I could have got Final Fantasy 4 for the DS, but to be honest, I've played 4 before and I never got into it.
I think its a combination of slow start, and lacklustre battle system.
(Plus after playing Final Fantasy 6 and 9 for a while, I've gotten pretty spoilt)
And I definately don't see why people complain about the Tactics Advance series.
Final Fantasy Tactics is a great game, but so it Tactics Advance and A2.
Sure the stories aren't quite as good, and its aimed at a slightly wider audience than the original, but its not terrible.
The gameplay is superb, the graphics are bright and clean, and it has a lot of content.
The class system is probably the best of any Final Fantasy game ever.
You have the class sytem mostly based apon what we have seen from other Final Fantasy games, combined with the learning abilities and spells that came from 9, (at least I think it did...).
Plus there are multiple races, with different strenghts and weaknesses.
And it allows for mutliple strategies.
And the game can be genuinely hard at times.
(Plus In the second one (I can't remember if the first one had it), you can set it to hard mode)
I'm not absolutely crazy about FFIII, but FFTA2 was definitely a good choice. That game is amazing. I have a copy of FFT: War of the Lions that my friend gave me that I've been thinking about getting around to playing, and I've kind of been wanting to give FFTA and FFTA2 another go.
I bought that game on PC but it ran like total ass and I couldn't enjoy it. Is it any good?
Well I have it on the 360 so performance isn't really an issue but I haven't played it much yet. Seems ok, but the controls are a little sketchy like the driving isn't the best and climbing stuff could be better. Can't say much about the story as I'm not far into it yet but to be honest I'm not expecting much from what other people have told me. I'm just hoping that it'll be at least a bit fun and entertaining.
Since my newly-received copy of RB2 is a bust (grumblegrumble), I've taken advantage of my also newly-received replacement guitar controller breakaway cable to get back into the original Rock Band.
Yep, still massively addictive. More so, in fact, since I'm not playing it in a tiny, thin-walled apartment on an eensy-weensy TV. Now I can move around and act a fool with abandon.
I just went through and played, on average, thirty minutes of all the games from the Humble Bundle 3 (and 2 since that's now part of 3).
The ones that I spent the most time on were Braid and VVVVVV (I can't remember how many V's there are. Best put in a few extra just to make sure) VVVVVVVVV. Though I also quite liked the strategy one with the turrets, but since I'd never heard of it before, I can't remember it now. In any case, a good time was had.
Unfortunately the Bundle 3 includes no extras like that.
I think Revenge of the Titans, Machinarium, and Osmos came with soundtracks and they were included in the Humble Bundle 3 recently. I guess that's what I was thinking about.
Playing E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. It's like a bizarre French version of Deus Ex, with the jankiness of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Really fun, but incredibly frustrating and with a steep learning curve. Recommended if you like Deus Ex and can't wait for Human Revolution.
Also, Mortal Kombat, as always.
Soon I'll be receiving a replacement breakaway cord for my guitar controller, as well as a copy of Rock Band 2, so I'll finally be getting back to Rock Band...ing. I was going to get Rock Band 3, but most of the songs I really want on RB3 (Yoshimi, Bohemian Rhapsody, etc.) look to be the most fun on keyboard, and I can't afford instruments.
Even before I got the Keyboard I was greatly enjoying RB3. Keyboard did add a lot of fun for me, but the problem is many songs still don't support it. All the pro instruments are nice. Hell Pro-Drums was what made me get RB3. It helped them from getting stale.
Playing LIMBO nowadays.
It is a dark-edgy 2d sidescroller puzzle platformer game with a black and white silhouette art style set in an unpredictable world. It's basically the game of life.
Ive spent longer than anyone should tackling Babel on Catherine. Ok so normal mode of Golden Playhouse was fine and I havent tried hard mode yet but the FIRST level of Babel is torture. Anyone managed it yet? I've got to the stage when I can reach 100steps no problem and my record is 134. So close! Its so very very addictive and Im sure ill get there eventually but seriously, are levels 2,3,4 of Babel worth a shot or straight up impossible? My only attempt at Menhir lasted 6 steps
Mario's Picross on the 3DS VC. Best $4 spent ever.
Its awesome, but it is pretty short.
I've already completed it! X'O
Was tempted to pick up Picross DS since it was £2.50 used, but I got other stuff instead.
(Next time I'm up town I'm going to pick that up. Picross 3D would be great too, but that one is suprisingly hard to find cheap! XD)
Ive spent longer than anyone should tackling Babel on Catherine. Ok so normal mode of Golden Playhouse was fine and I havent tried hard mode yet but the FIRST level of Babel is torture. Anyone managed it yet? I've got to the stage when I can reach 100steps no problem and my record is 134. So close! Its so very very addictive and Im sure ill get there eventually but seriously, are levels 2,3,4 of Babel worth a shot or straight up impossible? My only attempt at Menhir lasted 6 steps
I was right at the end when my friend accidently pushed a block out of the way and wound up getting himself killed.
The hard part for me is working with others. I blazed through Catherine. HOwever Hard was a bit much for me.
...Kirby's Dreamland is the same price as Mario's Picross. Kirby's Dreamland takes about twenty minutes from start to finish. I've already spent about 6 hours in Mario's Picross.
...Kirby's Dreamland is the same price as Mario's Picross. Kirby's Dreamland takes about twenty minutes from start to finish. I've already spent about 6 hours in Mario's Picross.
I guess I must have been a little too good at Picross.
Now playing New Vegas. The moral system here is odd since I stole guns from the local store and the village still loves me, but still pretty good.
The first thing that happened to me when I played New Vegas was I got eaten by giant flies. And here I was, thinking that Yahtzee was exaggerating about that aspect of the game.
I can hardly believe it, but I finished World of Goo. That makes one game each out of the Humble Bundles 1 and 3 that I've beaten (the other being VVVVVV). Maybe tomorrow, I'll play something out of the Humble Bundle 2, like Machinarium or something.
By the way, before Dashing asks, I only got one of OCDs, it was by accident, and I don't intend to go back for the rest.
I'm playing a mix of Kudos Rock Legend and Euro Truck Simulator (called Big Rig Simulator on the US market) in the evenings at the moment while waiting for my local computer supplier to finish moving premesis so he can buy some year-old graphics cards so I can play Anno 1404 again (the one I bought from him last year isn't supported in-game but I have a list now of which are).
Anyways, last night I started work on expanding KRL from my knowledge of music and what I like (not quite interchangeable), using the csv resource files and adding some more sounds. I did do lists of bands, traits and ability-improving lessons but in order to avoid something beginning with 'copy' and ending in 'ment', I had to snapshot the lists as images and sadly, I cannot upload to Photobucket from work.
So I shall do this when I get online at home tonight (British Time) to narrow down the interest to those that will actually enjoy the improvements. I shall provide the csvs and mp3s (the game uses ogg but I'll use mp3s if it will let me) when I'm done but downloaders must have the music featured already in their collection or I'm providing them with fr33 music (which I'm not personally against but I don't want my arse su'd).
How long I take on this project will depend on my free time, bugs I encounter and how long it'll take me to take snippets from my music collection. Get ready to rock!
I've also decided to change sax for guitar in every way I can, to swap the medium and hard parts in practice/musicianship to fit what else I'm adding (I may even plug my own guitar in for this!). I'm also adding/changing items for sale for things like backdrop, props, etc..
It also turns out that mp3 support is not available in-game, so I'll find a way to chop mp3s and convert them to Ogg Vorbis. Everything else, bar debugging, is pretty simple. The game will be so rich in new material that testing will be a joy rather than a chore!
Played Machinarium tonight. So far, the Humble Bundle games are 3/3 for being fucking AMAZING. Tomorrow, I'm thinking Osmos, Aquaria, or And Yet It Moves. Or, since it's by the same developer as Machinarium, I might play Samorost before I play Samorost 2.
Oh, I'd forgotten, I started playing Crayon Physics Deluxe a few nights ago. That one was pretty great too, though not quite as amazing as the others.
Read KRL forums last night, read the SCS Software (Euro Truck Simulator/Big Rig Europe) blog and played ETS until 5:30am. Really regretted it, given that I had to be woken up at 8:30am by my mother and was 45 minutes late for work.
It's so easy to get a momentary brainfreeze in that game and have a few damage events and traffic penalties as a result, at my early stage in the game meaning that good progress turns to barely any within 5 minutes. Was very annoying when I ran out of fuel only 400 yards (360 metres) from the fuel station.
Found some new country mods online but they all work with v1.0, not v1.3 . ETS2 coming out late this year, though. The graphics are photograph quality, the world has more landmarks/scenery and the trucks are now comprehensively customisable. Would like to see it finished.
Back to the KRL project, does anyone know of any good free or cheap mp3 choppers (or whatever the term is) and/or mp3 to Ogg converters? I probably won't use my guitar because thinking about it, it's pretty fucked and I can't get a good sound out of it.
Read KRL forums last night, read the SCS Software (Euro Truck Simulator/Big Rig Europe) blog and played ETS until 5:30am. Really regretted it, given that I had to be woken up at 8:30am by my mother and was 45 minutes late for work.
It's so easy to get a momentary brainfreeze in that game and have a few damage events and traffic penalties as a result, at my early stage in the game meaning that good progress turns to barely any within 5 minutes. Was very annoying when I ran out of fuel only 400 yards (360 metres) from the fuel station.
Found some new country mods online but they all work with v1.0, not v1.3 . ETS2 coming out late this year, though. The graphics are photograph quality, the world has more landmarks/scenery and the trucks are now comprehensively customisable. Would like to see it finished.
Back to the KRL project, does anyone know of any good free or cheap mp3 choppers (or whatever the term is) and/or mp3 to Ogg converters? I probably won't use my guitar because thinking about it, it's pretty fucked and I can't get a good sound out of it.
Audacity is good for chopping up and tweaking sound.
(Free too!)
Audacity is good for chopping up and tweaking sound.
(Free too!)
And exports to ogg too.
Sounds like my one-stop shop. Thanks!
Edit: I've had a look at the home site and it's a very powerful free tool. The only thing I'd miss from it is to use a sound file as a filter, in effect subtracting one from another.
I'm very glad I bought these. Excellent games.
I could have got Final Fantasy 4 for the DS, but to be honest, I've played 4 before and I never got into it.
I think its a combination of slow start, and lacklustre battle system.
(Plus after playing Final Fantasy 6 and 9 for a while, I've gotten pretty spoilt)
And I definately don't see why people complain about the Tactics Advance series.
Final Fantasy Tactics is a great game, but so it Tactics Advance and A2.
Sure the stories aren't quite as good, and its aimed at a slightly wider audience than the original, but its not terrible.
The gameplay is superb, the graphics are bright and clean, and it has a lot of content.
The class system is probably the best of any Final Fantasy game ever.
You have the class sytem mostly based apon what we have seen from other Final Fantasy games, combined with the learning abilities and spells that came from 9, (at least I think it did...).
Plus there are multiple races, with different strenghts and weaknesses.
And it allows for mutliple strategies.
And the game can be genuinely hard at times.
(Plus In the second one (I can't remember if the first one had it), you can set it to hard mode)
I bought that game on PC but it ran like total ass and I couldn't enjoy it. Is it any good?
I'm going through Deus Ex at the moment, i've never cleared it before and i'm determined to this time around, it's just so bloody hard!
Well I have it on the 360 so performance isn't really an issue but I haven't played it much yet. Seems ok, but the controls are a little sketchy like the driving isn't the best and climbing stuff could be better. Can't say much about the story as I'm not far into it yet but to be honest I'm not expecting much from what other people have told me. I'm just hoping that it'll be at least a bit fun and entertaining.
Yep, still massively addictive. More so, in fact, since I'm not playing it in a tiny, thin-walled apartment on an eensy-weensy TV. Now I can move around and act a fool with abandon.
I assume I am excluded from the name calling?
But other games I need to finish are:
LA Noire
Sly3 Honor Among Thieves
Max Payne
And a lot more that I can't think of right now.
The ones that I spent the most time on were Braid and VVVVVV (I can't remember how many V's there are. Best put in a few extra just to make sure) VVVVVVVVV. Though I also quite liked the strategy one with the turrets, but since I'd never heard of it before, I can't remember it now. In any case, a good time was had.
I like the music. That's what got me through the bits where I died. Which was pretty much every bit.
Well then get PPPPPP.
I might already have that if it came with the Humble Bundle. I know some of the games came with downloadable soundtracks. I just forget which ones.
Unfortunately the Bundle 3 includes no extras like that.
I think Revenge of the Titans, Machinarium, and Osmos came with soundtracks and they were included in the Humble Bundle 3 recently. I guess that's what I was thinking about.
Even before I got the Keyboard I was greatly enjoying RB3. Keyboard did add a lot of fun for me, but the problem is many songs still don't support it. All the pro instruments are nice. Hell Pro-Drums was what made me get RB3. It helped them from getting stale.
It is a dark-edgy 2d sidescroller puzzle platformer game with a black and white silhouette art style set in an unpredictable world. It's basically the game of life.
Its awesome, but it is pretty short.
I've already completed it! X'O
Was tempted to pick up Picross DS since it was £2.50 used, but I got other stuff instead.
(Next time I'm up town I'm going to pick that up. Picross 3D would be great too, but that one is suprisingly hard to find cheap! XD)
I was right at the end when my friend accidently pushed a block out of the way and wound up getting himself killed.
The hard part for me is working with others. I blazed through Catherine. HOwever Hard was a bit much for me.
...Kirby's Dreamland is the same price as Mario's Picross. Kirby's Dreamland takes about twenty minutes from start to finish. I've already spent about 6 hours in Mario's Picross.
I guess I must have been a little too good at Picross.
I'm going to try to complete it tonight.
Already on the Sigma stages, got to the Face boss.
EDIT: Final Stage now.... :O
EDIT 2: Completed!
(Well not 100% since I didn't get all the health packs and the hadoken, but I beat everything else. I am pretty happy!
The first thing that happened to me when I played New Vegas was I got eaten by giant flies. And here I was, thinking that Yahtzee was exaggerating about that aspect of the game.
Both that and Donkey Kong are the best things on the eShop right now.
Links Awakening and Kirby were the things that got me going. The Golf game up there's a-ok as well, def good value for money.
Awesome fun.
World of Goo is VERY good... but it's one of those games you don't want to play when you have a low tolerance to frustration.
By the way, before Dashing asks, I only got one of OCDs, it was by accident, and I don't intend to go back for the rest.
Anyways, last night I started work on expanding KRL from my knowledge of music and what I like (not quite interchangeable), using the csv resource files and adding some more sounds. I did do lists of bands, traits and ability-improving lessons but in order to avoid something beginning with 'copy' and ending in 'ment', I had to snapshot the lists as images and sadly, I cannot upload to Photobucket from work.
So I shall do this when I get online at home tonight (British Time) to narrow down the interest to those that will actually enjoy the improvements. I shall provide the csvs and mp3s (the game uses ogg but I'll use mp3s if it will let me) when I'm done but downloaders must have the music featured already in their collection or I'm providing them with fr33 music (which I'm not personally against but I don't want my arse su'd).
How long I take on this project will depend on my free time, bugs I encounter and how long it'll take me to take snippets from my music collection. Get ready to rock!
I've also decided to change sax for guitar in every way I can, to swap the medium and hard parts in practice/musicianship to fit what else I'm adding (I may even plug my own guitar in for this!). I'm also adding/changing items for sale for things like backdrop, props, etc..
It also turns out that mp3 support is not available in-game, so I'll find a way to chop mp3s and convert them to Ogg Vorbis. Everything else, bar debugging, is pretty simple. The game will be so rich in new material that testing will be a joy rather than a chore!
Oh, I'd forgotten, I started playing Crayon Physics Deluxe a few nights ago. That one was pretty great too, though not quite as amazing as the others.
It's so easy to get a momentary brainfreeze in that game and have a few damage events and traffic penalties as a result, at my early stage in the game meaning that good progress turns to barely any within 5 minutes. Was very annoying when I ran out of fuel only 400 yards (360 metres) from the fuel station.
Found some new country mods online but they all work with v1.0, not v1.3
Back to the KRL project, does anyone know of any good free or cheap mp3 choppers (or whatever the term is) and/or mp3 to Ogg converters? I probably won't use my guitar because thinking about it, it's pretty fucked and I can't get a good sound out of it.
Audacity is good for chopping up and tweaking sound.
(Free too!)
And exports to ogg too.
Sounds like my one-stop shop. Thanks!
Edit: I've had a look at the home site and it's a very powerful free tool. The only thing I'd miss from it is to use a sound file as a filter, in effect subtracting one from another.
So would anybody here be interested in my mod?
Amazing game, amazing soundtrack.