I personally loved the environments because they were so totally un-Borderlandsy, it really felt like a completely different game.
Though… more, I think my favourite environment would have to be The Subconscious from Claptastic Voyage - everything about it is gorgeous (ESPECIALLY the music).
But TTAoDK still pips it at the post for me overall, I think it really solidified the 'anything can happen' aspects of the DLC and laid the path for storytelling like Claptastic voyage (and to some extent, Tales itself) because it exemplified the unreliable narrator. One of my favourite aspects of it was watching the scenery change around me as Tina manipulated and changed the story. It was just a really cool narrative device.
I also really liked the introduction of the different puzzles (and the fact that if people were like "screw this I just want to shoot stuff" the gameplay would adapt to their play style, too).
But, after just losing, like, $50… [view original content]
You already know him I am the human vessel for the overlord.
Long story short, he is the Ultimate God of the Borderlands Universe, hence the title the Forbid den Brother. He also grants wishes sometimes, to the people in the earth realms.
I am in the process of writting what Ted told me in the legendary "Book of Ted"
so Laura Bailey did an interview involving Tales, apparently she finished all the lines the other day, same day she tweeted she was sad to say the last line.
Speaking of interviews, I wonder when those Telltale ones will be out. I'd assume the Minecraft one will be out soon, either before or after the premiere.
so Laura Bailey did an interview involving Tales, apparently she finished all the lines the other day, same day she tweeted she was sad to say the last line.
Speaking of interviews, I wonder when those Telltale ones will be out. I'd assume the Minecraft one will be out soon, either before or after the premiere.
Ugh, I just replayed TTAoDK and am a freakin' mess.
I adored Claptastic Voyage, but TTAoDK remains my all time fave. It's undeniably Anthony Burch's magnum opus (and perhaps Gearbox's as well - time will tell - bring on BL3)!
I can just imagine it now
"Rhys, I- I have something to tell you that I've wanted to tell you for a very long time now"
"What is it?"
"I- I love you"
"I love you too Fiona <333"
shit, i'd cry too
It's so sad that it's possible we might never see them again. And if we do, it'll probably be in Borderlands 3, which won't be out for a really long time.
It's so sad that it's possible we might never see them again. And if we do, it'll probably be in Borderlands 3, which won't be out for a really long time.
Shit, I'm crying.
What if Rhys plays a huge part as an antagonist or big brother/overwatch role as head of Hyperion with Fiona becoming a playable character. That would be amazing.
It's so sad that it's possible we might never see them again. And if we do, it'll probably be in Borderlands 3, which won't be out for a really long time.
Shit, I'm crying.
I doubt it. It's not just about money, it's about making a good enough story. Besides, I love Tales, but I think it's best off as it is. That's not even mentioning all the contract stuff. Besides, what the point of playing a game that's not really canon? I think, sometimes, it's better to just finish it off whilst it's still at its best. I'd hate to see 'Tales season 1 was SO much better omfg' all over the forums.
This episode isn't the last ride for our heroes. It's just a pit stop until they can get back on the road.
A VERY credible sorurce tells … moreme that we WILL see more of them.
By the way, the source is the Forbidden Great Lord Dr. Ted. Tell me, when has Ted been wrong?
I honestly think that either fiona, sasha or vaughn (or all of them) are going to die. think about it, at the end of btps, it was said that "war is coming", but 'til now, there is no reason for rhys to declare war on anybody. so either someone really close to him is going to die (I think it's gonna be vaughn 'cause he's actually on pandora, and rhys would go bat-shit-crazy when this planet takes his one and only friend), or the jack-takes-over-rhys-ending is going to be canon. what'cha think? is rhys going to become a maniac himself or will jack just take over his body forever?
AH YEAH! Thanks for the update!
Wow I like you already lmao
thx for the update :^)
Extreme violence ? Hope our group will be ok!
Enemies like those are when I wish BL2 had The Pyro or something.
Contains extreme violence?
This could foreshadow death! The death of someone important!
Every episode rating says "extreme violence" I wouldn't worry too much. (but yeah, someone's probably going to die)
uhm...wait. release date is...today? I mean, 10.3 is october the third, right?
It's the release date for the rating.
oh, ok. I already panicked and burned a kindergarten, but ok.
Ted is love, Ted is life
You already know him I am the human vessel for the overlord.
Long story short, he is the Ultimate God of the Borderlands Universe, hence the title the Forbid den Brother. He also grants wishes sometimes, to the people in the earth realms.
I am in the process of writting what Ted told me in the legendary "Book of Ted"
PEGI rated!?!?!?!?
so Laura Bailey did an interview involving Tales, apparently she finished all the lines the other day, same day she tweeted she was sad to say the last line.
Speaking of interviews, I wonder when those Telltale ones will be out. I'd assume the Minecraft one will be out soon, either before or after the premiere.
I hope they come out the week of release to build some hype up, unless they discussed episode 5 stuff, then maybe the day of release
The end of the ride is near. It was a nice time guys.
Oh look, the picture that began the shipping, or at least accelerated it.
Hear, hear, my fellow Rhyshan.
It's my absolute favorite, next to Torgue's DLC.
It's so sad that it's possible we might never see them again.
And if we do, it'll probably be in Borderlands 3, which won't be out for a really long time. 
Shit, I'm crying.
TBH I'm hoping for some sidequests involving the Tales bunch. It'd be so awesome imo for just a cameo to assure us about their existence.
I'm pretty sure it was this that started it.
If we're talking forum shenanigans it was this no contest.
What if Rhys plays a huge part as an antagonist or big brother/overwatch role as head of Hyperion with Fiona becoming a playable character. That would be amazing.
I don't think so. tftb is kinda the prologue to borderlands 3, I don't think it'll become any longer
Who said they won't make S2? It doesn't really have to be canon does it? So I'm fairly certain that if Tales bring enough money they will make S2.
If they were making a S2, wouldn't they have announced it already, though?
Nah they have their schedule fall for now I guess earliest announcement will be next year fall
I doubt it. It's not just about money, it's about making a good enough story. Besides, I love Tales, but I think it's best off as it is. That's not even mentioning all the contract stuff. Besides, what the point of playing a game that's not really canon? I think, sometimes, it's better to just finish it off whilst it's still at its best. I'd hate to see 'Tales season 1 was SO much better omfg' all over the forums.
This episode isn't the last ride for our heroes. It's just a pit stop until they can get back on the road.
A VERY credible sorurce tells me that we WILL see more of them.
By the way, the source is the Forbidden Great Lord Dr. Ted. Tell me, when has Ted been wrong?
You spelled my name wrong on the cult list
Ok, I kinda figured, but wasn't sure. Thanks!
pls dont ruin dreams about S2
Too late m8
I swear if my birthday-present is gonna be the end of tftb, I'm gonna need some pitchforks and torches.
I honestly think that either fiona, sasha or vaughn (or all of them) are going to die. think about it, at the end of btps, it was said that "war is coming", but 'til now, there is no reason for rhys to declare war on anybody. so either someone really close to him is going to die (I think it's gonna be vaughn 'cause he's actually on pandora, and rhys would go bat-shit-crazy when this planet takes his one and only friend), or the jack-takes-over-rhys-ending is going to be canon. what'cha think? is rhys going to become a maniac himself or will jack just take over his body forever?