Playing Act II in Diablo III and it feels like a horrible grind. Just like Act II in Diablo 2. I just want to get out of the desert-biome.
I don't know about Diablo III, but in Diablo II my least favorite area was the jungle in Act III. I mean, come on. The randomly generated tiny little paths are impossible to get through without backtracking a ton and then there's tiny little super fast skeletons everywhere that are a pain to target. Especially if you're a melee character. Or a necromancer.
I don't know about Diablo III, but in Diablo II my least favorite area was the jungle in Act III. I mean, come on. The randomly generated tiny little paths are impossible to get through without backtracking a ton
That's why I always chose barbarian & sorceress. Shortcuts.No jungle-biome in D3.
That's why I always chose barbarian & sorceress. Shortcuts.No jungle-biome in D3.
I just like having my own personal army surrounding me. Or at least a few bodyguards. Hence, I tend to go for the Necromancer or Amazon. And always the Necromancer when I'm playing with Comrade Mortis.
Half-Life + mods (for project #73, I'm writing reviews of HL and all the big mods. Might take a while)
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (not a bad game but man, some of the achievements are evil)
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (replaying, still awesome)
Vanquish (well, I will eventually. I did rent it, after all)
I love that game. This week I finished the tutorial including finding the one piece of loot, throwing the basketball around and reading all the developer quotes.
After that the wonderful first level "Lord Bafford’s Manor", which was stripped off all loot as well.
And today I just cranked up the gamma to maximum level and made it through the Mines/prison/cathedral level (Break From Cragscleft Prison) in one piece. As a teenager this level and the one that lied before me now, the Bonehoard, scared me silly. Oh those zombies.
Needless to say: this level has no more loot in it left. And all the Hammerites lie unconcious in a dark corner.
Edit: Level 3 is done. That was the first level I needed a video on youtube telling me which pieces of loot I missed (it was a lump of silver and a purse and at least for the lump of silver I am sure that I never got it in my previous playthroughs of that level). This also was the first level that had an obvious change in the gold version of the game. A flaming enemy. If I look bach at it some of the prisoners in the prison level were new too. Especially the female prisoner was obvious.
On to level 4. Assassins.
Edit: So it is done. The mission starts out interesting but I have the feeling they didn't use it right. The map has a huge city area without a single piece of loot. It's all in the mansion. Including almost invisible rings on a carpet and a diamnd in the fireplace. Hey! diamonds can be burned because they are pure carbon. Don't store them inside the fireplace near a flame... Still all loot is mine. Even the diamond before it turns to ashes. Keep your stuff safe or I'll steal it. Also the level didn't change at all from the normal version of the game.
Tomorrow my diary will continue with the "Thieves Guild"-mission. A mission new to Thief Gold. So I actually never played it before.
So today I played the first level that was completely new to me, The Thieves GUild. And it took 4+ hours to explore. It's really HUGE. But that also means the loot is really spread out. Also I had to look up where one of the goals in expert mode was hidden in the game. I would never have found that one. Never. I passed it so many times without even thinking it could be there.
Also consistency problems everywhere. In one of the 2 manors you need to explore you cannot cut down the banners in the other one you have to do that. And again some of the loot is hidden in strange places. But hey, that's normal.
One thing that isn't normal in these levels are the shadows. All of them cloak you less than they would in the normal levels of the game. Hope you got all the water arrows before the mission. You will need them.
Edit: Mission 6: The Sword
This mission was expaned quite a bit by a new secret area in Thief Gold. Unfortunately they also hid 20 gold in there so you have to find it. It's just a small addition to the game but, again, this is the main reason I bought the gold edition on Steam after so many years only being able to play the standard version. The level itself was a bit of a mindfuck back in the day and even today this is easily one of the strangest houses I ever explored in a videogame.
Well the guards don't mind and gold is gold. Some pieces were again hidden in places I never dared to look. But in this level I found everything without a walkthrough.
At the hospital, I was playing Animal Crossing: Wild World, Pokemon Black and White (at the same time), and VVVVVV. At home, I finished Echoes just before things got more serious with my mom, and I've just started Corruption. And my cousin's on his way over now to play some Resident Evil 5.
You ever figure out what the bloody rooms with the spikes in the center are for?
Also, this expansion... TOTALLY WORTH IT! The game feels brand freaking new with all this stuff. It makes you wonder why guys like Team Meat charge $3 for stuff that nearly doubles the content of the game while others charge $15 for a map or 2.
Sacrifice health and a chest may appear. Not worth it!
Bleck. The rooms that hurt you when you walk in are bad enough.
Also, I still get a bit of glee when I remember my first playthrough was that batboy robot thing. Shame I still didn't beat Mom that way I've only beaten her once and apparantly that doesn't count as it was the first victory which unlocks the real thing .
Bastion, second playthrough. It's great fun and has nice art. The balance between the available weapons works really well. Also, the game doesn't overinflate its gameplay to dozens and dozens of hours just because it could. That's a thumbs up.
Ghost Trick - I walked into this one blind (avoiding the chatter was not easy) and I love it. From the unique poltergeist gameplay to the storyline and vibrant animation.
Spy Party - This game's in beta and it's really really badass. The long and shoirt of it is that it's a two-player game, one person's a spy who has to acomplish a set of espionage-y tasks at a society function without being detected. The other player is a sniper who must decide who the spy is and eliminate them, the gameplay is basically built around behaviour and mannerisms as opposed to reflexes, i've never played a video game like it before and it's absolutely awesome.
Kid Icarus Uprising - Still playing this, love it!
Back on Dead Space. Just playing through on Impossible difficulty for that last trophy. It really is pretty hard, though once you realize you can slow-motion enemies and just punch them it loses some of it's horror.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I was playing Cthulhu Saves the World. That game is more fun than it should be and the perfect length for what I was looking for. At some point, I intend to go back and see if I can complete some of the bonus modes.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I was playing Cthulhu Saves the World. That game is more fun than it should be and the perfect length for what I was looking for. At some point, I intend to go back and see if I can complete some of the bonus modes.
How long is it btw? I've been looking to get stuck into it but i'm desperately paranoid about having no time everytime I start a new game.
I don't know about Diablo III, but in Diablo II my least favorite area was the jungle in Act III. I mean, come on. The randomly generated tiny little paths are impossible to get through without backtracking a ton and then there's tiny little super fast skeletons everywhere that are a pain to target. Especially if you're a melee character. Or a necromancer.
I'd take Act II any day of the week.
That's why I always chose barbarian & sorceress. Shortcuts.No jungle-biome in D3.
Sven Co-op
Alice: Madness Returns
And tomorrow I'm starting Dead Island hopefully
I record in pretty much all of these games.
Fantastic games. Just fantastic!
The DS does have some good RPGs but really the PSP isn't exactly lacking in them either!
I just like having my own personal army surrounding me. Or at least a few bodyguards. Hence, I tend to go for the Necromancer or Amazon. And always the Necromancer when I'm playing with Comrade Mortis.
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mario Party 9
Wheel of Fortune Wii
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (not a bad game but man, some of the achievements are evil)
Professor Layton and the Curious Village (replaying, still awesome)
Vanquish (well, I will eventually. I did rent it, after all)
I love that game. This week I finished the tutorial including finding the one piece of loot, throwing the basketball around and reading all the developer quotes.
After that the wonderful first level "Lord Bafford’s Manor", which was stripped off all loot as well.
And today I just cranked up the gamma to maximum level and made it through the Mines/prison/cathedral level (Break From Cragscleft Prison) in one piece. As a teenager this level and the one that lied before me now, the Bonehoard, scared me silly. Oh those zombies.
Needless to say: this level has no more loot in it left. And all the Hammerites lie unconcious in a dark corner.
Edit: Level 3 is done. That was the first level I needed a video on youtube telling me which pieces of loot I missed (it was a lump of silver and a purse and at least for the lump of silver I am sure that I never got it in my previous playthroughs of that level). This also was the first level that had an obvious change in the gold version of the game. A flaming enemy. If I look bach at it some of the prisoners in the prison level were new too. Especially the female prisoner was obvious.
On to level 4. Assassins.
Edit: So it is done. The mission starts out interesting but I have the feeling they didn't use it right. The map has a huge city area without a single piece of loot. It's all in the mansion. Including almost invisible rings on a carpet and a diamnd in the fireplace. Hey! diamonds can be burned because they are pure carbon. Don't store them inside the fireplace near a flame... Still all loot is mine. Even the diamond before it turns to ashes. Keep your stuff safe or I'll steal it. Also the level didn't change at all from the normal version of the game.
Tomorrow my diary will continue with the "Thieves Guild"-mission. A mission new to Thief Gold. So I actually never played it before.
So today I played the first level that was completely new to me, The Thieves GUild. And it took 4+ hours to explore. It's really HUGE. But that also means the loot is really spread out. Also I had to look up where one of the goals in expert mode was hidden in the game. I would never have found that one. Never. I passed it so many times without even thinking it could be there.
Also consistency problems everywhere. In one of the 2 manors you need to explore you cannot cut down the banners in the other one you have to do that. And again some of the loot is hidden in strange places. But hey, that's normal.
One thing that isn't normal in these levels are the shadows. All of them cloak you less than they would in the normal levels of the game. Hope you got all the water arrows before the mission. You will need them.
Mission 6: The Sword
This mission was expaned quite a bit by a new secret area in Thief Gold. Unfortunately they also hid 20 gold in there so you have to find it. It's just a small addition to the game but, again, this is the main reason I bought the gold edition on Steam after so many years only being able to play the standard version. The level itself was a bit of a mindfuck back in the day and even today this is easily one of the strangest houses I ever explored in a videogame.
Well the guards don't mind and gold is gold. Some pieces were again hidden in places I never dared to look. But in this level I found everything without a walkthrough.
I have started, THE WRATH OF THE LAMB!
It's pretty fun, but I also haven't the foggiest what I'm doing. I keep smashing things because there are things to smash, but I don't know why.
I suppose the game will fill me in on this sooner or later.
The Narrator not explaining things?
Some things, but the weird crystals that I keep snapping up remain something of a mystery.
Really? I could've sworn the narrator told more about those things at the beginning.
Maybe I missed it. I do forget things. But I eventually found out what they were. Old world fragments.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
You ever figure out what the bloody rooms with the spikes in the center are for?
Also, this expansion... TOTALLY WORTH IT! The game feels brand freaking new with all this stuff. It makes you wonder why guys like Team Meat charge $3 for stuff that nearly doubles the content of the game while others charge $15 for a map or 2.
Bleck. The rooms that hurt you when you walk in are bad enough.
Also, I still get a bit of glee when I remember my first playthrough was that batboy robot thing. Shame I still didn't beat Mom that way
Spore- Its awesome too, I just like to build Civilizations!
Minecraft- Yea im a builder! it.
...then fund it.
So far, DeathSpank seems like nothing more than an endless slew of fetch quests with funny dialogue.
ya do need quite the rig to run it though.
I played the original max payne back in the day. was one of my favorite games.
gonna go play online tonight with some buddys, looks pretty fun the online aspect.
Spy Party - This game's in beta and it's really really badass. The long and shoirt of it is that it's a two-player game, one person's a spy who has to acomplish a set of espionage-y tasks at a society function without being detected. The other player is a sniper who must decide who the spy is and eliminate them, the gameplay is basically built around behaviour and mannerisms as opposed to reflexes, i've never played a video game like it before and it's absolutely awesome.
Kid Icarus Uprising - Still playing this, love it!
How long is it btw? I've been looking to get stuck into it but i'm desperately paranoid about having no time everytime I start a new game.