I'm playing a Tale of Two Kingdoms. And I found the one dead end in the whole game. Figures.... If anyone happens to have a Chapter 5 saved game file, and wouldn't mind sending it over, PM me please.
Finished with Strong Badia the Free, so now I'm caught up with where I was on WiiWare. I'm going to quit for the night and start on the episodes I haven't played later.
I just played episode 3 with fraps and was going to record it but i must have accidentally pressed f9 twice and it didnt record! they should have a little graphic that pops up to say "recording initiated" or something because I have done this 3 TIMES NOW!
On: Strong Bad Episode 3, Sam & Max 302, and Tales Episode 1
I forget the title but I've been playing the Snoopy Ace Flyers game on xbla... It's a flight sim, snoopy style. First time I've ever gotten to dog fight with other players, and I've played a lot of flight simulators too. Very fun!
Tales of the Abyss (PS2)
Okami (PS2)
Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
SW:Force Unleashed (PC)
...all obtained from birthday (first 3 from my wife after one visit to GameStop)
Finished Tales of the Abyss a few days ago, and Force Unleashed once through a while ago now, but still need find more unlockable stuff (primarily costumes for Tales, lightabers for TFU)
I have the first 3 Metal Gear Solid games (Twin Snakes for GCN, and original Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater versions for PS2) but never did get around to beating MGS3, so now that's what I'm mostly working on.
Lately, my friend and I have been hanging out almost every Friday night and playing games. I recently helped him finish Majora's Mask. Now he's helping me finish Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, partly by way of moral support and partly because that game was designed for multiplayer, which is painfully obvious when you're playing it single player. We started last week and we finished year 2 tonight.
Diablo II, second attempt. I just want to see how far I can get before I give up again. But, I'm playing an assassin this time, so maybe I'll be able to keep myself entertained.:D
Oh yeah I played Prince of Persia Classic the other day too, and finally beat the whole game which I had never done before! [It was the invisible steps, I could never find them, but for some reason on the xbla 'SE' version, it just came to me right when I got to that part.]
It was on sale for 5 bucks, I couldn't pass up the deal, had my eye on it for a while anyways.
Finally finished SBCG4AP Ep3 the other day. Also started and finished S&M 201 and started 202. I have way too many TTG games I haven't played through, yet. I'm still missing SBCG4AP EP4 so I can't play my free copy of Ep5 yet until I do. I haven't yet played through S&M season 2 yet...just starting now. I also have all of W&G to get through.
I've just finished playing through The Dig - which took longer than expected..
And I've also just completed another point and click game Machinarium which was absolutely fantastic! I suggest you play it if you haven't already.
The art, puzzles, animations and soundtrack are all pretty much perfect.
I wish I was playing "Overclocked: a History of Violence", but I can't get the online activation with Tages to work! Damn you, copy protection devices! Where's the time of the Dial-a-Pirate's?!
While I wait for S&M 303, Puzzle Agent, and MI2:LCR-SE, I'm playing Super Mario Galaxy 2, and I got completely hooked on it.
I'm also sporadically playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Sith Edition for PC, but the Italian plumber gets almost all my gaming time right now.
I finished with "Tomb of Sammun-Mak" and continued "Secret Files". Did the Irish Castle chapter and have now reached the cave in the Himalayas.
You know this is actually a pretty hard game at times? I mean, that chimney helmet puzzle? How are you supposed to figure that out? I didn't even realize I could go back to shore (that also explained why I couldn't find any leg protectors anywhere).
Oh well, guess the game's almost finished; it's sure been fun and I'm also sure to play it again, if only because I like looking at Nina.
Next up is "Overclocked". But the next S&M will probably be released before I get to that.
Super Mario RPG. It's a fun game overall, but it's just that, most of the time, IT IS FREAKING HARD!!! The enemies and bosses are usually the hardest thing in the whole game, and i usually try to avoid them, except the bosses, because i HAVE to fight them. Other than that, it's a good game. Now i gotta try to beat the Axem Rangers, and BOY are they annoying...to beat that is.
I quickly finished "Secret Files: Tunguska" yesterday. And I really mean quickly. I had reached the Himalayan cave, which went fine. Than at the research station thing got a little hard to grasp and I'm really ashamed to say I reverted to a walkthrough more than once. I tried to restrain myself with this game, but afterwards I must say some things I really wouldn't have found out by myself.
I'll definitely play it again some day. I really liked the atmosphere and the realistic looking environments. Nina's voice could've been easier on the ears, though.
I wanted to finish this game before the release of S&M 303. I've also got "Overclocked", which I've yet to start.
I always have a tendency to play multiple games at once. I play one for a little while, then move on to another one, then come back to the first one, and repeat until I end up completing them all.
Right now I'm playing They Stole Max's Brain, The Longest Journey, King's Quest V, and Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon.
I've currently abandoned all other games and will be playing various sections of the entire Monkey Island series repeatedly for the next three weeks. Currently, I'm playing specific sections of Tales. Next up is LeChuck's Revenge.
I'm out of games to play at the moment... Maybe I'll start a new run through Discworld.... Haven't done that in over ten years... Hmmm, not sure.
good idea! recently finished a discworld marathon myself-and finally completed noir for the first time =] the first game was a bitch- took me days getting into that cellar despite vaguely remembering the puzzles. 2 was a breeze in comparison but both fantastic games and makes me realise how much I miss power combining with 40+ items!
mmmm so many items. Currently playing Scratches, 3d dot game heroes and darksiders. Recently finished FFXIII-no more platinum ingot farming THANK GOD
I just played episode 3 with fraps and was going to record it but i must have accidentally pressed f9 twice and it didnt record! they should have a little graphic that pops up to say "recording initiated" or something because I have done this 3 TIMES NOW!
On: Strong Bad Episode 3, Sam & Max 302, and Tales Episode 1
About a week ago. You may have noticed the improved graphics as well.
Finished Tales of the Abyss a few days ago, and Force Unleashed once through a while ago now, but still need find more unlockable stuff (primarily costumes for Tales, lightabers for TFU)
I have the first 3 Metal Gear Solid games (Twin Snakes for GCN, and original Sons of Liberty and Snake Eater versions for PS2) but never did get around to beating MGS3, so now that's what I'm mostly working on.
I got as far as
It's not too easy but I don't think it's as hard as everyone says, but then again I'm not done yet so we'll see.
Still playing Snoopy Flying Ace too.
Didja pass it yet?
It was on sale for 5 bucks, I couldn't pass up the deal, had my eye on it for a while anyways.
Yay I finally beat it woohoo!
If I were you I'd spread the episodes apart as opposed to playing all of 1-4 consecutively without playing any other games in between.
Just my opinion.
And I've also just completed another point and click game Machinarium which was absolutely fantastic! I suggest you play it if you haven't already.
The art, puzzles, animations and soundtrack are all pretty much perfect.
And I am playing a lot of Holy Beast Online this month.
I'm not sure how that happened but I'll take it.
Oh and I finally hit 'Flying Ace' status, woohoo! [took forever.]
I'm also sporadically playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Sith Edition for PC, but the Italian plumber gets almost all my gaming time right now.
Patapon 2
Disgaea 2
ModNation Racers
Team Fortress 2
Mainly these.
Oh yeah, I'm supposed to play Super Mario Galaxy 2.
Quite impressed so far.
You know this is actually a pretty hard game at times? I mean, that chimney helmet puzzle? How are you supposed to figure that out? I didn't even realize I could go back to shore (that also explained why I couldn't find any leg protectors anywhere).
Oh well, guess the game's almost finished; it's sure been fun and I'm also sure to play it again, if only because I like looking at Nina.
Next up is "Overclocked". But the next S&M will probably be released before I get to that.
Also, Saints Row 2. Haven't had as much fun with a game in years. it's an absolute blast.
I quickly finished "Secret Files: Tunguska" yesterday. And I really mean quickly. I had reached the Himalayan cave, which went fine. Than at the research station thing got a little hard to grasp and I'm really ashamed to say I reverted to a walkthrough more than once. I tried to restrain myself with this game, but afterwards I must say some things I really wouldn't have found out by myself.
I'll definitely play it again some day. I really liked the atmosphere and the realistic looking environments. Nina's voice could've been easier on the ears, though.
I wanted to finish this game before the release of S&M 303. I've also got "Overclocked", which I've yet to start.
Right now I'm playing They Stole Max's Brain, The Longest Journey, King's Quest V, and Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon.
Guitar Hero gets boring so fast for me... Good thing those were trade-ins...
I've just started playing that too. Not the best of games but it sure is fun.
good idea! recently finished a discworld marathon myself-and finally completed noir for the first time =] the first game was a bitch- took me days getting into that cellar despite vaguely remembering the puzzles. 2 was a breeze in comparison but both fantastic games and makes me realise how much I miss power combining with 40+ items!
mmmm so many items. Currently playing Scratches, 3d dot game heroes and darksiders. Recently finished FFXIII-no more platinum ingot farming THANK GOD