That was fucking pathetic...lets see...she can run faster than anyone....gets those hits in faster...even with weapons that should get you killed close range...stole Negan's Outsiders...AI is still dumb as shit. And worse...the crowd was not happy.
alright the gameplay looks great to me, it kinda remembers me of uncharted. Loved it anyway.
the story is what makes me confused, I was expecting something a lot different, like, a cutscene showing Joel and Ellie at Tommy's place...
I'm still gonna buy it
The first question that came to mind, was where are the infected?
Maybe we'll get lucky and we will have two more trailers/demos before the game releases. One showing us Joel and their new character roles and dynamic, and another one displaying how the infected and the fungal strain have evolved over time. Maybe they could combine them both into one if they make it as long as this one was, but I doubt they would do it since it won't be for a special event.
Wow, that “gameplay” trailer was such scripted diarrhea. I can’t beleive they never learned anything from the last time they did this with the first TLOU. The “gameplay” doesn’t seem to be that different from the original aside from a few different hiding places and female enemies, maybe they’ll throw in wildlife adversaries I’m not super sure.
I still don’t really know what exactly the story is about aside from Ellie getting “revenge” and it still seems the theory of Joel being an hallucination gets more plausible with each update. I haven’t experienced the story yet but I just have this real gut feeling that it might be a bit of a mess and feel overcrowded with too many characters. I should also mention that I found the dialogue between Ellie and her girlfriend to be kind of...bad.
That combat! WOW. (Queen of parkour)
And I know Ellie's girlfriend is probably gonna die but it still makes me so happy to see them romantic together and to see more LGBT rep at E3.
Holy FUCK that was so fucking well made. I'm so excited for this game you dont understand. The combat was so damn INTENSE, THATS how you make a game!!!!!
If playing this game right now meant I had to sell my heart after I finished it, I would take up the offer.
The game looks amazing! The gameplay and the cinematics are displayed in pretty much the same resolution. It won't be long until Naughty Dog's engine reaches graphics that perfectly match real life. They've already come so close. And damn... This game looks so dark. The Last of Us Part 1 was dark but this game takes it to the next level.
The first question that came to mind, was where are the infected?
Maybe we'll get lucky and we will have two more trailers/demos before t… morehe game releases. One showing us Joel and their new character roles and dynamic, and another one displaying how the infected and the fungal strain have evolved over time. Maybe they could combine them both into one if they make it as long as this one was, but I doubt they would do it since it won't be for a special event.
Here's to hoping
That was absolutely amazing! This is going to be great.
Gameplay won't be as impressive as the trailer because I'm pretty sure some of the footage was scripted similar to the E3 2012 trailer. But it should still be an improvement over the original.
As someone who very much enjoyed the multiplayer component of the first game, this pleases me a lot.
"Factions is coming back," co-director Anthony Newman said in an interview with GameSpot. Fellow co-director Kurt Margenau continued: "Multiplayer is coming back. We're not going to talk details yet about what form that takes, but we can confirm there will be multiplayer.
The AI has also been enhanced. In the first game, it was kind of telepathic in terms of its awareness of the player character, but now there’s a propagation effect where groups of NPCs communicate with each other (by whistling, for example). Still, if a group will be further away they might not become aware of the player. There will be new Infected classes, and they’re still very much a threat alongside the enemy human factions such as the Seraphites (the religious group from the Paris Games Week footage).
From what it looked like in the demo, the enemies gave chase to Ellie and once she disappeared from their field of view, they searched the area she was last seen (They all entered the store from the doorway they saw her last.) So, I think the environment has some sort of "area indicator", and the enemies can now search them based on where the player could be, and that sounds (and looks) really cool.
Also, this. Yipee?
The demo takes place in Jackson, where the first game ended. Ellie contributes to the safekeeping of the community there. Game Director Neil Druckmann confirmed that Joel, cited in the trailer as her ‘old man’, is “somewhere out there” in Jackson.
Seriously I'm worried for Joel and Ellie's relationship. Either he dies at some point or they become estranged.
So I really liked the gameplay. Being able to go prone in and hide under vehicles is great. Makes me hope you can be clever with the stealth. Though part of me worries how scripted it was. I really liked how the AI acted, like that woman freaking out when Ellie aims at her. I also really like how human and desperate the combat seems. Ellie sounds tired and when she's shot, she reacts like she's been shot. It feels like a desperate fight for your life and I like that. Still slightly concerned about how much of it was scripted.
Holy FUCK that was so fucking well made. I'm so excited for this game you dont understand. The combat was so damn INTENSE, THATS how you ma… moreke a game!!!!!
If playing this game right now meant I had to sell my heart after I finished it, I would take up the offer.
That was fucking pathetic...lets see...she can run faster than anyone....gets those hits in faster...even with weapons that should get you killed close range...stole Negan's Outsiders...AI is still dumb as shit. And worse...the crowd was not happy.
I admit that at first, I wasn't sure if it was Ellie or not; she has gone through considerable change, but she does still resemble Ellie. To say she looks nothing like her is a bit of a stretch, in my opinion.
Seriously I'm worried for Joel and Ellie's relationship. Either he dies at some point or they become estranged.
It might be worth mentioning that, from what I remember, Neil Druckmann's interpretation of TLOU's ending was something about Ellie being resentful of Joel for lying to her, and after being (somewhat) dependant on him, she eventually goes out into the world to find her own way... or something like that. It was a while ago that I saw it; I could be completely wrong SO DON'T QUOTE ME.
When I next get the chance to use the computer (maybe in a day or two), I'll have a look for the video and post it (so that you can see that I'm not completely out of my mind).
I really like the idea of new dynamic encounters in the combat sequences.
Using info from this new article, NPCs, their encounters, the a… morelert system and more have been changed.
The AI has also been enhanced. In the first game, it was kind of telepathic in terms of its awareness of the player character, but now there’s a propagation effect where groups of NPCs communicate with each other (by whistling, for example). Still, if a group will be further away they might not become aware of the player. There will be new Infected classes, and they’re still very much a threat alongside the enemy human factions such as the Seraphites (the religious group from the Paris Games Week footage).
From what it looked like in the demo, the enemies gave chase to Ellie and once she disappeared from their field of view, they searched the area she was last seen (They all entered the store from the doorway they saw her last.) So, I think the environ… [view original content]
Or maybe because the crowd didn’t exactly know how to react because the trailer itself was so lopsided with tone.
The trailer starts off with banter between a gay couple with less than stellar dialogue and then the trailer proceeds to show very visceral heavily scripted “gameplay” right afterwards which doesn’t really gel with what’s happening.
the crowd was not happy.
The crowd was just in shock, is all. They were experiencing an intense emotion known as fear; they didn't see a second of Joel.
Seriously I'm worried for Joel and Ellie's relationship. Either he dies at some point or they become estranged.
It might be worth me… morentioning that, from what I remember, Neil Druckmann's interpretation of TLOU's ending was something about Ellie being resentful of Joel for lying to her, and after being (somewhat) dependant on him, she eventually goes out into the world to find her own way... or something like that. It was a while ago that I saw it; I could be completely wrong SO DON'T QUOTE ME.
When I next get the chance to use the computer (maybe in a day or two), I'll have a look for the video and post it (so that you can see that I'm not completely out of my mind).
EDIT: Found it, here we go:
You know, I remember the times when we played as Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3, the original Lara Croft from the first Tomb Raider series, Samus from Metroid, Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield from Resident Evil, Jade from Beyond Good and Evil, and barely anyone made a big fuss over them on how they look or acted.
Nowadays? Introducing a female lead in a video game is just asking for trouble. Both sides arguing to each other about 'shoving LGTB or 'strong female character' feminazi agendas down their throats', or 'being overly sexualized or being put through torturous and distressing ordeals for no credible reason other than fanservice'...
Can't we just enjoy a character for who they are without bringing the social media into all of this? So what if these female characters are either gay/bi, strong/weak, white/non-white, etc.? Shouldn't their personalities and motivations define their character and role in the end?
Sorry for going off-topic, but videos about 'Feminism in Video Games' annoys me to no end.
Seriously I'm worried for Joel and Ellie's relationship. Either he dies at some point or they become estranged.
It might be worth me… morentioning that, from what I remember, Neil Druckmann's interpretation of TLOU's ending was something about Ellie being resentful of Joel for lying to her, and after being (somewhat) dependant on him, she eventually goes out into the world to find her own way... or something like that. It was a while ago that I saw it; I could be completely wrong SO DON'T QUOTE ME.
When I next get the chance to use the computer (maybe in a day or two), I'll have a look for the video and post it (so that you can see that I'm not completely out of my mind).
EDIT: Found it, here we go:
I see it all the time....female character is SJW pandering. Hell even in my favorite TV show Doctor Who...the new Doctor will be a woman...after 50 years...and to hear some people tell it, these are the end time...hell they are going to do an episode set during Rosa Parks and the Bus Boycott....historical moments in history...and someone says...thats SJW apparently history is now off limits.
You know, I remember the times when we played as Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3, the original Lara Croft from the first Tomb Raider series… more, Samus from Metroid, Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield from Resident Evil, Jade from Beyond Good and Evil, and barely anyone made a big fuss over them on how they look or acted.
Nowadays? Introducing a female lead in a video game is just asking for trouble. Both sides arguing to each other about 'shoving LGTB or 'strong female character' feminazi agendas down their throats', or 'being overly sexualized or being put through torturous and distressing ordeals for no credible reason other than fanservice'...
Can't we just enjoy a character for who they are without bringing the social media into all of this? So what if these female characters are either gay/bi, strong/weak, white/non-white, etc.? Shouldn't their personalities and motivations define their character and role in the end?
Sorry for going off-topic, but videos about 'Feminism in Video Games' annoys me to no end.
We’ll, it’s definitely a “coincidence” that Doctor Who is tackling that issue right now when it’s a huge popular talking point issue for political types nowadays.
I see it all the time....female character is SJW pandering. Hell even in my favorite TV show Doctor Who...the new Doctor will b… moree a woman...after 50 years...and to hear some people tell it, these are the end time...hell they are going to do an episode set during Rosa Parks and the Bus Boycott....historical moments in history...and someone says...thats SJW apparently history is now off limits.
You mean racism and the way things keep repeating? It is a learning moment in history...SJW labeling is just a defense by thin skinned idiots to not face the fact that evil was and still is done to minorities.
We’ll, it’s definitely a “coincidence” that Doctor Who is tackling that issue right now when it’s a huge popular talking point issue for political types nowadays.
videogame characters don’t always age perfectly. They are made up people, after all. Just look at clementine, she looks absolutely nothing like her previous self.
But to say Ellie looks nothing like herself is bullshit. As someone who does nothing but study proportions and human faces for a living, she has aged up very well.
A big reason for her looking different is the engine. The first game had a style to the faces. This game is completely realistic. No artsy style. You will get used to it.
the Naughty Dog team sat down to think about the game, it explored what worked well and what would be appropriate for this game and expand on what was done previously. “The Last of Us has always been about the natural world and reclaiming society and civilization, so a natural evolution of Last of Us 1 was to increase the vegetation in the world,”
“That obviously plays into the stealth game that’s super important, so that pushed us to create this analog stealth system where based on your stance, whether you’re crouched, standing, or prone in the thickness of the vegetation you’re in, enemies have an easier or harder time seeing you. There’s this sliding the scale of how susceptible you are. It’s more appropriate to the tension of the world of The Last of Us.” That means gone are the isolated patches, and instead, the environments offer lush, full forests that provide plenty of opportunities for Ellie to strategize.
Okay... I'm not so pleased with the introduction of tall grass (since it always seemed to be a weird gimmick in U4, as Nate was still pretty visible from above.) But the presence of it makes sense in the world.
In the demo, we saw Ellie dodging left and right as enemies attacked her. Naughty Dog added a dedicated dodge button this time around.
"We also have all the melee weapons, like she’s able to take a hammer off someone and use that.” -- “That’s actually a new detail; if you don’t have a melee weapon beyond your switchblade and you’re finishing off someone who does have one, you can smoothly transition and grab that weapon from them,”
In the trailer, we saw Ellie face off against bow-and-arrow enemies. At one point, she gets an arrow stuck in her. This was not scripted for the demo; it’s something else you must consider as you battle menacing foes. When an arrow pierces you, it stays in you until you find a safe place to remove it. “While it’s in you, you don’t have access to listen mode and your aim is all out of whack,” Margenau said. “It’s the first status effect that we’ve introduced in the game,” Newman added.
I like that how they're incorporating more survival elements and lethal hits that can impact your performance.
A new addition is also a jump button to make environments more vertical. “This makes escaping more dynamic and frenetic,” Newman said about the addition. “Escaping is always an option,” Margenau added. “The squeezing through and hiding under things … you don’t always have to kill everyone.”
This is very good. You could avoid many encounters in the first game by stealthing through them, and you can still do it here.
IMO the reveal trailer Ellie looks the same in the demo gameplay, but a little bit younger in the cutscene, also, her hairstyle (in the cutscene) is different so that’s why she seems so changed.
60fps. No real reason, it just looks really smooth, much better than the PS3 version. Hard to go back, tbh.
The game is still sort of old, but there's no real problems on a normal PS4 (which I have) so, I don't think it's of any real harm to your Pro [and that's pretty weird that a Pro doesn't handle 60 very well, since that's the whole point of the device. Where'd you read that?].
I just bought the remastered version of the game and I was wondering if you guys prefer playing in 30 or 60fps?
Also the reasons why.
EDIT: I read that the PS4 Pro can't run very good when played in 60fps, compared to older PS4 models.
I haven't bought the console yet, I'm going to sell my Xbox One in the next few days to pay
towards the money to buy the PS4. I saw that IGN review for the remastered game and googled
to see if there was another thread of people talking about their preference with the fps.
I found links like the ones below, so now I'm contemplating to get an older PS4 model.
60fps. No real reason, it just looks really smooth, much better than the PS3 version. Hard to go back, tbh.
The game is still sort of old… more, but there's no real problems on a normal PS4 (which I have) so, I don't think it's of any real harm to your Pro [and that's pretty weird that a Pro doesn't handle 60 very well, since that's the whole point of the device. Where'd you read that?].
I'm sure it'll be fine.
It works just fine with my PS4 pro. I didn't notice any framerate drops when I was playing it.
But if you want the most bang for your buck, stick with the original ps4. There are only slight improvements with things on the pro and isn't worth the extra cash imo.
I haven't bought the console yet, I'm going to sell my Xbox One in the next few days to pay
towards the money to buy the PS4. I saw that IG… moreN review for the remastered game and googled
to see if there was another thread of people talking about their preference with the fps.
I found links like the ones below, so now I'm contemplating to get an older PS4 model.
That was fucking pathetic...lets see...she can run faster than anyone....gets those hits in faster...even with weapons that should get you killed close range...stole Negan's Outsiders...AI is still dumb as shit. And worse...the crowd was not happy.
I'm confused as fuck
where is Joel
I need a time to think
alright the gameplay looks great to me, it kinda remembers me of uncharted. Loved it anyway.
the story is what makes me confused, I was expecting something a lot different, like, a cutscene showing Joel and Ellie at Tommy's place...
I'm still gonna buy it
Loved the gameplay, Ellie is brutal as fuck, but where the hell is my boy Joel.
Besides the graphics looks so fucking realistic
The first question that came to mind, was where are the infected?
Maybe we'll get lucky and we will have two more trailers/demos before the game releases. One showing us Joel and their new character roles and dynamic, and another one displaying how the infected and the fungal strain have evolved over time. Maybe they could combine them both into one if they make it as long as this one was, but I doubt they would do it since it won't be for a special event.
Here's to hoping
Wow, that “gameplay” trailer was such scripted diarrhea. I can’t beleive they never learned anything from the last time they did this with the first TLOU. The “gameplay” doesn’t seem to be that different from the original aside from a few different hiding places and female enemies, maybe they’ll throw in wildlife adversaries I’m not super sure.
I still don’t really know what exactly the story is about aside from Ellie getting “revenge” and it still seems the theory of Joel being an hallucination gets more plausible with each update. I haven’t experienced the story yet but I just have this real gut feeling that it might be a bit of a mess and feel overcrowded with too many characters. I should also mention that I found the dialogue between Ellie and her girlfriend to be kind of...bad.
That combat! WOW. (Queen of parkour)
And I know Ellie's girlfriend is probably gonna die but it still makes me so happy to see them romantic together and to see more LGBT rep at E3.
Holy FUCK that was so fucking well made. I'm so excited for this game you dont understand. The combat was so damn INTENSE, THATS how you make a game!!!!!
If playing this game right now meant I had to sell my heart after I finished it, I would take up the offer.
The game looks amazing! The gameplay and the cinematics are displayed in pretty much the same resolution. It won't be long until Naughty Dog's engine reaches graphics that perfectly match real life. They've already come so close. And damn... This game looks so dark. The Last of Us Part 1 was dark but this game takes it to the next level.
Ellie: "Well I'm here, aren't I?"
Heheh, seriously though; I can't be the only one that was watching this wondering if Ellie can infect other people...
Oh God

Here goes me wanting to get involved in The Last of Us.
I wonder if Ellie’s saliva can turn people, also in the gameplay she was wearing Dina’s bracelet, she probably died
That was absolutely amazing! This is going to be great.
Gameplay won't be as impressive as the trailer because I'm pretty sure some of the footage was scripted similar to the E3 2012 trailer. But it should still be an improvement over the original.
She has the kiss of death, in one form or the other.
Naughty Dog confirms Part II will have multiplayer
As someone who very much enjoyed the multiplayer component of the first game, this pleases me a lot.
I really like the idea of new dynamic encounters in the combat sequences.
Using info from this new article, NPCs, their encounters, the alert system and more have been changed.
From what it looked like in the demo, the enemies gave chase to Ellie and once she disappeared from their field of view, they searched the area she was last seen (They all entered the store from the doorway they saw her last.) So, I think the environment has some sort of "area indicator", and the enemies can now search them based on where the player could be, and that sounds (and looks) really cool.
Also, this. Yipee?
Seriously I'm worried for Joel and Ellie's relationship. Either he dies at some point or they become estranged.
So I really liked the gameplay. Being able to go prone in and hide under vehicles is great. Makes me hope you can be clever with the stealth. Though part of me worries how scripted it was. I really liked how the AI acted, like that woman freaking out when Ellie aims at her. I also really like how human and desperate the combat seems. Ellie sounds tired and when she's shot, she reacts like she's been shot. It feels like a desperate fight for your life and I like that. Still slightly concerned about how much of it was scripted.
This Ellie looks nothing like her model in TLOU. They should've made her resemble her younger self more.
The crowd was just in shock, is all. They were experiencing an intense emotion known as fear; they didn't see a second of Joel.
I admit that at first, I wasn't sure if it was Ellie or not; she has gone through considerable change, but she does still resemble Ellie. To say she looks nothing like her is a bit of a stretch, in my opinion.
It might be worth mentioning that, from what I remember, Neil Druckmann's interpretation of TLOU's ending was something about Ellie being resentful of Joel for lying to her, and after being (somewhat) dependant on him, she eventually goes out into the world to find her own way... or something like that. It was a while ago that I saw it; I could be completely wrong SO DON'T QUOTE ME.
When I next get the chance to use the computer (maybe in a day or two), I'll have a look for the video and post it (so that you can see that I'm not completely out of my mind).
EDIT: Found it, here we go:
Or maybe because the crowd didn’t exactly know how to react because the trailer itself was so lopsided with tone.
The trailer starts off with banter between a gay couple with less than stellar dialogue and then the trailer proceeds to show very visceral heavily scripted “gameplay” right afterwards which doesn’t really gel with what’s happening.
No, I think you're right. I vaguely remember Neil saying that if Ellie found out, she'd be pretty pissed.
I've updated my previous post and added the video.
After re-watching it, I noticed that Neil Druckmann actually used the word 'hate'.
Neil Druckman has stated that the theme for The Last Of Us Part II is hate.
You know, I remember the times when we played as Heather Mason from Silent Hill 3, the original Lara Croft from the first Tomb Raider series, Samus from Metroid, Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield from Resident Evil, Jade from Beyond Good and Evil, and barely anyone made a big fuss over them on how they look or acted.
Nowadays? Introducing a female lead in a video game is just asking for trouble. Both sides arguing to each other about 'shoving LGTB or 'strong female character' feminazi agendas down their throats', or 'being overly sexualized or being put through torturous and distressing ordeals for no credible reason other than fanservice'...
Can't we just enjoy a character for who they are without bringing the social media into all of this? So what if these female characters are either gay/bi, strong/weak, white/non-white, etc.? Shouldn't their personalities and motivations define their character and role in the end?
Sorry for going off-topic, but videos about 'Feminism in Video Games' annoys me to no end.
According to IGN, Last of Us ps3 and ps4 has sold a combined total of 17 million copies, all I can say is “DAMN”.
I see it all the time....female character is SJW pandering. Hell even in my favorite TV show Doctor Who...the new Doctor will be a woman...after 50 years...and to hear some people tell it, these are the end time...hell they are going to do an episode set during Rosa Parks and the Bus Boycott....historical moments in history...and someone says...thats SJW apparently history is now off limits.
We’ll, it’s definitely a “coincidence” that Doctor Who is tackling that issue right now when it’s a huge popular talking point issue for political types nowadays.
You mean racism and the way things keep repeating? It is a learning moment in history...SJW labeling is just a defense by thin skinned idiots to not face the fact that evil was and still is done to minorities.
That happens when you age 5/6 years. Not only Ellie but their engine as well.
No it doesn't. 6 years ago I was 15 and I still look the same, I just grew facial hair.
videogame characters don’t always age perfectly. They are made up people, after all. Just look at clementine, she looks absolutely nothing like her previous self.
But to say Ellie looks nothing like herself is bullshit. As someone who does nothing but study proportions and human faces for a living, she has aged up very well.
A big reason for her looking different is the engine. The first game had a style to the faces. This game is completely realistic. No artsy style. You will get used to it.
Uhhhhh...yes she does.
Ooh, controls and gameplay improvements.
via Game Informer "How Naughty Dog is Enhancing The Sequel's Combat"
Okay... I'm not so pleased with the introduction of tall grass (since it always seemed to be a weird gimmick in U4, as Nate was still pretty visible from above.) But the presence of it makes sense in the world.
I like that how they're incorporating more survival elements and lethal hits that can impact your performance.
This is very good. You could avoid many encounters in the first game by stealthing through them, and you can still do it here.
IMO the reveal trailer Ellie looks the same in the demo gameplay, but a little bit younger in the cutscene, also, her hairstyle (in the cutscene) is different so that’s why she seems so changed.
I just bought the remastered version of the game and I was wondering if you guys prefer playing in 30 or 60fps?
Also the reasons why.
EDIT: I read that the PS4 Pro can't run very good when played in 60fps, compared to older PS4 models.
60fps. No real reason, it just looks really smooth, much better than the PS3 version. Hard to go back, tbh.
The game is still sort of old, but there's no real problems on a normal PS4 (which I have) so, I don't think it's of any real harm to your Pro [and that's pretty weird that a Pro doesn't handle 60 very well, since that's the whole point of the device. Where'd you read that?].
I'm sure it'll be fine.
I haven't bought the console yet, I'm going to sell my Xbox One in the next few days to pay
towards the money to buy the PS4. I saw that IGN review for the remastered game and googled
to see if there was another thread of people talking about their preference with the fps.
I found links like the ones below, so now I'm contemplating to get an older PS4 model.
It works just fine with my PS4 pro. I didn't notice any framerate drops when I was playing it.
But if you want the most bang for your buck, stick with the original ps4. There are only slight improvements with things on the pro and isn't worth the extra cash imo.