Corrupted Wish



  • edited May 2010
    Wish is granted, the shipping and everything is free, as a result you kill economy and create a chaos state and USA turns into a 3rd world country and now Americans starts emigrating to mexico!

    I wish Winslow would stop dancing in the signature of The highway, and that the posters in this play would post a video of em dancing like Winslow!
  • Granted. The dancing becomes viral overnight, and even your parents are doing it now. Now that dance isn't cool anymore.

    I wish for a copy of The Devil's Playhouse, translated into French, with quality voice acting and jokes as funny as those in the original version.
  • edited May 2010
    Everlast wrote: »
    I wish Winslow would stop dancing in the signature of The highway, and that the posters in this play would post a video of em dancing like Winslow!

    You didn't grant my wish! Grr!
    I wish for a copy of The Devil's Playhouse, translated into French, with quality voice acting and jokes as funny as those in the original version.

    Granted, but those evil swedes are so angry that they didn't get a translated copy they kill you out of jealousy.

    I wish, once again, that shipping was free from this store. For everything, even prints.
  • Granted. Telltale's new prices make airport stores look cheap.

    I wish I could have that theme song from "The Devil's Playhouse."
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but now you feel bad for not taking the initiative to use the Telltale Music Extractor. Also, this may be the wrong one.

    I wish for a cadaver.
  • edited May 2010
    You get it, but it's one of them cadaver construction-kits from Ikea. It includes a live human and dissection tools. After using the tools to cleverly transform the human into a cadaver, the police busts down your door after receiving reports from the neighbors that someone was conducting some sort of satanic ritual. You go to jail where it is deemed that you are to spend the remainder of your life.

    I wish I could hold my breath for 11 and a half minutes.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, your lungs grow three sizes and crushed the rest of your organs. Keep it to ten minutes next time, buddy.

    I wish robots eat each other.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, now there are no cool robots, or robotic anythings! This means, TVs, DVDs, computers, iPods, prosthetic arms with those fake nerves, EVERYTHING WORTH LIVING FOR IS GONE!!

    I wish I had a dollar
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but it slips through you fingers and rolls down a drain.

    I wish I had $5.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, 500 pennies materialize a few feet away from you in mid-air and scatters all over the place. You contemplate if you want to spend time picking them all up from the ground or if you should just leave them.

    I wish I had a bottle of fine cognac that is not poisonous, acidic, volatile, tainted, explosive or harmful in any way.
  • edited May 2010
    Cognac that is not poisonous, acidic, volatile, tainted, explosive or harmful in any way? Granted, you get a bottle of water.

    I wish I have corn.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted. Your ears are now corn. You can choose to rip them off and eat corn, or not eat corn and still be able to hear.

    I wish I was a Mighty Pirate(tm)
  • edited May 2010
    You become a mighty pirate (tm), and you enjoy a fair bit of swashbuckling until you are hunted down and killed by a mighty pirate hunter (tm). After being sent to the crossroads you manage to make your way back to the world of the living by using unconventional means to solve puzzles and combining everyday items. However you do not have much time to enjoy your return to life as you are swiftly hunted down and killed by a mighty ghost pirate hunter (tm). This time there is no return to the land of the living.

    I wish I had a dollar for every time I said the word "the".
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but the dollar appears wherever you say the word "the", which is coincidentally your throat. Your throat becomes clogged up with money and you suffocate.

    I wish I was a bit less morbid.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, you're also a bit less funny now.

    I wish I can defy the laws of nature and come out alive.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, you do come out alive, for now. Just remember that ,wherever you go, nature is watching you

    I wish for a cupcake that will not harm me or anyone (apart from Justin Bieber) in anyway
  • edited May 2010
    Granted you get a cupcake thats does not harm you except to emo teenager bieber. The cupcake is nonviolent but it upsets your stomach!

    I wish The 4 Horsemen of the apocalipse (Remolay, Hassat Hunter, TPravetz, The Highway) would once and for all expose their hidden agenda on this board!
  • edited May 2010
    Granted. Their true agenda disappoints you, and you wind up in denying the fact of the apocalypse. Everyone but you foresees it coming, and you die unprepared.

    I wish I had an attractiveness meter device that would adjust my attractiveness. It would start at "moderately attractive" and end at "heavy-duty chick magnet".
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but it gets stuck, and your attempts to fix it jam it backwards from "moderately attractive" down to "Snicklin-level attractiveness". Your popularity plummets, and you cannot remove the device as it is implanted in your heart. Also, I forgot to say, but "Snicklin-level attractiveness" is the worst level. But you already knew that, else why would you wish for an attractiveness device?

    I wish Remolay, Hassat Hunter and TPravetz would join me tonight as we raid Everlast's home, and his router (the second being with a DDoS attack)
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but you get attacked by a head crab hiding in a drawer. Hassat hunder attempts to create the world's first real-life mod with a time-space bending gun that he found hidden in a fridge, and as an unintentional result gets trapped in the universe of the "Worst Game Ever Award"-winning game You Are Empty. And then TPravetz... makes a bad joke, and is heard from twenty miles away by Everlast, who hunts him down and eventually kills him.

    I wish was better at ActionScript.
  • edited May 2010
    Snicklin's wish is granted turning his last conceded wish into an action movie that gets oscars, and makes him the next James Cameron director/writer. You make Everlast famous and novels and books of his life are written, he finally hits it with a chick loosing his virginity, im no longer a looser, bankrupted unhappy man, and all its due to you!!!! However getting back to your wish you are also a millionaire and your movies are a hit and you live happily ever after!

    I wish The highway, Hassat Hunter, TPravetz and Remolay to be villified in Snicklin's next movie even more!
  • edited May 2010
    My computers broken. I need a new one... (I'm on an iPod...)

    My hidden agenda is too awesome to reveal. It will make you eyes bleed.
  • edited May 2010
    Oh. And I wish I had a new computer...
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but It's Vista. It's starts going slower and slower until one day you can't even pull up the internet.

    I wish I had anything besides Vista
  • edited May 2010
    Granted. Your monitor turns into a stone tablet and your keyboard & mouse is transformed into a hammer and chisel. And while this is an improvement to Vista, your pro gamer keyboard and mouse are gone forever.

    I wish my fridge had a never-ending supply of beer!
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but you with the unending supply, you drink so much your liver fails. You eventually die of alcohal poisoning.

    I wish I could get every Telltale game for free.
  • edited May 2010
    The Leg wrote: »
    Granted, but you with the unending supply, you drink so much your liver fails. You eventually die of alcohal poisoning.

    I wish I could get every Telltale game for free.

    Granted, you can, but through illegal means. You are then sued for millions of dollars by Telltale and are never allowed access to a computer again.

    I wish I had a beard.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, you have a fake boy/girlfriend (I dunno your gender) who hides your homosexuality.

    I wish our princess is in this castle.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, she's dead, and you get blamed

    I wish I could eat food and not get fat or die from it
  • edited May 2010
    granted, you never gain weight but you get dangerously skinny. Since it wont kill you you just keep getting thinner and till your back breaks under the weight of your head

    I wish I knew how to make flash games and finally make my point and click idea
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but you eat so much food you get bored of eating and die of malnutrition.

    I wish I never had to go to work or go to school but still be well educated, awesome, and have tons of money.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but women want you for your money

    I still wish my above wish
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but the game has a crap plot and you die from bad game making.

    I wish I could understand why having women want me is a CORRUPTED wish
  • edited May 2010
    granted, they are gold diggers, you end up with no money and are poor. you are now discouraged from this revelation

    I wish I didn't know words like revelation
  • edited May 2010
    Granted. "Revelation" and all like words, meaning words that begin with the letter "r", are removed from your vocabulary and you have no memory of them. Of course, upon reading this thread you don't understand the words "remove" and "read" any longer so you walk aimlessly around for the rest of your life, never knowing what really transpired here.

    I wish Superball appeared in every Sam & Max scene in every Sam & Max episode, game and comic from now on, somehow.
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but he always blocks the doors so you can't get out... EVER!

    I wish I didn't need glasses

    (did I cleverly avoid words that start with R, or was it an coincidence? you decide)
  • edited May 2010
    Glasess are awsome you can get lasers on them. I wish had a first person, mmorpg that you can teleport into.... Nerds can dream
  • edited May 2010
    Granted, but you can't teleport out of it and are immediately killed by a level 89 dragon-wizard-high-ruler-lord-of-the-volcano-beast

    I wish I could play Tomb of Sammun-Mak now, and at graphics setting 9, instead of waiting many days to play it at graphics setting 1.
  • edited May 2010
    There's nothing wrong with that wish
  • edited May 2010
    yeah, YOU'RE the one who's supposed to make the wish corrupted.
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