Without collecting all the capacity upgrades (and my completion rate was only 50-some percent), it's only a two and a half hour game on a repeat play through.
I'm at Johto League Elite Four in Pokemon HeartGold. My roster is: Umbreon Lv45, Quilava Lv50, Totodile Lv50, Chikorita Lv47, Sudowoodo Lv40 and Noctowl Lv43. I want to get everyone to Lv50 before tackling on the Elite Four, though.
Got all three starters via trading. Two years ago. Yes, I've started this game May 2010 and now I have 8 badges and am at the Indigo Plateau. Considering there's another whole Kanto region, followed by a second Elite Four rematch and battle with Red, I guess I'll complete the game in 2014.
For a portable console, I play my DS only when I have some free time at home and don't have/want anything to do at my PC.
P.S. If I don't evolve a Pokemon, that means I don't like the design of the evolution, so to hell with that
P.P.S. Pokemon Gold/Silver and HeartGold/SoulSilver FTW! The best Pokemon games out there. Two regions, sixteen gyms, normally designed Pokemon (no ice-cream Pokemon or any crap like that), shittons of content. And insanely awesome music. At the moment definitive Pokemon game for me
P.P.P.S. I also have Ho-oh, Raikou, and Entei in the PC box, but I hate using Legendary Pokemon. I don't know... it's just that I've gone through shittons of stuff with my team of Pokemon that I gathered, and just to swap them for Legendary Pokemon... to hell with that. They're all happy and love me! I can't do that to them
Just beat Botanicula in like 5 hours... and I had no idea what was going on half the time. I'd be disappointed if I didn't have 50 other games to play along with the ones I'd eventually like to go back to. It was a unique game, I'll give it that. If you're looking for a game that looks like it was designed for kids, then they added blood and planned out craziness that would make Japanese commercials seem on the level, go for it. The what-look-like brain damaged rocks were probably my favourite design.
I'm at Johto League Elite Four in Pokemon HeartGold. My roster is: Umbreon Lv45, Quilava Lv50, Totodile Lv50, Chikorita Lv47, Sudowoodo Lv40 and Noctowl Lv43. I want to get everyone to Lv50 before tackling on the Elite Four, though.
Got all three starters via trading. Two years ago. Yes, I've started this game May 2010 and now I have 8 badges and am at the Indigo Plateau. Considering there's another whole Kanto region, followed by a second Elite Four rematch and battle with Red, I guess I'll complete the game in 2014.
For a portable console, I play my DS only when I have some free time at home and don't have/want anything to do at my PC.
P.S. If I don't evolve a Pokemon, that means I don't like the design of the evolution, so to hell with that
P.P.S. Pokemon Gold/Silver and HeartGold/SoulSilver FTW! The best Pokemon games out there. Two regions, sixteen gyms, normally designed Pokemon (no ice-cream Pokemon or any crap like that), shittons of content. And insanely awesome music. At the moment definitive Pokemon game for me
P.P.P.S. I also have Ho-oh, Raikou, and Entei in the PC box, but I hate using Legendary Pokemon. I don't know... it's just that I've gone through shittons of stuff with my team of Pokemon that I gathered, and just to swap them for Legendary Pokemon... to hell with that. They're all happy and love me! I can't do that to them
...wanted to play Eternal Daughter, but the game suffers some horrendous slowdown that makes it practically unplayable.
Also trying to play Postal III, but it's taking sodding forever to download (40% at the moment, and I've been downloading since last night when I bought it). Really, I just wanted to see how bad it was, but whatever.
So, yeah. Playing Professor Layton's London Life in lieu of anything else.
EDIT: Oh, this just gets better and better. So I wanted to play The Bard's Tale, but I suffered horrendous slowdown with the particle effects, to the point it too is unplayable. And the only fix I can see (after Googling it) is to HexEdit the .exe file. Which is far too much work for a Steam game. So f**k it. Seemed like a good game too, but if I can't play it, what's the f**king point?
God, this month just plain sucks. Roll on May, hopefully it won't f**k me over like April has.
Had to use the guide a couple of times to get myself unstuck, (yeah I suck at Adventure games THAT much! XD), and apart from a few annoying mouse puzzles, (using a laptop here... >:/), it was good.
Short, but sweet that game.
Just as good as Machinarium, (though I'd say that one was a little more charming).
Postal III. Here's a few(!) thoughts I jotted down as I played through the first few levels.
- Sweet Jesus, this game's taking a long time to load. We're pushing 3 minutes before I even get to the main menu.
- Powered by the Source engine? Wha..?
- I admit to quite liking the 'Do You Know?' loading screens. I get the feeling they'll be rather repetitive though.
- Who the hell are Akella? And why did they work on this?
- Finally. OK, the main menu's quite nice.
- Wait... THAT'S the new voice of the Postal Dude? Ugh, it's not a patch on the one from Postal 2. Why couldn't they get that guy back? He was awesome.
- According to the massive infodumping in the intro cutscene, this is a direct sequel to Postal 2 and Apocalypse Weekend, which seems odd. Not sure why they needed to add an actual story to the game. Thought the fun was running around and doing whatever the hell you liked.
- The first level is a retelling of the last one from Apocalypse Weekend. Fine, whatever.
- Y'know, I'd actually quite like to be able to play the game rather than have the gameplay constantly be interrupted by tutorial videos. Which aren't funny, BTW.
- Wait... I have to take cover? Oh crap, Postal's turned into a generic third-person shooter! NOOOO!
- So to throw stuff like grenades (or severed heads, heh), you hold down the left mouse button to aim (with arrow showing where the projectile will land) and then press the right mouse button to throw. That's a very frustrating technique. Can't I just hold down the left mouse button to throw further, like every other game ever made?
- Man, gasoline seems way clunkier to use than the previous game.
- Pepper Spray enemies and use them as human shields? BORING. Where's the tazer that makes people vomit? God, this is nothing like the previous game. This. Isn't. Fun.
- And after killing some cops, I've now been put in charge of guarding a big red button. I know I'm supposed to press it, despite the game telling me I'm not supposed to (reverse psychology, eh?), but I'm not gonna, so nya.
- Oh, now the game's telling me to press it? Well tough, still not gonna.
- ...bored now.
- Is it weird that punching stuff seems to work exactly the same as the Half-Life 2 crowbar? It even makes the same noises when you hit metal and wood! Very distracting.
- Oh fine, I'll push the button. Ooo, achievement! Totally worth it.
- The cutscenes all seem to be the Postal Dude being the subject of an interview with a horrifically stereotypically gay guy, with fey voice and everything. This is going to get rather annoying, isn't it?
- Oh hey, Ron Jeremy is in this. That's... actually kinda cool.
- NODE GRAPH OUT OF DATE? Ugh... this is a Source engine game.
- So the first proper level of the game has you working in a sex shop vacuuming up 'snotty' tissues. The hoover isn't exactly the easiest of tools to use, but the humour's finally getting going.
- OK, the sex store's been invaded by 'Hockey Moms', the leader of which is a dead ringer for Sarah Palin (nicely topical there). I need to get rid of them by firing the 'snotty' tissues at them until they vomit. That's... that's Postal!
- Ack, out of tissues. Man, and I thought hoovering them up was tricky, firing them is even harder (snigger).
- Ron died? No! And now I have to start the level all over again? No autosaves? NOT COOL.
- Heh, I made one of the Hockey Moms throw up over Ron Jeremy.
- Dear god, the aiming is awkward.
- OK, next level and I'm spraying catnip on HIV-infected cats and picking them up... yeah.
- Does this game ever go open world like the previous one? I miss that.
- Oh great, now the game's decided to throw Asian chefs after me because they want the cats as well. For their restaurants. It'd be funny if it didn't make the game much harder.
- Oh hey, sprinting into people knocks them out of my way. That's kinda neat.
- Dammit cats, why won't you let me pick you up? I've sprayed you with catnip, you're supposed to go all mellow so I can pick you up now! Stop messing around and chill the f**k out!
- God, finally. That was difficult. Not being able to defend yourself isn't a good idea, developers.
- And now I have to protect a porn star at an appearance at a mall. I'm starting to feel like this game is nothing more than a series of not very good missions strung together by the flimsiest of excuses. Beginning to understand why this has such a low MetaCritic score.
- Using a tazer is very poorly explained. It's fine once you know what you're doing, but if you don't...
- A Funny Line! And after a mere 75 minutes. Fantastic.
- So there's been a robbery at a pawn store, and you get to choose which side you're on. The bad guys or the cops. This is a jolly nice idea, and as such I'm going with the cops, because I'm going for the pacifist achievement, just to spite the game.
- I just had to take down an animal rights activist who was wielding a badger. This game is weird.
...the game does seem to gradually be getting better, but it's a hell of a rocky start.
- Who the hell are Akella? And why did they work on this?
Akella is Russian game developer/publisher that used to make really awesome stuff. Like Sea Dogs, for example. (And some REALLY awesome Russian translations). But, as it usually goes, something happened and now it's not as awesome.
As well as Postal III, I'm going through Infernal: Hell's Vengeance on the 360. I'd played it a few years back on the PC and enjoyed it, so added it to my rental list (it got sent to me first - nice one, Boomerang). It's one of those 'not English' shooters that's got a hilariously bad translation. My favourite so far is the supposed Russian Major who sounds like an Englishwoman doing a terrible Russian accent. It's brilliant.
The core gameplay's what matters to me though, and it's surprisingly solid. A little uneven in difficulty, but solid all the same. Works way better with a mouse and keyboard though.
I've been playing galaxy on fire 2, which is actually a pretty decent game. And then just as I was getting into it, they want me to pay for it (£7.11). Which I will, when I get paid, but until then, my ship is grounded!
Man this game is starting to get a little tough.
But the plot is beginning to move forward as well.
I have to say I wasn't expecting the FIRST game to get me hooked, (since many people say the first is the worst one), but I have to admit its drawing me in.
Also nice to note, the PSP version has an entire different plot route as well, which makes the game more dungeony so once I beat the game in regular mode, I might go back and do that route, (or maybe try to see some different endings first!).
To give Atlus credit here, they have always made and published the finest games out there, and I'm glad to see them take off a bit more as a company.
Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series are always a good play. There's almost always a gameplay twist somewhere, and a good story.
(Thats pretty much what you need for a good RPG. Interesting gameplay, good characters, and a good story. SquareEnix take note! XD)
EDIT: I also played a bit of Shadows of the Damned
The shooting mechanics are a little bit off. (But looking at Suda 51's track record, its improved quite a bit)
But this game isn't about the gameplay, (though I can't object to any of it so far. Its been solid and pretty fun), but the story and the characters, and Hooooboy! Does Suda 51 deliver on that part.
This game does not hold punches in that particular Suda style!
Pretty much anything can happen in his games, and even knowing this doesn't stop you from being thrown off by some of the things characters say or do.
Loving Garcia, freakin' badass.
LOVE! LOVE! Johnson so much. I have a weakness for fellow brit voice actors, and this guy knows his stuff, and delivers perfectly.
Silent Hill Downpour
Assassins Creed Revelations
I throw in the occasional Zelda and Zelda II on the Wii, along with FF XIII-2 when new DLC comes out if it's worth it. Catherine for the 360 is my next buy
I just got Day of the Tentacle to my cellphone (playing for the very first time!), so that, and I also started Curse of Monkey Island once again on computer ^^
Shortly I will be playing Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers, as part of a replay through the Gabriel Knight series (and before I get started with Gray Matter - going through a bit of Jane Jensen phase right now what with her Kickstarter and all). Once I've got all three games installed anyway, which is made much easier by the very helpful installers provided at the Sierra Help website.
Marsden... don't you dare tempt me to buy Postal 3!!!
But there are only two options to kill Uwe Boll. Real life and Postal 3. You decide which one you want. But considering how bad Postal 3 seems to be....
No no, don't. It's not worth it. I've just spent 45 minutes running around a cosmetics lab tazering monkeys. And I know what that sounds like, but it's not as fun as you think.
The game is literally one random mission after another, and there's no open world aspect, as far as I can tell. I really wouldn't recommend it at all, unless you're a massive fan of the franchise (which sadly I am).
No no, don't. It's not worth it. I've just spent 45 minutes running around a cosmetics lab tazering monkeys. And I know what that sounds like, but it's not as fun as you think.
The game is literally one random mission after another, and there's no open world aspect, as far as I can tell. I really wouldn't recommend it at all, unless you're a massive fan of the franchise (which sadly I am).
Okay so it's like Apocalypse Weekend. No thanks. Well now I will never buy Postal 3. Only one more option left.:(
Replaying Professor Layton and the Curious Village, which is weird after playing the sequels. Like playing Half-Life 1 after Half-Life 2... it's familiar, but more basic.
Also playing May's Mysteries (also on the DS), which is a Professor Latyon rip-off. Not a bad one, actually, but there's sliding block puzzles, which sadly means I have to hate it by default.
Finally, still trying to get through Postal 3. The game crashed while I was riding a Segway-in-all-but-name, so I'll try the level again without getting on it. One thing I'll say about this game, it's got a pretty good soundtrack. I should know, I've heard it so. Bloody. Often. (the levels are somewhat glitchy and I have to keep restarting them )
EDIT: Case in point. The level I'm on just crashed again for absolutely no reason. Grr.
Legend of Grimrock! I started out sucking horribly, but I recently found that the reason for this was that all the graphics were at max settings and distra--I mean--slowing my computer down to a sluggish crawl.
Now I only suck terribly. And somehow I ended up on Level 7 and I'm not sure why.
Playing through some of my Steam games. I think I'm still on Hydrophobia(I can't play much sun-thu). It's not great... but it's not bad. Just one of those games with a bunch of weapons I don't use, that wont leave any lasting impression on me... until I'm walking through more water in a game.
Poacher, the latest game by Yahtzee. It's like Cave Story and its ilk, and it's frustrating as all hell. Either I suck (doubtful) or it's a surprisingly hard game. Good, but tricky.
(This also explains why I'm not working on my Let's Play. Damn you, Yahtzee!)
Poacher, the latest game by Yahtzee. It's like Cave Story and its ilk, and it's frustrating as all hell. Either I suck (doubtful) or it's a surprisingly hard game. Good, but tricky.
(This also explains why I'm not working on my Let's Play. Damn you, Yahtzee!)
Oooh that's out.
BTW anyone that is subscribed to his youtube channel knows he and his friend do lets plays of old/short games. Anyone know when the next one is?
Search me. Yahtzee's as unpredictable in this as he is with everything.
Rented Blinx: The Time Sweeper to see if it's worth spending £2 on. It's not. Stupidly slow, unchangable camera, clunky controls and time mechanics that aren't fun to use. No wonder it's so cheap at CEX!
Got all three starters via trading. Two years ago. Yes, I've started this game May 2010 and now I have 8 badges and am at the Indigo Plateau. Considering there's another whole Kanto region, followed by a second Elite Four rematch and battle with Red, I guess I'll complete the game in 2014.
For a portable console, I play my DS only when I have some free time at home and don't have/want anything to do at my PC.
P.S. If I don't evolve a Pokemon, that means I don't like the design of the evolution, so to hell with that
P.P.S. Pokemon Gold/Silver and HeartGold/SoulSilver FTW! The best Pokemon games out there. Two regions, sixteen gyms, normally designed Pokemon (no ice-cream Pokemon or any crap like that), shittons of content. And insanely awesome music. At the moment definitive Pokemon game for me
P.P.P.S. I also have Ho-oh, Raikou, and Entei in the PC box, but I hate using Legendary Pokemon. I don't know... it's just that I've gone through shittons of stuff with my team of Pokemon that I gathered, and just to swap them for Legendary Pokemon... to hell with that. They're all happy and love me! I can't do that to them
I...I.. don't know how to react to this...
Also trying to play Postal III, but it's taking sodding forever to download (40% at the moment, and I've been downloading since last night when I bought it). Really, I just wanted to see how bad it was, but whatever.
So, yeah. Playing Professor Layton's London Life in lieu of anything else.
EDIT: Oh, this just gets better and better. So I wanted to play The Bard's Tale, but I suffered horrendous slowdown with the particle effects, to the point it too is unplayable. And the only fix I can see (after Googling it) is to HexEdit the .exe file. Which is far too much work for a Steam game. So f**k it. Seemed like a good game too, but if I can't play it, what's the f**king point?
God, this month just plain sucks. Roll on May, hopefully it won't f**k me over like April has.
I don't know... with a 'Hell yeah! Beat the crap out of Elite Four and Lance! Good luck'?
And that particular British person hates doing Let's Plays
He could pull a Terraria, add Jesse, and make it "A talk-show with gameplay as a background" :P
Had to use the guide a couple of times to get myself unstuck, (yeah I suck at Adventure games THAT much! XD), and apart from a few annoying mouse puzzles, (using a laptop here... >:/), it was good.
Short, but sweet that game.
Just as good as Machinarium, (though I'd say that one was a little more charming).
Look forward to more Amanita.
I don't think it's awful. But certainly not intuitive and could use a tutorial.
- Sweet Jesus, this game's taking a long time to load. We're pushing 3 minutes before I even get to the main menu.
- Powered by the Source engine? Wha..?
- I admit to quite liking the 'Do You Know?' loading screens. I get the feeling they'll be rather repetitive though.
- Who the hell are Akella? And why did they work on this?
- Finally. OK, the main menu's quite nice.
- Wait... THAT'S the new voice of the Postal Dude? Ugh, it's not a patch on the one from Postal 2. Why couldn't they get that guy back? He was awesome.
- According to the massive infodumping in the intro cutscene, this is a direct sequel to Postal 2 and Apocalypse Weekend, which seems odd. Not sure why they needed to add an actual story to the game. Thought the fun was running around and doing whatever the hell you liked.
- The first level is a retelling of the last one from Apocalypse Weekend. Fine, whatever.
- Y'know, I'd actually quite like to be able to play the game rather than have the gameplay constantly be interrupted by tutorial videos. Which aren't funny, BTW.
- Wait... I have to take cover? Oh crap, Postal's turned into a generic third-person shooter! NOOOO!
- So to throw stuff like grenades (or severed heads, heh), you hold down the left mouse button to aim (with arrow showing where the projectile will land) and then press the right mouse button to throw. That's a very frustrating technique. Can't I just hold down the left mouse button to throw further, like every other game ever made?
- Man, gasoline seems way clunkier to use than the previous game.
- Pepper Spray enemies and use them as human shields? BORING. Where's the tazer that makes people vomit? God, this is nothing like the previous game. This. Isn't. Fun.
- And after killing some cops, I've now been put in charge of guarding a big red button. I know I'm supposed to press it, despite the game telling me I'm not supposed to (reverse psychology, eh?), but I'm not gonna, so nya.
- Oh, now the game's telling me to press it? Well tough, still not gonna.
- ...bored now.
- Is it weird that punching stuff seems to work exactly the same as the Half-Life 2 crowbar? It even makes the same noises when you hit metal and wood! Very distracting.
- Oh fine, I'll push the button. Ooo, achievement! Totally worth it.
- The cutscenes all seem to be the Postal Dude being the subject of an interview with a horrifically stereotypically gay guy, with fey voice and everything. This is going to get rather annoying, isn't it?
- Oh hey, Ron Jeremy is in this. That's... actually kinda cool.
- NODE GRAPH OUT OF DATE? Ugh... this is a Source engine game.
- So the first proper level of the game has you working in a sex shop vacuuming up 'snotty' tissues. The hoover isn't exactly the easiest of tools to use, but the humour's finally getting going.
- OK, the sex store's been invaded by 'Hockey Moms', the leader of which is a dead ringer for Sarah Palin (nicely topical there). I need to get rid of them by firing the 'snotty' tissues at them until they vomit. That's... that's Postal!
- Ack, out of tissues. Man, and I thought hoovering them up was tricky, firing them is even harder (snigger).
- Ron died? No! And now I have to start the level all over again? No autosaves? NOT COOL.
- Heh, I made one of the Hockey Moms throw up over Ron Jeremy.
- Dear god, the aiming is awkward.
- OK, next level and I'm spraying catnip on HIV-infected cats and picking them up... yeah.
- Does this game ever go open world like the previous one? I miss that.
- Oh great, now the game's decided to throw Asian chefs after me because they want the cats as well. For their restaurants. It'd be funny if it didn't make the game much harder.
- Oh hey, sprinting into people knocks them out of my way. That's kinda neat.
- Dammit cats, why won't you let me pick you up? I've sprayed you with catnip, you're supposed to go all mellow so I can pick you up now! Stop messing around and chill the f**k out!
- God, finally. That was difficult. Not being able to defend yourself isn't a good idea, developers.
- And now I have to protect a porn star at an appearance at a mall. I'm starting to feel like this game is nothing more than a series of not very good missions strung together by the flimsiest of excuses. Beginning to understand why this has such a low MetaCritic score.
- Using a tazer is very poorly explained. It's fine once you know what you're doing, but if you don't...
- A Funny Line! And after a mere 75 minutes. Fantastic.
- So there's been a robbery at a pawn store, and you get to choose which side you're on. The bad guys or the cops. This is a jolly nice idea, and as such I'm going with the cops, because I'm going for the pacifist achievement, just to spite the game.
- I just had to take down an animal rights activist who was wielding a badger. This game is weird.
...the game does seem to gradually be getting better, but it's a hell of a rocky start.
Akella is Russian game developer/publisher that used to make really awesome stuff. Like Sea Dogs, for example. (And some REALLY awesome Russian translations). But, as it usually goes, something happened and now it's not as awesome.
As well as Postal III, I'm going through Infernal: Hell's Vengeance on the 360. I'd played it a few years back on the PC and enjoyed it, so added it to my rental list (it got sent to me first - nice one, Boomerang). It's one of those 'not English' shooters that's got a hilariously bad translation. My favourite so far is the supposed Russian Major who sounds like an Englishwoman doing a terrible Russian accent. It's brilliant.
The core gameplay's what matters to me though, and it's surprisingly solid. A little uneven in difficulty, but solid all the same. Works way better with a mouse and keyboard though.
Man this game is starting to get a little tough.
But the plot is beginning to move forward as well.
I have to say I wasn't expecting the FIRST game to get me hooked, (since many people say the first is the worst one), but I have to admit its drawing me in.
Also nice to note, the PSP version has an entire different plot route as well, which makes the game more dungeony so once I beat the game in regular mode, I might go back and do that route, (or maybe try to see some different endings first!).
To give Atlus credit here, they have always made and published the finest games out there, and I'm glad to see them take off a bit more as a company.
Shin Megami Tensei and Persona series are always a good play. There's almost always a gameplay twist somewhere, and a good story.
(Thats pretty much what you need for a good RPG. Interesting gameplay, good characters, and a good story. SquareEnix take note! XD)
EDIT: I also played a bit of Shadows of the Damned
The shooting mechanics are a little bit off. (But looking at Suda 51's track record, its improved quite a bit)
But this game isn't about the gameplay, (though I can't object to any of it so far. Its been solid and pretty fun), but the story and the characters, and Hooooboy! Does Suda 51 deliver on that part.
This game does not hold punches in that particular Suda style!
Pretty much anything can happen in his games, and even knowing this doesn't stop you from being thrown off by some of the things characters say or do.
Loving Garcia, freakin' badass.
LOVE! LOVE! Johnson so much. I have a weakness for fellow brit voice actors, and this guy knows his stuff, and delivers perfectly.
Assassins Creed Revelations
I throw in the occasional Zelda and Zelda II on the Wii, along with FF XIII-2 when new DLC comes out if it's worth it. Catherine for the 360 is my next buy
It's for the No Kills achievement, which means that I can't do this.
...THIS TIME. When I replay it though... oh the fun I shall have.
Seriously, the man's plain evil.
But there are only two options to kill Uwe Boll. Real life and Postal 3. You decide which one you want. But considering how bad Postal 3 seems to be....
The game is literally one random mission after another, and there's no open world aspect, as far as I can tell. I really wouldn't recommend it at all, unless you're a massive fan of the franchise (which sadly I am).
Okay so it's like Apocalypse Weekend. No thanks. Well now I will never buy Postal 3. Only one more option left.:(
I changed one word of dialog and got a completely different conversation at different scenes. Kinda interesting there.
And now my save isn't deleted... yet.
Also playing May's Mysteries (also on the DS), which is a Professor Latyon rip-off. Not a bad one, actually, but there's sliding block puzzles, which sadly means I have to hate it by default.
Finally, still trying to get through Postal 3. The game crashed while I was riding a Segway-in-all-but-name, so I'll try the level again without getting on it. One thing I'll say about this game, it's got a pretty good soundtrack. I should know, I've heard it so. Bloody. Often. (the levels are somewhat glitchy and I have to keep restarting them
EDIT: Case in point. The level I'm on just crashed again for absolutely no reason. Grr.
Now I only suck terribly. And somehow I ended up on Level 7 and I'm not sure why.
(This also explains why I'm not working on my Let's Play. Damn you, Yahtzee!)
Oooh that's out.
BTW anyone that is subscribed to his youtube channel knows he and his friend do lets plays of old/short games. Anyone know when the next one is?
Rented Blinx: The Time Sweeper to see if it's worth spending £2 on. It's not. Stupidly slow, unchangable camera, clunky controls and time mechanics that aren't fun to use. No wonder it's so cheap at CEX!
on Wii Virtual Console (or emulator if the TV is being used)
Currently playing the editing game.