What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • No, the flu is still going to kick in, then I turn.

    Twistee posted: »

    It would probably take a few minutes considering he was bitten in the neck.

  • Molly

    "It's good you're okay, but what happens when your inhaler runs out...?"

  • Oh yeah, but I don't think it would take hours like Lee's did.

    No, the flu is still going to kick in, then I turn.

  • Alright and another question, did eric leave the head with Larry?(you never did specify) But nicely written, take a like!

    No, the flu is still going to kick in, then I turn.

  • true. He would probally lose lots of blood aswell since a good part of the neck is exposed.

    Twistee posted: »

    Oh yeah, but I don't think it would take hours like Lee's did.

  • Larry

    Larry rushes down that stairs and out the door. He approaches Daniel's cabin. Larry knocks on his door, and wait's. Once Daniel opened the door his expression fades dark. Then Larry begins to speak. "Somebody planted a walker on me... I don't know how... I think it was Trevor... he's never been nice to me... it's just..." Larry begins to cry. "I don't want to die.. i just.. don't want to die.." Larry begins to think. "I'll kill that fucker... I've never done anything mean to anybody... if he's going to kill me.. I'm going to kill him.."

  • edited February 2014


    "Molly, I know you have only known me for five minutes but I seriously suggest we go somewhere else. It's not safe on the side of the road, were sitting ducks"

    Sorry this is abrupt but I have to go now. I'll be back on tomorrow.

  • edited February 2014


    "I have 1 spare on in my bag, but to be truthful I never thought about that. I probably have some back at my house...or my old house I guess. Could get some from a pharmacy too. I'll get to it when I run out I guess, but they have a lot of breaths in them" I replied.

    I'd never actually thought about that, and I am a survivalist. I just assumed I had enough inhalers. I only have 1 spare but my current one is almost full thankfully. I guess I'll get more when the time comes. For now I'll be fine I thought to myself.

    I sat down and caught my breath. I smiled to myself.

    I got out my diary.

    *Dear Mum and dad,

    Today I found a group of 3 women and a little girl. We then met a different lady called Frankie. We're all together right now and are camped near a fire. Apparently they have more group members looking for shelter. Some bandits came but I distracted them away. I'm back and the group's really nice. Molly seems like a nice girl and handles her self very well with her weapon. Elizabeth seems quiet but she's very smart and caring. Frankie is interesting, I don't know much about her yet. Ana is someone I really like. Not in that way but she just lost her kid and I feel really bad for her. I think I cheered her up earlier and hopefully she'll get over it. Goodbye Mum and goodbye Dad, I'll talk to you later.*

    I finished writing and packed my diary up.

  • Don't we vote on major characters deaths? If not whatever its all cool. Now you can focus more on the crazy, stalker, murderer madman with walker heads as weapons. (Nice character by the way)

    Larry "I suppose i'll take that cabin..." Larry says, pointing at one of them. The rest of them nod, as Larry walks towards it. "Sigh I

  • Yeah he did take the head, sorry about not specifying. And thanks!

    Alright and another question, did eric leave the head with Larry?(you never did specify) But nicely written, take a like!

  • I put * where the italics are supposed to be, for some reason it doesn't work, but I think you can tell where the "writing in diary" part is.

    Kieran "I have 1 spare on in my bag, but to be truthful I never thought about that. I probably have some back at my house...or my old house

  • Yeah, it's going to be more like an hour and a halfish.

    Twistee posted: »

    Oh yeah, but I don't think it would take hours like Lee's did.

  • edited February 2014


    Trevor who was on the bed opposite from Daniel, overhears Larry, to his surprise he jumps out of his bed seeing Larrys neck exposed.
    "Holy shit, larry. But dont go blaming me, I was sleeping like a baby all damn night. It could of been that bastard Anton though. He doesnt trust anybody so I assume he would do something like that."

    Trevor than goes to his bag and hands Daniel a gun. "Its your lucky day, Daniel. Im sorry Larry, we are going to have to kill you. After this we will bury your body or some shit. We will have Daniel carry your body to the others and then we bury you, no questions...(He nudges Daniel) Shoot him now!!"

  • It was his own character, so it's fine.

    Don't we vote on major characters deaths? If not whatever its all cool. Now you can focus more on the crazy, stalker, murderer madman with walker heads as weapons. (Nice character by the way)

  • edited February 2014


    Anton walked up to Larry, just in time to hear Trevor. "Didn't you got attacked by a walker a few hours back, Trevor? If not for Daniel, you'd be dead already! Now what's the-", Anton said, but then he saw a bite on Larry's neck. "Fuck, there's no way we can treat a bite like that. Sorry, man, the baseball captain here is right - we have to kill you". Anton looked at Daniel, then at Larry, and said: "Man, there's no way he survives that. If you don't want him to suffer, we ought to end this now".

    Trevor Trevor who was on the bed opposite from Daniel, overhears Larry, to his surprise he jumps out of his bed seeing Larrys neck exposed.

  • edited February 2014

    Ok forget I ever wrote this but I jut randomly called you your characters name don't ask why.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Anton Anton walked up to Larry, just in time to hear Trevor. "Didn't you got attacked by a walker a few hours back, Trevor? If not for Dani

  • Larry

    "No! Please don't... I still have at least 2 hours left until I die." Larry pleads on to his knees. "There's so many thing's I still want to do in life... Give me the gun. I'll kill Anton for what he did to me..."

  • Umm... wait for Zyphon. Who writes from the perspective of Daniel.

    Ok forget I ever wrote this but I jut randomly called you your characters name don't ask why.

  • maybe we can vote. to shoot larry or not to..?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Umm... wait for Zyphon. Who writes from the perspective of Daniel.

  • Can I just ask, are you going to kill Anton? If so you'll have to consult Lingvort. I take it you aren't but you know, if you are.

  • Anton

    "Whoa, whoa, man! I'm not some psycho who carries around zombie heads and drops them on people while they sleep! I might be a bastard, but I would never do crazy shit like that!", Anton said. Regardless of response, he put his hand on his hatchet, waiting for worse...

  • Ivy

    "Move? No! We need to wait for Aaron!"


    "Ivy's right, we can't move yet. Hopefully the rest of our group will be back soon...

  • Kieran

    "I agree, we can't leave, these people have fellow group members" I said.

  • Trevor
    " Were not killing you Anton, but we sure do have a physco along with us. And whoever it is will die, but first we are going to put Larry down."

  • Anton

    "Actually, Trevor, I heard somebody running away from the cabin, right after Larry got bit".

  • Daniel

    Daniel, who'd just woken up from that horrible nightmare took just a second to process everything. He ignored the gun Trevor was offering him. "Everyone just calm down, alright, we need to find whoever did this," he looked at Trevor, "now put that damn thing away. We're not killing him just yet anyway, doesn't look like there's anyway to amputate, but he's fine for right now, and if there really is someone sneaking around making walkers bite people... We're going to need all the help we can get." He paused to grab his revolver and machete before talking to Larry, "Unless you'd rather end it now?"

  • I wasn't, but I was just pointing out that i'm Zyphon, not Daniel. Daniel is the character.

    Ok forget I ever wrote this but I jut randomly called you your characters name don't ask why.

  • edited February 2014


    "You crazy? You really asking me if I would end my life? Sorry but I don't roll like that. I'm still going to live life to it's fullest, even if it's only for the next two hours. Now, Anton, who ever did this to me, I heard go out the back door." Larry stops to think. "Can I depend on you guys to help me fulfill my last wish before I die? I need to murder who ever did this to me.

  • Martin, in case you missed I posted Theo's part on Page 20.

  • I'll do Aaron now.

    Twistee posted: »

    Martin, in case you missed I posted Theo's part on Page 20.

  • [removed]

    Aaron Snow: Aaron is a Caucasian American boy with some British heritage in his blood. He is 14 years old and while not as capable as some adu

  • edited February 2014


    "Let's just sleep here for now and wait for the others. We can set up a watch and figure everything out when Aaron and the others get back."

  • Aaron

    Aaron accepted what Theo said. "Fine, follow me."

    They kept walking for what seemed like forever. When they finally arrived at the camp, Elizabeth was the first to notice them.

  • Daniel

    "Yeah, we're going to catch the fucker who did this," a quick glance to Trevor and Anton, "together. No need to play the blame game, it wasn't any of us. Grab whatever weapons you've got and let's start searching the area. We'll go as a group, no splitting up."

  • Yeah, way to be an immature dick. Go troll somewhere else.

  • Trevor

    "Larry, lets not waste any time..I want you to atleast be alive to see whoever did this cringe in Pain. But if you start acting up, I will not hesitate to shoot, you hear me?"

  • Theodore

    Theo's dog Boateng starts wildly barking at the Strangers, "Shut up Boateng!" Trina shouts. Theo grabs the back of his Collar as Boateng is literally craving for blood. "Don't worry, he's friendly." Theo said sarcastically.

  • Elizabeth

    Even in the dark, Liz could make out more figures coming down the road. "Look, Aaron's back!" She told everyone else. With more people though... We'll never have enoguh supplies for everyone, she thought, though she didn't say it. No need to point out the dark side of things.

  • Let's say this post happens before Twistee's.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Elizabeth Even in the dark, Liz could make out more figures coming down the road. "Look, Aaron's back!" She told everyone else. With more p

  • Larry

    "What the fuck? You're going to shoot me, if I start acting up? These are going to be my final hours of life, and you'll shoot me if I 'start acting up'? What the hell is wrong with you?"

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