I'm sorry Mathea. You guys deserve better. Never be afraid to be honest with me. I am the first to admit the delays have been horrible. I'm doing my best to permanently stop them.
My issue isn't the wait. My issue is when you say something like "The next part is out tommorow" then nothing and you apologise a week later. Just know that I'm not mad
My issue isn't the wait. My issue is when you say something like "The next part is out tommorow" then nothing and you apologise a week later. Just know that I'm not mad
Sure thing, that's not a problem for me. There are several ways you could deal with a vote tie. You could flip a coin, you could count the first vote twice, you could give Agent a second vote since it is his character or any other way you can imagine and I'd be fine with all of these. You're the writer, you decide.
Hey guys. So you're probably wondering where the next part is. Well I don't know if you'll believe me but the reason that the part is not ou… moret yet.......is because it keeps getting longer. At first I wanted it to have at least 3 P.O.V's.............now i'm thinking about 7-8 (Although one is a double. You'll get why in the part itself.) So between studies, essay writing and maybe watching an insane amount of Batman Episode 1 Let's Play's I haven't had the time to finish it.
So, you are probably asking why I gave you the false hope this would be a part by posting a message before it. The reason is that during the entire writing process I kept missing Logan, since I always planned for his choice to last just one part and be resolved on the next. So under the advice of a friend I decided to consider just flipping a coin for it, but I want to get your consent to do so first. Now I can already see Agent telling me I should have done this a week … [view original content]
I decided it was best to go talk to him a bit. As I got up from my seat I noticed that Mike was looking at me. It looked like he was going to go to me but he stayed in his seat. That was a breath of relief, the way he was acting he was definitely not coming to talk. As I sat down next to him I noticed Riley in the seat in front was doodling something. Though with the speed and precision she was doing it, I looked more like she was drawing a practice picture she had drawn a million times before. Sam himself was covered face to torso by his hoodie.
"Hi, Sam" I said trying to start a conversation.
"Hi" he said and remained quiet.
"Soooo...........how's your day been?" I answered. He was talking to me whether he wanted to or not.
"..............eventful" he answered nearly whispering. It seemed to me he remembered something he didn't want to talk about. But like I said before, he had no choice.
"Eventful, that's great, great. Any particular events you could tell me about?"
He turned to look at me. "Look Val, I don't feel like......." Before he could finish his sentence we both braced for impact as the bus suddenly stopped.
Adam Pierce
I was checking the documents given to me a 15th time. I had looked a several government contracts before so I was very aware that the language used was extremely important. Any sentence, phrase or word that could be taken out of context or re interpreted in anyway was vital. I took special care to read the areas 'Health and Safety' and 'Emergency Procedures'. I also looked at the confidentiality agreement, those tended to be too vague or two specific depending on how concerned the people were information would leek out. This one was two pages. As I tried my best to focus on their bizarre cellphone policy, I was suddenly taken aback by Gus's voice.
"HOLY SHIT!!" He yelled as he turned the buss and put it in a sudden stop.
In the middle of the confusion I noticed a man standing in the center of the road just a few feet from the buss. The man had recently come out of his car, which he had parked in the wrong lane, and was raising his hand with a closed fist and his thumb sticking out, like old hitch-hikers had back in the day with a brief case held tightly in the other. The man looked to be in his 40's, he had black hair and brown eyes and was wearing a Victorian era suit with a black shirt. If I hadn't recognized who he was I would have thought it was a nightmare, sadly I did and I KNEW it was a nightmare. As he walked up to the buss I began dreading to think the kind of madness that had just been dragged into our lives. As he went in front the bus he took out his golden pocket watch and looked at it for a moment.
"Hmph, 13 minutes late. Clearly not your best job is it Adam." said Lucius Sherwinlock, the history teacher.
"It's Pierce......"
"Oh, cmon. We are contemporaries in our craft. There is no need for there to be hostility among us."
I resisted the urge to punch him. "Were not friends. Get out..."
"You're sorry?........"
I stared at him for a good minute. "I said, get out."
"My, my the morning seems to have eaten your manners, or was that simply the coffee you spilled on yourself earlier."
I was briefly shocked he deduced that, but I was also too angry to care. "Get the fuck out of the buss Sherwick........."
"It's Sherwinlock, now who's correcting who?"
"I don't care, you're not authorized to be here. Get out."
"Well if it's a matter of proper clearance. Here you go." he said pulling a surprisingly intact piece of paper out of his coat pocket. The paper was an official document from the student board detailing how sorry they were that the news arrived so late, but that they were unable to communicate with me until now. Then it followed to explain how Professor Sherwinlock, who was absent at the original meeting, had expressed interest in joining several times, but had only been authorized by the facility the past Thursday.
"Sorry for the late news, old boy. Our school's board is quite inefficient at getting things outside their scheduling overlords."
I took a deep breath, there was nothing I could do. All my other options suddenly ended in physical assault lawsuits and reprimands from the school board. Maybe even a removal of the teacher of the year award given to me by the student council. Any hope of him leaving was gone.
"Well" I said under my breath. "They did hire a 12 year old as a teacher. So I wouldn't be too optimistic at their 'expertise'." I finished as I put the paper away.
"Yes. It was quite incompetent on their part. I had to resort to guessing the facilities number based on my brief look at it on a copy of the legal document and the probability of the other numbers. It took me 7 minutes................"
For a moment all we did was stare at each other. Then I decided it was pointless.
"Before I let you in. Were going to meet some ground rules."
"I'm sorry Pierce but it seems that you forget that the people in charge already....."
"I'M in charge of this trip now."
He stood silent for a moment. "Very well......."
"First, no surprise fencing tournaments."
He looked saddened briefly, but answered quickly. "Fine..."
"Second. You won't mock or insult me....."
"That I cannot abide. Your attitude so far makes it impossible."
"Then you won't mock or insult the students."
That angered him a bit. "Do you think so little of me that you honestly think I would....."
"Third, you won't mock or insult the facilities staff."
"Well if they're anything like you're being that will be quite impossible."
"Fourth, No wandering off."
"Fine I shall be like a hawk on his owners shoulder."
"And finally. No last minute bullshit."
"No, what?......."
"No last minute bullshit. No reviewing the lab on your standards when the tour ends. No getting into arguments with the staff over the research they're conducting. No exploding the building two seconds after we leave. NO LAST MINUTE BULLSHIT!!!"
"Fine." he said sternly.
I was still reluctant , gave Gus the order to let him pass. Lucius quickly got in.
"Good day, trolley driver" he said to Gus, who looked very confused.
"Nobody call's them that anymore." I told him.
"Well I do and I tend to believe i'm someone." he said sitting down. "Well? are we going or not."
"Your car still in the middle, ser" Gus said before I could answer.
"Don't worry about that. I can pay for it's future towing service. Besides we wasted enough time with Adam's little rant earlier."
I stared at him again. Lawsuit couldn't be that big, right?
"Well? Are you getting in or not?"
I took a deep breath and sat down. Today was going just great so far.
Aaron Miles
The buss was late. Either that or I was early, but I doubted that. I had reset my alarm for 6 more minutes after it woke me up at least 5 times. Then I went and cooked my own breakfast waffles since Logan wasn't around. How did it go? Well it went well........the 3rd time. At least they were edible this time. Then I went to the tv and saw one of Logan's famous sticky notes, suffice to say I really I fucking hated those. Mostly because they were normally there to remind me what Logan had said the past few days. But he somehow decided that was not enough and he needed to make sure that I didn't forget.....ever. Sometimes he wrote them on the spot seconds after telling me something. But to be perfectly honest, the thing that made me really hate them was how they were written. Logan liked to pretend the objects were TALKING to me. For example the one on the tv said "Don't wake me, i'm very sleepy"
They were trying to be funny I guess but they just came up as awkwardly cutesy and sometimes very, very creepy. One morning I was brushing my teeth and saw one on my hairbrush that said "Let me touch your hair and make it feel REALLY nice". Since that fateful day I've been having nightmares about what kind of notes he would write on soap. The fact it made me lock the bathroom door at night was a bit embarrassing, but it was the only way to make sure. I remember the time I asked him why he did that, he said mom used to. Knowing what everyone says about her, I doubt it. But I could see how much they meant to him so I never asked again. I still fucking hated them though. But the message was loud, clear and didn't have fucked up undertones, so I just went along with my day. It was then that I realized I hadn't packed yet. My bag was hanging in the coat rack and, to my dummy punching anger, another note. "Fill me up, i'm very hungry". Why did I have to be the one guy in the world the furniture talked to?
Whatever I decided it was best to just go along with it. I made sure the backpack chocked on my snacks and went on my way. It had been 20 minutes now and still no buss. Then it suddenly arrived and i got on. I was surprised to see Mr. Sherwinlock on it but didn't comment on it.
"Good Day, Proffesors" i said waving to them.
"Good Morrow, Aaron" said Mr. Sherwinlock. Mr. Pierce waved to me back.
I went to the back of the buss which was empty at this time. Nothing much was going on so I put on my headphones and looked out the window. I wondered how Logan was doing today.............
Logan Miles
Ok, I was decided.
"It was a bat. I'm sure of it." I said with confidence.
"Well I hope you're right boy." Phil said, still unenthusiastic. "Otherwise it's gonna cost you some of my night hours...."
"Oh, if were playing that game then if I win you take some of mine too."
"Okay then, deals a deal put it right there partner." He said extending his right hand. I shook it confidently.
"Well" he said pulling his hand back into the wheel. "Now than that's dealt with, why don't you go and check on our boys on the back."
"Will do, buddy" I said as I he stopped the car and I got off.
As I walked out of view I heard him whispering under his breath. "Idiot" he said and then tuned back the radio.
Well thanks for inviting me then , asshole. I should have know a grizzled old bastard wouldn't understand me. I needed someone with more 'drive' to really connect with, like Johnny and Bill. Both of them where the toughest guys I met so far. Brave, Strong and full of passion, those were the guys I should try to impress. I bet they had that psycho guy eating through a straw by now, if he even dare to try anything. As I opened the back door I saw them both cowering in the corner...............well that certainly killed my expectations. The inmate was sitting calmly and whistling till he saw me.
"Good morning Officer" he said saluting me with a smile. My two brave cop buddies just stared at him in horror as he did this. I could barely keep from dropping my jaw.
I turned to look straight at them and tried to think up a witty comment. "Well you two look as pale as my girlfriend did when I asked for an engagement." Instantly bit my tongue when I realized what I had just said.
The inmate started to laugh like a maniac and both of my coworkers looked at me awkwardly.
"Sorry, your what?" said the Johnny befuddled.
I tried to say something clever to fix things. "No, sorry. My EX-girlfriend, she dumped me right after I said it." Okay that didn't work. Back to tongue biting.
They both kept staring at me like I had a monkey tap dancing on my face as the inmate continued his maniacal laughter. I couldn't believe how much the situation changed since I first opened the door. It felt so damn awkward...........I needed to stop it.
"So, it seems everything is fine. So I should probably leave, bye." I said before slamming the doors and running to the front seat.
"What was that all about?" Phil asked surprised.
"Nothing." I answered. "I just close doors that way."
He kept staring at me for a good minute before he turned the car on and started driving again. We sat quietly for a while. Then, just when I thought it was all over, the radio turned on.
"529, transport do you copy?"
Phil picked up the transmitter. "Loud and Clear HQ. Got any news?"
"Nothing much, i was just going to report you on the murder weapon used in the latest homicide case. You know, the headless guy."
We both turned to look at each other. "Yes I know Billy, please inform."
"Well.....you're not gonna believe this but.......the murder weapon...." He stopped as we both waited in silence. "It was...a...a...a bat."
Then for just a brief moment I felt it. The entire world slowed down as I realized that for the first time since I wore this outfit, I did something right. Something I could be proud of, that I could brag about to girls at bars, that I could tell my kids one day when I was a father. 'Hey, you know that one murder nobody could solve, I did. With no one else's help. I knew what it was before even the corner did.' For the first time in longer than I was willing to admit. I felt satisfied with what I had done.
"Uh" said Phil at a loss for words. "Well, that's a.....real interesting Billy."
The man on the other end was confused. "Phil, did you read me right. It was a BAT. An actual fucking bat. Do you know....."
"Yeah I heard you enough times Billy. Now sorry but I have something more important to attend to."
"But Phil I..." he said before Phil turned it off.
He looked at me for a moment. "Congrats." he said drily.
"Thanks...I.." I said still overwhelmed.
"No need to thank me boy, you just made a steal. You're a real crook......" He said looking a me straight in the eye. "Just like your mother....."
With full shock I looked at him. He was staring at me with a pissed off look in his eyes. This piece of fucking shit.......
[Hold It Back And Ignore Him]
[Let It All Loose]
Valentino Drake
"Are-are you ok man?" said Samuel looking down at me.
I had fallen down to the floor of the bus due to it's sudden stop. My back hurt and at the moment I felt like my mouth was hit with a giant bowling pin, but i didn't care. I was too determined on something else.
"Not until you finish telling me what you were saying" i said sitting down and looking at him straight in the face.
"Dude you look messed up." he said starring at me. "Are you sure you don't need?"
"Answer, now."
I guess he saw no point in it anymore. "I got beat up."
Immediately i felt a bit of regret for asking, but my curiousity won out again. "Max or Mike"
"Neither. And why are those always the two options?"
"Well I was going to say Wayne, but he's more of the passive-aggressive wimpy type."
He laughed a bit and went back to look a the front. I smiled a bit and layed back on my seat. Made Sad Samuels day brighter and..............WAIT A MINUTE.
"You still didn't tell me who it was. Who was it? Dude?" I said flayling my arms around like in class when i asked a question so he couldn't ignore me.
After a moment the look on his face changed. He now looked a little more.....terrified. "Val"
"Oh, don't you 'Val' me, you evading bastard. I'm trying to help your worthless bu..." I was finishing but he interrupted me.
"DUDE!, i'm serious........look at Riley" he said staring at the seat in front of him.
Despite my outer conviction to get this guy talking I knew there was no way I could manage it with him focusing on someone else. So I played along and stepped out of my seat to go look at Riley. What I saw was the most horrifying thing i'd seen in years. She was at the window seat with no one next to her. She had apparently slammed her head into the next seat, which was also empty, when the bus made it's sudden stop. However instead of just going back to her seat she kept her head that way, like it didn't matter at all. Her face was turned to face the hallway of the bus where i was standing, so she was looking straight at me, her eyes fully opened. But despite this she didn't react to seeing me. I would have though she was ignoring me, but her pupils had not moved at all. Not only that but they were colorless, and I mean that in both ways. They looked like her spirit itself had left the body, along with any emotional part of her being. And then they were literally colorless, instead of their normal amber color they were greyish and pale. It freaked me the hell out. But what got me the most was the fact she was still drawing, eventhough she couldn't possibly look at the paper her hand was hard at work drawing on her pad.
"She look like she's possessed." Sam said.
I was unable to form words at the moment, so I just nodded.
"Could she be on something?"
I shook my head slowly. This was Riley we were talking about. It didn't matter if she lived in the poorest neighborhood in town, she wasn't that type of person.
"Should we try to......snap her out of 'it'?"
I suddenly broke free from the hold the whole thing had on me. "What?"
"Just shake her or something, man."
I don't know. It could be dangerous, but if it helped her get out of this................
Valentino Drake
I decided it was best to go talk to him a bit. As I got up from my seat I noticed that Mike was looking at me. It looked … morelike he was going to go to me but he stayed in his seat. That was a breath of relief, the way he was acting he was definitely not coming to talk. As I sat down next to him I noticed Riley in the seat in front was doodling something. Though with the speed and precision she was doing it, I looked more like she was drawing a practice picture she had drawn a million times before. Sam himself was covered face to torso by his hoodie.
"Hi, Sam" I said trying to start a conversation.
"Hi" he said and remained quiet.
"Soooo...........how's your day been?" I answered. He was talking to me whether he wanted to or not.
"..............eventful" he answered nearly whispering. It seemed to me he remembered something he didn't want to talk about. But like I said before, he had no choice.
"Eventful, that's … [view original content]
Thanks, I try. Aarons Part isn't done by the way as its supposed to segway into Logan's Part. However it might have to end more closed of and just lead to a random P.O.V.
Glad you enjoyed the almost half of the Part though.
Valentino Drake
I decided it was best to go talk to him a bit. As I got up from my seat I noticed that Mike was looking at me. It looked … morelike he was going to go to me but he stayed in his seat. That was a breath of relief, the way he was acting he was definitely not coming to talk. As I sat down next to him I noticed Riley in the seat in front was doodling something. Though with the speed and precision she was doing it, I looked more like she was drawing a practice picture she had drawn a million times before. Sam himself was covered face to torso by his hoodie.
"Hi, Sam" I said trying to start a conversation.
"Hi" he said and remained quiet.
"Soooo...........how's your day been?" I answered. He was talking to me whether he wanted to or not.
"..............eventful" he answered nearly whispering. It seemed to me he remembered something he didn't want to talk about. But like I said before, he had no choice.
"Eventful, that's … [view original content]
Known at the school as a highly educated renaissance man and talented teacher, a former consultant for MPS Scotland Yard in Britain, Oxford scholar and a teacher in History, Chemistry and Literature, violin virtuoso and hobby fencer. It is also known he is an ex-smoker and avoids smoke-filled pubs and stay far (literally) from smokers since he lost the addiction, in part because as he claims he has a highly sensitive nose. He hates honey and bees for some unknown reason (not afraid of them) and is terrible at cooking. Lucius is as clever as he is conceited. As calculating as a machine and almost as warm in personality, he is often brutally honest with his opinions and rarely candies over any criticisms he might have on others. He has a tendency to speak words or phrases quite outdated or hard to understand at first.
The man has a natural charisma and looks like a classical British gentleman in between 40-50. His black hair became slightly two tone with grey by now, but his brown eyes still dissect observantly every movement and detail in his surroundings to reveal the facts and truth. He wears a classic Victorian suit with a modern black shirt, and in cold days a black, long caped tweed coat with white fur collar. He also has a classic golden pocket watch.
Lucius is often the fallback teacher if something comes up and a replacement is needed to teach in a class, even if the class isn't Chemistry, History or Literature. He can still decently fit as educator for most other studies.
Lucius speaks: English (Londoner British and also Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Norman dialects), French (Parisian and Bordeaux dialects), Italian (Northern and Sicilian dialects), German (Southern and Hannover dialects) and Latin. (Perhaps more?)
Valentino Drake
I decided it was best to go talk to him a bit. As I got up from my seat I noticed that Mike was looking at me. It looked … morelike he was going to go to me but he stayed in his seat. That was a breath of relief, the way he was acting he was definitely not coming to talk. As I sat down next to him I noticed Riley in the seat in front was doodling something. Though with the speed and precision she was doing it, I looked more like she was drawing a practice picture she had drawn a million times before. Sam himself was covered face to torso by his hoodie.
"Hi, Sam" I said trying to start a conversation.
"Hi" he said and remained quiet.
"Soooo...........how's your day been?" I answered. He was talking to me whether he wanted to or not.
"..............eventful" he answered nearly whispering. It seemed to me he remembered something he didn't want to talk about. But like I said before, he had no choice.
"Eventful, that's … [view original content]
That was a great part! Sorry I needed so long to comment on it. I mean, I have read it, but on my phone, and I forgot to comment later. I must say, this Lucius Sherwinlock guy is hilarious, I legitimately had to laugh out loudly. I wonder how often such a thing as a "surprise fencing tournament" happened in the past that Adam specifically had to mention it XD Anyways, I already like him more than the other Lucius in the story, whom I don't trust at all. Can't wait for the next part
Valentino Drake
I decided it was best to go talk to him a bit. As I got up from my seat I noticed that Mike was looking at me. It looked … morelike he was going to go to me but he stayed in his seat. That was a breath of relief, the way he was acting he was definitely not coming to talk. As I sat down next to him I noticed Riley in the seat in front was doodling something. Though with the speed and precision she was doing it, I looked more like she was drawing a practice picture she had drawn a million times before. Sam himself was covered face to torso by his hoodie.
"Hi, Sam" I said trying to start a conversation.
"Hi" he said and remained quiet.
"Soooo...........how's your day been?" I answered. He was talking to me whether he wanted to or not.
"..............eventful" he answered nearly whispering. It seemed to me he remembered something he didn't want to talk about. But like I said before, he had no choice.
"Eventful, that's … [view original content]
That was a great part! Sorry I needed so long to comment on it. I mean, I have read it, but on my phone, and I forgot to comment later. I mu… morest say, this Lucius Sherwinlock guy is hilarious, I legitimately had to laugh out loudly. I wonder how often such a thing as a "surprise fencing tournament" happened in the past that Adam specifically had to mention it XD Anyways, I already like him more than the other Lucius in the story, whom I don't trust at all. Can't wait for the next part
That was a great part! Sorry I needed so long to comment on it. I mean, I have read it, but on my phone, and I forgot to comment later. I mu… morest say, this Lucius Sherwinlock guy is hilarious, I legitimately had to laugh out loudly. I wonder how often such a thing as a "surprise fencing tournament" happened in the past that Adam specifically had to mention it XD Anyways, I already like him more than the other Lucius in the story, whom I don't trust at all. Can't wait for the next part
Sorry I couldn't get this in yesterday. I'm also not sure if I'll be able to submit that second character right away, but I'll try to do so … moresoon.
Name: Adam Pierce.
Age: 35.
Gender: Male.
Occupation: Chemistry Teacher.
Skills: Though his profession is currently Chemistry, he still remembers plenty from his days on the police force and in swat, including advance tactics, weapons training, and hand-to-hand combat.
Backstory: Adam grew up without knowing his birth parents and was put up for adoption at the very young age of 2. Soon though, he found himself in the care of a loving couple who raised him as their own. He didn't learn if his adoption until a later date and was lead to believe they were his birth parents. Despite his early life, the rest proved to be normal, and he lived a happy childhood until he was 17-years-old. On this date, he got it in his head to join the police and began tirelessly working towards that goa… [view original content]
Again, my sincerest apology for keeping you waiting, Lord! It took me far too long to write these characters, but here they finally are
… more Name: Nick Archer
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Occupation: Squad Officer
Skills: Nick is very skilled when it comes to a stealthy approach to a mission. He is sneaky and silent, able to run and climb very fast and without any noise. He is also an exceptionally skilled hand-to-hand combatant and very dangerous in armed and unarmed close combat. He has a fondness for knives and is very skilled with them, but he prefers every weapon that does not make too much noise. He is also a brilliant actor and a quick-witted liar, on top of being able to infiltrate enemy locations with ease while disguising himself as someone else.
Backstory: Nick was born in a middle-class family and grew up being very sheltered by his parents. Unlike his younger sister Emma, whom he deeply cares for, he always wanted to brea… [view original content]
It took me a while to get it and I had to make a lucky guess, but the reference is Adam Pierce's niece Jessie, who is also your character from Golden's Nights of the Past
Sorry, it's fixed now. I had a lot of these in older parts and had to fix them. You're just lucky you didn't see my which witch is whitch problem. That one was embarrassingly common.
I have returned from the land of ancient gods and unspecable beuty........well BOTH of them and i was in a new york airport for like 3 hours… more on the way back. But anyway i have returned and i will write either today or tommorow (depends on stuff). But either way next part is soon.
No. He's just a really good friend. I fanboyed him a lot during his stories back in the day. If you check any of my older posts i used to act like this a lot. Especially towards Blueneon who was my best online friend. She was annoyed with first but latter accepted it. Super used to joke that we were a couple. Yesterday was the fist time i talked to Golden in about 7 months. I haven't talked to neon in almost a year. Life is weird.
Yeah i felt like everyone deserved a chance to have their say. On older forum stories i constantly felt bad for those who missed the vote, so i didn't want that to happen here.
I'm sorry Agent. I hope I can at least do you justice in the next part.
I'm sorry Mathea. You guys deserve better. Never be afraid to be honest with me. I am the first to admit the delays have been horrible. I'm doing my best to permanently stop them.
Ok, Thank you.
Isn't it the case? Am I not to blame for additional characters? I just assumed it is my fault your workload grew.
Yes. You created such amazing characters that I can't wait to introduce to the others
You have nothing to be sorry about
My issue isn't the wait. My issue is when you say something like "The next part is out tommorow" then nothing and you apologise a week later. Just know that I'm not mad
Ok confeccion time. Normally when i say that i don't have anything writen yet. But TRUST me when i say that this time i nearly have 4 pages SO FAR.
Sure thing, that's not a problem for me. There are several ways you could deal with a vote tie. You could flip a coin, you could count the first vote twice, you could give Agent a second vote since it is his character or any other way you can imagine and I'd be fine with all of these. You're the writer, you decide.
Valentino Drake
I decided it was best to go talk to him a bit. As I got up from my seat I noticed that Mike was looking at me. It looked like he was going to go to me but he stayed in his seat. That was a breath of relief, the way he was acting he was definitely not coming to talk. As I sat down next to him I noticed Riley in the seat in front was doodling something. Though with the speed and precision she was doing it, I looked more like she was drawing a practice picture she had drawn a million times before. Sam himself was covered face to torso by his hoodie.
"Hi, Sam" I said trying to start a conversation.
"Hi" he said and remained quiet.
"Soooo...........how's your day been?" I answered. He was talking to me whether he wanted to or not.
"..............eventful" he answered nearly whispering. It seemed to me he remembered something he didn't want to talk about. But like I said before, he had no choice.
"Eventful, that's great, great. Any particular events you could tell me about?"
He turned to look at me. "Look Val, I don't feel like......." Before he could finish his sentence we both braced for impact as the bus suddenly stopped.
Adam Pierce
I was checking the documents given to me a 15th time. I had looked a several government contracts before so I was very aware that the language used was extremely important. Any sentence, phrase or word that could be taken out of context or re interpreted in anyway was vital. I took special care to read the areas 'Health and Safety' and 'Emergency Procedures'. I also looked at the confidentiality agreement, those tended to be too vague or two specific depending on how concerned the people were information would leek out. This one was two pages. As I tried my best to focus on their bizarre cellphone policy, I was suddenly taken aback by Gus's voice.
"HOLY SHIT!!" He yelled as he turned the buss and put it in a sudden stop.
In the middle of the confusion I noticed a man standing in the center of the road just a few feet from the buss. The man had recently come out of his car, which he had parked in the wrong lane, and was raising his hand with a closed fist and his thumb sticking out, like old hitch-hikers had back in the day with a brief case held tightly in the other. The man looked to be in his 40's, he had black hair and brown eyes and was wearing a Victorian era suit with a black shirt. If I hadn't recognized who he was I would have thought it was a nightmare, sadly I did and I KNEW it was a nightmare. As he walked up to the buss I began dreading to think the kind of madness that had just been dragged into our lives. As he went in front the bus he took out his golden pocket watch and looked at it for a moment.
"Hmph, 13 minutes late. Clearly not your best job is it Adam." said Lucius Sherwinlock, the history teacher.
"It's Pierce......"
"Oh, cmon. We are contemporaries in our craft. There is no need for there to be hostility among us."
I resisted the urge to punch him. "Were not friends. Get out..."
"You're sorry?........"
I stared at him for a good minute. "I said, get out."
"My, my the morning seems to have eaten your manners, or was that simply the coffee you spilled on yourself earlier."
I was briefly shocked he deduced that, but I was also too angry to care. "Get the fuck out of the buss Sherwick........."
"It's Sherwinlock, now who's correcting who?"
"I don't care, you're not authorized to be here. Get out."
"Well if it's a matter of proper clearance. Here you go." he said pulling a surprisingly intact piece of paper out of his coat pocket. The paper was an official document from the student board detailing how sorry they were that the news arrived so late, but that they were unable to communicate with me until now. Then it followed to explain how Professor Sherwinlock, who was absent at the original meeting, had expressed interest in joining several times, but had only been authorized by the facility the past Thursday.
"Sorry for the late news, old boy. Our school's board is quite inefficient at getting things outside their scheduling overlords."
I took a deep breath, there was nothing I could do. All my other options suddenly ended in physical assault lawsuits and reprimands from the school board. Maybe even a removal of the teacher of the year award given to me by the student council. Any hope of him leaving was gone.
"Well" I said under my breath. "They did hire a 12 year old as a teacher. So I wouldn't be too optimistic at their 'expertise'." I finished as I put the paper away.
"Yes. It was quite incompetent on their part. I had to resort to guessing the facilities number based on my brief look at it on a copy of the legal document and the probability of the other numbers. It took me 7 minutes................"
For a moment all we did was stare at each other. Then I decided it was pointless.
"Before I let you in. Were going to meet some ground rules."
"I'm sorry Pierce but it seems that you forget that the people in charge already....."
"I'M in charge of this trip now."
He stood silent for a moment. "Very well......."
"First, no surprise fencing tournaments."
He looked saddened briefly, but answered quickly. "Fine..."
"Second. You won't mock or insult me....."
"That I cannot abide. Your attitude so far makes it impossible."
"Then you won't mock or insult the students."
That angered him a bit. "Do you think so little of me that you honestly think I would....."
"Third, you won't mock or insult the facilities staff."
"Well if they're anything like you're being that will be quite impossible."
"Fourth, No wandering off."
"Fine I shall be like a hawk on his owners shoulder."
"And finally. No last minute bullshit."
"No, what?......."
"No last minute bullshit. No reviewing the lab on your standards when the tour ends. No getting into arguments with the staff over the research they're conducting. No exploding the building two seconds after we leave. NO LAST MINUTE BULLSHIT!!!"
"Fine." he said sternly.
I was still reluctant , gave Gus the order to let him pass. Lucius quickly got in.
"Good day, trolley driver" he said to Gus, who looked very confused.
"Nobody call's them that anymore." I told him.
"Well I do and I tend to believe i'm someone." he said sitting down. "Well? are we going or not."
"Your car still in the middle, ser" Gus said before I could answer.
"Don't worry about that. I can pay for it's future towing service. Besides we wasted enough time with Adam's little rant earlier."
I stared at him again. Lawsuit couldn't be that big, right?
"Well? Are you getting in or not?"
I took a deep breath and sat down. Today was going just great so far.
Aaron Miles
The buss was late. Either that or I was early, but I doubted that. I had reset my alarm for 6 more minutes after it woke me up at least 5 times. Then I went and cooked my own breakfast waffles since Logan wasn't around. How did it go? Well it went well........the 3rd time. At least they were edible this time. Then I went to the tv and saw one of Logan's famous sticky notes, suffice to say I really I fucking hated those. Mostly because they were normally there to remind me what Logan had said the past few days. But he somehow decided that was not enough and he needed to make sure that I didn't forget.....ever. Sometimes he wrote them on the spot seconds after telling me something. But to be perfectly honest, the thing that made me really hate them was how they were written. Logan liked to pretend the objects were TALKING to me. For example the one on the tv said "Don't wake me, i'm very sleepy"
They were trying to be funny I guess but they just came up as awkwardly cutesy and sometimes very, very creepy. One morning I was brushing my teeth and saw one on my hairbrush that said "Let me touch your hair and make it feel REALLY nice". Since that fateful day I've been having nightmares about what kind of notes he would write on soap. The fact it made me lock the bathroom door at night was a bit embarrassing, but it was the only way to make sure. I remember the time I asked him why he did that, he said mom used to. Knowing what everyone says about her, I doubt it. But I could see how much they meant to him so I never asked again. I still fucking hated them though. But the message was loud, clear and didn't have fucked up undertones, so I just went along with my day. It was then that I realized I hadn't packed yet. My bag was hanging in the coat rack and, to my dummy punching anger, another note. "Fill me up, i'm very hungry". Why did I have to be the one guy in the world the furniture talked to?
Whatever I decided it was best to just go along with it. I made sure the backpack chocked on my snacks and went on my way. It had been 20 minutes now and still no buss. Then it suddenly arrived and i got on. I was surprised to see Mr. Sherwinlock on it but didn't comment on it.
"Good Day, Proffesors" i said waving to them.
"Good Morrow, Aaron" said Mr. Sherwinlock. Mr. Pierce waved to me back.
I went to the back of the buss which was empty at this time. Nothing much was going on so I put on my headphones and looked out the window. I wondered how Logan was doing today.............
Logan Miles
Ok, I was decided.
"It was a bat. I'm sure of it." I said with confidence.
"Well I hope you're right boy." Phil said, still unenthusiastic. "Otherwise it's gonna cost you some of my night hours...."
"Oh, if were playing that game then if I win you take some of mine too."
"Okay then, deals a deal put it right there partner." He said extending his right hand. I shook it confidently.
"Well" he said pulling his hand back into the wheel. "Now than that's dealt with, why don't you go and check on our boys on the back."
"Will do, buddy" I said as I he stopped the car and I got off.
As I walked out of view I heard him whispering under his breath. "Idiot" he said and then tuned back the radio.
Well thanks for inviting me then , asshole. I should have know a grizzled old bastard wouldn't understand me. I needed someone with more 'drive' to really connect with, like Johnny and Bill. Both of them where the toughest guys I met so far. Brave, Strong and full of passion, those were the guys I should try to impress. I bet they had that psycho guy eating through a straw by now, if he even dare to try anything. As I opened the back door I saw them both cowering in the corner...............well that certainly killed my expectations. The inmate was sitting calmly and whistling till he saw me.
"Good morning Officer" he said saluting me with a smile. My two brave cop buddies just stared at him in horror as he did this. I could barely keep from dropping my jaw.
I turned to look straight at them and tried to think up a witty comment. "Well you two look as pale as my girlfriend did when I asked for an engagement." Instantly bit my tongue when I realized what I had just said.
The inmate started to laugh like a maniac and both of my coworkers looked at me awkwardly.
"Sorry, your what?" said the Johnny befuddled.
I tried to say something clever to fix things. "No, sorry. My EX-girlfriend, she dumped me right after I said it." Okay that didn't work. Back to tongue biting.
They both kept staring at me like I had a monkey tap dancing on my face as the inmate continued his maniacal laughter. I couldn't believe how much the situation changed since I first opened the door. It felt so damn awkward...........I needed to stop it.
"So, it seems everything is fine. So I should probably leave, bye." I said before slamming the doors and running to the front seat.
"What was that all about?" Phil asked surprised.
"Nothing." I answered. "I just close doors that way."
He kept staring at me for a good minute before he turned the car on and started driving again. We sat quietly for a while. Then, just when I thought it was all over, the radio turned on.
"529, transport do you copy?"
Phil picked up the transmitter. "Loud and Clear HQ. Got any news?"
"Nothing much, i was just going to report you on the murder weapon used in the latest homicide case. You know, the headless guy."
We both turned to look at each other. "Yes I know Billy, please inform."
"Well.....you're not gonna believe this but.......the murder weapon...." He stopped as we both waited in silence. "It was...a...a...a bat."
Then for just a brief moment I felt it. The entire world slowed down as I realized that for the first time since I wore this outfit, I did something right. Something I could be proud of, that I could brag about to girls at bars, that I could tell my kids one day when I was a father. 'Hey, you know that one murder nobody could solve, I did. With no one else's help. I knew what it was before even the corner did.' For the first time in longer than I was willing to admit. I felt satisfied with what I had done.
"Uh" said Phil at a loss for words. "Well, that's a.....real interesting Billy."
The man on the other end was confused. "Phil, did you read me right. It was a BAT. An actual fucking bat. Do you know....."
"Yeah I heard you enough times Billy. Now sorry but I have something more important to attend to."
"But Phil I..." he said before Phil turned it off.
He looked at me for a moment. "Congrats." he said drily.
"Thanks...I.." I said still overwhelmed.
"No need to thank me boy, you just made a steal. You're a real crook......" He said looking a me straight in the eye. "Just like your mother....."
With full shock I looked at him. He was staring at me with a pissed off look in his eyes. This piece of fucking shit.......
[Hold It Back And Ignore Him]
[Let It All Loose]
Valentino Drake
"Are-are you ok man?" said Samuel looking down at me.
I had fallen down to the floor of the bus due to it's sudden stop. My back hurt and at the moment I felt like my mouth was hit with a giant bowling pin, but i didn't care. I was too determined on something else.
"Not until you finish telling me what you were saying" i said sitting down and looking at him straight in the face.
"Dude you look messed up." he said starring at me. "Are you sure you don't need?"
"Answer, now."
I guess he saw no point in it anymore. "I got beat up."
Immediately i felt a bit of regret for asking, but my curiousity won out again. "Max or Mike"
"Neither. And why are those always the two options?"
"Well I was going to say Wayne, but he's more of the passive-aggressive wimpy type."
He laughed a bit and went back to look a the front. I smiled a bit and layed back on my seat. Made Sad Samuels day brighter and..............WAIT A MINUTE.
"You still didn't tell me who it was. Who was it? Dude?" I said flayling my arms around like in class when i asked a question so he couldn't ignore me.
After a moment the look on his face changed. He now looked a little more.....terrified. "Val"
"Oh, don't you 'Val' me, you evading bastard. I'm trying to help your worthless bu..." I was finishing but he interrupted me.
"DUDE!, i'm serious........look at Riley" he said staring at the seat in front of him.
Despite my outer conviction to get this guy talking I knew there was no way I could manage it with him focusing on someone else. So I played along and stepped out of my seat to go look at Riley. What I saw was the most horrifying thing i'd seen in years. She was at the window seat with no one next to her. She had apparently slammed her head into the next seat, which was also empty, when the bus made it's sudden stop. However instead of just going back to her seat she kept her head that way, like it didn't matter at all. Her face was turned to face the hallway of the bus where i was standing, so she was looking straight at me, her eyes fully opened. But despite this she didn't react to seeing me. I would have though she was ignoring me, but her pupils had not moved at all. Not only that but they were colorless, and I mean that in both ways. They looked like her spirit itself had left the body, along with any emotional part of her being. And then they were literally colorless, instead of their normal amber color they were greyish and pale. It freaked me the hell out. But what got me the most was the fact she was still drawing, eventhough she couldn't possibly look at the paper her hand was hard at work drawing on her pad.
"She look like she's possessed." Sam said.
I was unable to form words at the moment, so I just nodded.
"Could she be on something?"
I shook my head slowly. This was Riley we were talking about. It didn't matter if she lived in the poorest neighborhood in town, she wasn't that type of person.
"Should we try to......snap her out of 'it'?"
I suddenly broke free from the hold the whole thing had on me. "What?"
"Just shake her or something, man."
I don't know. It could be dangerous, but if it helped her get out of this................
[Gently Shake Riley To Try And Wake Her Up]
[Leave Her Be And Don't Risk It]
XD Seriously, this story is hilarious. I love Logan's sticky notes.
Thanks, I try. Aarons Part isn't done by the way as its supposed to segway into Logan's Part. However it might have to end more closed of and just lead to a random P.O.V.
Glad you enjoyed the almost half of the Part though.
Okay, well done, I even laughed reading the scene for Lucius.
Public Intro:
Professor Lucius Sherwinlock
Known at the school as a highly educated renaissance man and talented teacher, a former consultant for MPS Scotland Yard in Britain, Oxford scholar and a teacher in History, Chemistry and Literature, violin virtuoso and hobby fencer. It is also known he is an ex-smoker and avoids smoke-filled pubs and stay far (literally) from smokers since he lost the addiction, in part because as he claims he has a highly sensitive nose. He hates honey and bees for some unknown reason (not afraid of them) and is terrible at cooking. Lucius is as clever as he is conceited. As calculating as a machine and almost as warm in personality, he is often brutally honest with his opinions and rarely candies over any criticisms he might have on others. He has a tendency to speak words or phrases quite outdated or hard to understand at first.
The man has a natural charisma and looks like a classical British gentleman in between 40-50. His black hair became slightly two tone with grey by now, but his brown eyes still dissect observantly every movement and detail in his surroundings to reveal the facts and truth. He wears a classic Victorian suit with a modern black shirt, and in cold days a black, long caped tweed coat with white fur collar. He also has a classic golden pocket watch.
Lucius is often the fallback teacher if something comes up and a replacement is needed to teach in a class, even if the class isn't Chemistry, History or Literature. He can still decently fit as educator for most other studies.
Lucius speaks: English (Londoner British and also Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Norman dialects), French (Parisian and Bordeaux dialects), Italian (Northern and Sicilian dialects), German (Southern and Hannover dialects) and Latin. (Perhaps more?)
Background Music: Renaissance Professor

That was a great part! Sorry I needed so long to comment on it. I mean, I have read it, but on my phone, and I forgot to comment later. I must say, this Lucius Sherwinlock guy is hilarious, I legitimately had to laugh out loudly. I wonder how often such a thing as a "surprise fencing tournament" happened in the past that Adam specifically had to mention it XD Anyways, I already like him more than the other Lucius in the story, whom I don't trust at all. Can't wait for the next part
Don't worry it's technically not done yet. And im glad you like Lucius. Hopefully we'll see him again soon
Just read my spoiler hidden intro
Sorry, my mistake.
Your character starts to become quite represented and interesting, I hope you still follow the story
now that I dare read this thread too after finishing chars, yours are as I see among the most detailed ones
where is that story?
I will definitely make up some scenes with the Drake family for my future twins, especially Julia
It's an old one. Golden cancelled it sadly along with his other stories. You can find it searching in forum games's older threads.
old reply but I guess you know now that it's written as abandon with 1 b
Mike will either go insane during world jumps or be healed
She might not show up again..........at least not this version. Then again, it is possible.
Wow, you're a fast reader.
well, I assume we still have to go back sometimes, like for Bruce and there can be some crazy family scenes like showing sci-fi stuff to her
actually, considering when you began the story I would say you write too slow, having only 12 pages =p
Sorry, it's fixed now. I had a lot of these in older parts and had to fix them. You're just lucky you didn't see my which witch is whitch problem. That one was embarrassingly common.
me too now
Could be, well see.
didn't know Atlantis has airports
I know. It's seriously shameful to me. But like I've said repeatedly, that is over from now on. One part weekly is the minimum.
woah, is there something between you two?
Santoriny did. It's the place they think it was. Funny you mentioned it since i DID go there, but the main trip was Grece and Italy.
you sure hesitated a lot near the start
No. He's just a really good friend. I fanboyed him a lot during his stories back in the day. If you check any of my older posts i used to act like this a lot. Especially towards Blueneon who was my best online friend. She was annoyed with first but latter accepted it. Super used to joke that we were a couple. Yesterday was the fist time i talked to Golden in about 7 months. I haven't talked to neon in almost a year. Life is weird.
Btw: I'm straight just so you know.
Yeah i felt like everyone deserved a chance to have their say. On older forum stories i constantly felt bad for those who missed the vote, so i didn't want that to happen here.