Part 2:
One night around 1:30 AM after going home from one of his races, Draco feels a strong wind blowing north of him. He is then attac… moreked by large wolf and seems to effortlessly dodge its attacked. However, knowing if the wolf really wanted to harm him the wolf could easily made his attack while Draco was distracted so he feels that he was being tested. Draco threw a fireball at the wolf and when the smoke clears the wolf was on top of a building taunting him. Enrage, Draco went after the beast then the chase ended with Draco abruptly running into a strange portal leading from the mundy world to a snowy forest.
Several feet away the large wolf stood waiting for Draco. So Draco got up and said "So you really want to get smoked huh wolfy?" The wolf grew twice as large and began taunting him even more until Draco transformed into his dragon form out of frustration and then a large crest between them lite up between the two. The wol… [view original content]
Okay, this is going to be a small introduction of my fable, and how he is starting to adapt, and live in Fabletown. And I have to apology if… more my writing is not 100% after the rules, or I have bad grammar, I'm from Norway, so it's not very easy to write in English
Name: Tobin
Species: Human - Vampire
Traits: Lightning fast, very strong, needs blood every 24 hours, can see clearly in the dark, has razer-sharp teeth (fangs), almost invicible during night (as he gets very dark when it's dark) and he becomes weaker and slower during daytime (when the sun is showing). He is also very weak towards silver, garlic and holy water. Get's really tempered if a priest is in presence.
Tobin arrived at Fabletown about 17 hours ago. He lived in a castle, in a place called Brightloch. There he lived with his brother, father and mother. One day, the castle was attacked by a bunch of werewolves, killing his entire family. Tobin nearly managed to e… [view original content]
Glad you enjoyed so! I'm thinking of sticking with the same character and bringing it right into Fabletown, and hopefully making it more Fables-like. We'll see how it goes.
So, here is the first part of my story. Will start a bit slowly, but will promise much more action and excitment in the future parts!
30 feet, the only thing standing in the way between me and a big, brown deer. My body started to get in a rush, the time had come. I waited about 30 seconds, just to make sure it was safe and clear.* “Wroooom”* it said, the bushes war rattling, the world was not fast enough to react. In just a spilt second I’ve reached the deer, and straight away I sank my fangs into his throat, it didn’t scream… The blood was flushing down my throat, and I started to feel more and more alive for every second. As I had filled up, I thanked the deer to my self, and started to travel back to Fabletown.
Part 1 - In No Harms Way
- Three days later –
It was midday, the sun was out, and as usually I sat on this bench, and was getting strange looks from almost everyone that walked past me, I bet it was because I was new around here. There wasn’t much happening, all I hear was buzzing coming from the other fables out in the streets, but then I suddenly caught up.* “Have you heard the latest news?”* a tall blond man said, “No, what is it?” the person next to him answered. “Apparently, at night time, someone is out in the woods killing deer and other animals. This morning, they found another one, making it three deer’s and one rabbit! The animals is found with two large and deep holes on their throats. There’s something fishy going on at the moment…” *said the tall man. *“Jesus! What are they going to do about it?” the other one asked. “I don’t know, but apparently they’re going to send scouts up there when night falls. This creature definitely won’t strike again” My heart stopped for a second, as I thought to myself, “Oh my god, what is happening now!?”
- Late evening, the same day -
Fabletown had gone into hibernate. As usual I was hiding in an alleyway, where no one could see me. It was pitch black, and my body started to get into “The Zone” as I call it. It means it’s time to fill up on blood. My plan was to go to the forest and continue on what I’ve been doing, but I didn’t want to take the risk. There were lights all over the woods, and there were ravens, squirrels and other birds and animals scouting through the forest.
My body started to get inpatient. If I didn’t get enough blood in time, my body would go into shock, and eventually I would fall dead. I started to feel ill. I needed my blood. As the night was getting older, and my body started to get more anxious for every second that went, I had to take some drastic actions. The only thing left to do, was to feed of a fable.
There weren’t many fables out at this time, but I knew about a place where I’ve might have a chance, “The Pudding and Pie”. I’ve heard rumors about this strip club, and if it’s one place there is people out at night, it’s definitely there.
I walked a few yards, staying in the shadows of course, when I saw this big lit up sign, “The Pudding and Pie”. There weren’t many people out here, but right outside the front door, a young girl with beautiful blonde hair was standing, smoking. I had to act soon, my body was on the verge of going into shock. I went into this alleyway, and quickly as I could transformed my self. The fangs came out and I got bigger, and faster. I slowly sneaked up behind the corner of the building, and I got a glimpse of her as I peeked around the corner. I counted to three inside myself, “1…2……….3!” I jumped at her. She screamed, loud! “HEEELP!” I started to get anxious, what if someone heard? Luckily, it didn’t take long before she went silent, and I carefully sank my fangs into her throat. The blood was streaming down my body, and it was like this amazing orgasm!
I had just filled up enough to last another 24 hours, and was about to get away from her, when suddenly this extremely bright light lit up right at me. I froze for a moment, I felt tempered, something wasn't right. I slowly turned my head around, and I couldn’t believe what I saw…
You've cranked up the suspense! It leaves questions here and there, which I personally like, and you're vampiric descriptions seem startlingly accurate.
So, here is the first part of my story. Will start a bit slowly, but will promise much more action and excitment in the future parts!
30 … morefeet, the only thing standing in the way between me and a big, brown deer. My body started to get in a rush, the time had come. I waited about 30 seconds, just to make sure it was safe and clear.* “Wroooom”* it said, the bushes war rattling, the world was not fast enough to react. In just a spilt second I’ve reached the deer, and straight away I sank my fangs into his throat, it didn’t scream… The blood was flushing down my throat, and I started to feel more and more alive for every second. As I had filled up, I thanked the deer to my self, and started to travel back to Fabletown.
Part 1 - In No Harms Way
- Three days later –
It was midday, the sun was out, and as usually I sat on this bench, and was getting strange looks from almost everyone that walked past me, I bet it was because I was new ar… [view original content]
You've cranked up the suspense! It leaves questions here and there, which I personally like, and you're vampiric descriptions seem startlingly accurate.
Bob was a boy just a normal ordinary boy. One fabled day Bob was happily bobbing along, exploring, and playing around his home. In the games which Bob plays, he quests looking for shiny treasure, adding to his rock collection, often from finding the smoothest shiniest pebbles. Bob searches and searches, occasionally prying loose this treasure, but always questing looking for more shinnies.
When searching, Bob stumbles into a trench falling down a disused mine shaft. Unhurt from falling down below onto the soften earth. Bob rises shakily shaking off his dirty clothes. He is trapped, he cannot climb out of the above mineshaft. He begins to scream for help, he screams, and screams, hollers, and hollers. Blue in the face from all his effort, but nobody hears his yelling echoes. Blindly Bob gives up his echoing cries.
Bob movies on forward. Going deeper and deeper down through the underground cave, looking possibly for another way out. Moving into the darkness, Bob becomes very disorientated, when progressing further on ahead. Bob finds an opening leading into a very large chilly earthen cavern. Bob hears, some eerie woeful whispers coming from ahead, these sounds becoming louder, and louder, with each step that is taken forward. Frightened by this sound, Bob stumbles backwards falling over. He is quite shocked by these eerie woeful sounds. Bob rattles his head trying to clear it. Realizing the sounds aren't just his mind playing tricks on him, from breathing, or any air rushing through this very darkened cave.
Bob deciding to muster up all of his remaining courage to discover the source of the noise. BleHHHHHHH, BleHHHHHHHHH, BLEHHHHHHHH, the noise continues to woefully torment him. Bob begins crawling, clawing his way through the earth when moving forward further into the darkness, shivering at the fright of each sound. Bob progresses on his hands and knees scraping by, until falling on and discovering a large rounded stone sarcophagus. Within this sarcophagus is the source of the noise. Inside of it containing a mummified and preserved corpse.This thing has been calling out for rescue, sounding frighteningly scary to Bob.
Inside of the sarcophagus a Mummy has been embalmed through some kind of magic preservation. The Mummy having it's mouth full of cotton wadded bandages, sounded distortedly muffled as it tries to speak. Bob rises introducing himself to this creature. Asking the Mummy who it is? Why the Mummy has gotten stuck inside the sarcophagus? To these questions the Mummy chooses not to give any answers. Bob pleads for an exit, a way outside of this cavern. The Mummy answers, promising to help Bob, but only if Bob can help to free it from within the entombed sarcophagus. The Mummy sounding much to Bob like. Blobbbbb ill ouuuuu, fry meeee, enddd Ill ate ouuuuuuu. Bob is quite scared by the Mummy's choice of words. Although Bob didn't have too many other options. Realizing that he was quite trapped within this dark cave, this might be his only way out, if all he could do is help. So Bob will just have to try and help.
Bob begins using all of his strength, trying to pull open the stone sarcophagus. Bob pulls and pulls, but the sarcophagus simply will not budge, not even just a little bit open, at all. Dizzily Bob starts to feel around the stone sarcophagus, looking for a possible way to get inside and open up the stone. Bob searches discovering a small hand print embedded into the stone. The Mummy shouts making more noise. OHHHHHHHHHH, OHHHHHHHHH, the Mummy yells. Bob misunderstands mistaking this sound, thinking that this is the way to open the stone sarcophagus. Bob presses placing his hand into the printed stone. Ouchhhhh screams Bob, his hand is pierced, some embalming needles have pressed into his palm, Ouchhhhh yells Bob crying out again.
The sarcophagus shakes beginning to faintly rattle open. The Mummy is rescued, freeing itself from inside. The Mummy who much like Bob's hand, is pierced with many similar small needles marks. Stumbling out of the sarcophagus the Mummy begins removing the cotton bandages that are wadding around it's mouth. The Mummy speaking now in clarity, introduces himself as the once King Lazarus.Telling Bob of how he had gotten so very very ill so long ago, later buried within the present sarcophagus, having been embalmed to preserve himself. This was a magic kind of ancient medicine, a way of curing illnesses, also a preservation, a means of if any later remedies were discovered. Gratefully Lazarus thanks Bob, and promises to uphold their bargain, helping Bob to escape from inside the cave. Lazarus gathers up his few belongings, importantly a torch that Lazarus proceeds to light.
Traveling journeying along their way to find an exit leading out side of the cave. Lazarus warns Bob. Saying Bob, you have been pierced by the magical embalming needles. Bob you will soon start to change fading into an immortal zombie. Bob doesn't know what this means, he lets this fly right over his head, sure his hand hurts, but he feels ordinary and looks normal. Finally they begin to reach an exit, traveling through many small winding earthen tunnels. Bob sometimes stopping along their way grabbing and prying at some of the shiny rocks, his treasure he calls them, many are entrenched within the caves walls. They later reach an opening leading them up into a very large crypt.
Bob is so happy he charges on forwards, running off ahead. He is finally free of that dark cave, happier to have some stories to tell about his adventures. Forgetting about his companion, he starts looking back, he slowly turns noticing a heap of smouldering bandages behind him, back on the crypts floor. Bob starts shouting screaming for Lazarus. Lazarusssssssssss, Lazarussssssssss, Bob cries. But Lazarus is gone.vanishing, leaving behind only a small smouldering fire of cotton clothed bandages. This is all that remains of the past king Lazarus. NOOOOOO, HEEELLLLLPPPP, Bob desperately despairs at the loss of his friend. Without Lazarus, Bob wonders where he is, or how he is going to find his way home? Eventually giving up, after searching for Lazarus. Bob moves to the door, opening up, the unlocked crypt,.
Bob steps outside, into a starry moonlit night. Bob is so tired, drifting off falling to sleep, nearby, under a large tree. Bob dreams he will find his friend, hoping he will be able to get home. Bob really wants to tell his parents about his adventure, because he knows that they will be worried and searching for him. Bob awakens the following morning, but in much to his shocked horrific surprise. Bob discovers that he is no longer a normal ordinary boy, he has changed fading into a zombie. Bob begins wondering what Lazarus had said, if he is now really immortal? Bob realizes his parents will not recognize him anymore, he looks different, he speaks different, he has faded into a Zombieboy.
Zombieboy eventually travels to Fabletown, hoping to find a possible cure.....
Awww, thanks a bunch, Noir! Like always, I appreciate nice comments such as yours. Also yes, Reynard did have more of a thing for Snow than her sister from what I'm led to believe. But I figured that he would have the same affections for Rose as he did for Snow, to probably broaden his horizons, haha. From what I'm typing/brainstorming so far, this story of mine is supposed to take place during the events of TWAU, somewhat.
Nice! It fits in smoothly with the universe and the brief insight to Snow's thoughts is particularly interesting. Also, love Reynard the fox, though doesn't he have more of a thing for Snow than Rose? Anyway, look forward to reading more
So, here is the first part of my story. Will start a bit slowly, but will promise much more action and excitment in the future parts!
30 … morefeet, the only thing standing in the way between me and a big, brown deer. My body started to get in a rush, the time had come. I waited about 30 seconds, just to make sure it was safe and clear.* “Wroooom”* it said, the bushes war rattling, the world was not fast enough to react. In just a spilt second I’ve reached the deer, and straight away I sank my fangs into his throat, it didn’t scream… The blood was flushing down my throat, and I started to feel more and more alive for every second. As I had filled up, I thanked the deer to my self, and started to travel back to Fabletown.
Part 1 - In No Harms Way
- Three days later –
It was midday, the sun was out, and as usually I sat on this bench, and was getting strange looks from almost everyone that walked past me, I bet it was because I was new ar… [view original content]
No pressure make best possible story you can whatever your doing obviously working quality so far keep up good work even your recent threads… more are genius well done. Thanks for reading my story to it was so long and you still put effort in to read it then leave a nice comment I really appreciate it bro.
Part 2:
One night around 1:30 AM after going home from one of his races, Draco feels a strong wind blowing north of him. He is then attac… moreked by large wolf and seems to effortlessly dodge its attacked. However, knowing if the wolf really wanted to harm him the wolf could easily made his attack while Draco was distracted so he feels that he was being tested. Draco threw a fireball at the wolf and when the smoke clears the wolf was on top of a building taunting him. Enrage, Draco went after the beast then the chase ended with Draco abruptly running into a strange portal leading from the mundy world to a snowy forest.
Several feet away the large wolf stood waiting for Draco. So Draco got up and said "So you really want to get smoked huh wolfy?" The wolf grew twice as large and began taunting him even more until Draco transformed into his dragon form out of frustration and then a large crest between them lite up between the two. The wol… [view original content]
Glad you enjoyed so! I'm thinking of sticking with the same character and bringing it right into Fabletown, and hopefully making it more Fables-like. We'll see how it goes.
My most ambitious story in terms of concept when do a crossover try to create a circumstance that will force both stories to collide without being cheesy or clique. I try make it as fun to read as I can pack it full of action, psychology and violence but also have a lot of heart. Moral I tried to get across in this story is when hope seems impossible even when light seems at it's darkest to never give up waiting for that magic moment in this case Clem moment my favorite moment tried make it as epic and badass as possible.
Anyway thanks for taking the time to read it. Thanks you for leaving a comment and also I'm also delighted you enjoyed it really appreciate it.
Not sure what to say that Dragon already hasn't, you're own inventions such as the Fable blood and what it does to Mundies is really imaginative. Great crossover story.
Love this story so violent and action packed really fun read. The grammar and descriptions perfect never got lost in the story.You kept the tension high thorough just fascinating MOAR please
So, here is the first part of my story. Will start a bit slowly, but will promise much more action and excitment in the future parts!
30 … morefeet, the only thing standing in the way between me and a big, brown deer. My body started to get in a rush, the time had come. I waited about 30 seconds, just to make sure it was safe and clear.* “Wroooom”* it said, the bushes war rattling, the world was not fast enough to react. In just a spilt second I’ve reached the deer, and straight away I sank my fangs into his throat, it didn’t scream… The blood was flushing down my throat, and I started to feel more and more alive for every second. As I had filled up, I thanked the deer to my self, and started to travel back to Fabletown.
Part 1 - In No Harms Way
- Three days later –
It was midday, the sun was out, and as usually I sat on this bench, and was getting strange looks from almost everyone that walked past me, I bet it was because I was new ar… [view original content]
Love this story so violent and action packed really fun read. The grammar and descriptions perfect never got lost in the story.You kept the tension high thorough just fascinating MOAR please
Part 2:
One night around 1:30 AM after going home from one of his races, Draco feels a strong wind blowing north of him. He is then attac… moreked by large wolf and seems to effortlessly dodge its attacked. However, knowing if the wolf really wanted to harm him the wolf could easily made his attack while Draco was distracted so he feels that he was being tested. Draco threw a fireball at the wolf and when the smoke clears the wolf was on top of a building taunting him. Enrage, Draco went after the beast then the chase ended with Draco abruptly running into a strange portal leading from the mundy world to a snowy forest.
Several feet away the large wolf stood waiting for Draco. So Draco got up and said "So you really want to get smoked huh wolfy?" The wolf grew twice as large and began taunting him even more until Draco transformed into his dragon form out of frustration and then a large crest between them lite up between the two. The wol… [view original content]
Lol, yeah, Reynard did like Snow alot, but he kinda gives up and is open to dating anyone who's willing to date him. I've always pictured him falling for Snow's daughter Therese, seeing that Therese grew up faster than her siblings because she was in Toyland (An entire story arc about 9 issues long) and that universe's time passes faster than ours.
Awww, thanks a bunch, Noir! Like always, I appreciate nice comments such as yours. Also yes, Reynard did have more of a thing for Snow than… more her sister from what I'm led to believe. But I figured that he would have the same affections for Rose as he did for Snow, to probably broaden his horizons, haha. From what I'm typing/brainstorming so far, this story of mine is supposed to take place during the events of TWAU, somewhat.
I don't care if this is not made up lol < Rule Of Rose is really obsure and I always loved the Little Princess story.
Once upon a time… more, there was a precious little girl.
Her friend, the Princess of the Red Rose, was always at her side.
Then one day, her mummy and daddy died suddenly.
The princess too disappeared, leaving the girl all alone.
And the poor little girl was sent away to a strange house.
At her new home, the Aristocrat Club lived by the Rule of Rose.
But the girl found herself very much alone, until she discovered a wonderful new friend.
The girl and her companion obeyed the Rule of Rose.
For in the Aristocrat Club the Rule of Rose was absolute, as was the word of the Princess of the Red Rose.
The girl obeyed the Rule of Rose, but the Countess refused to like her.
The girl obeyed the Rule of Rose, but the Baroness punished her still.
The girl obeyed the Rule of Rose, but the Duchess taunted he… [view original content]
Thank you, Emmy, you are well-educated in the knowledge of the Fables universe. I can only hope that this ongoing story of mine has proved satisfactory to your liking, but I'll leave that to your thoughts. Thank you again for the response.
Love this well done only say recommend space it out or split into chapters because wall of text will scare off people without even reading it but apart from that epic loved it so random and funny well done
Bob was a boy just a normal ordinary boy. One fabled day Bob was happily bobbing along, exploring, and playing around his home.… more In the games which Bob plays, he quests looking for shiny treasure, adding to his rock collection, often from finding the smoothest shiniest pebbles. Bob searches and searches, occasionally prying loose this treasure, but always questing looking for more shinnies.
When searching, Bob stumbles into a trench falling down a disused mine shaft. Unhurt from falling down below onto the soften earth. Bob rises shakily shaking off his dirty clothes. He is trapped, he cannot climb out of the above mineshaft. He begins to scream for help, he screams, and screams, hollers, and hollers. Blue in the face from all his effort, but nobody hears his yelling echoes. Blindly Bob gives up his echoing cries.
Bob movies on forward. Going deeper and deeper down through the underground cave, looking possibly for another w… [view original content]
I can see Reynard wanting to keep his horizons nice and broad. I've only read about him in the Animal Farm storyline and given the events in it he wasn't chasing after Rose, yet it makes sense he could have done before then i.e. when your story is taking place.
I surely need to read more of the comics, haven't even gotten to the part with Snow being pregnant yet.
Also, Emmy, as you know A Very Great Deal about Fables, I was wondering if you could inform me as to when the Exodus from the Homelands took place? In the Book of Fables for episode three of TWAU it mentions the Trip Trap being established in 1725, however was it a bit before then or somehow a while after? Thanks.
Thank you, Emmy, you are well-educated in the knowledge of the Fables universe. I can only hope that this ongoing story of mine has proved satisfactory to your liking, but I'll leave that to your thoughts. Thank you again for the response.
Epic and badass with morals, psychology and action is a pretty good writing philosophy. Heck, there are far worse philosophies for life :P
It is ambitious but you've pulled it off.
My most ambitious story in terms of concept when do a crossover try to create a circumstance that will force both stories to collide without… more being cheesy or clique. I try make it as fun to read as I can pack it full of action, psychology and violence but also have a lot of heart. Moral I tried to get across in this story is when hope seems impossible even when light seems at it's darkest to never give up waiting for that magic moment in this case Clem moment my favorite moment tried make it as epic and badass as possible.
Anyway thanks for taking the time to read it. Thanks you for leaving a comment and also I'm also delighted you enjoyed it really appreciate it.
Interested to see where this goes. While the zombie theme is familiar, Bob seemingly keeping all his mental faculties intact is somewhat different and could lead to poignant circumstances depending on how he is greeted in Fabletown. Also, as Mark said, splits here and there would be useful, but otherwise a good start.
Bob was a boy just a normal ordinary boy. One fabled day Bob was happily bobbing along, exploring, and playing around his home.… more In the games which Bob plays, he quests looking for shiny treasure, adding to his rock collection, often from finding the smoothest shiniest pebbles. Bob searches and searches, occasionally prying loose this treasure, but always questing looking for more shinnies.
When searching, Bob stumbles into a trench falling down a disused mine shaft. Unhurt from falling down below onto the soften earth. Bob rises shakily shaking off his dirty clothes. He is trapped, he cannot climb out of the above mineshaft. He begins to scream for help, he screams, and screams, hollers, and hollers. Blue in the face from all his effort, but nobody hears his yelling echoes. Blindly Bob gives up his echoing cries.
Bob movies on forward. Going deeper and deeper down through the underground cave, looking possibly for another w… [view original content]
Epic and badass with morals, psychology and action is a pretty good writing philosophy. Heck, there are far worse philosophies for life :P
It is ambitious but you've pulled it off.
[ His personality and abilities will be depicted in the story.]
Brannon was born to a different branch of Sheriff Bigby's family. He inherited a bit of the inner wolf, except the inner wolf was actually a tiger. He grew up being picked on by his siblings, mostly by how "puny" he was. It was a bit similar to his cousin's, Bigby's, background. However, the exterior of him was slightly frail, but the interior was all power. He lived in a den with his family, deep in the forests where nobody traveled. His father was the hunter of the family, but his mother was the nurturing one. His father gave him what you'd call "tough love" by attempting to train him, laughing at Brannon's siblings' remarks about him. The disapproval mostly came from his mother, who went missing about a week from a big argument between her and his father. Hate and anger boiled in his veins, mostly directed towards his father. Energy surged through him; he felt as if he could just murder his father right there. But he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he did. What would you do? He decided to run away, as fast as his legs would carry him. Soon, he was running on all fours. It wasn't regular mundy hands and feet, but paws. He ran off to Fabletown, hoping that his family would not track him down. He hated his father; and his siblings. This was his new start, and he was not going to go back.
[ Is it good? Please give feedback, I'm doing like a story xD. His weretiger full form is like a white tiger, except larger, who can stand on it's hind legs. He has large black claws also. By the way, don't confuse this with lycanthrope. He can only transform due to anger, fear, or full moons. ]
Name: Brannon.
Age: Thirty four.
Race: Weretiger.
[ His personality and abilities will be depicted in the story.]
Br… moreannon was born to a different branch of Sheriff Bigby's family. He inherited a bit of the inner wolf, except the inner wolf was actually a tiger. He grew up being picked on by his siblings, mostly by how "puny" he was. It was a bit similar to his cousin's, Bigby's, background. However, the exterior of him was slightly frail, but the interior was all power. He lived in a den with his family, deep in the forests where nobody traveled. His father was the hunter of the family, but his mother was the nurturing one. His father gave him what you'd call "tough love" by attempting to train him, laughing at Brannon's siblings' remarks about him. The disapproval mostly came from his mother, who went missing about a week from a big argument between her and his father. Hate and anger boiled in his veins, mostly direct… [view original content]
Yeah agreed best thread on the forum in my opinion for me personally love reading everyone's stories and writing my own theirs so many talented people on the forum and hopefully more will write in the future recently been lots of high quality stories loving it so far
Leaves you wondering what will happen next. Also, are you getting the pictures from? They compliment the story nicely.
Really like this and hope you do more. I thought your English was great by the way.
Yeah it's great seeing everyone's different ideas and so forth
Introduce A Little Anarchy
Glad you enjoyed so! I'm thinking of sticking with the same character and bringing it right into Fabletown, and hopefully making it more Fables-like. We'll see how it goes.
So, here is the first part of my story. Will start a bit slowly, but will promise much more action and excitment in the future parts!
30 feet, the only thing standing in the way between me and a big, brown deer. My body started to get in a rush, the time had come. I waited about 30 seconds, just to make sure it was safe and clear.* “Wroooom”* it said, the bushes war rattling, the world was not fast enough to react. In just a spilt second I’ve reached the deer, and straight away I sank my fangs into his throat, it didn’t scream… The blood was flushing down my throat, and I started to feel more and more alive for every second. As I had filled up, I thanked the deer to my self, and started to travel back to Fabletown.
Part 1 - In No Harms Way
- Three days later –
It was midday, the sun was out, and as usually I sat on this bench, and was getting strange looks from almost everyone that walked past me, I bet it was because I was new around here. There wasn’t much happening, all I hear was buzzing coming from the other fables out in the streets, but then I suddenly caught up.* “Have you heard the latest news?”* a tall blond man said, “No, what is it?” the person next to him answered. “Apparently, at night time, someone is out in the woods killing deer and other animals. This morning, they found another one, making it three deer’s and one rabbit! The animals is found with two large and deep holes on their throats. There’s something fishy going on at the moment…” *said the tall man. *“Jesus! What are they going to do about it?” the other one asked. “I don’t know, but apparently they’re going to send scouts up there when night falls. This creature definitely won’t strike again” My heart stopped for a second, as I thought to myself, “Oh my god, what is happening now!?”
- Late evening, the same day -
Fabletown had gone into hibernate. As usual I was hiding in an alleyway, where no one could see me. It was pitch black, and my body started to get into “The Zone” as I call it. It means it’s time to fill up on blood. My plan was to go to the forest and continue on what I’ve been doing, but I didn’t want to take the risk. There were lights all over the woods, and there were ravens, squirrels and other birds and animals scouting through the forest.
My body started to get inpatient. If I didn’t get enough blood in time, my body would go into shock, and eventually I would fall dead. I started to feel ill. I needed my blood. As the night was getting older, and my body started to get more anxious for every second that went, I had to take some drastic actions. The only thing left to do, was to feed of a fable.
There weren’t many fables out at this time, but I knew about a place where I’ve might have a chance, “The Pudding and Pie”. I’ve heard rumors about this strip club, and if it’s one place there is people out at night, it’s definitely there.
I walked a few yards, staying in the shadows of course, when I saw this big lit up sign, “The Pudding and Pie”. There weren’t many people out here, but right outside the front door, a young girl with beautiful blonde hair was standing, smoking. I had to act soon, my body was on the verge of going into shock. I went into this alleyway, and quickly as I could transformed my self. The fangs came out and I got bigger, and faster. I slowly sneaked up behind the corner of the building, and I got a glimpse of her as I peeked around the corner. I counted to three inside myself, “1…2……….3!” I jumped at her. She screamed, loud! “HEEELP!” I started to get anxious, what if someone heard? Luckily, it didn’t take long before she went silent, and I carefully sank my fangs into her throat. The blood was streaming down my body, and it was like this amazing orgasm!
I had just filled up enough to last another 24 hours, and was about to get away from her, when suddenly this extremely bright light lit up right at me. I froze for a moment, I felt tempered, something wasn't right. I slowly turned my head around, and I couldn’t believe what I saw…
Thank you!
You've cranked up the suspense! It leaves questions here and there, which I personally like, and you're vampiric descriptions seem startlingly accurate.
Thank you so much! Don't know when part 2 will be out yet, but I wurely will keep on writing!
Bob was a boy just a normal ordinary boy. One fabled day Bob was happily bobbing along, exploring, and playing around his home. In the games which Bob plays, he quests looking for shiny treasure, adding to his rock collection, often from finding the smoothest shiniest pebbles. Bob searches and searches, occasionally prying loose this treasure, but always questing looking for more shinnies.
When searching, Bob stumbles into a trench falling down a disused mine shaft. Unhurt from falling down below onto the soften earth. Bob rises shakily shaking off his dirty clothes. He is trapped, he cannot climb out of the above mineshaft. He begins to scream for help, he screams, and screams, hollers, and hollers. Blue in the face from all his effort, but nobody hears his yelling echoes. Blindly Bob gives up his echoing cries.
Bob movies on forward. Going deeper and deeper down through the underground cave, looking possibly for another way out. Moving into the darkness, Bob becomes very disorientated, when progressing further on ahead. Bob finds an opening leading into a very large chilly earthen cavern. Bob hears, some eerie woeful whispers coming from ahead, these sounds becoming louder, and louder, with each step that is taken forward. Frightened by this sound, Bob stumbles backwards falling over. He is quite shocked by these eerie woeful sounds. Bob rattles his head trying to clear it. Realizing the sounds aren't just his mind playing tricks on him, from breathing, or any air rushing through this very darkened cave.
Bob deciding to muster up all of his remaining courage to discover the source of the noise. BleHHHHHHH, BleHHHHHHHHH, BLEHHHHHHHH, the noise continues to woefully torment him. Bob begins crawling, clawing his way through the earth when moving forward further into the darkness, shivering at the fright of each sound. Bob progresses on his hands and knees scraping by, until falling on and discovering a large rounded stone sarcophagus. Within this sarcophagus is the source of the noise. Inside of it containing a mummified and preserved corpse.This thing has been calling out for rescue, sounding frighteningly scary to Bob.
Inside of the sarcophagus a Mummy has been embalmed through some kind of magic preservation. The Mummy having it's mouth full of cotton wadded bandages, sounded distortedly muffled as it tries to speak. Bob rises introducing himself to this creature. Asking the Mummy who it is? Why the Mummy has gotten stuck inside the sarcophagus? To these questions the Mummy chooses not to give any answers. Bob pleads for an exit, a way outside of this cavern. The Mummy answers, promising to help Bob, but only if Bob can help to free it from within the entombed sarcophagus. The Mummy sounding much to Bob like. Blobbbbb ill ouuuuu, fry meeee, enddd Ill ate ouuuuuuu. Bob is quite scared by the Mummy's choice of words. Although Bob didn't have too many other options. Realizing that he was quite trapped within this dark cave, this might be his only way out, if all he could do is help. So Bob will just have to try and help.
Bob begins using all of his strength, trying to pull open the stone sarcophagus. Bob pulls and pulls, but the sarcophagus simply will not budge, not even just a little bit open, at all. Dizzily Bob starts to feel around the stone sarcophagus, looking for a possible way to get inside and open up the stone. Bob searches discovering a small hand print embedded into the stone. The Mummy shouts making more noise. OHHHHHHHHHH, OHHHHHHHHH, the Mummy yells. Bob misunderstands mistaking this sound, thinking that this is the way to open the stone sarcophagus. Bob presses placing his hand into the printed stone. Ouchhhhh screams Bob, his hand is pierced, some embalming needles have pressed into his palm, Ouchhhhh yells Bob crying out again.
The sarcophagus shakes beginning to faintly rattle open. The Mummy is rescued, freeing itself from inside. The Mummy who much like Bob's hand, is pierced with many similar small needles marks. Stumbling out of the sarcophagus the Mummy begins removing the cotton bandages that are wadding around it's mouth. The Mummy speaking now in clarity, introduces himself as the once King Lazarus.Telling Bob of how he had gotten so very very ill so long ago, later buried within the present sarcophagus, having been embalmed to preserve himself. This was a magic kind of ancient medicine, a way of curing illnesses, also a preservation, a means of if any later remedies were discovered. Gratefully Lazarus thanks Bob, and promises to uphold their bargain, helping Bob to escape from inside the cave. Lazarus gathers up his few belongings, importantly a torch that Lazarus proceeds to light.
Traveling journeying along their way to find an exit leading out side of the cave. Lazarus warns Bob. Saying Bob, you have been pierced by the magical embalming needles. Bob you will soon start to change fading into an immortal zombie. Bob doesn't know what this means, he lets this fly right over his head, sure his hand hurts, but he feels ordinary and looks normal. Finally they begin to reach an exit, traveling through many small winding earthen tunnels. Bob sometimes stopping along their way grabbing and prying at some of the shiny rocks, his treasure he calls them, many are entrenched within the caves walls. They later reach an opening leading them up into a very large crypt.
Bob is so happy he charges on forwards, running off ahead. He is finally free of that dark cave, happier to have some stories to tell about his adventures. Forgetting about his companion, he starts looking back, he slowly turns noticing a heap of smouldering bandages behind him, back on the crypts floor. Bob starts shouting screaming for Lazarus. Lazarusssssssssss, Lazarussssssssss, Bob cries. But Lazarus is gone.vanishing, leaving behind only a small smouldering fire of cotton clothed bandages. This is all that remains of the past king Lazarus. NOOOOOO, HEEELLLLLPPPP, Bob desperately despairs at the loss of his friend. Without Lazarus, Bob wonders where he is, or how he is going to find his way home? Eventually giving up, after searching for Lazarus. Bob moves to the door, opening up, the unlocked crypt,.
Bob steps outside, into a starry moonlit night. Bob is so tired, drifting off falling to sleep, nearby, under a large tree. Bob dreams he will find his friend, hoping he will be able to get home. Bob really wants to tell his parents about his adventure, because he knows that they will be worried and searching for him. Bob awakens the following morning, but in much to his shocked horrific surprise. Bob discovers that he is no longer a normal ordinary boy, he has changed fading into a zombie. Bob begins wondering what Lazarus had said, if he is now really immortal? Bob realizes his parents will not recognize him anymore, he looks different, he speaks different, he has faded into a Zombieboy.
Zombieboy eventually travels to Fabletown, hoping to find a possible cure.....
Awww, thanks a bunch, Noir!
Like always, I appreciate nice comments such as yours. Also yes, Reynard did have more of a thing for Snow than her sister from what I'm led to believe. But I figured that he would have the same affections for Rose as he did for Snow, to probably broaden his horizons, haha. From what I'm typing/brainstorming so far, this story of mine is supposed to take place during the events of TWAU, somewhat.
Feel free to add your own if you wish! Anyone is more than welcome to post their own stories on here, they are my guests after all, haha.
Read it earlier this morning, and I must say...
I should of said this before, but no problem man, anytime. Thank you for sticking with me and this thread for a good-long while! ^==^
Interesting, very interesting. (ponders to self and smokes another Huff & Puff cigarette)
No thank you probably my favorite thread on the forum should thank you this thread must live forever lol
Please do can't wait to see it your a very talented writer
My most ambitious story in terms of concept when do a crossover try to create a circumstance that will force both stories to collide without being cheesy or clique. I try make it as fun to read as I can pack it full of action, psychology and violence but also have a lot of heart. Moral I tried to get across in this story is when hope seems impossible even when light seems at it's darkest to never give up waiting for that magic moment in this case Clem moment my favorite moment tried make it as epic and badass as possible.
Anyway thanks for taking the time to read it. Thanks you for leaving a comment and also I'm also delighted you enjoyed it really appreciate it.
How I write story's lol ^ LOVE IT joker quote nice
Love this story so violent and action packed really fun read. The grammar and descriptions perfect never got lost in the story.You kept the tension high thorough just fascinating MOAR please
Thank you very much! Appreciate it ;-)
I googled the first one while looking for a picture of a giant wolf lol, and the second is actually my profile pic on another forum.
Lol, yeah, Reynard did like Snow alot, but he kinda gives up and is open to dating anyone who's willing to date him. I've always pictured him falling for Snow's daughter Therese, seeing that Therese grew up faster than her siblings because she was in Toyland (An entire story arc about 9 issues long) and that universe's time passes faster than ours.
OMG I love Rule of Rose!
Thank you, Emmy, you are well-educated in the knowledge of the Fables universe.
I can only hope that this ongoing story of mine has proved satisfactory to your liking, but I'll leave that to your thoughts. Thank you again for the response.
Love this well done only say recommend space it out or split into chapters because wall of text will scare off people without even reading it but apart from that epic loved it so random and funny well done
Me too
I like the design of the second one, it's kind of mythical and ancient. Good choice of profile pic.
I can see Reynard wanting to keep his horizons nice and broad. I've only read about him in the Animal Farm storyline and given the events in it he wasn't chasing after Rose, yet it makes sense he could have done before then i.e. when your story is taking place.
I surely need to read more of the comics, haven't even gotten to the part with Snow being pregnant yet.
Also, Emmy, as you know A Very Great Deal about Fables, I was wondering if you could inform me as to when the Exodus from the Homelands took place? In the Book of Fables for episode three of TWAU it mentions the Trip Trap being established in 1725, however was it a bit before then or somehow a while after? Thanks.
Epic and badass with morals, psychology and action is a pretty good writing philosophy. Heck, there are far worse philosophies for life :P
It is ambitious but you've pulled it off.
Dude, are you chain smoking? :P
Interested to see where this goes. While the zombie theme is familiar, Bob seemingly keeping all his mental faculties intact is somewhat different and could lead to poignant circumstances depending on how he is greeted in Fabletown. Also, as Mark said, splits here and there would be useful, but otherwise a good start.
Heh, mayyyybe...
Thanks Noir now your turn to make the greatest story ever written so excited to see the epicness
Name: Brannon.
Age: Thirty four.
Race: Weretiger.
[ His personality and abilities will be depicted in the story.]
Brannon was born to a different branch of Sheriff Bigby's family. He inherited a bit of the inner wolf, except the inner wolf was actually a tiger. He grew up being picked on by his siblings, mostly by how "puny" he was. It was a bit similar to his cousin's, Bigby's, background. However, the exterior of him was slightly frail, but the interior was all power. He lived in a den with his family, deep in the forests where nobody traveled. His father was the hunter of the family, but his mother was the nurturing one. His father gave him what you'd call "tough love" by attempting to train him, laughing at Brannon's siblings' remarks about him. The disapproval mostly came from his mother, who went missing about a week from a big argument between her and his father. Hate and anger boiled in his veins, mostly directed towards his father. Energy surged through him; he felt as if he could just murder his father right there. But he wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he did. What would you do? He decided to run away, as fast as his legs would carry him. Soon, he was running on all fours. It wasn't regular mundy hands and feet, but paws. He ran off to Fabletown, hoping that his family would not track him down. He hated his father; and his siblings. This was his new start, and he was not going to go back.
[ Is it good? Please give feedback, I'm doing like a story xD. His weretiger full form is like a white tiger, except larger, who can stand on it's hind legs. He has large black claws also. By the way, don't confuse this with lycanthrope. He can only transform due to anger, fear, or full moons. ]
Love this MOAR please would make an epic story and it's well written brilliant
lol ponders to self and smokes another Huff & Puff cigarette always enjoyed that
Yeah agreed best thread on the forum in my opinion for me personally love reading everyone's stories and writing my own theirs so many talented people on the forum and hopefully more will write in the future recently been lots of high quality stories loving it so far