom saber wrote: »
    after reading some of the stories in surfing the highway, I think some of us who only played HTR misread max as a anti social perverted krazy loner who shoots innocent ppl because it is amusin. l know l have thought the rabbit to be like that until recently.

    I think the tt titles are more accurate to the rabbit's personaity than HTR
    I don't know that 'perverted' works. I don't think there was any indication that Max had any sort of sex drive at all up until 204. And that was after
    screwing with time
  • edited June 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    I don't know that 'perverted' works. I don't think there was any indication that Max had any sort of sex drive at all up until 204. And that was after
    screwing with time

    perverted does not need to be sexual i.e.perverting the course of justice
  • edited June 2008
    patters wrote: »
    perverted does not need to be sexual i.e.perverting the course of justice

    what patters said
  • edited June 2008
    patters wrote: »
    perverted does not need to be sexual i.e.perverting the course of justice
    Yes, but it's all about the context, and there really is no context. He's talking about a character, and used only 'perverted.' If he were to specify that he meant a perverted sense of justice or something else along those lines that'd be one thing, but he didn't.
  • edited June 2008
    Could there be a dancing max easter egg like the dancing master chief from halo.
  • edited June 2008
    Could there be a dancing max easter egg like the dancing master chief from halo.

    im pretty sure that wasn't in any of the 3 halo games
  • edited June 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Yes, but it's all about the context, and there really is no context. He's talking about a character, and used only 'perverted.' If he were to specify that he meant a perverted sense of justice or something else along those lines that'd be one thing, but he didn't.


    • adjective 1 showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave unacceptably. 2 contrary to that which is accepted or expected. 3 sexually perverted.
  • edited June 2008
    patters wrote: »

    • adjective 1 showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave unacceptably. 2 contrary to that which is accepted or expected. 3 sexually perverted.
    See? It's a valid definition and, due to the lack of context, a valid interpretation.
  • edited July 2008
    I don't know how, but get Guybrush in there! XDXD

    also more items and riddles (like old times) would be great. it makes the game so much longer!

    and pleassseee don't bring back any characters from seasons 1-2 (except bosco and jurgen of course XD).

    oh, and i'm sure a lot of poeple would like to be able to dress sam and max during the adventure. you know... a hat here, a glove there... like the sea-monkey's holy sock crown. XD

    and, well, we all would really want the games to be longer... get it up to 200mb! woohoo!
    that way we'll be able to play it for months!
  • edited July 2008
    1. Tell your voice actors to put a little more emotion in their phrases. Seriously, sometimes I can imagine them sitting in the studio playing poker with a bored expression on their faces.

    2. Let's just say Sam & Max are still a little too family friendly for my taste.
    Don't know if that's the case in Season 2 I'm still waiting for the retail version.
    /edit: I have to admit that I myself am not entirely sure of this point. Having
    S&M always talk about violence but not doing too much of it is maybe the thing
    that gives them their charme while still presenting them as the Psychos they are
    (especially Max)

    3. How about a 'making of' in the format of an episode where a freak accident in the Telltale games studio sends Sam & Max into the real world where they have to figure out how to get back while the staff explains to them how everything works.

    /another edit, the ideas keep coming.

    4. I would like to see a world tour season where Sam and Max travel through different countries and make fun of the culture while solving a case. For example Japan:

    Fangirl Alert:

    After Sam and Max had a greater impact on the Japanese news they started to get the worst kind of fan ever, Yaoi-fangirls. Now the both of them have to escape from Japan before those weird fangirls force them to a date... with each other.
  • edited July 2008
    Amaterasu wrote: »
    I don't know how, but get Guybrush in there! XDXD

    Hell yeah, a guest appearance (if legally possible) would be sweeeet.

    P.S. fan girls are the scariest things known to mankind.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    Could there be a dancing max easter egg like the dancing master chief from halo.

    There is a dancing Max easter egg, in Night of the Raving Dead. I don't know if it bears any similarity to the dancing Master Chief, but Max can dance.
  • edited July 2008
    P.S. fan girls are the scariest things known to mankind.

    I know. That would be a good first time to show Max seriously scared:D
    (as far as I know.)
  • edited July 2008
    I bet he'd be amazing at Night Fever.
  • edited July 2008
    There's a few great suggestions (such as the return of Snuckey's and characters from the comics) I like that others have mentioned. While others aren't so... good (such as remaking Hit the Road and shooting random people).

    My main wishes are:

    1. Another reason to visit their cute and marketable selves, either by time travel (preferably not since they have done that enough times) or flashback.

    2. Have Max as an usable item again. Click on him with your left mouse button to select him. Then click with your right on the items or objects in your inventory or environment for him to interact and/or comment on it. I would like to use Max to solve puzzles. (I can see Sam saying, "Hey Max! Stop the blades from spinning while I grab the key...")
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    I'm actually shocked that neither smoke or drink; it would be so fitting for them, being antiheros with no morals or scrupals & all.

    First of all, I wouldn't call them "anti heroes." They are more like Heroic Sociopaths because Sam is the one with morals and often forces them upon Max (unless Max convinces him otherwise).

    I'm not surprised and quite happy it is so. If they did smoke and drink, most people would probably assume that is the cause of their odd behavior. Their personalities and habits are their own, not the result of substances (which makes Max a lot more scarier to me).

    But Max did smoke an occasional sig, but Sam usually stops him ("Hey--You don't smoke! What the hell are you going?!" [from "Curse of the Faceless Man"]). The only time I found him actually smoking was during Christmas [found in the Effigy Mound sketchbook].
  • edited July 2008
    I want more :
    Torture me elmer stuff:D(i just love those toys:D)
    Flint Paper(i love that man:O)
    Abuse of leonard(as some1 else allready has mentioned)
    Suberball, he must be some kind of villain:D
    I want to:
    visit heaven and own god:D
    do a joke on baywatch of some kind(sam/max running in baywatch style trying to save some1 on a beach ;P ^^)
    visit some old places from HtR maybe
    have a minigame where u race cars :D
    For now thats some of wot i think s03 should hav;D
  • edited July 2008
    1. We can never have too much Superball.
    2. Less backtracking. Requiring puzzles to be solved at the same locales each episode gets slightly tedious; although it would be harder from a developer's standpoint, it would make the game go from "flippin' amazing" to "perfect."
    3. Snucky's. Z'nuff said.
    4. If anyone touches Hit The Road, it had better be a re-release with a shell extension to run on Windows XP/Vista. Nothing more.
  • edited July 2008
    HitTheRoad wrote: »
    4. If anyone touches Hit The Road, it had better be a re-release with a shell extension to run on Windows XP/Vista. Nothing more.

    my version does without aid of any other programs
  • edited July 2008
    Would be good if there was some behind the scenes vids about the making of though
  • edited July 2008
    Here are my ideas:

    1.) All of S&M's former villains form a Legion of Doom.
    2.) Jimmy Two-Teeth becomes a giant monster for some reason.
    3.) Max is pregnant.
    4.) Aliens attack earth.
    5.) Mr. Featherly becomes the main villain (is name, after all, sounds like a villain from the James Bond movies).
    6.) A fire-breathing dragon terrorizes city.
    7.) Max becomes a giant monster for some reason.
    8.) Grampa Stinky finally creates a delicious dish that takes over the world.
    9.) Jimmy becomes the new president.

    That's all I got for now.
  • edited July 2008
    Why not have The Geek in Season 3? :)
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    Why not have The Geek in Season 3? :)

    I think you just got fired from the band.
  • edited July 2008
    It'd be fun to pick on her, but eh, oh well.
  • edited July 2008
    I have a feeling you'd better know the safe word...
  • edited July 2008
    You know what would be fun?

    A rubber toaster.
  • edited July 2008
    How about Sybill tries hypnotizing and sends Sam and Max into the bodies of several
    ancestors (medieval time, wild west, ancient greece etc.)
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