Episode 5 Waiting Thread -Releasing March 29th across all platforms, Key art and screenshots on Blog



  • I think you are the only one who would agree with me that Soren is the only fraud

    I lied to preserve Ellegaard's memory as a heroine. 4 of the members were honestly trying to do their hardest, it was only Soren who was really a fraud until after the Ender Dragon fight.

  • In one playthrough I said that it was a lie but in my second making Gabriel keep it I really deposed how he said "although we may have slain an ender dragon" he shouldn't have said that to me it sounded like boasting but I think in the end I will keep the secret, I feel it was onky deserved to be told to our gang because we risked our lives to reunite the order and we should've known that they weren't as great as we had known

    Am I the only one who straight up told the audience the lies that the Order were spreading?

  • Does anyone have access to epiosde 5 acheivments?

    I do wonder where we CAN go from here... But based on the achievements.... Hmn...

  • Just stay away from spoiling or adding spoilers comment. If you want to add spoilers dont forget to add the spoilers tag, or you can make your own discussion.

  • PSN users do

    Does anyone have access to epiosde 5 acheivments?

  • [1] They all were sad for Magnus/Ellegaard, so that's a big hint.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    * How in the seven hells do you know that? They confirmed that anywhere? 2. Half-True, A mob does respawn, otherwise the mobs will die out, wont they? But it may take time..

  • edited December 2015
    1. They never spoke of anything about Respawning, from their reactions we can tell that when people die, they stay that way, especially since there are 'You Died' screens for when you fail to do some of the QTEs.
    captainivy1 posted: »

    * How in the seven hells do you know that? They confirmed that anywhere? 2. Half-True, A mob does respawn, otherwise the mobs will die out, wont they? But it may take time..

  • edited December 2015

    Well technically they weren't completely lies, they did defeat the Ender Dragon but they use a Command Block to do so, I'm pretty sure there's no rule saying you're not allowed to use a Command Block.

    Am I the only one who straight up told the audience the lies that the Order were spreading?

  • edited December 2015

    Ellegaard doesn't deserve the hate either :x

    In my first playthrough, I told them to keep telling the lie. Yes, they are frauds, but in the end they did help Jesse and the group. And Gabriel and Magnus doesn't deserve the hate. And Gabriel genuinely tried to be a hero and help the group.

  • Yeah 4 weeks is so less to do all that, design links to decisions, do voice recording and everything.

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Dude, they need to work on it, they need time to fix bugs, make animations, etc, they need 4 weeks to work on it. At least we don't have to wait 2-4 months.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2015

    Telltale works a lot differently from most video game studios. Team members come and go from project to project as they're needed (but only when they're done with their last task, and only for minor things), but the core team on any different episode are different from project to project so that one game's production will never interfere with the production of another.

    That's why they've been able to release several projects within the same month (For example, October was their mega month, with the most releases they've ever had in a single month - four - three new episodes (the finale of Tales from the Borderlands and two Minecraft: Story Mode episodes), and the remastered version of Back to the Future).

    AdamRoberts posted: »

    But many members are same+ceo and producers

  • Yeah they are submitted with the first episode, you can go ahead and read them.

    They're all a reference to the 'end game' text you get when you defeat the Ender Dragon.

    Does anyone have access to epiosde 5 acheivments?

  • Hey all, I want to download the Minecraft Story Mode Season Pass for the PC. I found a MSM for $24.99, now is this including the season pass?

  • Yes, the Season Pass gives you all episodes for one price.

    FearfulInk posted: »

    Hey all, I want to download the Minecraft Story Mode Season Pass for the PC. I found a MSM for $24.99, now is this including the season pass?

  • how... exactly to install it? in unofficial FAQ discussion it only said it has access to download episode 2-5 and it didn't tell how to install it

  • To clarify, are you talking about the Season Pass disc?

    If so, the Episode select screen should give you an option to download an episode once it is publicly released. If you are having troubles accessing currently released Episodes, consult the Telltale Games Support Center section for Minecraft: Story Mode.

    how... exactly to install it? in unofficial FAQ discussion it only said it has access to download episode 2-5 and it didn't tell how to install it

  • Ok thanks

    To clarify, are you talking about the Season Pass disc? If so, the Episode select screen should give you an option to download an episode

  • I agree with Soren being the only fraud too.
    BUT Soren had the plan with the enderman. Ivor gave the enchanting book to the gang but HE CREATED THE WITHER STORM AND MADE IT FOLLOW THE AMULET.
    So who of the order are frauds?

    I think you are the only one who would agree with me that Soren is the only fraud

  • Can't wait! Telltale did such a good job so far! (Somehow nobody has actually developed theories and predictions for episode 5 yet)

  • (At least in this chat)

    Can't wait! Telltale did such a good job so far! (Somehow nobody has actually developed theories and predictions for episode 5 yet)

    1. ^^ 2. Mobs only Spawn, and there's always going to be new mobs. But you can consider it has a "respawn" but as point 1 is true, then Reuben will never be seen again. sniff :(
    captainivy1 posted: »

    * How in the seven hells do you know that? They confirmed that anywhere? 2. Half-True, A mob does respawn, otherwise the mobs will die out, wont they? But it may take time..

  • Uhmmm no?

    L-dog posted: »

    Coding.org says.... He is not dead what will you do?..... Hacked MimoDX2 ... You made him lose his account goodbye MimoDX2

  • Coding.com says... Ok sorry i will stop

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    Uhmmm no?

  • And I know I didn't use code I didn't want to

    L-dog posted: »

    Coding.com says... Ok sorry i will stop

  • edited December 2015

    I wonder how Episode 5 will work, if its going to be only one adventure or it will be a Multi-Episode thing (For example: 6 chapters that have nothing to do with each other, if you know what i mean).

  • One thing why doesn't episode five have a picture of what they are doing BECAUSE if new players got the game they didn't know the story either so that's what they did so new people cant see what happened

  • ...what?

    One thing why doesn't episode five have a picture of what they are doing BECAUSE if new players got the game they didn't know the story either so that's what they did so new people cant see what happened

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The screenshot in the OP was used because it tells you that the adventure will continue in episode 5, it's also more interesting then using the logo as a placeholder until Telltale release official key art.

    There is also a warning in the thread title which should hopefully prevent people from seeing the spoilers before they open the thread and generally we do allow spoiler discussion and some screenshots about previous episodes in waiting threads.

    One thing why doesn't episode five have a picture of what they are doing BECAUSE if new players got the game they didn't know the story either so that's what they did so new people cant see what happened

  • Still, they lied about HOW they did it.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Well technically they weren't completely lies, they did defeat the Ender Dragon but they use a Command Block to do so, I'm pretty sure there's no rule saying you're not allowed to use a Command Block.

  • Yeah

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    I wonder how Episode 5 will work, if its going to be only one adventure or it will be a Multi-Episode thing (For example: 6 chapters that have nothing to do with each other, if you know what i mean).

  • edited December 2015

    we didn't defeat the Ender Dragon, I think. Maybe episode 5 will be about the new order defeating the Ender Dragon for real.

    Yeah they are submitted with the first episode, you can go ahead and read them. They're all a reference to the 'end game' text you get when you defeat the Ender Dragon.

  • Hes referring to the Original Minecraft. If you kill the ender Dragon there, you would get an Ending Text.

  • Thanks :)

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Hes referring to the Original Minecraft. If you kill the ender Dragon there, you would get an Ending Text.

  • sorry for confusion

    One thing why doesn't episode five have a picture of what they are doing BECAUSE if new players got the game they didn't know the story either so that's what they did so new people cant see what happened

  • I mean I know that trailers are to advertise stuff but isn't it like a spoiler to what happens in an episode like the ends of episode 1,2,3 told us some things in Minecraft Story Mode for the next episode

  • Can a PSN user submit the episode 5 achievements or is that kind of a spoiler?? just want to know if it is a spoiler.

    Yeah they are submitted with the first episode, you can go ahead and read them. They're all a reference to the 'end game' text you get when you defeat the Ender Dragon.

  • I think they wont battle a regular wither after episode 4 and in episode 5 will the new order be split up like the old order and is there gonna be a season 2 of Minecraft Story Mode???????????? prob not

  • I'm not sure I understand, the achievements have been up since Episode 1 released, and since that is the fact besides the first episode they are usually inaccurate, and not very spoily. Plus since these are all from the end text, it can't really spoil you.

    Can a PSN user submit the episode 5 achievements or is that kind of a spoiler?? just want to know if it is a spoiler.

  • True.

    Still, they lied about HOW they did it.

  • edited December 2015

    Also will Lukas turn on the new Order in episode 5?

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