Ep 5 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3 Oct 20, Xbox One/360 Oct 21, iOS/Amazon App/Android Oct 22



  • even better if is Jack the narrator

    Remember when at the start of the credits in Ep. 4 screen glitched out and HJ was laughing? So I think it would be cool if in Ep. 5 when the

  • Maybe Jack somehow took over someone else's body once he rules Hyperion?

    shioku posted: »

    Hummm... How the hell the stranger enters in Jack's office after all this madness?

  • edited August 2015

    Yes, maybe Jack needs a new body to collect again all the gorgys pieces, and this stranger is really a robot or something whit Jack on it (maybe that's why he enjoy beating Rhys) could be the reason for the yellow "eye" I mean, up here on Helios, once in the system and without Rhys jack is unable to abbandon the space station, and been again the CEO of hyperion, why no fabricate a robot o something? (or maybe just capture again Timothy and posses him, but this is just a nonsense)

    Maybe Jack somehow took over someone else's body once he rules Hyperion?

  • Look on the bright side...we'll get the walking dead and.....cough....the wolf among us season 2... ;')

    shioku posted: »

    That moment when you realize that tftb is coming to an end

  • GUYS

    What if...at the end of Episode 5...We'll have a next time segment...



  • Anyone here good with SFM?

  • ohhh boy, i'm going to feel empty for a while after the end. i'm not ready at all. :(

  • Why? ;>

    Anyone here good with SFM?

  • edited August 2015

    I just need someone to photoshop mlg glasses on Jack not AI Jack, but Borderlands 2 Jack. I'm a chump at SFM.

    Crips posted: »

    Why? ;>

  • I am already feeling empty knowing that the next one is the end...

    rhonu posted: »

    ohhh boy, i'm going to feel empty for a while after the end. i'm not ready at all.

  • So who else chose to use the Dahl satellite to remember scooter, and if so, what did you put on it to remember scooter, I chose the only thing that seemed appropriate... "CATCH A RIDE"

  • As soon as I saw "Catch a Ride" I chose that-- but then I realized there was other things like calling him a hero which I really wish I put that instead. enter image description here

    So who else chose to use the Dahl satellite to remember scooter, and if so, what did you put on it to remember scooter, I chose the only thing that seemed appropriate... "CATCH A RIDE"

  • Catch-a-Ride one

    So who else chose to use the Dahl satellite to remember scooter, and if so, what did you put on it to remember scooter, I chose the only thing that seemed appropriate... "CATCH A RIDE"

  • I was considering the other choices, but in the end went with 'Catch a ride!'. It was fitting. :)

    So who else chose to use the Dahl satellite to remember scooter, and if so, what did you put on it to remember scooter, I chose the only thing that seemed appropriate... "CATCH A RIDE"

  • The start of TPS was a flash forward in time, while the events contained within TPS happened before BL2, which happened before TFTB. We don't know how far ahead this flash forward was. I'm actually assuming its from the events AFTER episode 5 here, since opening the vault of the traveler would be something of note that might trigger the "war is coming" quote.

    Kandazar posted: »

    now remember, athena was captured by brick and mord, which brings you to the start of the game "The Borderland Pre sequel" So if that is the

  • I have thought, that he might have be the Doc, that they met at the Dome. I don't know why...

    shioku posted: »

    Yes, maybe Jack needs a new body to collect again all the gorgys pieces, and this stranger is really a robot or something whit Jack on it (m

  • They can't REALLY have killed Scooter off... right?

  • edited August 2015

    Let's see here. According to the timeline, we should be getting the next and

    final episode by either October or November of this year. It's been getting to

    be a shorter and shorter wait between each episode so. . . crosses fingers

    1: November 2014,

    ( 4 months approx )

    2: March 2015

    ( 3 months )

    3: June 2015

    ( 2 months )

    4: August 2015

    ( ??? 1 ???? )

    5: 2015

  • edited August 2015

    What I'm going to say when the episode releases:

    "Oh, hi Release, things are going great!"

  • edited August 2015

    Hopefully October

    Let's see here. According to the timeline, we should be getting the next and final episode by either October or November of this year. It

  • I think we should get it early, early November. That way Telltale can make this episode long and beautiful. I want the ending to be PERFECT. The wait might kill me, but the end result would keep me alive.

    Let's see here. According to the timeline, we should be getting the next and final episode by either October or November of this year. It

  • edited August 2015

    If I were to be offered a choice between Season Three of The Walking Dead or Season Two of Tales from the Borderlands. Tales would win hands down.

    I never in my life would have thought that anything could have surpassed Season One of TWD. The breathtaking storyline, being emotionally attached to the majority of the main characters and a hell of a finale. Somehow, some way, Tales managed to surpass that.

    The storyline isn't just breathtaking, it's a mixture of hilarity and seriousness with just the right amounts being put together for one hell of journey.

    I can't give the intro scenes enough praise. Every single one has just got better and better with each episode, and I can't think of a song used in the intro that I haven't listened to at least a hundred times. The music just fit in so perfectly with the situations involved, and the choreography for the intros deserve the same amount of praise. Just fantastic.

    I don't just feel emotionally attached to the majority of the main characters, I care deeply about ALL of them. Rhys, Fiona, Sasha, Vaughn, Loader Bot, Gortys, hell I even felt a little sympathetic for Handsome freaking Jack at one point! The introduction of NPC's from previous Borderlands games were also a nice touch.

    All that's missing now, is a finale that's going to blow our fancy Hyperion socks right off! And I'm sure it will be one of epic proportions.

    My heart will ache from the realization that this epic experience will come to an end once the final episode is out, but I think I can speak for all of us when I say that I can't wait for it!

    Here's to our journey towards episode 5 guys. And to what shall prove to be an amazing conclusion of this phenomenal series!

    enter image description here

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    When you reject Hyperion Jack mentions having a "Sweet new Body" so i guess it's possible.

    Maybe Jack somehow took over someone else's body once he rules Hyperion?

  • "See you space cowboy" for me. Understood the reference. Much feels ;_;

    So who else chose to use the Dahl satellite to remember scooter, and if so, what did you put on it to remember scooter, I chose the only thing that seemed appropriate... "CATCH A RIDE"

  • I couldn't pass that choice up either. Love that line. Much feels indeed. ;_;

    "See you space cowboy" for me. Understood the reference. Much feels ;_;

  • I agree 100% on the part about the musical intro scenes. That's what I look forward to the most every time I download an episode.

    Would really love to see a TFTB Season 2 as well as Season 3 of The Walking Dead.

    If I were to be offered a choice between Season Three of The Walking Dead or Season Two of Tales from the Borderlands. Tales would win hands

  • There's no way that stranger can be Jack, their actions differentiate way to much. My opinion about stranger's identity is that he's either Athena or Timothy.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    When you reject Hyperion Jack mentions having a "Sweet new Body" so i guess it's possible.

  • I think he meant that Rhys is going to be his "Sweet new Body"

    OzzyUK posted: »

    When you reject Hyperion Jack mentions having a "Sweet new Body" so i guess it's possible.

  • I think that he meant Helios itself. In the other ending the "eye" of Helios turns from blue to yellow after he takes over, so I think that's what's implied.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    When you reject Hyperion Jack mentions having a "Sweet new Body" so i guess it's possible.

  • I'd still choose a wolf among us season 2 over both of them.

    If I were to be offered a choice between Season Three of The Walking Dead or Season Two of Tales from the Borderlands. Tales would win hands

  • Well... There you go! Are you happy Telltale!?!? You took a franchise full of humour, one of my lesser favourite characters and you managed to make me cry!!!

    Well played... Well played...

    I saw that IGN review before I played and saw the 6/10 verdict and though "that's disappointing" then I played the episode and afterward thought "what the hell are IGN smoking!? That was fu**ing awesome!!!"

    And without spoiling anything, let's just say there is one scene in this episode that I would absolutely love to do in real life... And it involves you pointing your fingers and making sound effects...


  • Hinting at the upcoming DLC: Tector Hodunk's Machine Gun Mayhem

    90 minutes of non-stop, machine-gunning madness!

    Crips posted: »

    GUYS What if...at the end of Episode 5...We'll have a next time segment... SHOWING ONLY THE TECTOR SCENE HOLY SHIT WOULD IT BE EPIC

  • Everything you just said. And extra points for that gif. Can't go wrong with Gatsby. ;)

    If I were to be offered a choice between Season Three of The Walking Dead or Season Two of Tales from the Borderlands. Tales would win hands

  • holy crap!!! what if it's that incredibly douchey guy from Hyperion that has the long black hair? he's always popping up somewhere!!!

    darkrunedk posted: »

    I have thought, that he might have be the Doc, that they met at the Dome. I don't know why...

  • #O13HYPE


  • Same here Tales must go on!

    If I were to be offered a choice between Season Three of The Walking Dead or Season Two of Tales from the Borderlands. Tales would win hands


  • yo, this is exactly how i feel....... i hope they AT LEAST make a DLC somewhere next year... i hope...... i dont think i can wait for BL3 to see rhys/fio and the gang :( i cant...

    enter image description here

    If I were to be offered a choice between Season Three of The Walking Dead or Season Two of Tales from the Borderlands. Tales would win hands

  • Too bad we don't have enough people to do this "scene." :(

    Well... There you go! Are you happy Telltale!?!? You took a franchise full of humour, one of my lesser favourite characters and you managed

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited August 2015

    Well I guess this is it eh? The last wait, I never thought that I would be sad to get the last episode. Because that means the end of story, I have to give my highest praise to TT for making a game that caused the reaction I only had a handful times with the very best of Books, Games and Movies.

    The plot, the humor, the characters I can go on everything here was top notch A true AAA game!

    With that out PLEASE take your time with EP 5, while I cannot speak for other members, I can honestly say that I can wait for this one, just polish it to the very perfection. So that there won't be any plot hole of lose end, this game deseves that. I guess my post won't be read by any TT Staff but just in case I will post it never the less.

    With that out I hope that you will continiue making games from Borderlands franchize. I would love to see the gang again but I won't complain about a new cast of characters and story either.

    With that said I want to thank you TellTale for making this game!

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