Start a Story, be your own Fable. (Create a Fable Thread)
The Introduction:
(smokes a Huff & Puff cigarette while exhaling relaxingly)
Oh, salutations! Didn't quite see you there stranger, I mean, you did just stumble into my manor in the middle of a totally-not-so-spooky night and expected some sort of shelter from the foreboding darkness and chill factor, correct?
(silence fills the air)
Ah, well, no matter. Come. Sit down. In the opposite chair across from mine by the fireplace. Oh no, by all means, make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything? Pillow perhaps?
(you sit suspiciously as I grin, while handing you a blank page book with the title: "Your Fable, Your Destiny")
Well, you seem puzzled, so I'll get to the point. Basically, this will be the blank canvas (and topic) that will get you on track to start your own fairy tale story concerning the Fables universe, and, you may as well ask: "Story, you say? What makes you think I would want to create a story?" Well, stranger, that is a question I cannot answer, as it is up to you to fulfill your destiny. To create a Fable that best describes you and how they blend in with the Fabletown community.
But, you don't have to be entirely honest if you don't want to, as you have the option to create a Fable character that doesn't even relate to you in the slightest, human or not.
Anyways, be creative! And you are more than welcome to draw a picture of your custom Fable if you'd really like! You are my guest after all, in this spacious manor.
P.S. - Newcomers and veterans to the Fables series are welcome to post in this topic too! Or if you are a stranger to the comics but love the game! Don't forget to use your creative juices, the lot of you!
Appreciation Speech: This is for everyone who has contributed to this topic, new, old, heck, even future storytellers that are inspired by this thread!
It has been a great honor to read all of your stories so far. Every sentence, every little detail, every emotion-induced moment included with the literary package you've brought to the table (or book, in the matter).
Wanted to say my thanks again, to everyone that has made this possible.
You can view the following Fable 'award ceremonies' for 2014 down below. Any potential future ones probably won't be created by me since people aren't all that interested in them anymore.
Fable Storyteller Award 2014 Listings:
The May award discussion has been posted:
The June award discussion has been posted:
The July award discussion has been posted:
The August award discussion has been posted:
The Fable Storyteller Awards for 2014 has been posted:
Hmm. Now this is interesting. You see, I've read all the comics, but never thought of making myself a Fable. It would be totally possible, considering not every single Fable is linked with a story known to the Mundy world. I've always thought of being other Fables (Mostly Snow White, since my personality reflects hers the most, with her motherly attitude and strategic thinking, as well as her values for her friends and family.) So where should I start? Well, I'd like to be unusual, something that has to be at the Farm because of non-human qualities. Maybe an unusual skin color? I'd also like some kind of powers associated with me; Maybe I could be Jack Frost Two's daughter. Although he is about as innocent as a child when it comes to adult things (If you know what I mean). I could also be one of the North Wind's servants (They're absolutely adorable.) Sigh.....You sir, have created a monster. I'll have to check back later with more detailed thoughts. To the Comic Rack! Flies away with powers she may or may not incorporate into her character
I shall await your story with twiddling thumbs. Oh, and powers? Sounds very fun for your own hybrid version of whatever your desired Fable would turn out to be!
I was Bigbys forgotten brother Wolverine and was sick of all the admiration for him the jealousy poisoned my thoughts i didn't want to kill him but for him to simply disappear. Then suddenly news came threw bigby was dead and no one knew who did it. My first reaction was shock but apart from that i was emotionless and ashamed because of that. See never knew my brother that well to feel big loss in my life. Suddenly uncontrollable anger filled my head and knew whoever did this will only face judgement by my blade so went to Fabletown.
Looking to edit this soon and write full story definitely going to be murder mystery, learn more about Bigby and appreciate his brothers work and epic fables v wolverine battles looking forward to it.
I arrived at Fabletown to complete silence everyone stared at me but everytime looked back they diverted their eyes to the ground I was being watched. I arrived at the Crimescene to see my brother the cops,fables and snow tried to stop me see the body for legal reasons till seen my blades rip out of my skin swore to myself if anyone touched me it would be the last thing they do they soon backed off. Bigby had claw marks all over his body none of this made sense Fables can't be killed. Looking at the big bad wolf before me now just looked like road kill. My anger intensified the other fables failed to protect him after all they treated him like monster still he tried to help them a true hero. A crazy thought entered my head Fabletown has a low population if I kill everyone at least I would have chance of killing the true suspect detective work never suited me. But wasn't my decision this wasn't way Bigby would of wanted his whole life would of been wasted protecting Fables only for them to be killed.
I started at the bar knew Gren wanted Bigby dead knew he ripped Grens arm off and I swore if he showed any cheek to me I'll take his legs and last arm off for the way he treated my brother. I looked at Gren even his eye contact made me want rip his head off. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY BROTHER GREN" Wolve said "HIS DEAD don't need to do anything" Gren said My blades ripped from my skin and I pinned his hand to the table as my blades ripped his skin through his hand. "WHO DID IT" Wolve said. "WHO CARES" Gren replied then Gren transformed into a massive beast Wolve didn't expect this and sudden growth threw him against the wall. Wolve smiled I love this job and his claws ripped from his skin. Gren threw tables and chairs at the Wolve he simply ripped them apart as reached him with his blades. Wolve ran at Gren screaming like made him stronger ran with such conviction feel even bullet wouldn't stop his pursuit. Gren laughed bad dog and put his claws straight into wolves stomach blood was pouring out of him like a tap. "Heard you brother begged for mercy before he died be last bone he ever catches stupid lapdog" gren said. Wolve was weak but the anger gave him power and Gren words seemed like gasoline to his fire. Wolve pulled his blades back then straight through eyes of gren then cut his last arm off "fetch" wolve shouted and left felt like life of external darkness and armless was faith worse then death so left him there. He then found a note in his pocket paying a hitman to kill bigby and went to that address.
I arrived at the office where the hitman hid and went into the room. There he was in his chair suddenly he turned his chair around "BROTHER" I froze the shock I nearly fainted there sat bigby. "You were dead" wolve said " No some glamoured troll is dead" laughing to himself. "WHY" Wolve said Suddenly his voice changed to more serious tone. Let me tell you a story years ago first murder in Fabletown happened to a girl named Faith all my close friends followed I followed the law by the book resisting all temptations to kill or torture to get answers ignoring my natural instincts while law waited for me to make one step wrong to lock me up. Through investigation and law by the book answer pointed to crane I locked him up "problem solved" NO everyone i knew and loved got murdered by the time found out it was his monkey framing crane. Should of killed everyone crane knew and loved to make sure the job was done but no law would not of allowed it. So I faked my murder now I can follow my own rules without any consequences or ruling by law or fables and no one will ever kill AGAIN unless it's me. Bigby said. No Bigby you were hero savior of this family everyone was proud and looked up to you for your work you were inspiration wolve said. You hated me the fables hated me and the police hated me i'm simply becoming the detective they deserve not want bigby said. YOU CAN'T BECOME A MONSTER LIKE ME YOUR A HERO wolverine shouted. I was a hero everyone i loved died and everyone hated me never again my morals got them killed never again join me brother Bigby said. Wolve was silent his mind could not process at all so confusing, But knew next decision was kill him or join.
I ran into the forest to gather my thoughts for about a week found myself the more thought about it more confused I got my brother was my hero and became like me a monster a tear filled my eye as knew i was really jealous of him because always wanted to be like him but to see what he has become was my worst nightmare only good person left in a evil world. I returned to Fabletown I couldn't move like a horror movie fear and terror filled my head for the first time in my life there was blood everywhere i was shaking. Bigby just murdered everyone he stood there in the middle of the street silent with blood soaked clothes breathing heavily. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE" i screamed dropping to my knees. "JUSTICE" Bigby responded. I howled my blades ripped from my skin Bigby then transformed into a wolf. We sprinted at each other i no longer saw my brother but evil spirit who possessed his body. I ripped my blades straight at his head but was blocked with his own claws we were evenly matched. He barked so powerfully blew me against the wall I saw petrol beside me and poured it over my blades and lit it. He tried to block but burned his claws and cut them off. He was at my mercy tears filled Bigby eyes sorry let you down brother. Me too wolverine said then cut his head off then brought his body to witching well and threw it down in a bag his last words were Remember me as a hero when the bag flew down the hole.You Always were wolve said as tears filled his eyes he went on to be as promised to be Fablestown new detective just like his hero Bigby the worlds greatest detective.
No problem! And Bigby's bro, eh? Can't wait to see the full story, sounds suspenseful!
and like to read your story in the thread sure help inspire users to write and be fun to read
Heh, I'll try to make one then since you mentioned.
(scratches head) I'm surprised there's no one else that posted a story for themselves or explained what their own Fable might look like so far. I'll assume that everyone is hard at work at creating a tale for their character! So I'm going to make mine for now, don't laugh, or giggle! Well, maybe you can giggle and laugh at the same time since it might appeal to the little kid inside you, as I'm trying to make it like a nursery rhyme! ;S
Alright, here it goes... (clears throat)
'Dragon In Manhattan', by: DragonButter (currently done!)
"There once was a thief who was very greedy,
He was also quite needy,
Stealing this, stealing that, heck, even various hats!
But one day, he had heard of a rumor of a cave filled to the brim with gold,
And figured, that this is a job for the bold!
While eventually setting out for the vast wealth,
He would soon be in danger concerning his health,
As he made his way to the cave,
He soon realized, that he needed to shave!
He laughed to himself and said,
'I don't need to worry about that this dread,'
'As I'll be having an ice cold mug instead!'
Finally making it to the cave, he took a peek in
Complete with gold galore,
He literally could have sailed in a Galleon to El Salvador,
So then he tried to make his way down the piles of gold carefully,
But little did he realize that each step would cost his life dearly,
While all of a sudden, a guardian rose out from one of the gold piles and scolded,
'Who would dare steal this poor dragon's gold, among the days of old?'
The thief said,
'Oh mighty guardian, please don't scold, please let me take some of this gold!'
The dragon laughed heartily,
'Scold? No, I've to curse you into a permanent dragon form,'
'It is what the prophecies foretold'
The thief pleaded and begged, as his human body began exploding like a powder keg,
The dragon did his magic true, to start his thieving life anew,
'I hereby banish you to the Mundy city of New York, little thief,'
'From there, it will most certainly fill you with grief'
As the guardian hissed,
The thief was transported into the abyss,
Dark alleys all around,
Soon realizing, that he was in the area of Fabletown,
News spread fast of his sudden arrival,
In which he was in complete denial,
Trying to piece together what was happening,
He found the city lights rather dazzling,
A few ah's here, a few ooh's there,
Sheriff Bigby Wolf himself came out from the clear,
His sheer presence instilling fear,
'Those witches better be right about this', saying as he throws down a spirit bottle
In which she gave the thief a sudden kiss, feeling absolute bliss,
Indeed, the dragon did faint,
While Bigby put his hands and wings under restraint,
He was then taken to the farm,
Later saying that he didn't mean no harm,
Nobody saw him again,
Rumors have still been present that the dragon still plans to escape the farm someday,
But for right now, this is a tale that has to end for today."
I want to contribute to this thread by sharing my fable character. I intended to do a fanfiction with this but never got around to doing it but I did write the fable backstory for this character. She's a human character who looks Twenty years old. I'll try to post my drawing of her. So here's the short backstory of my character when she was living in the homelands.
Back in the homelands, I was just an ordinary girl living a normal life in a village. But one day when I went on an errand. I came across a witch who gave me a free charm necklace. I didn't know better and put it on my neck. The necklace glowed in red before my very eyes and I thought it was beautiful. The witch then told me that the charm necklace has chosen me as the host and its impossible to take off. I didn't believe her but when I tried taking off the necklace I couldn't. I tried ripping it off but it didn't work either. The witch laughed at my efforts and revealed to me that the necklace will grant immortality to anyone that I fell in love with. The witch then disappeared without a trace and left me with the charm necklace. I told my family about what happened but they didn't believe me. So I just continued living my usual lifestyle with the necklace hidden under my shirt so no one gets curious about it.
But after a couple of weeks have passed, a man came to my home in a carriage and said that Bluebeard has offered to marry me and live with him in a castle. I hesitated and told him that I decline the offer but my family interrupted and told the messenger that I will marry Bluebeard. Seeing that I didn't have a say in this I told them to hold on because I wanted to pack my clothes and other personal belongings. After packing my stuff, I decided to escape through the back of our home and run off into the woods where I lived in isolation from everyone. No one has ever found me ever since I left my village. I adapted to living in the woods as a hermit. All because of the charm necklace! Bluebeard must have found out that I had the necklace. I don't want anyone to have immortality so therefore I'm robbing myself of finding someone to love which is my sacrifice...
Here's my drawing of my fable when she's in Fabletown.

I'll try to add to her story of being in Fabletown, could take some time.
Absolutely breathtaking, it certainly piqued my interest!
Okay,i'll just start with the basic shit,the appearance and personality and hobbies,then i'll write (Fuckit,imma use my username)Azlyn's whole story.
Appearance:tall,slender(Oh,look!It's reference o' clock!),red curly shoulder-length hair,green eyes
Personality:smart-ass,funny,creative,intelligent,sarcastic,brave,doesn't trust anyone(not even herself),BUT she IS trustworthy,laid-back,hard-working,ambitious,distant,tough
Hobbies:reading,drawing,creative writing,extreme sports
Okay,story time!Once upon a time(because everybody knows there's no story without that beginning),there was a girl named Azlyn.She was living alone in a house at the peripheries of a small town.If you've read what i said up there,you already know the essence about her.Since she liked to read and draw,her imagination was off the effin' charts.She was waiting for an adventure,one that would take her away from the monotone life.But just waiting for something to happen doesn't always guarantee its happening.Not always.But there are some exceptions.And hers is one of those rare exceptions.
She didn't have friends.So,when she was feeling down,she used to take long-ass walks in the woods.During one of those walks,she met,in one little meadow,an old goblin,whose only possession was a paintbrush.When Azlyn saw it,she immediately felt like she needed to have the brush for herself.It was a strange feeling she couldn't overcome.So she asked the goblin where he was staying,to which he answered:
"Right here.In the forest.I am leaving tomorrow morning."
Azlyn planned to return there at night,when the goblin was asleep,and steal the brush.Yes,steal it.Why?Well,why not?
Anyway,she came back at midnight,and sneaked up to the goblin,picking up his brush,which he was holding at his chest,and turned around to go home.BUT,right then,the goblin awakened and turned into a great wizard(Yeah,with the long white beard and the blue cloak and shit)
The wizard took back his brush and told her that he traveled the Homelands with that cursed object,that made everybody that laid eyes on it want it terribly,in search of a person that wouldn't fall for its curse.He also told her that everyone failed no matter what,and he turned them into foxes,into thieves.
And so he turned Azlyn,too,into a small fox,like this one:
But yeah.She fled to another forest,where she lived for a few years,before coming upon another wizard,a friendly one.So she told him her story and he listened symathetically.When she finished,he agreed to turn her back into a human IF she helped him with an errand.He told her to go to the nearby dragon den and destroy the sleeping dragon's heart of fire.Heart of fire?Does that make sense?Probably not.But STFU and continue reading.
Okay,Azlyn went into the den,where the dragon,as the wizard had promised,was sleeping heavily.She looked around,but she could only see gold objects and bones.She didn't even know what the wizard meant,and was confused.But then she looked at the dragon.It was range with some iridexcent blue scales and big yellow teeth,and,right in the middle of his head laid one beautiful diamond-shaped ruby.It shined like fire,and Azlyn realized that must be what she was looking for.But how could she get it,without waking the dragon?For a huge dragon like that would smack the shit out of a small fox like her.
She went close to him,pondering on which way she should approach her problem.She touched the jewel shyly,and right at that moment,she felt it move under her paw.She backed away,and the ruby kept shaking,until it came out of the dragon's head,leaving one hole in its skull.The ruby flew and planted itself in Azlyn's head painfully.Her squeaks alerted the dragon,that rose and roared,but no fire came out.The fox quickly scurried out of the den and dissappeared into the forest.
She noticed that the jewel on her forehead was doing things to her...Her fur was becoming flames.Lively flames,but ones that did not burn her,nor the things around her.She met up with the wizard,who told her that she wasn't supposed to steal the heart of the fire for herself.He was mad,and wished to kill her,so she ran away again,this time followed by a crazy-ass bitch with a staff and a beard.
Everything went bad.She refuged in the mountains,again living like an animal.Only she wasn't a normal fox.If she wished for it,she could burn the heart out of...
...The predators she encountered.But,every once in a while,she had to flee to some other mountains,because she wasn't safe in one place for too long,because the wizard was still following her.
Years had passed since she stole the heart of fire from the dragon.She was just moving to another place,to a forest,when she came upon a talking turtle.Yeah,a talking turtle.The turtle knew her whole story,and Azlyn felt that she had answers.So she asked her if she knew why the wizard was following her.
"Of course."the turtle said."The heart chose you as host,and the wizard wanted it for itself.Now,the only way he can get it is by killing you.But you mustn't let that happen,young one.For the wizard would only spread chaos wherever he goes.You must destroy him,only then will you get what you want.You have learned how to control the fire,you have the power to kill him.That's your destiny."
Deep shit,man.Anyhow,Azlyn realized that the only way she could become human again was to destroy the wizard.So she waited for him to come.And he did.That's when a battle so magical happened,that it shook the whole forest,the trees were burned and animals escaped,scared.Seriously,that bitch was more magical than Harry Potter,more impossible than James Arthur!
But Azlyn won,and she got the wizard's powers for defeating him.She could now turn from human to fox whenever she liked.
When the Adversary came,she managed to get to the mundy world.Her ending was happy,but it wasn't an ending.
So yeah,here went everything.This fable was from Europe.I won't mention the country,'cause nobody even gives a shizzle!But yeah.Hope you liked it,because it took me a shit-ton of hours to write.Well,mostly because i pressed the wrong button and my comment got deleted.But,hey.I figured i should give it a shot.
Interesting, interesting. Basically the moral of your Fable story is to not trust creepy old wizard men that pose as goblins, haha. But hey, she can turn into a fox whenever she wants, that's probably a plus sign!
Oh,damn,i forgot about the moral.But,you know what?Let's just leave it like this:
"Kids,you do not simply trust Gandalf-bearded hobos with paintbrushes."
It's okay,isn't it?Yeah,it's okay.Well,at least SOMEONE has read my post!I'm happy about that.D'you like it?
I think your story is kinda the most awesome one here.I really love it!Plus,the morality is obvious here,and her sacrifice is impressive.Your fable is wonderful!
Indeed I did, I give it 4 Bigby wolves out of 5! Stay tuned for the ending of my story above as it is almost done! If you wish.
very good story that rhymnes nice
Sure,thanks!I am honored for being awarded with 4 Bigbys.(#fangasm)And i like your story,too,brah!
Very nice of you to say so far, Markd! But it's not quite done yet, I'll finish it and add some finishing touches to it later on today!
So stay tuned!
I'm glad you guys like the backstory!
Thank you for the comments.
Just read very innovative nice story please finish love to read
My fellow community, I am currently done with my attempt at brainstorming a nursery rhyme! (along with multiple edits and fixes that I have made to it in the process) I hope that you guys enjoy reading the final product!
A rhyme you did complete
Which is quite a feat
Never admitting defeat
Now's my life's complete
(tried my comment in rhyme)
(claps and nods in approval)
There once was a prince named Charming, who unlike the fairytales, never stayed tied to one woman for more that a short while. And although every Fable knew about this bad habit and tried their best to stay away from his path, some how his charm seemed to lure them in even if it were for just one night. That's what my mother told me, when I got older.
My name is Harmony Wolf. I am the daughter of the new North Wind.
This story, you could say, starts at the moment I learned how to shift. You see, I was born invisible, but she knew I was there. She knew, because she was the North Wind. She wouldn't dare call me a zephyr, although that's really what I was. She thought of it as a degrading term. I had 4 other siblings, all born with human qualities varying between our mother and father.
I wanted to find him. I wanted to see a lot of people I'd heard of, but she never took us to the mundy. She never took us to the Farm she always talked about, or Fabletown. She told us we didn't need to bother over there. Besides, I was still invisible at the time. I did what any curious child would with the powers I held inside of me, and began the shifting process. It took a long time to gather enough energy, since our shifting natures were substantially watered down compared to our mother's.
When I finally came to as a human, it was like a breath of fresh air. I looked as old as my mother, but was much younger. I left as soon as I changed, grabbing a dress from the closet and flying up into the skies. It felt so different than before; So exhilarating. I flew where I felt was the right way. I need to get to Fabletown.
Seven nights passed before there was no more snow on the lands. I flew closer to the ground, afraid of being spotted. The trees were getting sparser and roads more common. I walked on foot until I encountered the first real sign that I was at the right place.
"New York City: 25 miles"
"Well I'll be damned. I did go the right way."
I started flying again when the sun went down and reached the city by midnight. Even at night, it shines bright against the skyline and is busy with the Mundane. I was nervous that the blue streaks in my hair would be out of place but no one seems to be turning their heads in shock. In fact, some people are sporting their own colorful streaks and even have jewelry in places I never fathomed.
"Where might I find Bullfinch Street, sir?" I asked a man sitting against a telephone pole.
"Bullfinch? Hmm...I think that's in Manhattan, no? I used to know the streets better, but after retirement it all goes down hill...."
"Manhattan? Alright. I'll...I'll see what I can do to get there."
"Be careful, missy! There's alotta creeps out in the night. Grab a taxi if ya can!"
"Gotcha," and I left the nice old man.
Taxi's aren't hard to find. They're yellow and have checkered borders sometimes and the word "Taxi" is written on a little hat on top of the car. The first one I saw, I ran up to. But there were already people inside and the driver yelled at me to find another one. It didn't take any longer for another taxi to pop up. This one looked like it needed a little maintenance but it was better than nothing. I got in.
"Bullfinch Street, Manhattan, please."
"Alright. 50 bucks."
"I don't have money. Nobody told me I needed money!" I panicked.
"No money, no ride, sweetheart."
"Please, sir, you must understand!" I began to think what the old man said. There are alotta creeps out in the night.
"Listen. There was a creep following me down the street. Bullfinch is where I live, I...I have no way else to get there. Please!"
He looked at me with a sudden pang of pity.
"Alright lady. Only this one time, since it's late and my own wife was in your situation once, long ago."
"Thank you so much, sir."
He took me over to the exact street and stopped at the corner. The building, or rather castle, was so big, I couldn't imagine that many Fables living in one place! The gates were closed tight when I walked up, so I waited for the cab to leave before flying over top and landing softly on the other side. It all looked so peacefully quiet within the gates and I began to wonder if there was anyone at all living inside. The castle doors opened with a creek and the room flooded with moonlight from the sky. The quite literal child inside of me wanted to touch everything, but a tsunami of exhaustion swept over me faster than I could think. I never got tired as a zephyr, nor was I ever hungry. I fell over, weak onto the cobblestone floor.
This might be a multi-part tale. If you like it or have any criticism, go ahead and tell me. I don't mind. (This story is based off of what is currently going on in the comics, in case you don't understand certain things.)
I woke up in the air, staring at hundreds of tiny faces.
"Who is she? Obviously she's not a mundy, or she wouldn't be flying!" A man said.
"I dunno, but whoever she is, she didn't much think of wearing underwear! For God sake's, get her covered up!" An older woman exclaimed.
My face flushed red and I floated down to the ground. How long was I out? I noticed a ladder perched by the wall, presumably and earlier attempt to catch me. Some people looked excited while others looked annoyed.
A chubby white-haired man walked up to me, with round glasses and a blue robe on. I noticed through the door that the sun was barely up at all. Everyone looked sleep-deprived.
"Young lady, where have you come from? Are you from the homelands?" He asked.
"No sir. I'm from the North Wind's Kingdom. My name is Harmony." After I finished my sentence, my stomach made noises echoing the foyer.
"Well, you look very sickly. I'm Mayor King Cole, and this is Fabletown."
For the next hour I was treated to some breakfast, which I devoured in seconds, as well as dressed more appropriately. The same woman who commented earlier still seemed angry with me for being so, inconsiderate. King Cole told me she was Miss Muffet, and she's a little more conservative about things that most other Fables.
"Do I get to meet all the Fables in the fairytales, Mr. Mayor?" I asked with childish eagerness.
He sat back in the chair across from me and spooned another clump of oatmeal into his mouth. "I'm not sure what you mean by what you say. You've heard of our stories?"
"My mother read to us every night of all the fairytales, and told me about Fabletown and the Farm. I've wanted to come here ever since!"
"Who exactly, is your mother?"
"The North Wind, sir. Now when do I get to go to the Farm and meet the three little pigs? Or Haven, where King Ambrose lives with all the other cool Fables?"
He started choking on his oatmeal after I said that.
"We need to get you to (Cough) The Farm. Pronto! (Cough, cough)"
Passing the front entrance, I seen many other Fables I recognized from the stories. I could tell who some of them were; The boy who cried Wolf, one of the Crow brothers, even Ozma the witch! I entered an old blue pick-up truck and King Cole drove me out of the city.
Hours passed with no change in the scenery. I leaned against the window and began to think. For the first time, it hit me; I was homesick. I thought about my brothers and my mother, and of the servants and the other zephyrs who inhabit the mountain and the snow that covers the ground, and even the feeling of being invisible myself! I felt the tears rising to the surface and kept facing the window, meanwhile Cole sang along to some old music from I-don't-even-know-when. The longer I sat there the further the sun rotated over the sky and by night we were at the end of the long twisty driveway. A sign so small, I couldn't read it until we nearly passed it, said: The Farm. No Trespassing.
A cobblestone wall the matched the floor back in Fabletown went along the length of the road, and every now and again there were small openings and cracks on it. I few times I thought I spotted a wolf and some other creatures, but it was too dark to distinguish what they were. Soon enough the village center emerged from the hillside, and the lights from the windows illuminated a small portion of my vision. The truck stopped in front of a barn and puttered to a stop in the middle of the dirt path.
"We're here, Miss Wolf. Rose will take you to Wolf Valley."
"Rose? As in, Rose Red? Her tale is my FAVORITE one! Her and Snow White! Is Snow here to? And why am I going to Wolf Valley? I never learned to turn into a wolf, not yet actually. I was going to but then I-" He cut me off.
"You'll see when you get there. I need to call Fabletown in the meantime, and tell them I'll be home in the morning."
I stood still next to the door, watching people and animals walk by aimlessly, some goofing around and others getting on with serious business. The red-headed girl noticed me, and walked up with a bounce in her foot.
"I'm Rose. You must be that Harmony Wolf girl." She eyed me up and down,"You're not related to my wolfy family, are you?"
"N-not that I'm aware of. You have wolf blood in your family?"
"My nieces and nephews do. But just to be safe, I'm bringing you over. My sister won't let me in, but she might take you."
"Snow White? I get to meet her? Wow!"
"Uh, yeah. There's no big deal in that. Um. Let's go. I guess."
And we descended the trail to Wold Manor.
Another 40 minutes of walking over branches and through thick woods, and we reached the house. It was grand and had bright lights coming from the windows and for a second I thought I saw someone in the window.I didn't know Snow White had children, or that anyone had a life passed their fairytales. My mother didn't divulge into most of that, other than that they were living in their own corner of the world. I was a mixture of nervousness and excitement as she slammed her fist hard against the door a few times.
Snow White answered the door, and them began to shut it before she noticed me standing there next to Rose.
"Who's this you've brought her? You know I don't want you near me. Not as long as Brandish is still-"
"I know, I know sis. Listen. We've got a predicament, as Cole says. This here girl, she says she's from the North Wind Kingdom, and.."
I start tuning out their conversations and look passed Snow. A handful of little children stand behind her, trying to get a look at the visitors. A little blond boy, and a dark haired boy. A red haired girl. Then came an older looking Blond girl, shoeing the kids away. All but one kid. A dark haired little girl. And she looked angry.
"Mommy I need to talk to that girl," She said, pointing to me.
"What- What do you mean? Do you know her?"
The girl sighed, pushing though to me and looked up at my face,"I have to have a talk with you, young lady!"
Her tiny hands barely able to reach up to my ear, grabbed it with the grip of a powerful god, and pulled me into the house. Her pigtails bobbed while I squealed in pain as she took me to her living room and demanded I sit on the couch.
"Winter, what are you doing!" Snow yelled.
"Mom. I have somethings to explain. This is my daughter." She pointed to me again.
"What?! I don't...I-"
"Let me finish. I've kept it a secret for some months now. I am a lot more powerful than you think. Right now, I am a fully grown adult in the North Wind Kingdom. I've been that way for some time now. I'm in a lot of other places, but I won't get into that," she turns to me,"And you, my dear. You haven't listened to a word I said, have you?"
"I am kind of confused. You are my....mother? In little girl form? And I'm your daughter, but I'm in big girl form. And...I need to think a moment."
My mother sighs and sits next to me.
"Despite the whole, you know, "Breaking the rules" thing you did....You were very brave. And I was watching over you the whole time. For the most part you guided yourself. And I'm proud that you knew how to act in public without getting caught. You could have dressed nicer though."
We laughed, and I hugged my tiny child mother. Snow White stood there with her jaw wide open. I looked at Winter and she said," Now I'm getting my own lecture, as soon as my mom gathers her bearings.
And that was how I went to Fabletown and never met my father but met even better people: My family.
Finally finished hope you enjoy what u think
Cutting off a possessed Bigby's head? Damn, that's pretty insane.
Just wanted to say, that I second his above comment as well! :P And that you can expect a positive future comment from me if you do consider making a future story for your Fable! Nice job on the drawing btw!
Very well-written story, I did love it, indeed! (sips wine) I do hope that you consider writing more for your character. I also understood 'some' things that you have typed in there as well, since I recently read the first 2 volumes of the comics ever since yesterday!
Oh, and I loved the part where she panicked a little, all while trying to act all innocent and persuade the Mundy driver to give her a free ride to the Woodlands. XD
lol sure is nice crazy story
Thank you! And I also have to change her name (As you will notice) Since I forgot the Beauty named her own daughter Bliss and that gets confusing!
In case you're confused as to why Rose isn't aloud over, the most recent issues, her and Snow had a falling out about a ton of things I won't spoil to you, and Snow is forbidding her children near Rose and stuff like that. I think Snow is being a little paranoid, but we'll see on further issues, lol.
Ah, I see. As much as I would love to buy the rest of the volumes and read all the way to the current issue, (finished the awesome 3rd volume yesterday) I unfortunately can't for now, but it's nice to hear what I can expect without major spoilers! And really nice twist to your story, Emmy! It seriously caught me by surprise with Harmony's mom being in child form, and therefore Harmony and Snow being super-confuzzled. I give your complete tale a... (holds up 2 thumbs) double thumbs-up! Yeah!
Thanks! And the current issues would explain Winter being a child as well XP I hope you do get around to reading all of them, they're just so good!
Again, no problem!
And hopefully I will!
I read it as a rap
I Demand more story time!!!
Me too, dude, me too. And if anyone else doesn't bite for the time-being, feel free to post more stories if you wish. That also goes for previous posters as well!
you might regret saying that lol
This will be origin story of character Tobi created for me just for fun
Chapter 1 will begin soon