Season 3: What YOU Want



  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2008
    Roy G. Biv did it!
  • edited July 2008
    I would like to see 3 new ways to play the games

    Need no explanation

    Mouse and keyboard combo
    You could use the mouse to click objects and the keyboard to move.

  • edited July 2008
    I would like to see an episode of Sam and Max which is based on hit the road in which their are few name changes to avoid a lawsuit.
  • edited July 2008
    The 4 Snuckey shops should come back and their would be one mission in which we would have to do Snuckey you training in Wario touch and Go Style.
  • edited July 2008
    Snuckey you

    love it.
  • What I might want to see it along the lines with Rather Dashing's, who posted about it at the top of this page...

    The theme is kinda like the theme of Season One:
    hypnosis! oohhh...
    Maybe that neighborhood demon from the exorcism mentioned in "Lincoln must Die" is possesing people. (301) So After some high-tail adventure, they catch the demon, finding oout who he was from-

    (and here I go, creating my own Sam and Max Season 3!)

    (302) But the demon is just part of a higher power who is in fact
    JURGEN FROM 203!!! The vamp's escaped from Hell,
    operating a Demon-factory with most of it's Job's outsourced, including the entire company itself, leaving him to manage the entire company. After stopping him, they find out his Factory was changed from Zombie's to Demon's when it was bought by "Bluey Blob"

    As they shut down the Factory, and after capturing him, they immediatly fall into a trap, none-other than
    Shambling Corperate Prescense?!
    who has been hired by a company known as "Nomed co." he somehow manages to go off, buying All Companies everywhere, making more Nomed co. Locations![304]

    Can Sam and Max stop this crazy Corporate buyer before he.. or it... buys off all the Store's in the world?!?! Well, They do send him back to Hell, only to fail to even realize what Nomed Co. makes, which are are electronic chips that are possesed by a Demon! The user will be possesed by a soul from HELL! Cripes!

    *gasp* Who is doing this?! Only one way to find out- To Nomed HQ, to see the CEO of this foul Orginazation. The CEO is, and has been, none other than
    Chuckles, seeking revenge from episode 104!
    Wait, WAHT?! How is Chuckles releasing people from Hell?! Whatever way he's doing it, they stop him in a subtle manner... (305)

    So they KO him, revealing one of the Nomed co.'s Demonic Computer Chips in his Phone. So Chuckle himself was possesed, as well. Who could the Master-mind behind this plot be?!?!

    Time for the crazed plot twist: (306) In this episode, they track down the Chip's signal, witht he help of Flint Paper, one of the few people not possesed yet. It lead's back to... Sam and Max's office? The Nomed Co. leader lives in a rat hole. Literally. The signal tracks through a wall, which the break down to reveal
    Satan tied up, and a huge hole in the ground, (which leads to Hell) and a Glass Jar, filled with Lava... and what seems to be... Peeper's Eyes?! What's even crazier is who is holding the Jar... which is Brady Culture, smiling evilly.

    You can guess what happens then. Now that you've wasted 5 mins. of you're life reading this. XD
  • Wow. I didn't know one Idea from me could totally kill a thread... COOL.

    *uses harsh power on foolish fools*
  • edited August 2008
    1.) Highway surfing!
    2.) A patch that turns GTA IV into a Sam & Max adventure with their heads super-imposed onto Niko's body
    3.) A joke that makes fun of Sam & Max fans (like waiting a decade for something to happen!)
    4.) A first person shooter segment
    5.) An eating competition
    6.) A trailer to the highly confidential and possibly non-existant Sam & Max movie
    7.) 50 dollars included with the CD
    8.) Max-o-vision glasses!
  • edited August 2008
    Hack and slash fights and boss fights.
  • edited August 2008
    Hack and slash fights and boss fights.
    This is the reason people react negatively towards your posts.
  • edited August 2008
    I've always been a sucker for 'games within games'.. I'd like to see Sam & Max visiting an arcade in one of their cases and being able to play 5-6 simple arcade games, using a Sam & Max theme. Maybe Pac-Man with Max's head eating lots of weird stuff, some Sam & Max themed Asteroids game.. stuff like that. Would probably be too much work for one episode though, but could've been cool.

    Also - one thing I would like to see and that I wish they would put in all the already released games as well - an option to skip the arcade sequences. I know a disabled person why has very poor hand coordination but he can still play adventure games as they don't require much of that to play - but arcade bits can be VERY hard.
    So an option to skip them would make them a lot easier to play for certain people.
  • edited August 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    This is the reason people react negatively towards your posts.

    Why?What wrong with genre blenders?
  • edited August 2008
    Why?What wrong with genre blenders?
    You see, Sam & Max is an adventure game, and the laid-back pace based on how fast you can solve puzzles doesn't mesh well with other genres. Action sequences (and don't tell me they're not; maybe they're not strict action sequences, but the idea's the same) are generally received poorly if used for anything more than a short, plot-required mini game. Plus, some genres just don't mix. (How are we defining hack 'n' slash? Are we talking Elder Scrolls-style first person gameplay, or Mystery Dungeon rougelike play, or something Zelda-styled? I don't quite understand.)
    As far as boss fights go, they are in the game. It's just that they're adventure game bosses, which are basically longer puzzles based off of dialog or your environment.

    Anyway, my point was that you have a tendency to post suggestions that completely miss the point and indicate the kind of person who wants action in their games; someone who probably isn't very well suited to the genre, frankly. This irks people.
  • What TrogLlama said... Fights are just like puzzles, such as the Demon Santa one, where you have to time the Toy Bomber.

    and there are some fighting/minigame sequences like what your talking about, Such as controlling Boxing Betty and fighting the Rats...

    Actually, it WOULD be cool if for once the Minigame would be a showdown with a Boss. Just a thought. Left and Right arrow is dodge, Up is shoot, and Down is cry like a baby.

    Seriously though, one battle like that WOULD be cool, right?
  • edited August 2008
    I would love to see more political critic in the episodes.
    For example china (enough stuff for a whole season) or germanys
    way too soft law system.
  • edited August 2008
    How about putting cheat codes that will let you unlock accessories for Sam and Max?
  • edited August 2008
    Randulf wrote: »
    A mission where only Max can undertake, like infiltrating a Mafia-free Bunny Bar. Max meets a girl rabbit sidekick who is a kung-fu master and who has a crush with Flint Paper. And Superball is the arch villain of the season.

    Pwease make this happen Telltale. Pwease? :o

    And Superball, the villain? Your kidding, right? :confused:
  • edited August 2008
    More a quote I would love to hear.
    "This is even easier than driving emos into suicide."
  • edited August 2008
    Thumb wrestling. You know what I'm on about...

    Also, pirates.
  • edited August 2008
    All I can think of is an appearance from Lorne (The Friend for Life).
  • edited August 2008
    Expect this.
    1.future Sam and Sax must be saved...again!From that Satan guy thing...
  • edited August 2008
    I think that season 3 should use time travel, like something happens and the bad guy goes back in time, OR FORWARD!!!! And to catch him, you have to get something from the C.O.P.S. that lets you time travel. So each level you go in a different time period. That'd be sweet!
  • edited August 2008
    So far the best idea I see is a corporate buyout of Bosco's.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    I think that season 3 should use time travel, like something happens and the bad guy goes back in time, OR FORWARD!!!! And to catch him, you have to get something from the C.O.P.S. that lets you time travel. So each level you go in a different time period. That'd be sweet!

    season two spoiler, just in case:
    We did time travel like two times already in Season Two! Is that not enough for you? :)
  • edited August 2008
    Max should make Stinky Preggers!(insert disturbed feeling from everyone here). Oh for the love of, the GIRL Stinky!(Insert disturbed feeling from everyone here). Okay I'll give ya that one. Also like maybe a "Hoodlum beat-down mode" where they go into the city & kill some crooks! Transforming Desoto would be nice! If Hasbro wouldn't sue your buts off. The return of Jurgen! But this time he's all metal & crap. Jurgen's Monster having a god-damned actual name! Jimmy Two Teeth 6 feet tall. Sybil keeping a career for two episodes. REVENGE OF ZOMBIE LINCOLN! REVENGE OF ZOMBIE JESUS! REVENGE OF ZOMBIE JESUS LINCOLN! Anti-Hitler.
  • Max should make Stinky Preggers!(insert disturbed feeling from everyone here). Oh for the love of, the GIRL Stinky!(Insert disturbed feeling from everyone here). Okay I'll give ya that one. Also like maybe a "Hoodlum beat-down mode" where they go into the city & kill some crooks! Transforming Desoto would be nice! If Hasbro wouldn't sue your buts off. The return of Jurgen! But this time he's all metal & crap. Jurgen's Monster having a god-damned actual name! Jimmy Two Teeth 6 feet tall. Sybil keeping a career for two episodes. REVENGE OF ZOMBIE LINCOLN! REVENGE OF ZOMBIE JESUS! REVENGE OF ZOMBIE JESUS LINCOLN! Anti-Hitler.
    .... UHm... No, No no no. Eew, no. Ugly Idea.

    anyways, I serisouly think that the Shambling Corporate Presence should appear in Season Three. All he does now is possess Diffirent Character's in each episode...

    You'll know it's him, as the character only says BLAARGH! (hmm... seeing Jimmy Two-teeth doing that... or Stinky... XD)

    Finally, in the Season Finale, they exorcise him, but he's not the major Villian...

    No... the big Villian has to be... MR. FEATHERLLY! =D
  • edited August 2008
    In season 3 I want a complete revamp of all of the characters, and some new settings. In my opinion the characters (beyond Sam and Max, of course) in the previous two seasons have been essentially exhausted, and used beyond their abilities to generate laughs. This series is so darn good, and it deserves more than just continuity. I also think that a revamp would give Telltale the blue sky they had at the start of the series, and result in more inventive content. I'm really not concerned whether this relationship fits into that mold that was suggested in episode blank of season blank, I just want to see funny. I would be completely satisfied if the series took to the road and began solving (and or creating) crimes throughout the world, hitting a different country/continent each episode.
  • edited August 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    season two spoiler, just in case:
    We did time travel like two times already in Season Two! Is that not enough for you? :)

    I know that, but time travels always fun!:D

    ( oh yeah jake, how'd you do the blank blue box thing? )
  • edited August 2008
    tiger97882 wrote: »
    In season 3 I want a complete revamp of all of the characters, and some new settings. In my opinion the characters (beyond Sam and Max, of course) in the previous two seasons have been essentially exhausted, and used beyond their abilities to generate laughs. This series is so darn good, and it deserves more than just continuity. I also think that a revamp would give Telltale the blue sky they had at the start of the series, and result in more inventive content. I'm really not concerned whether this relationship fits into that mold that was suggested in episode blank of season blank, I just want to see funny. I would be completely satisfied if the series took to the road and began solving (and or creating) crimes throughout the world, hitting a different country/continent each episode.
    People have suggested this kind of thing in the past, but it's not that likely. Episodic releases have their advantages and disadvantages, and one of the disadvantages is that they almost have to reuse areas/characters in order to keep on schedule. Making new areas and characters takes up more time/resources than one might think.
  • edited August 2008
    I think Season 2 was very fresh compared to Season 1. They completely streamlined the town's design, added new characters, and added new minigames and collectables to the mix. Plus extra options like the hint system and resolution that carries over to other episodes. And a tutorial for those new to adventure games. AND the season was pretty consistent, unless you're picky about the time cards and such. =p

    When they make Season 3, things are going to change, and I'm sure it's gonna be fresh. Of course, if the Season 2 changes really didn't satisfy you, I suppose you may not be so optimistic about Season 3.
  • edited August 2008
    I think Season 2 was very fresh compared to Season 1. They completely streamlined the town's design, added new characters, and added new minigames and collectables to the mix. Plus extra options like the hint system and resolution that carries over to other episodes. And a tutorial for those new to adventure games. AND the season was pretty consistent, unless you're picky about the time cards and such. =p

    When they make Season 3, things are going to change, and I'm sure it's gonna be fresh. Of course, if the Season 2 changes really didn't satisfy you, I suppose you may not be so optimistic about Season 3.

    I'm aware of the time consumed in creating new characters, but perhaps one season is all Telltale can squeeze out of their secondary characters.
  • edited August 2008
    AND the season was pretty consistent, unless you're picky about the time cards and such. =p

    Why be picky? There's a very easy explanation for any and all time travel inconsistencies:

    Timey Wimey Ball.
  • booboo
    edited August 2008
    I'd love to see Max made into a usable icon again, or for him to have things to interact with in certain backdrops while Sam is investimergating.

    Bring back the dual dialogue trees for the two of them too.

    I think something that is ripe (har har har) for parody is the Green Movement as well. Sam & Max save the Earth so to speak. Recycling, Organic Foods, Animal Rights, Hybrid Desoto, Solar powered Desoto, A desoto that runs on fairy dust and dreams, A giant hurricane, flooding, biblical prophecies, Captain Planet, The Rainforest, Sustainability, Congress (shudder), Big Oil...

    There are lots of jumping off points to hilarity.
  • edited August 2008
    boo wrote: »
    I think something that is ripe (har har har) for parody is the Green Movement as well. Sam & Max save the Earth so to speak. Recycling, Organic Foods, Animal Rights, Hybrid Desoto, Solar powered Desoto, A desoto that runs on fairy dust and dreams, A giant hurricane, flooding, biblical prophecies, Captain Planet, The Rainforest, Sustainability, Congress (shudder), Big Oil...

    There are lots of jumping off points to hilarity.

    A desoto that runs on any huge list that includes Captain Planet in it is clearly part of an idea worth doing.:D
  • edited August 2008
    Singing "Do the Time Warp." from Rocky Horror.
  • edited August 2008
    As a loyal Sam & Max franchise customer, Season 1 didn't satisfy me nearly as much as Season 2. I think Season 2 is heading in the right direction, but it isn't quite nailed yet.

    Whatever Telltale will do, now that they have new crew members on-board, I beg you - just make it awesome. Make it even more awesome than Season 2! What we need is more deadpan.
  • edited August 2008
    NO WAIT! The Mariachis doing the time warp in Spanish to Mariachi music! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME! And since Max was given sexuality(utterly ruining his character & making him *shutter* identifiable) they should milk for all it's worth.
  • edited August 2008
    I don't mind not having max usable as long as he does more stuff :)
  • edited August 2008
    I presume we can expect Strongbad to make an appearance next season in some way, even if its only a small item or something.
  • edited August 2008
    I presume we can expect Strongbad to make an appearance next season in some way, even if its only a small item or something.
    No. No, we cannot presume this. At all.

    Well, okay, there were a couple of Bone references in 102, so there's a bit of a precedent, but...
    Don't count on it.
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