What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Elizabeth

    "We'll figure out a plan on the way, but we've got to go now, otherwise we won't be able to catch up to them."

  • Will

    "Then lets get going before they escape!" Will said. He got in the RV and motioned for the others to do the same.

  • Well, I think there isn't much left with the RV group for the moment, so after whatever happens with Paul and Ivy, we can just skip to the bandits making it to the Motor Inn with the RV group just behind. Agreed?

  • The "Story So Far" has been updated, so you can check the short recap there.

    Are the only ones in the RV Phoenix, Elisha, Han, and Kieran? I haven't been paying much attention to the other areas as I was confused o

  • I'm also updating the character list a bit, adding better descriptions of the characters and their position in the group.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Well, I think there isn't much left with the RV group for the moment, so after whatever happens with Paul and Ivy, we can just skip to the bandits making it to the Motor Inn with the RV group just behind. Agreed?

  • edited March 2014

    Oh, first double post. Well, just ignore this then.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Well, I think there isn't much left with the RV group for the moment, so after whatever happens with Paul and Ivy, we can just skip to the bandits making it to the Motor Inn with the RV group just behind. Agreed?


    They were by themselves back at the semis. Bandit arrived and they got kidnapped. It was 2 against... 5 I think. So they surrendered. When R

  • Molly

    Molly walked over to Han. She thought she could relate, because of... him losing his brother, and Molly had lost her sister a long time ago.

    "Listen. I know you're hurt. I know what it feels like, I lost my sis- sister a while ago.... But, that girl, the little girl that i've been looking after and the little girl that Aaron died to protect is out there captured by the bandits - I'm not going to let them take her. I heard what you said... in the bathroom. So... that's why you're helping to save them. You may have lost someone, but do you really want to think about a little girl, trapped, with those rapist monsters...?"

  • edited March 2014


    Thank god. Ivy did need to pee, so she went behind a bush. "One second..."

    After she was done, she made sure the weird guy who she peed on wasn't around, and loaded the clip into her gun. She was scared, but she had to escape. What about Daniel...?

    Should she leave him? Or should she help him. She came out of the bush with her gun behind her back... One bandit near the other car... pee man outside... Daniel inside. I don't know if I can get him out of there...

    She decided that... she had to just escape. For Aaron - and more Molly. She prepared to leave, but she couldn't. "Hold on, I need to piss." That's Daniels voice. (Is this using Daniel too much?) Okay... Okay... Remember what Molly, and Daniel said... hold your breath... aim... for anywhere.

    She stepped out, aimed the gun - The bandit was looking away. She had a few seconds. She lined up the shot when the bandit saw her and threw a stick he was holding at her - she flinched, but she could still aim quickly. "DANIEL, RUN!"


    Ivy heard the gun fire, then the bandit scream. "FUCK, MY LEG!"

    She ran as fast as she could back the way they came. She didn't know where Daniel was, but she kept running. "I'm sorry."

  • Han

    Han sat up listening to what Molly had said, he put down the rifle that was beside him and he replenished the ammo. "Your...right.". He took a the stuffed animal he had from when Ivy gave it back to Hal. "We need to get the girl back, we shouldnt take any chances to lose another person.".

  • edited March 2014


    Looking sadly at Molly and Han, hearing their stories, Elisha sighed. He slouched over, thinking of what those bastards did to Danielle; how they forced everyone to watch; how Jolene squalled and holwed angrily. He thought how he wished he'd died in Athens the weeks after, about how Paul told him, "I'm gonna fuck that nigger's little girl and that Army brat bitch and that fat-ass bitch." He saw how Bart, Greg, Linda and Drew held everyone up at that motel. He remembered as 'that Army brat bitch' killed Bart. He remembered shooting at the Motel with his rifle before looking at his comrade, Rowan, one of the few remaining decent people, and how he shot him in the face and ran far away as the walkers came to feast. And he said, "Paul will suffer for what he did."

  • edited March 2014

    Angel gets back up, she keeps moving forward for the sake of Trina. Out in the distance she spots something. She sees a car and she runs up to it with Frankie following close behind. "It crashed into this tree I think but I think it might still be drivable" Angel smiles to herself. "Shit, no keys. There in here somewhere Angel." Frankie says. "I don't see no keys here. Dammit... Dammit." Angel says. She spots the glovebox "Hey Frankie, can you open that glovebox" Frankie opens it up and there is some food, guns and a screwdriver "hand me that screwdriver there." Angel says hoping to Hotwire the car.
    (Glinda are you still here?)

  • Daniel

    Daniel looked over and saw that the bandits weren't watching her that well. After all that trouble of not pulling over, they weren't watching her. What a bunch of fucking idiots. Daniel knew that Ivy still had her gun on her, and if they were that dumb, maybe they'd be dumb enoguh for him to escape too.

    "Hold on, I need to piss," he said. Their leader opened his mouth to say something, when one of the other guys interrupted him. "Come on, we're already stopped." The leader didn't say anything, just let him out. He untied him just as a shot rang out. One of the other bandits screamed. "FUCK, MY LEG!"

    The spikey hair one turned for just a second, and Daniel punched him in the gut. The bandit keeled over. Daniel hesitated for just a second, and then grabbed the handle of his machete that was sticking out of Paul's open backpack. The third bandit had a gun trained on him now, so Daniel ran before killing the leader. He heard a couple bullets hitting the ground behind him as he broke for the tree line.

  • Private message, please reply to this: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/messages/1259

    Ivy Thank god. Ivy did need to pee, so she went behind a bush. "One second..." After she was done, she made sure the weird guy who she

  • Do you know where the RV is located and you're headed to Macon right?

    Zyphon posted: »

    Daniel Daniel looked over and saw that the bandits weren't watching her that well. After all that trouble of not pulling over, they weren

  • The RV is after the bandits, the bandits are returning to the Motel.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Do you know where the RV is located and you're headed to Macon right?

  • Replied.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Private message, please reply to this: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/messages/1259

  • Okay, good, I think I've got it sorted then.


  • Ok, now that we've worked that out, your original account is unbanned and you are welcome to use it.

    Sorry for the confusion about the notification system.

    So apparently I got banned again. I posted a thread but it didn't go through so I posted it again and then BOOM banned. I did the ______ because I've ran out of names.

  • Ok thank you! :D

    Ok, now that we've worked that out, your original account is unbanned and you are welcome to use it. Sorry for the confusion about the notification system.

  • edited March 2014


    "Alright. We should go, we got some catching up to do" I say.

  • edited March 2014


  • edited April 2014

    Frankie complies & hands the screwdriver over, she also grabs 2 guns from the glovebox and hands one to Angel. Maybe there luck is starting to change. Angel puts the screwdriver in the ignition but suddenly the car alarm goes off. Walkers can hear the alarm and are slowly making there way to the car. First only a few, than several than a dozen. Angel is trying to start the car with the screwdriver but to no avail. There's now around 50 walkers surrounding the car. "Shit! Start the car already!" Frankie yells.

  • edited March 2014


    The RV hit a bump for the umpteenth time as it sped down toward Macon. Elisha bumped his head against the roof trying to get to the bathroom. "Shit!" He hissed as he massaged his head. He opened the door and took a piss. While doing so, he thought of a plan to attack the bandits.

    RV: ram into bandit jeep. Me: Use Kalash for fire support. Others: divide into two groups; One focused on attacking bandits; Two, finding missing members.

    When he finished, he walked out and told this plan of his to everyone.

  • edited March 2014


    "I'll help attack. I got some weapon's, I may as well use them, I'll be in the attack group" I say. I figure I have a gun, a knife and a bow. Gun, Melee and Range. Pretty good set-up.

    "I can take them by surprise. I shot one of them in the shoulder earlier whilst hiding in a tree" I say.

    Note: It would be cool if one of you bandits could do something about that. Like Paul can look at the bandit with an arrow through his shoulder. I actually put that in my post a while back but I don't think anybody said anything about it.

  • Will

    "Is splitting up really a good idea? I made that mistake and I don't want it to happen again" Will says in disagreement. "I'll only go along with this plan if everyone else is against me, because something is bound to go wrong."

  • Kieran

    "We won't go far. We have to attack the bandits from different angles. We can't just go in guns blazing. I agree with the plan" I say.

  • Theodore

    "Slow the fuck down back there man, I'm trying to drive damnit." Theo takes a left down the road. "I think we're close to these motherfuckers."

  • Han

    "I will help you guys kill the bandits, I have this fully loaded rifle here and I am a pretty good shot. Back when Hal was alive, I would hold him to my side and shoot this rifle with just one hand."

  • Elisha

    "Well, Will, we're very likely to die if we're fighting in one group. We'll make ourselves very easy to get shot at. If you're against the plan, we'll always need a guard for the RV, if we don't break the fuck out of it."

  • I missed it, sorry about that.

    Kieran "I'll help attack. I got some weapon's, I may as well use them, I'll be in the attack group" I say. I figure I have a gun, a knife

  • Paul

    It took Paul a second to get his breath back, the guy took him by surprise. Once he did, he drew his gun. Zeke had put a bandage around Issac's leg, it didn't look that bad. "Zeke, grab your gun, we're going after these fuckers! Issac, you stay put, no way you can make it through the woods with your leg all fucked up."

    Zeke grabbed hunting rifle and followed Paul into the woods, moving quickly. Didn't want to lose them. "Finding that girl is out top fucking priority right now," Paul said quietly and they moved through the forest. It was getting dark now, but they could still see, and as much as all the plantlife slowed them down, it made walkers noisier. Little kids too.


    Daniel ran, trying to look for Ivy, using his machete to cut through the vegetation whenever necessary. He called her ame a few times at first, but then stopped. The bandits had to be following them, and he didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention. If he were on his own he'd probably try to circle back to the road, but he didn't know if Ivy would do the same. Walkers weren't really a problem, they were noisy moving through the woods, and easy to avoid.

  • edited March 2014


    I told the little girl not to play games with Paul and she fucking shots me in the goddamn leg and runs away! Are you fucking kidding me! The little bastard is gonna pay. No more mister nice guy.

  • Do you think you could perhaps tell me what page the list of bandits is on, I'd like to add them to the character list.

    ~Issac~ I told the little girl not to play games with Paul and she fucking shots me in the goddamn leg and runs away! Are you fucking kidding me! The little bastard is gonna pay. No more mister nice guy.

  • edited March 2014

    Yeah its on pg.71

    Oh and I was wondering are there anymore additional bandit at the Motel. Or is the 7 or so bandits it.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Do you think you could perhaps tell me what page the list of bandits is on, I'd like to add them to the character list.

  • I already gave you permission to do the bandits.

    Is this getting accepted or no?

  • edited April 2014

    "Use the Guns!" Angel tosses her gun to Frankie. "Be careful, that ain't no toy!" Frankie snaps at Angel, the guns were only to be used as a last resort. With one more try Angel precisely dug the screwdriver into the ignition and sped off to the road ahead of them, the alarm still beeping. Frankie looks over at Angel. " How... The fuck were you able to do that?" Frankie smiles at Angel with a huge such of relief. " I may not be a pro killer or anything along the lines of that but Ilearned my fair share of skills in the apocalypse." Angel tells Frankie. "Well... thank's" Frankie says to Angel grateful to be alive.

  • Oh oops

    Zyphon posted: »

    I already gave you permission to do the bandits.

  • It does look like Glinda isnt coming back I guess

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Angel "Use the Guns!" Angel tosses her gun to Frankie. "Be careful, that ain't no toy!" Frankie snaps at Angel, the guns were only to be us

  • Is it too late to join this far in?

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