Portal 2. Third run. First run was the first run, second run was collecting the rest of the single player achievements. Third run is commentary mode and an attempt to out-OCD Dashing by painting EVERYTHING that is paintable. Screenshots coming soon.
Portal 2. Third run. First run was the first run, second run was collecting the rest of the single player achievements. Third run is commentary mode and an attempt to out-OCD Dashing by painting EVERYTHING that is paintable. Screenshots coming soon.
Oh dear. I sense a competition coming shortly in our future and I fear for all our sanities...
(She may be a bit on the frail side, damage and life wise, but her speed, manueverability and easy combo-ability more than make up for it)
Yes, yes. I like to start some simple assaults with a standing D with an A after to offer some mix ups, or to psyche out a bit. I don't really focus too much on the technicals, I just like to hit buttons and her tutorial alluded to that style of play.
Just finished Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening, which I haven't played in a decade since my mom threw it out. As if I would ever outgrow Pajama Sam... come on.
I also just finished the first episode of Back to the Future. I've been itching to play a Telltale game, and I was finally able to do so since getting my paycheck this week.
Also, this is my imported Mass Effect 1 character. Whenever I think of Commander Shepard or hear the voice of the female Shepard in someone else's Youtube video, I think of this woman:
Already I see that the game is going to be a rare treat.
Its such a beautifully quirky game.
The graphics are very mixed, from good character models (but with poor animations), to hideous low poly scenery that looks like it came straight out of a early ps2 game.
The controls are already a bit odd, especially the shooting, but in a way I can see it adding to the charm.
Also some of the dialogue is quite odd.
But overall the game seems very well written so far to me.
Its not so much the story and all that is what I'm refering to, I'm reffering to the level of detail.
When I was driving, York was talking, but unlike most games where it is simply him saying the same stuff, he actually started talking about a lot of pop-culture, which made it more funny and relatable.
(I also find it quite annoying that 80s DVD don't have any extras)
If the game retains that level of detail throughout, then I can easily see why this game has been talked about a lot.
The overall vibe of this game so far, feels sort of like Shenmue, with the eccentric world and characters, the quicktime events, and the music (which seems kind of loud. I should look and see into turning it down), but it has a Silent Hill vibe to it as well. (Already has the old-school type puzzles)
Started to play Grand Theft Auto 4 but so far I'm really not getting into it like I did the PS2 ones for whatever reason. I think I might give Batman Arkham Asylum a go instead.
Since I'll start going to the arcade regularly now that vacations are here...
-The King of Fighters XIII
-Blazblue Continuum Shift (1, sadly 2 is kinda really really hard to get outside of Japan =/)
-Tatsunoko VS Capcom (if they get it to work again that is >_>)
-Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
Just started LA Noire today, loving it so far, great adventure/action blend. Also balls deep in Mass Effect 2 after becoming the bona fida worst saviour of the galaxy ever in the original
Since I'll start going to the arcade regularly now that vacations are here...
-The King of Fighters XIII
-Blazblue Continuum Shift (1, sadly 2 is kinda really really hard to get outside of Japan =/)
-Tatsunoko VS Capcom (if they get it to work again that is >_>)
-Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
How is King of Fighters XIII?
I heard XII was a huge step backwards in the series so I didn't buy the 360 version, (I got 2002 UM instead).
I heard XII was a huge step backwards in the series so I didn't buy the 360 version, (I got 2002 UM instead).
If you like the 2k2 games you'll love it. I play it the least out of those games though, I get bodied SO BAD in any and all KoF games, makes me wish I wasn't the only Mexican that's not naturally good at KoF (hyperbole but you get the point)
Seriously, in all those other games I'm easily at least a mid-tier player there. SSF4 I kick ass with Makoto, in TvC I was the one bodying everyone when it came out but then they caught up and now I feel I'd win more often if Ken and Karas were not so good, and Blazblue I barely ever win but at least I'm not free. KoF however...
Oh yeah, and XII was fun, only KoF game I've ever kinda stood a chance against the guys here. It's not bad if you have people to play against honestly, just very obviously incomplete (XIII is what XII would've been if they hadn't had the need to release it because they were starting to bleed too much money for one game). The Critical Counters did get old though >__>
For the second time, I'm walking a friend through Majora's Mask and they can't remember the songs. So I did what I did for the last friend I did this with:
As for myself, now that I'm totally done with Portal 2, save a few co-op achievements, I'm thinking about pushing ahead and finally starting Zelda II.
For the second time, I'm walking a friend through Majora's Mask and they can't remember the songs. So I did what I did for the last friend I did this with:
As for myself, now that I'm totally done with Portal 2, save a few co-op achievements, I'm thinking about pushing ahead and finally starting Zelda II.
I've gotta ask- did you have all of those memorized?
Yes, those plus the Ocarina of Time songs. But I cheated and looked at the guide anyway because it's harder to remember which buttons without a controller in your hand.
This is true, but two of them I know nothing about, one of them has a frustrating battle system that still makes no sense to me, and I don't have the hard drive space for the last one.
Also, I started this Zelda series run before I had any of the other games (except Psychonauts).
Save Magicka for when Chris gets back. You, me, him, and Katie can do a four-person run through the campaign. It was obviously intended as a co-op experience.
Psychonauts is a 3D platformer designed by Tim Schafer, and written by Tim Schafer and, get this, Eric Wolpaw. As you might be able to guess, it's very witty and well-written.
Psychonauts is great. Finished it on my prev comp. Can't get it to run smoothly on my laptop though....which is weird as I can run Crysis on highest settings.
Save Magicka for when Chris gets back. You, me, him, and Katie can do a four-person run through the campaign. It was obviously intended as a co-op experience.
Psychonauts is a 3D platformer designed by Tim Schafer, and written by Tim Schafer and, get this, Eric Wolpaw. As you might be able to guess, it's very witty and well-written.
I've heard that Psychonauts is very good, and obviously I know of Tim Schafer, but while I've heard the name "Eric Wolpaw" a few times, I have absolutely no idea who he is.
Edit: Wikipedia says it's "Erik". Oh, and I see he did writing for the original Portal. So that's encouraging.
Oh dear. I sense a competition coming shortly in our future and I fear for all our sanities...
I think the first Conversion Gel room (the one Dashing did) took me over an hour.
Yes, yes. I like to start some simple assaults with a standing D with an A after to offer some mix ups, or to psyche out a bit. I don't really focus too much on the technicals, I just like to hit buttons and her tutorial alluded to that style of play.
I also just finished the first episode of Back to the Future. I've been itching to play a Telltale game, and I was finally able to do so since getting my paycheck this week.
I'm also playing Dragon Age: Origins on my friend's xbox. I hardly ever play console games but I fell in love with this game after 15 minutes.
Also, this is my imported Mass Effect 1 character. Whenever I think of Commander Shepard or hear the voice of the female Shepard in someone else's Youtube video, I think of this woman:
Already I see that the game is going to be a rare treat.
Its such a beautifully quirky game.
The graphics are very mixed, from good character models (but with poor animations), to hideous low poly scenery that looks like it came straight out of a early ps2 game.
The controls are already a bit odd, especially the shooting, but in a way I can see it adding to the charm.
Also some of the dialogue is quite odd.
But overall the game seems very well written so far to me.
Its not so much the story and all that is what I'm refering to, I'm reffering to the level of detail.
When I was driving, York was talking, but unlike most games where it is simply him saying the same stuff, he actually started talking about a lot of pop-culture, which made it more funny and relatable.
(I also find it quite annoying that 80s DVD don't have any extras)
If the game retains that level of detail throughout, then I can easily see why this game has been talked about a lot.
The overall vibe of this game so far, feels sort of like Shenmue, with the eccentric world and characters, the quicktime events, and the music (which seems kind of loud. I should look and see into turning it down), but it has a Silent Hill vibe to it as well. (Already has the old-school type puzzles)
(I'd argue more games need to be like Shenmue!)
Castlvania Portait of ruin.
I'm still loving it. I think it might be one of my favourite games on the 360.
-The King of Fighters XIII
-Blazblue Continuum Shift (1, sadly 2 is kinda really really hard to get outside of Japan =/)
-Tatsunoko VS Capcom (if they get it to work again that is >_>)
-Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition
How is King of Fighters XIII?
I heard XII was a huge step backwards in the series so I didn't buy the 360 version, (I got 2002 UM instead).
It's the ride.
You get to play a level based on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.
With the music and everything.
Words cannot express just how awesome this is.
If you like the 2k2 games you'll love it. I play it the least out of those games though, I get bodied SO BAD in any and all KoF games, makes me wish I wasn't the only Mexican that's not naturally good at KoF (hyperbole but you get the point)
Seriously, in all those other games I'm easily at least a mid-tier player there. SSF4 I kick ass with Makoto, in TvC I was the one bodying everyone when it came out but then they caught up and now I feel I'd win more often if Ken and Karas were not so good, and Blazblue I barely ever win but at least I'm not free. KoF however...
Oh yeah, and XII was fun, only KoF game I've ever kinda stood a chance against the guys here. It's not bad if you have people to play against honestly, just very obviously incomplete (XIII is what XII would've been if they hadn't had the need to release it because they were starting to bleed too much money for one game). The Critical Counters did get old though >__>
You better not be joking. That is NOT something you kid about.
Edit: after a bit of Googling - YEEESSSSSSS.
Dammit, now I need this game.
As for myself, now that I'm totally done with Portal 2, save a few co-op achievements, I'm thinking about pushing ahead and finally starting Zelda II.
I've gotta ask- did you have all of those memorized?
Also, I started this Zelda series run before I had any of the other games (except Psychonauts).
And KOTOR's battle system is about as simplistic as you can get. There is literally nothing TO learn.
Psychonauts is a 3D platformer designed by Tim Schafer, and written by Tim Schafer and, get this, Eric Wolpaw. As you might be able to guess, it's very witty and well-written.
@Darth Marsden
Please use spoiler tags next time. I imagine some people would liked to have kept it a surprise.
Sounds good.
I've heard that Psychonauts is very good, and obviously I know of Tim Schafer, but while I've heard the name "Eric Wolpaw" a few times, I have absolutely no idea who he is.
Edit: Wikipedia says it's "Erik". Oh, and I see he did writing for the original Portal. So that's encouraging.