Prey - I like this game. It's got a nice story and some good FPS elements well done. Also takes place near my home city.
TF2 - It's fun
Sam and Max Season One - I'm liking it. It's funny.
Uplink - A nice little hacker sim.
Multiwinia- Nice Mutliplayer game to screw around with online.
Darwinia - A wonderful game and I love re-going through this game.
DoW Winter Assault - I love the DoW series more then any RTS. It's nice, fun, and it's got some lovable Orks.
Counter-Strike Condition Zero - Using it to train to get back into my old FPS skills
Half Life 2 - I just started the game and I'm loving it more then I did HL1.
DS I'm playing-
SMT: Strange Journey - It's like Nocturne, which is really good JRPG. Though it's harder to get demon's on your side.
Contact - Apparently a rare DS game. It's nice and a unique RPG.
PS2: SMT: P3 and 4, Devil Summoner, and replaying DDS to beat all the extra bosses. All of these are good and love them all.
PS3: Sabatouer A fun open world game. It's nice blowing up Nazi's and their tanks and such.
BlazBlue My favorite fighter and I lovegoing online and screwing with people with my Bang and Arakune.
3D Dot Game Heroes - Despite everyone calling it a rip off I enjoy this game. If you've played Link to the Past it plays just like it.
Wii: No More Heroes Desperate Struggle and Fragile Dreams
I'm not really playing anything at the moment. Doing some on and off casual gaming, nothing can really capture me at the moment. I'm leaning towards a "King Quest 5" playthrough (never done that; started playing it once but didn't get far) but I doubt if I have the patience for such a game. The guys at Adventure Gamers might be holding a community playthrough of "The Longest Journey" which I might participate in; otherwise I might play "Dreamfall" again. Or one of the classics might be fun. I just ... can't decide! :mad:
Played some of Machinarium last night. It's pretty difficult, which is nice. Not being able to see all the clickable items easily is frustrating though, especially as you pretty much have to walk right up to them to find out.
I just finished up Sabatoure so I'm going to hop back on Demon's Souls which is a fun, yet hard, RPG. And the new BlazBlue. I'm also going through Cross Edge, which apparently recieved horrible reviews, but I'm loving it.
It's a fun jRPG that uses a combo based attack system that's also timed and point based.
Restarted Ghost Pirates of Vuju Island, I have to say, this time around I'm liking it a lot more, the music is great as is the background, they both reek of Curse of Monkey Island, which doesn't surprise me on the Art side, of course, it's Bill Tiller, but the music is very done and catchy and has that feel of Plunder Island. Also reminded me why I love the Curse/Full Throttle interface, being able to Examine/Talk/Use things and get a different response is great, something I missed in Tales.
Just recently finished up Metro 2033 and Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason. For some reason, the odd Russian FPS games intrigue me. As for currently, I'm still in the process of finishing up the Tales of Monkey Island Series, and started GTA IV.
I'm not playing anything lately.
But today I remembered I haven't finished Ghostbusters yet . I must resume playing it while I wait for The Devil's Playhouse season finale
New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii)- Co-op with the Wife... I make her play as Mario so I can play as the almighty Weegee
Super Street Fighter IV (PS3)- Also Co-op with the Wife. She keeps picking Ryu, Ken & Akuma & spamming Hadoukens... it drives me nuts
Tales of Destiny (PS1)- My 3rd time through the game... it isn't as great as I remember... especially after playing the later games in the Tales series (Symphonia & Vesperia in particular)
Yakuza 3 (PS3)- I hesitated on putting this because I only play it sporadically... Its a damn good game nonetheless.
Assassin's Creed II (360)- Also sporadically... I bought the Bonfire of Vanities pack & every so often I play in hopes of reaching that point.
Games I Intend to Play
Tales of Destiny II *Eternia* (PS1)- It will be my second playthrough & I intend to start after beating Destiny (& that is at least a month or so away with my schedule)
Donkey Kong Country (Virtual Console)- Co-op with the wife that we'll start after NSMBW.
I'm also going through Cross Edge, which apparently recieved horrible reviews, but I'm loving it.
It's a fun jRPG that uses a combo based attack system that's also timed and point based.
I think it is made by the people who made Disgaea.... Which is one reason I figured it would be at the very least decent. The reviews kinda put me on the fence about it (I mean I rarely trust reviews, but I have yet to find a positive one about the game)... It does have a shit ton of free DLC though & thats always a plus.
Unfortunately I'm stuck for the next 5 or so weeks in Canada with a 9-10 year old notebook
I got from my office so my options are:
Solitaire, Freecell, Spider Solitaire, Minesweeper and Microsoft/Maxis Pinball.
Unfortunately I'm stuck for the next 5 or so weeks in Canada with a 9-10 year old notebook
I got from my office so my options are:
Solitaire, Freecell, Spider Solitaire, Minesweeper and Microsoft/Maxis Pinball.
Dang, you don't even have Windows 7 games! Like Mahjong, Chess, and this weird kid-friendly 3 minigame thing called Purble Place. It's weird.
However, Windows XP seems to be the only one with default Pinball
Well, there is always the option of online java or flash based games, but I haven't found something that's worth my time AND compatible with my hardware.
Absolutely no idea what to play. Started "King's Quest 5" last night, but after the intro I was already tired of it. Music is too loud but doesn't have a separate volume knob, Cedric's voice is irritating as hell, and while I love the artwork of these old classics, it requires a little too much concentration than what I can currently offer. Have a brother-in-law staying over this week and he and his sister - my wife - can get a bit loud now and again. On the plus side, I have been playing "Star Wars Battlefront" with him, which is fun.
Also started "Dreamfall", but for the same reason as above can't really concentrate on it.
So I've been playing "Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst". I know, I know, but it was a free game deal so I tried it out, and it's okay to keep busy, no huge amount of brain cells required, plus it's great to practice English vocabulary.
Well, there is always the option of online java or flash based games, but I haven't found something that's worth my time AND compatible with my hardware.
Just download some freeware... there is tons of it out there
Im currently replaying zelda twilight princess just because of skyward sword. Now i really want motion controls for a sword. Wii sports resort has its flaws(it always counts as the enemy blocking no matter what or at least for me) and twilight princess link does a combo no matter how what way you shake.(although my cousin had a fun time figurine out the wii motion plus on my remote doesnt backtrack to older games:D)
Absolutely no idea what to play. Started "King's Quest 5" last night, but after the intro I was already tired of it. Music is too loud but doesn't have a separate volume knob, Cedric's voice is irritating as hell, and while I love the artwork of these old classics, it requires a little too much concentration than what I can currently offer.
I agree that KQV isn't at all the best of the series. VI and VII are far better.
I would though highly recommend the fan remakes of KQ I thru III. They're really very, very good. And also free. Free is a plus.
I think it is made by the people who made Disgaea.... Which is one reason I figured it would be at the very least decent. The reviews kinda put me on the fence about it (I mean I rarely trust reviews, but I have yet to find a positive one about the game)... It does have a shit ton of free DLC though & thats always a plus.
Most people I've met didn't like the game because of how the difficulty curve is high. I love the game, and so do my friends. Plus it's now only $20 new, so why not?
I'm about to finish my second run of Bioshock. After that, I'm either going to move on to Bioshock 2, try out some of the non-Monkey Island (or Sam and Max or Grim Fandango) LucasArts adventure titles, or finish the last episode of SBCG4AP.
I enjoyed those game remakes a whole lot better than 5. They even have proper voice acting. And no Cedric.
Thanks, but I already played them I got the King's Quest collection a few years back since I never played them, then found out about the remakes. So I played the originals first, then the remakes, and now 5 is next in line. I'm thinking of just wading through it with a walkthrough and move on to 6, though I'd also like to take my time examining everything ...
Keep making these kind of suggestions though. Really appreciate them.
Currently playing on PC: Prince of Persia: Sands of Time series (SoT) Currently playing on DS: Dragon Quest IX, Harry Hatsworth Currently playing on PS2: Ratchet & Clank series (Size Matters), Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier Currently playing on Wii: Sonic Unleashed, TY the Tazmanian Tiger series (original)
...it looks better in its original format, 'cause it has fancy colours.
I'm playing Sands of Time having come from Forgotten Sands, and it's really weird. I keep pressing Control to roll before realizing that it's the same button as jump, and forgetting to press the Right Mouse Button to swing on things. So bizarre.
Prey - I like this game. It's got a nice story and some good FPS elements well done. Also takes place near my home city.
TF2 - It's fun
Sam and Max Season One - I'm liking it. It's funny.
Uplink - A nice little hacker sim.
Multiwinia- Nice Mutliplayer game to screw around with online.
Darwinia - A wonderful game and I love re-going through this game.
DoW Winter Assault - I love the DoW series more then any RTS. It's nice, fun, and it's got some lovable Orks.
Counter-Strike Condition Zero - Using it to train to get back into my old FPS skills
Half Life 2 - I just started the game and I'm loving it more then I did HL1.
DS I'm playing-
SMT: Strange Journey - It's like Nocturne, which is really good JRPG. Though it's harder to get demon's on your side.
Contact - Apparently a rare DS game. It's nice and a unique RPG.
PS2: SMT: P3 and 4, Devil Summoner, and replaying DDS to beat all the extra bosses. All of these are good and love them all.
PS3: Sabatouer A fun open world game. It's nice blowing up Nazi's and their tanks and such.
BlazBlue My favorite fighter and I lovegoing online and screwing with people with my Bang and Arakune.
3D Dot Game Heroes - Despite everyone calling it a rip off I enjoy this game. If you've played Link to the Past it plays just like it.
Wii: No More Heroes Desperate Struggle and Fragile Dreams
Yeah, I'm playing quite a bit of games at once.
Divine Divinity
Beyond Divinity
Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis
Avencast - Rise of the Mage
Titan Quest + Immortal Throne Expansion
So I got about the rest of the year planned, untill Diablo 3 and Cataclysm comes out.
It's a fun jRPG that uses a combo based attack system that's also timed and point based.
i love it cause its free, you dont have to download anything and as of yet i still havent received one bit of spam!!
its a wee pirate game, lots of fun, and according to their facebook and twitter, they are about to launch a loads of missions, which should be fun.
ive played it on facebook a few times too, which is gd!
any other games like this that pple are playing.
feel free to add me on the game, my name is nicnac, then we can play multiplayer
i am new here, loving all the topics tho!!
But today I remembered I haven't finished Ghostbusters yet . I must resume playing it while I wait for The Devil's Playhouse season finale
New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii)- Co-op with the Wife... I make her play as Mario so I can play as the almighty Weegee
Super Street Fighter IV (PS3)- Also Co-op with the Wife. She keeps picking Ryu, Ken & Akuma & spamming Hadoukens... it drives me nuts
Tales of Destiny (PS1)- My 3rd time through the game... it isn't as great as I remember... especially after playing the later games in the Tales series (Symphonia & Vesperia in particular)
Yakuza 3 (PS3)- I hesitated on putting this because I only play it sporadically... Its a damn good game nonetheless.
Assassin's Creed II (360)- Also sporadically... I bought the Bonfire of Vanities pack & every so often I play in hopes of reaching that point.
Games I Intend to Play
Tales of Destiny II *Eternia* (PS1)- It will be my second playthrough & I intend to start after beating Destiny (& that is at least a month or so away with my schedule)
Donkey Kong Country (Virtual Console)- Co-op with the wife that we'll start after NSMBW.
I think it is made by the people who made Disgaea.... Which is one reason I figured it would be at the very least decent. The reviews kinda put me on the fence about it (I mean I rarely trust reviews, but I have yet to find a positive one about the game)... It does have a shit ton of free DLC though & thats always a plus.
and I just finished Broken Steel Fall out 3 DLC.
I used to be fairly well rounded with all fighters in the Street Fighter II days but now I tend to favour those three.
I have trouble with Chun Li, E Honda and Blanka as I can't tap as quickly with my right hand as I can with my left. Do any other lefties find this?
I got from my office so my options are:
Solitaire, Freecell, Spider Solitaire, Minesweeper and Microsoft/Maxis Pinball.
Dang, you don't even have Windows 7 games! Like Mahjong, Chess, and this weird kid-friendly 3 minigame thing called Purble Place. It's weird.
However, Windows XP seems to be the only one with default Pinball
I think i'll play some mahjong now.
(and you can also play games online, y'know)
Also started "Dreamfall", but for the same reason as above can't really concentrate on it.
So I've been playing "Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst". I know, I know, but it was a free game deal so I tried it out, and it's okay to keep busy, no huge amount of brain cells required, plus it's great to practice English vocabulary.
Just download some freeware... there is tons of it out there
I agree that KQV isn't at all the best of the series. VI and VII are far better.
I would though highly recommend the fan remakes of KQ I thru III. They're really very, very good. And also free. Free is a plus.
You can get 1 and 2 here: http://www.agdinteractive.com/games/games.html
and 3 here: http://www.infamous-adventures.com/home/index.php?page=games
I enjoyed those game remakes a whole lot better than 5. They even have proper voice acting. And no Cedric.
Now, I'll wait Sam&Max finale.
Then I took an hour to watch a classic KQ2 Let's Play on Youtube.
Most people I've met didn't like the game because of how the difficulty curve is high. I love the game, and so do my friends. Plus it's now only $20 new, so why not?
Thanks, but I already played them
Keep making these kind of suggestions though. Really appreciate them.
Currently playing on PC: Prince of Persia: Sands of Time series (SoT)
Currently playing on DS: Dragon Quest IX, Harry Hatsworth
Currently playing on PS2: Ratchet & Clank series (Size Matters), Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier
Currently playing on Wii: Sonic Unleashed, TY the Tazmanian Tiger series (original)
...it looks better in its original format, 'cause it has fancy colours.
I'm playing Sands of Time having come from Forgotten Sands, and it's really weird. I keep pressing Control to roll before realizing that it's the same button as jump, and forgetting to press the Right Mouse Button to swing on things. So bizarre.
It's mostly for its sequel though, Maniac Mansion 2, also known as Day of the Tentacle.