Season 3: What YOU Want



  • edited June 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    They did, in the cartoon. They took the recently decommissioned Megamax 9000 to Japan where it could live in peace amongst the other giant robots and monster mutants. That episode includes the quote "wow, that's a big nipple," which continues to surprise me.

    We can always have the Maimtron retire there, hopefully without the areolar reference.
  • edited June 2008
    Also it does make the game more challenging (leading me to look at cheats but anyho)

    As for the Hugh Bliss suggestion, can I make a cameo so I can kill the Bliss by stabbing him repeatedly in the eye?

    Sorry, but you can't stab Bacteria!
  • edited June 2008
    I can ruddy well try!
  • edited June 2008
    At the end of episode 205, I was surprised that the Board of Directors did not put Max in charge of Hell. Perhaps Season 3 could see them deputizing demons as Freelance Police in order to spread their brand of "justice."

    I'd also like to see Sam & Max have to teach a first-grade class as part of a case.
  • edited June 2008
    Even though they were designed for the fox kids tv show, I'd like to see The Geek or Lowrn The Fan for Life! Either one would be fine, I have no prefference and of course Mack Salmon, possibly the rubber baby commandos, and a redo of the moon adventure where they had to help the city of rats deal with their cockroach 'problem' hehe. I'd actually like to see The Geek replace Bosco as the go to tech guy. Time for something a bit new.
    goatboy wrote: »
    At the end of episode 205, I was surprised that the Board of Directors did not put Max in charge of Hell. Perhaps Season 3 could see them deputizing demons as Freelance Police in order to spread their brand of "justice."

    I'd also like to see Sam & Max have to teach a first-grade class as part of a case.

    I think that would some how violate his status as high holy priest of the bremuda triangle something or other sea monkeys! LOL
  • edited June 2008
    stevenj61 wrote: »
    Even though they were designed for the fox kids tv show, I'd like to see The Geek or Lowrn The Fan for Life! Either one would be fine, I have no prefference and of course Mack Salmon, possibly the rubber baby commandos, and a redo of the moon adventure where they had to help the city of rats deal with their cockroach 'problem' hehe. I'd actually like to see The Geek replace Bosco as the go to tech guy. Time for something a bit new.

    I think that would some how violate his status as high holy priest of the bremuda triangle something or other sea monkeys! LOL

    I doubt we'd see Lorne or the Geek, but Mack Salmon and the Rubber Pants Commandos are a possibility since they were in the original comics.
    They already have baby 3D models, so that's a start.
  • edited June 2008
    For the hell of it, either control of Max while Sam wanders aimlessly about like a hyperactive child, or some akward voice & body switching between them (& if the latter ere to happen, make Sybil & Bosco switch jobs for a day).

    Never mind. I JUST played Night of the Raving Dead & got BOTH my I'm going with drunk golfing....Sam & Max driving in a golf cart, smashing things or people with a nine iron. I love watching Sam drive like an asshole.

    I'm actually shocked that neither smoke or drink; it would be so fitting for them, being antiheros with no morals or scrupals & all.
  • edited June 2008
    There's no point of a remake, would be boring just doing the same thing again but it would be funny if they did go back in time a few times and at one point revisited it
  • edited June 2008
    LikaLaruku wrote: »

    A complete remake of S&MHtR would also bee awesome.

    I'll pretend I didn't read that.
  • edited June 2008
    There's no point of a remake, would be boring just doing the same thing again but it would be funny if they did go back in time a few times and at one point revisited it

    One of the points to remaking a game is to make it better in every aspect, that includes making it longer.
  • edited June 2008
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    One of the points to remaking a game is to make it better in every aspect, that includes making it longer.

    Still would be practically the same game so whats the point? Aslo it's good enough as it is.
  • edited June 2008
    Zootch wrote: »
    three words:

    Adam West Cameo

    I was actually thinking of that too when I was replaying S&MHtR & stared deeply into the Australian folksinger's rediculous hairstyle; "He looks like a short Johnny Bravo....Molemen....where the heck is Adam West?"
  • edited June 2008
    Still would be practically the same game so whats the point? Aslo it's good enough as it is.

    I can already think of one game that's getting remade (if the movie comes out) & everyone on "that" forum is dying for it (provided it keeps the same soundtrack & is based on the original game instead of the movie, because we all know that 90% of movie-based games suck donkey balls, so sayeth AVGN).
  • edited June 2008
    Still would be practically the same game so whats the point? Aslo it's good enough as it is.

    Aside from better graphics, the remake could have reverse inside reference jokes added, as well as cameo appearances of newer characters, latter making ever more reason to show characters from the original game. Or at least spruce up the original story with better jokes, more violence, & a less corny plot. It wasn't a terrible story, it just seemed random & akward in a misplaced sort of way, with nothing to connect to.
  • edited June 2008
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    Aside from better graphics, the remake could have reverse inside reference jokes added, as well as cameo appearances of newer characters, latter making ever more reason to show characters from the original game. Or at least spruce up the original story with better jokes, more violence, & a less corny plot. It wasn't a terrible story, it just seemed random & akward in a misplaced sort of way, with nothing to connect to.

    Okay George. Whatever you say.

    Hit the Road has classic Sam & Max humour and some of the best lines. I'm sorry you didn't see that.
  • edited June 2008
    I also prefer the old graphics, and the humour and story doesn't need improving for me
  • jmmjmm
    edited June 2008
    HTR should remain untouched, period.

    Changing its graphics, history, etc is like taking Beethoven's 9th symphony and changing cellos and violins with electric guitars and synth keyboards: completely tasteless and pointless.
  • edited June 2008
    Can't agree more.
  • edited June 2008
    hmmm hard questio not! lets see here:

    A) Being able to play as Max!
    B) 7-10 episodes not 6 or 5.
    C) A time machine for one episode.
    D) A laser gun from the future (got in the future Sam and Max office/street from episode 4 of season 2)for Sam and Max!
    E) Anvils lots of anvils falling on enemies' heads randomly!
    F) Jimmy, Timmy and Mary Two-teeth selling and giveing away random items(like anvils or movie tickets) for some cash.
    G) Bosco selling useful,random, invented items again.
    H) episode idea: An ancient crystal skull was stolen from the NYC museum! Can Sam and Max get it back before the criminal gets to the temple and places the crystal skull on the crystal alein body and wishes for the whole world sucked into a parelel dimension with him being the only survivore?

    thats realy it!
  • edited June 2008
    Anvilania wrote: »
    H) episode idea: An ancient crystal skull was stolen from the NYC museum! Can Sam and Max get it back before the criminal gets to the temple and places the crystal skull on the crystal alein body and wishes for the whole world sucked into a parelel dimension with him being the only survivore?

    thats realy it!

    I think some one has been to the cinema recently.
  • edited June 2008
    I haven't gotten to play S2 yet since I'm waiting for "someone" to release it on disc *cough*, but I'd love to see Bosco's implode. I think by the end of S1 I was ready to put Bosco in the closet with the rest of the "been there, done that" junk from previous episodes.

    Renegade forest critters and the dark mysterious powers of the anime/comic conventions would also be a plus.
  • edited June 2008
    Vanished wrote: »

    Renegade forest critters and the dark mysterious powers of the anime/comic conventions would also be a plus.

    Keep Pokémon out of this!
  • edited June 2008
    What if Brady Culture comes back from hell and terrorize people from inside their dreams like Freddy from Nightmare In Elm Street? Imagine Culture's face looking like it has been burned with a blow torch; *ugh*, scary!
  • edited June 2008
    Brady Culture is scary enough as it is.
  • edited June 2008
    Be hilarious if there is talk about Max bein so thin since in the early comics, he seems more chubby
  • edited June 2008
    One too many corndogs and popicles I suppose.
  • edited June 2008
    No episodes. Longer games that is...

    Sometimes when I play episodes of S&M it feels like minigames.

    A map! (ie the one from HTR). Sounds silly but it gave the old game a feeling of beeing bigger then it actually was.
  • edited June 2008
    I miss the map too but that would only really work if they did do a full length game. A series 'movie' maybe?
  • edited June 2008
    Like others here I thought playable Max would be great...

    And more easter eggs and reference from classic adventure games (LucasArts, Sierra, others...)
  • edited June 2008
    I thought of something; the return of Car Bomb Battleship & the moving target shooter from the end of Hit the Road.
  • edited June 2008
    Psst... there's a moving target shooter in the opening credits of all of Season 2. Give it a shot! (literally)
  • edited June 2008
    How about random street enemies that you can shoot.
  • edited June 2008
    How about random street enemies that you can shoot.
    Well, you see, adventure games aren't big on the 'enemies' thing. At least, not in the common sense that you see in most games- there are antagonists, people who stand in your way, etc., yes, but that's not what I mean. 'Enemies' (and maybe it's just me, this is just how I usually think of the term) in games usually refers to the kind of things you see in action games- you can fight them, they pose a threat (at least, in theory), etc.
    I'm going to assume that you mean random NPCs that can be shot at. Still no- shooting random people for no good reason doesn't seem very Sam & Max-y. They could be doing something wrong, yeah, then you could shoot them, but that's kind of hard to convey.
  • edited June 2008
    I miss the map too but that would only really work if they did do a full length game. A series 'movie' maybe?

    If they cannot add a map to the games because of its episodic nature, it would be cool of them to add a map via menu for episode selection for a DVD or wii release. I mean, it would work for season 2 especially how each ep's setting is at some faraway location (ie. ep 1 is north pole, ep 2 is triangle, ep 3 is germany, ep 4 is a spaceship...etc)
  • edited June 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Well, you see, adventure games aren't big on the 'enemies' thing. At least, not in the common sense that you see in most games- there are antagonists, people who stand in your way, etc., yes, but that's not what I mean. 'Enemies' (and maybe it's just me, this is just how I usually think of the term) in games usually refers to the kind of things you see in action games- you can fight them, they pose a threat (at least, in theory), etc.
    I'm going to assume that you mean random NPCs that can be shot at. Still no- shooting random people for no good reason doesn't seem very Sam & Max-y. They could be doing something wrong, yeah, then you could shoot them, but that's kind of hard to convey.

    Seems very Max to me. I'd be satisfied with a side game similar to the Zombie shoot, only make it more difficult by having the targets move. The zombies just kinda stand there & wait to be hit.
  • edited June 2008
    Snajdarn wrote: »
    No episodes. Longer games that is...

    Sometimes when I play episodes of S&M it feels like minigames.

    A map! (ie the one from HTR). Sounds silly but it gave the old game a feeling of beeing bigger then it actually was.

    You can always restrain yourself from playing season 3 until all the episodes are out. That's basically waiting for one full game right there.
  • edited June 2008
    LikaLaruku wrote: »
    Seems very Max to me. I'd be satisfied with a side game similar to the Zombie shoot, only make it more difficult by having the targets move. The zombies just kinda stand there & wait to be hit.
    Hell no! I spent an hour just trying to beat it as it was! (to be fair, I was on the last part)
  • edited June 2008
    Is it just me, or is Max getting "soft"?
    Like, in Chariots, he actually tried to help Sam by throwing the banang! To Heelp him! and He gets homesick.Hoomesick!
    The Miniature Organic Listening Device
  • edited June 2008
    An entirely new character (or more than one) as the ultimate villain.

    Sam's hand as the cursor (as in the Wii S1 port).

    More use of different times of day on Sam and Max's street.

    Maybe a special screen to allow easy replay of every minigame (a la the Gytgo of Freelance Police)?
  • edited June 2008
    unsilviu wrote: »
    Is it just me, or is Max getting "soft"?
    Like, in Chariots, he actually tried to help Sam by throwing the banang! To Heelp him! and He gets homesick.Hoomesick!
    The Miniature Organic Listening Device
    I think he was just trying to make it stop 'cuz it annoyed him.
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