I haven't actually got to that part of the system just yet.
Only played the intro, which was standard RTS affair.
And I will likely play it again on Friday, (I have a friend coming over tomorrow), as I know I'm going to need a lot of time for this to sink in.
I'd imagine multiplayer would be a awesomely chaotic affair.
Create a a giant army, then send it back into the past, to have double the firepower, but then your opponent could negate that by sending a small army back to destroy your unit generators.
GAH! Watching some gameplay footage my brain hurts already! XD
Oh man, that was so cool. The atmosphere in that game is fantastic. (aside: thanks to Frasier, I couldn't stop chuckling when Buttons and Bows started playing on the car radio)
That's one of my favourite episodes of Frasier, second only to when Marty and the boys write a Sinatra song.
Are you far along in Mafia? Biggins and I demand to know!
That's one of my favourite episodes of Frasier, second only to when Marty and the boys write a Sinatra song.
Are you far along in Mafia? Biggins and I demand to know!
Mine too. My other favorite being when Niles and Daphne get together, because I'm a huge sap, haha.
Finished it yesterday. I loved the story, even if it was mostly predictable. Unfortunately, I realized right around the drunken body-ditching scene that Joe was a 100% spitting image of a friend of mine, and that took me out of it a bit as I kept boggling at the resemblance.
I'm glad I didn't have to review this game, because it's such an odd thing. I spent half of the game driving from place to place, a quarter watching cutscenes, and a quarter actually doing missions, and yet I was still sad that it ended so suddenly. If any other game divvied up my time like that, I'd have given up on it and moved on. But despite all of the tedium, I was extremely invested in Vito and Joe, and the shootouts and chases were very satisfying.
Basically, it should have been a movie.
In other "what I've been playing" news: Path of Neo. Oh man, this game is AWFUL. Enter The Matrix was better than this, and that game was a steaming pile after the first couple of levels. I do get a kick out of Neo himself, though, who I've taken to calling Low-Poly Keanu (with an elaborate backstory explaining his godawful animation, awkward gun-holding, and twitches).
That's one of my favourite episodes of Frasier, second only to when Marty and the boys write a Sinatra song.
Are you far along in Mafia? Biggins and I demand to know!
Do I? Ok, I guess I am curious!
Have to say, one mission in Mafia 2 made me want to get out my old copy of the first game but I kinda got bored with it after about 30 minutes and so haven't yet got to the point I wanted to revisit from the first game.
Have to say, one mission in Mafia 2 made me want to get out my old copy of the first game but I kinda got bored with it after about 30 minutes and so haven't yet got to the point I wanted to revisit from the first game.
Which one? I've not played much of the first one at all, an early chase having put me off of the whole thing.
(I was already talking about it on the last page! XD)
Yeah, I've been practising more on it.
Dudley Training
Getting to grips with the moves, coming up with a few combos.
Still can't get parrying down at all! XD
I parry the occasional hit and fireball, but I just seem to get the timing off most of the time.
I'm struggling with default arcade mode.
Beat it with Ryu, only retrying on ken and gill a few times, (okay maybe with Gill it was more than a few, but that resurrection is annoying and if you don't time it right he blows you away too... >:/), but I can't even get half way through with anyone else.
Its funny how in some games I'm better with Ryu, and in others Ken.
In this game and Capcom vs SNK 2, I tear through the game with Ryu, yet in Super Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter 2, and Street Fighter Alpha 2-3 I usually get further with Ken.
My gamertag on the 360 is Big Head Mode now, if anyone feels like sparring, though not today or tomorrow, as I have to sleep now as my friend is coming over tomorrow, but I don't think I'm doing anything on Friday, so thats a pretty good time to catch me.
(I need to practice anyway)
Which one? I've not played much of the first one at all, an early chase having put me off of the whole thing.
The start of chapter 14 where you have to take out an old rat. Don't want to say too much if you haven't completed the first game but I suppose I could put it in spoiler tags (better to be safe than sorry).
The rat that Joe kills is the player character from the first game. You see the same scene from the target's (the player character from Mafia) perspective in the epilogue of the first game.
Have to admit that the start of Mafia really annoyed me when I went back and replayed it as it took me ages to escape in the very first chase that you have to do.
Yeah I always thought it was a bit of a stupid way to start a game. Well actually not the idea because that in itself was interesting but the fact that it was a ball ache to do was just silly. I mean it's the first goddamn mission in the game, they should have at least taken that into account. But noooooooo. Still, it is actually worth getting through it as it is a good game, if a little dated now (graphically, I can get away with it but control wise it does feel poor compared to newer games).
Probably should at least watch a Lets Play, if only for the story. Those Czech guys know how to weave a good yarn.
Also, I have to laugh, all this talk about Mafia & Mafia 2 is holding up my playing of Trials & Tribulations which I'm just getting back into these past couple of days after a slow start with it.
Haha, I do the same thing. I spend more time talking games than playing them these days. And considering how much time I spend playing, that's a feat indeed.
I'm playing Euro Truck Simulator at the moment in my spare time but I will get bored of it soon and hopefully have enough time to finish modding Kudos Rock Legend before my local dealer finishes setting up his new shop and gets a graphics card that will play Anno 1404. It's one of the few games I don't get bored with and despite suffering from being very time consuming (as all city-building/warfare/simulation/management games are), there's always something to do and the graphics are gorgeous.
Just bought Blocks That Matter, it looks like a clever little mashup of Minecraft and Tetris, both fun in their own rights. It was nice and cheap on Steam, so while I had money left over after getting my BttF DVD, I got this.
I think I'm nearing the end, and I'm absolutely in love with this game.
Funny thing: I'm doing a semi-no-kill playthrough, but I do kill when necessary. I also commit wholesale slaughter on the pedestrians with my armblades for fun. But I get pissed when I have to kill an enemy because of ammo or being in a bad position.
First Resort World (a Farmville clone) and now I've found myself playing Backyard Monsters, which is one part Tower Defense, one part resource gathering, one part Pokemon!!
I'm failing at avoiding social networking games in general!!!
I finally finished Unreal Gold. I'd played Unreal before, but never the add on 'Return to Na Pali'. All in all it took 25 hours and I had a lot of fun. I love the Nali race. One of my favourite alien races, next to the Hanar from Mass Effect.
Now I'm onto Broken Sword 3. Never played it before. So far it seems different, but the same. The control system uses only the keyboard and generally it seems to work quite well.
On my DS I'm currently replaying Custom Robo Arena. It was the first game I got for the DS and I love it!
On the 3DS I still haven't bought any games. Thank goodness I'll be getting those free ones in september to help tide me over to when they release a game I actually want.
It took me a few weeks to get into but I've really been engrossed in Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations these last few days. While a lot of the new characters are just weird frankly, the 5th case has been fantastic so far (just left it at the start of the 2nd day of the trial) and if I wasn't so tired now I'd still be playing it. But I need sleep so I'll finish it tomorrow. Well I guess it's technically later today seeing as it's nearly 1.30 am now. Meh.
I finally finished Unreal Gold. I'd played Unreal before, but never the add on 'Return to Na Pali'. All in all it took 25 hours and I had a lot of fun. I love the Nali race. One of my favourite alien races, next to the Hanar from Mass Effect.
Y'know, I've had Unreal (and expansion) almost since the day it came out, and I still never finished it legitimately. I was a compulsive cheat code user... or in this case, dev console user... back then, so I always hopped level to level.
I really should go back and do right by it someday, like I did with Doom and Duke 3D. (still working on a legit run of Blood and ROTT... my two favorite games, and I never finished either without cheats. Although to be fair, they were hard as HELL)
Y'know, I've had Unreal (and expansion) almost since the day it came out, and I still never finished it legitimately. I was a compulsive cheat code user... or in this case, dev console user... back then, so I always hopped level to level.
I really should go back and do right by it someday, like I did with Doom and Duke 3D. (still working on a legit run of Blood and ROTT... my two favorite games, and I never finished either without cheats. Although to be fair, they were hard as HELL)
:eek: I have a certain rule I always stick to. No cheats are to be used on the first playthrough, even if they are cruelly hard! (Unless there's a game breaking bug that can only be passed by a cheat). After that I feel I can cheat away should the fancy take me.
I just started as Adult Link, and I decided to explore a bit.
I got the Hookshot from the graveyard, winning Epona, accidentally ended up in Gerudo Valley, (did the freeing the carpenters bit while I was there), and finally made it to the forest temple.
:eek: I have a certain rule I always stick to. No cheats are to be used on the first playthrough, even if they are cruelly hard! (Unless there's a game breaking bug that can only be passed by a cheat). After that I feel I can cheat away should the fancy take me.
Totally agree nowadays, although I do make exceptions for games that just aren't fun enough for me to give a shit, or for times when a save file has left me in an unwinnable position and I'd have to go back an hour or two to rectify things.
Ceville. Had it on Steam for a while, so though 'what the hell'. It's a nice idea, but the translations a bit iffy in places and the animations on the little girl (to be specific, the way she moves her arms as she walks) are very annoying. But it's not a bad little game.
Left 4 Dead games with my cousin(we fail so bad, it makes us want to play more:D)
and Bullet Storm single player.
When did EA start doing that "must buy a code if you got the game used(or rental in my case) for online purposes" thing on the 360? Im fine with it, since I dont have gold or anything to even play multiplayer, but I thought it was a PS3 only thing?
When did EA start doing that "must buy a code if you got the game used(or rental in my case) for online purposes" thing on the 360? Im fine with it, since I dont have gold or anything to even play multiplayer, but I thought it was a PS3 only thing?
Last year I think, starting with their various sport games that came out then. From personal experience I know FIFA 11 & NHL 11 both came with codes to unlock online playability and if you didn't have a code you have to pay extra. The bastards.
I just started as Adult Link, and I decided to explore a bit.
I got the Hookshot from the graveyard, winning Epona, accidentally ended up in Gerudo Valley, (did the freeing the carpenters bit while I was there), and finally made it to the forest temple.
Haven't got far into it though...
That's where I'm up to. I find this game difficult actually, not exactly the game itself but all together, it's hard to be invested in it when a) I never played the original and b) the small screen size makes it not feel very epic at all.
I've been playing On the Rain-Slick Precipe of Darkness episode 1 lately. Got it with TTG's adventure bundle, but I didn't pick it up until recently, since I don't usually like RPGs. Since it was pretty straightforward gameplaywise and I liked the story, I haven't given up on it yet. Had to adjust the difficulty down from hard to normal since it's pretty hard to fight with a touch pad.
I'm also replaying The Dig for the first time in many years, using ScummVM on my HTC. The control scheme works a lot better than I thought it would, escpecially after having used ScummVM on a DS, where I found it a bit cumbersome.
Magic: The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers. Sean got me (and himself) the Steam deluxe version, which by the way does not actually include the DLC it says it does, so the $25 version has nothing more than the $10. Be aware if you're thinking of buying it, as all the purchasable content is also unlockable and I've unlocked a bunch of it already, so even if they fix the bug I'd be out some money, in my opinion.
Well, not me, as I didn't pay. You know what I mean.
I got a promo code to get a free deck and one special card and there was a store in my city that did the promotion, so I took the coupon there and got my stuff. Two guys where just settling to play and asked if I was a player to and if I had brought my cards, to which I said I didn't have any yet.
They started playing and I watched them play a couple of games, and got my free card and deck (I picked red, because I always pick red, despite the special card being a blue).
After that, they asked if I wanted to join in, and I said sure. They had a bunch of extra decks and one of the guys lent me one that was actually completely new and he had never played with. They also lent me dice for the counters.
Games summary. Skip if not interested.
So we played free-for-all and I lost the first game (one guy killed both of us at once) then for the second one guy (the one who didn't win the first game) got eliminated first, and then I won against the second one. I had 3 different cards that allowed me to gain health in various ways, on top of a card that allowed me to tap 2 to inflict 2 damage on any creature or player. By the time I won I had like 40 HP despite losing a bunch.
At some point close to the end I tried attacking (up till that point I hadn't really attacked using my creatures) but then he used some cards to kill my most powerful cards (one of them got a +1/+1 every time I regained health. It was super strong by the time he used a card to destroy it) so I went back to just regaining 2 health per turn (one through a land, one though a card that allowed me to regain 1 health every maintenance phase) and dealing 4 damage per turn, and I won.
What's more, he kept hoping and trying so I got to actually get him down to 0. I hate when people go "well, you've won" and the game stops, I feel like I didn't actually win when that happens.
End game summary. Tl;dr: I lost one game then won one.
While we were playing the first three-way game, a bunch more people arrived to play. I didn't get to play with any of them because by the time I was done the second game it was time for me to go home (I was originally just planning to pick up the deck and leave. I probably would have if I wasn't making a conscious effort to be more social of a person), but a few started a game next to us, and the guy who lost the second game first went to play at a different table while we were finishing up, and finished before us.
At this point I'm realising I don't know anyone's name that I played with. I didn't tell anyone my name either. Oops.
I did ask if there were regularly scheduled games or something, to which they said not really, except for tournaments, it's kind of a "you show up during the day and hope other people will too". If I see the same people next time I drop by (I really enjoyed playing and want to do it again) then I'll try and remember to ask for their names, that will make it more practical in the future.
Thing is, I'm thinking I probably need to get some cards. The deck I got is unplayable, it has like 3 lands in it overall, it's obviously not meant to be played with. But I'm kind of broke. My brother however wanted to sell his old Magic cards (he played back in 93-95) and I'm thinking of contacting him to ask if he'll sell them to me, as it would end up much cheaper than getting them from the store.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Really enjoying this game. Back in the 90s when both my older brothers were playing it, I was 8-10 and in the "if my brothers play it I don't wanna" phase so I never got into it... But it's a pretty neat game, I can see while it's still around after nearly 20 years.
Any other players around here, by the way? Maybe we could start a Magic thread. (If there is one already.... then oops, sorry guys for derailing this one )
A RTS with a twist.
Time. Travel.
I haven't actually got to that part of the system just yet.
Only played the intro, which was standard RTS affair.
And I will likely play it again on Friday, (I have a friend coming over tomorrow), as I know I'm going to need a lot of time for this to sink in.
I'd imagine multiplayer would be a awesomely chaotic affair.
Create a a giant army, then send it back into the past, to have double the firepower, but then your opponent could negate that by sending a small army back to destroy your unit generators.
GAH! Watching some gameplay footage my brain hurts already! XD
Anyone else got it?
That's one of my favourite episodes of Frasier, second only to when Marty and the boys write a Sinatra song.
Are you far along in Mafia? Biggins and I demand to know!
Mine too.
Finished it yesterday. I loved the story, even if it was mostly predictable. Unfortunately, I realized right around the drunken body-ditching scene that Joe was a 100% spitting image of a friend of mine, and that took me out of it a bit as I kept boggling at the resemblance.
I'm glad I didn't have to review this game, because it's such an odd thing. I spent half of the game driving from place to place, a quarter watching cutscenes, and a quarter actually doing missions, and yet I was still sad that it ended so suddenly. If any other game divvied up my time like that, I'd have given up on it and moved on. But despite all of the tedium, I was extremely invested in Vito and Joe, and the shootouts and chases were very satisfying.
Basically, it should have been a movie.
In other "what I've been playing" news: Path of Neo. Oh man, this game is AWFUL. Enter The Matrix was better than this, and that game was a steaming pile after the first couple of levels. I do get a kick out of Neo himself, though, who I've taken to calling Low-Poly Keanu (with an elaborate backstory explaining his godawful animation, awkward gun-holding, and twitches).
Do I? Ok, I guess I am curious!
Have to say, one mission in Mafia 2 made me want to get out my old copy of the first game but I kinda got bored with it after about 30 minutes and so haven't yet got to the point I wanted to revisit from the first game.
Which one? I've not played much of the first one at all, an early chase having put me off of the whole thing.
(I was already talking about it on the last page! XD)
Yeah, I've been practising more on it.
Dudley Training
Getting to grips with the moves, coming up with a few combos.
Still can't get parrying down at all! XD
I parry the occasional hit and fireball, but I just seem to get the timing off most of the time.
I'm struggling with default arcade mode.
Beat it with Ryu, only retrying on ken and gill a few times, (okay maybe with Gill it was more than a few, but that resurrection is annoying and if you don't time it right he blows you away too... >:/), but I can't even get half way through with anyone else.
Its funny how in some games I'm better with Ryu, and in others Ken.
In this game and Capcom vs SNK 2, I tear through the game with Ryu, yet in Super Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter 2, and Street Fighter Alpha 2-3 I usually get further with Ken.
My gamertag on the 360 is Big Head Mode now, if anyone feels like sparring, though not today or tomorrow, as I have to sleep now as my friend is coming over tomorrow, but I don't think I'm doing anything on Friday, so thats a pretty good time to catch me.
(I need to practice anyway)
The start of chapter 14 where you have to take out an old rat. Don't want to say too much if you haven't completed the first game but I suppose I could put it in spoiler tags (better to be safe than sorry).
Have to admit that the start of Mafia really annoyed me when I went back and replayed it as it took me ages to escape in the very first chase that you have to do.
Might play it again though, I loved poking about the streets to Django Reindhart
Yeah, that's the chase that put me off. It just was not fun in the slightest, and like all open-world games, I knew there'd be more to come.
Probably should at least watch a Lets Play, if only for the story. Those Czech guys know how to weave a good yarn.
Also, I have to laugh, all this talk about Mafia & Mafia 2 is holding up my playing of Trials & Tribulations which I'm just getting back into these past couple of days after a slow start with it.
Let's see how it is...
I think I'm nearing the end, and I'm absolutely in love with this game.
Funny thing: I'm doing a semi-no-kill playthrough, but I do kill when necessary. I also commit wholesale slaughter on the pedestrians with my armblades for fun. But I get pissed when I have to kill an enemy because of ammo or being in a bad position.
I don't think I'm supposed to play like this.
First Resort World (a Farmville clone) and now I've found myself playing Backyard Monsters, which is one part Tower Defense, one part resource gathering, one part Pokemon!!
I'm failing at avoiding social networking games in general!!!
Its a pretty good game. Tough though.
Keep dying all the time.
Just finished the Island tutorial area, and I now have to clean up my castle.
I'm currently running the default team, which isn't so bad, but not ideal though.
In the beginning here's a good tip:
If you struggle to beat the dragonflies, just slowly walk where they are, being just far enough to attract a handful, then run back to the town.
The dragonflies will go for peasants and soldiers normally, leaving you to pick them off, and loot the corpses.
Now I'm onto Broken Sword 3. Never played it before. So far it seems different, but the same. The control system uses only the keyboard and generally it seems to work quite well.
On my DS I'm currently replaying Custom Robo Arena. It was the first game I got for the DS and I love it!
On the 3DS I still haven't bought any games. Thank goodness I'll be getting those free ones in september to help tide me over to when they release a game I actually want.
I'm currently on Nar Shadaa, which is a really cool sounding name.
Y'know, I've had Unreal (and expansion) almost since the day it came out, and I still never finished it legitimately. I was a compulsive cheat code user... or in this case, dev console user... back then, so I always hopped level to level.
I really should go back and do right by it someday, like I did with Doom and Duke 3D. (still working on a legit run of Blood and ROTT... my two favorite games, and I never finished either without cheats. Although to be fair, they were hard as HELL)
:eek: I have a certain rule I always stick to. No cheats are to be used on the first playthrough, even if they are cruelly hard! (Unless there's a game breaking bug that can only be passed by a cheat). After that I feel I can cheat away should the fancy take me.
I just started as Adult Link, and I decided to explore a bit.
I got the Hookshot from the graveyard, winning Epona, accidentally ended up in Gerudo Valley, (did the freeing the carpenters bit while I was there), and finally made it to the forest temple.
Haven't got far into it though...
Totally agree nowadays, although I do make exceptions for games that just aren't fun enough for me to give a shit, or for times when a save file has left me in an unwinnable position and I'd have to go back an hour or two to rectify things.
EDIT: So from what I see, you need to kill the Jester to get the key to save the princess.
However, the guards are very, very tough.
Found a cave and have been exploring it a bit.
Need to draw a map methinks.
Interesting thing to note about this game is that killing enemies then exiting dungeons gives you health.
Also health can be bought from kings.
EDIT 2: Took a quick look at the guide. I think I got this game mostly figured out now.
I might even be able to beat it tomorrow.
and Bullet Storm single player.
When did EA start doing that "must buy a code if you got the game used(or rental in my case) for online purposes" thing on the 360? Im fine with it, since I dont have gold or anything to even play multiplayer, but I thought it was a PS3 only thing?
Last year I think, starting with their various sport games that came out then. From personal experience I know FIFA 11 & NHL 11 both came with codes to unlock online playability and if you didn't have a code you have to pay extra. The bastards.
That's where I'm up to. I find this game difficult actually, not exactly the game itself but all together, it's hard to be invested in it when a) I never played the original and b) the small screen size makes it not feel very epic at all.
I'm also replaying The Dig for the first time in many years, using ScummVM on my HTC. The control scheme works a lot better than I thought it would, escpecially after having used ScummVM on a DS, where I found it a bit cumbersome.
Well, not me, as I didn't pay. You know what I mean.
I got a promo code to get a free deck and one special card and there was a store in my city that did the promotion, so I took the coupon there and got my stuff. Two guys where just settling to play and asked if I was a player to and if I had brought my cards, to which I said I didn't have any yet.
They started playing and I watched them play a couple of games, and got my free card and deck (I picked red, because I always pick red, despite the special card being a blue).
After that, they asked if I wanted to join in, and I said sure. They had a bunch of extra decks and one of the guys lent me one that was actually completely new and he had never played with. They also lent me dice for the counters.
Games summary. Skip if not interested.
So we played free-for-all and I lost the first game (one guy killed both of us at once) then for the second one guy (the one who didn't win the first game) got eliminated first, and then I won against the second one. I had 3 different cards that allowed me to gain health in various ways, on top of a card that allowed me to tap 2 to inflict 2 damage on any creature or player. By the time I won I had like 40 HP despite losing a bunch.
At some point close to the end I tried attacking (up till that point I hadn't really attacked using my creatures) but then he used some cards to kill my most powerful cards (one of them got a +1/+1 every time I regained health. It was super strong by the time he used a card to destroy it) so I went back to just regaining 2 health per turn (one through a land, one though a card that allowed me to regain 1 health every maintenance phase) and dealing 4 damage per turn, and I won.
What's more, he kept hoping and trying so I got to actually get him down to 0. I hate when people go "well, you've won" and the game stops, I feel like I didn't actually win when that happens.
End game summary. Tl;dr: I lost one game then won one.
While we were playing the first three-way game, a bunch more people arrived to play. I didn't get to play with any of them because by the time I was done the second game it was time for me to go home (I was originally just planning to pick up the deck and leave. I probably would have if I wasn't making a conscious effort to be more social of a person), but a few started a game next to us, and the guy who lost the second game first went to play at a different table while we were finishing up, and finished before us.
At this point I'm realising I don't know anyone's name that I played with. I didn't tell anyone my name either. Oops.
I did ask if there were regularly scheduled games or something, to which they said not really, except for tournaments, it's kind of a "you show up during the day and hope other people will too". If I see the same people next time I drop by (I really enjoyed playing and want to do it again) then I'll try and remember to ask for their names, that will make it more practical in the future.
Thing is, I'm thinking I probably need to get some cards. The deck I got is unplayable, it has like 3 lands in it overall, it's obviously not meant to be played with. But I'm kind of broke. My brother however wanted to sell his old Magic cards (he played back in 93-95) and I'm thinking of contacting him to ask if he'll sell them to me, as it would end up much cheaper than getting them from the store.
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Really enjoying this game. Back in the 90s when both my older brothers were playing it, I was 8-10 and in the "if my brothers play it I don't wanna" phase so I never got into it... But it's a pretty neat game, I can see while it's still around after nearly 20 years.
Any other players around here, by the way? Maybe we could start a Magic thread. (If there is one already.... then oops, sorry guys for derailing this one
Even the demo is fantastic!!
I definately have to get the game on both Xbox 360 and PC.
I could get the 360 version now, (but not sure if I even have £5 left in my bank account), but I get paid on Friday so I should wait till then.
But its so good! Its driving me bonkers!!
EDIT: Squee! I got 20520 on the first SkeeBoulder course.
(Thats basically 3 6x multipliers there!
Love it!)