Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about The Walking Dead



  • You mean pronounced or?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Mike spelled Casanova wrong.

  • "Luke's a regular Cassanova"

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    You mean pronounced or?

  • That telltale should pay more attention to the details!

    DabigRG posted: »

    Uh, what's the dammit referring to?

  • True, I guess. That basically implied that Sarah couldn't even get her jollies with books without sneaking behind Carlos's back.

    That telltale should pay more attention to the details!

  • Well he wasn't the one who wrote subtitles..

    DabigRG posted: »

    "Luke's a regular Cassanova"

  • I know, I just wanted to post it real quick

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Well he wasn't the one who wrote subtitles..

  • Where did you find this?

    Also is there more?

    Graysonn posted: »

    If he was bit, they wouldn't bother taking him. He's definitely ill, and the smart dressed guy with Ava and David is most likely a doctor. There's some concept art of a clinic so that's pretty much confirmation.

  • Concept art has been released of three vehicles from the city of Richmond, at least one of which is under domain of the New Frontier




  • Yep. Look at the concept art section on the website!

    TheMPerson posted: »

    Where did you find this? Also is there more?

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    ^^The filename for this one was "Slaughterhouse"

    enter image description here

    Sorry if these have been posted already.

  • I do hope David has some depth to him in Above the Law.
    In terms of David, I'm going to guess things will be more or less okay at first being reunited with his family, but that things will gradually start breaking down between him and Javi, or having his family serves some conflict to what's going on his Frontier group.

    We all do, and he should considering most of the limited development we've gotten so far has been made ripe for his participation.

    I'm no doubt guessing his daughter's death will hit him hard, but it amazes me Badger is still alive if that's the case. Maybe Badger cut and run before David could do anything and Javi is hunting him down?

    Most likely, hence why Badger is loading a shotgun when Javier comes through the door, apparently having chased him there.

    O.o what do you mean about shitting on Kenny? Are you talking about me and Sialark's playthrough, because Sialark doesn't like him very much, and for me I liked Kenny, but I fell out with the guy halfway through Season 2. I cared about him up until then, after that the plot kinda just killed it with trying to see how far the player would go to side with Kenny and to put others against him, and silly baby hiding plots to get him mad.

    But I don't remember shitting on him an entire time. I know Sialark was plenty upset though and I know I did say some things. I'll need to go through them again it's been a while. I don't hate Kenny, I was happy as hell to see him come back in Episode 2. I guess I just don't like what became of him.

    Okay, I was just pointing out that it fits in with the "Luke:Civil War" thing.

    But the screen time thing doesn't mean much to me, it's the behavior towards Javi and some of the things Kate has brought up, along with David anger issue over the broken glass that concerns me a bit. it could be David has anger issues from being jealous over his brother and mad he wasn't around, but some of his behavior makes me wonder if he does behave violent in an abusive way from how Kate was nervous about the broken glass than her own cut hand. I don't know, I got a bad feeling about him. That and Clem got branded because of his group, so yup, hate him XD

    Yeah, I know. It's just that you were easily the most outspoken about him last month.
    Really, I don't think he was ever abusive towards Kate, just a bit touchy and authoritative about certain things. From his interaction in the second episode's flashback, he seemed relatively levelheaded in his annoyance about the glass and his reaction to determinately being told Kate's gonna leave him is also worth noting. I think the real issue may just be Kate's nature conflicting with her accepted roles, causing her to do irresponsible things like smoke and flirt around the similarly free Javier.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I do hope David has some depth to him in Above the Law. I'm no doubt guessing his daughter's death will hit him hard, but it amazes me Badge

  • edited March 2017

    A little obvious but characters who are closer with Clem hardly ever call her "Clementine" they always say "Clem." For example, if you don't side with clem in episode 1, towards the end of that same episode when Javi tries to get her attention, he will say "Clementine?" if you took her side, he says "Clem". Also I don't think there is any other instance where he can call her "Clementine".

    Carver almost always called her "Clementine."

    Max at the gates, "Clementine."

    David calls her "Clementine" in the teaser and he's clearly not friends with her. Clementine is becoming a bad word.

  • To slightly build on this, Javier also refers to her formally when he tries to explain his reasoning for not covering her.

    enter image description here

    A little obvious but characters who are closer with Clem hardly ever call her "Clementine" they always say "Clem." For example, if you don

  • I would be disappointed to see, if it came to it, that the majority of players decided to leave Ava to die because she took Alvin out of Clem's grip. I can picture it happen already, which is why I write the post.

    So... basically you are saying you are biased because you like Ava, and with a self righteous attitude, you are trying to make us not kill Ava?
    Hell, now if she is as innocent as a virgin, I wanna let her die.

    (!) Please do not break the immersion of the story by replying "who cares." There is no need to ruin the experience of users who want to dis

  • It is not that I like Ava.

    It is that I do my best to understand all characters in the fiction I consume, regardless of whether they are minor, they are antagonists, or they are opposed to the characters that I care about. If you ask me, I would tell you that that is the very opposite of being biased.

    I would be disappointed to see, if it came to it, that the majority of players decided to leave Ava to die because she took Alvin out of Cle

  • edited March 2017

    So... basically you are saying you are biased because you like Ava, and with a self righteous attitude, you are trying to make us not kill Ava?

    Perhaps...he is a Janiac after all.

    No, but in all seriousness, I very much doubt it, since his odd feelings for Jane and Carver seems to come from being logical to the point of seeming Vulcan(is that the term?). Rather, it's just a reflection of that as well as pointing out how one-sided, biased, and even unsympathetic players have been regarding Clementine's role in ANF so far and lamenting the predictable continuation of that trend in the likely(FINGERS!CROSSED!) grey nature of her part in David's plans purely because #ProtectClementine.

    Hell, now if she is as innocent as a virgin, I wanna let her die.

    I'm gonna keep that comment to myself.

    I would be disappointed to see, if it came to it, that the majority of players decided to leave Ava to die because she took Alvin out of Cle

  • Guess they decided Game of Thrones was a better place for that. Still that would freaking awesome. I always wished that the Michonne series had a shark to make the water a little more dangerous. It would have been pretty cool.

    DabigRG posted: »

    So, there had apparently been a sequence at the end of In Harm's Way that involved Clementine and Luke escaping through the woods during a blizzard when a bear shows up and starts killing walkers.

  • I don't think anyone has noticed but Badger is holding his stomach, what makes me think Javier shot Badger with the shotgun. When Clementine his holding AJ you can see a man in the background, over the fire, holding a large object.

  • It's going to be freaking Mad Max. Okay side note, if they had a Mad Max style car chase I would be totally okay.

    I want some Calvi's Noodles. Good shit.

    Also that SWAT truck is pretty cool too. I like that they added Virginia's state seal and state motto, "Sic semper tyrannis", or "thus always to tyrants". And interesting that the tanker says Richmond on the side, you would think that be kind of pointless, but maybe the New Frontier have other cities and stuff not just Richmond which they took over.

    Concept art has been released of three vehicles from the city of Richmond, at least one of which is under domain of the New Frontier

  • edited March 2017

    Telling people that you would be disappointed if they don't obey your argument, which is pure speculation because you don't know Ava, comes as biased.

    It is not that I like Ava. It is that I do my best to understand all characters in the fiction I consume, regardless of whether they are

  • I want to take the chance apologize if my posts have come across as condescending; my intention has never been and will never be to shame others for what they believe.

    What I am saying is that, in the case that the narrative plays out as I depicted it above, I would be upset to see people let Ava die. I have attempted to raise awareness about this potential scenario so that players—even if it is just one—can keep it in mind if we do have the ability to leave Ava to die at any one point. It would be hypocritical of me to condemn players for a decision of them without previously trying to offer them my arguments.

    Let me know if you need me to clear up something.

    Telling people that you would be disappointed if they don't obey your argument, which is pure speculation because you don't know Ava, comes as biased.

  • you can see a man in the background, over the fire, holding a large object

    You mean that long, stick-like object?

    I don't think anyone has noticed but Badger is holding his stomach, what makes me think Javier shot Badger with the shotgun. When Clementine

  • Okay, so reviewing Ties that Bind Part 1 for some extra info and adjusted thoughts and this is what I gathered for the sake of reposting:

    • Mariana had a minor concern about forgetting things because she feels like it's a part of who she is
    • Kate shows hints of anxiety/paranoia in regards to the herd eventually catching them, which she take a few minutes to vent
    • Gabe used to play chess, prefers being around other people, and feels caged due to constantly being on the run in the van
    • Badger actually does come to the junkyard before Javier is arrested, having come along the returning Max
    • Clementine had a minor reputation in Prescott due to previous visits, enough that Tripp, Conrad, Eleanor show distrust about her
    • just Tripp
    • Conrad was a fan of Javier who believes got a raw deal; he read about this in a newspaper
    • Eleanor citing having lost family of her own is part of her motivation for wanting to help save the Garcias
  • Someone else is in the room when Javier approaches the defeated Badger.

  • Is it because Badger is looking at something else while Javy is standing over him with the bat? Possibly, but all the facial expressions for the scene seem to be incomplete so we'll see.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Someone else is in the room when Javier approaches the defeated Badger.

  • Probably David

    DabigRG posted: »

    Someone else is in the room when Javier approaches the defeated Badger.

  • Why is it that everyone is assuming AJ is bitten (go have a look in the comments of the trailers on YouTube)?
    "AJ IS bitten WTF11!! Im not palying this game anymor"
    Hold your horses for a sec, It's only been a day since the teaser clip came out.

    He's pale... yeah, it could just be the lighting... seriously, everyone is overlooking everything they nitpick. Just leave it on the fence until the episode comes out. Sheesh

  • enter image description here

    I'm not sure if this is a reference to something, but the bat Javi picks up in the trailer is apparently Stewart.

  • Hey, it's Lucille's son

    PiB489 posted: »

    I'm not sure if this is a reference to something, but the bat Javi picks up in the trailer is apparently Stewart.

  • Alrighty!

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know, I just wanted to post it real quick

  • He should change it to "Mariana"

    PiB489 posted: »

    I'm not sure if this is a reference to something, but the bat Javi picks up in the trailer is apparently Stewart.

  • That would be brutal! I love it!

    Gameserer posted: »

    He should change it to "Mariana"

  • I love how rundown things are looking.

    Concept art has been released of three vehicles from the city of Richmond, at least one of which is under domain of the New Frontier

  • I wonder if Javi might keep the bat and it'll be his signature weapon.

    PiB489 posted: »

    I'm not sure if this is a reference to something, but the bat Javi picks up in the trailer is apparently Stewart.

  • I believe Christa always called her "Clementine", despite them being together for almost 2 years.

    A little obvious but characters who are closer with Clem hardly ever call her "Clementine" they always say "Clem." For example, if you don

  • Yes.

    Is it because Badger is looking at something else while Javy is standing over him with the bat? Possibly, but all the facial expressions for the scene seem to be incomplete so we'll see.

  • Goes to show the kind of relationship they had.

    fallandir posted: »

    I believe Christa always called her "Clementine", despite them being together for almost 2 years.

  • A professional one! :wink:

    Seriously though, Christa doesn't seem the type for nicknames, not to mention the whole "you were supposed to hold on to your gun" thing.

    Goes to show the kind of relationship they had.

  • It makes sense considering his backstory

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I wonder if Javi might keep the bat and it'll be his signature weapon.

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