so fucking obvious they're gonna kill ellie's girlfriend huh. didn't even try to hide it.
Now this is the classic Naughty Dog misdirection move. Carefully edit the trailer in such a way that it implies a big story beat, only for that not to happen.
(take the case of TLOU 1's story trailer. At the end, it kinda looks like Ellie is going to shoot Joel. Obviously that never happened.)
man they really made it just so fucking obvious they're gonna kill ellie's girlfriend huh. didn't even try to hide it. just decided to go wi… moreth the most generic revenge plot they could think of. wish i didn't keep putting faith in the last of us' writing team.
okay so being positive the gramphicks look very good and it was very surprising how good they looked. since it's naughty dog there will probably not be a downgrade. gameplay looks as fluid and fun as the first game so it'll likely be the thing that carries the entire experience this time too. loving the music and new infected designs. really makes the world feel way richer and more interesting. and old man joel can have all of my babies. all of them. i just hope the story isn't as lame as all the marketing is implying it is. really fuckin hated the first game's story so i hope this is an improvement considering how top notch and flawless uncharted 4's story was.
well, personally i thought every single story beat was just a worse version of various apocalypse stories that had been done better before (a couple i picked up on were children of men, 28 days later, i am legend, etc). there was never a plot element that surprised me because i saw it all coming a mile away, so it was hard for me to get invested in the story when everything was so predictable and bland. unlike the uncharted series none of the story segments really wowed me, i was just waiting for the next thing to happen and rolling my eyes a lot.
this is of course just a personal thing and i'm not trying to force my opinions onto other people, and obviously there's a lot of things i like about the game, but it makes me frustrated when people call it such an original masterpiece of a story when there are so many game stories that are so creative and original that i see no love get thrown at.
it's also worth noting though that i genuinely love the characters of ellie and joel despite not enjoying the story, so i'm still invested in their situation, but the plot beats just feel like nothing to me. i'd rather play the uncharted games for story.
i hope you're right dude, i'm sick and tired of the "kill your gays!" story beat. the first one did it too for no reason other than shock value and le epic sad moment. if you're gonna kill a character it should mean something.
so fucking obvious they're gonna kill ellie's girlfriend huh. didn't even try to hide it.
Now this is the classic Naughty Dog misdir… moreection move. Carefully edit the trailer in such a way that it implies a big story beat, only for that not to happen.
(take the case of TLOU 1's story trailer. At the end, it kinda looks like Ellie is going to shoot Joel. Obviously that never happened.)
Neil Druckmann said that the main theme they're trying to tackle with this sequel is the emotion of "hate" and how far you'd go to take revenge on those who hurt the people you love.
A lot of fans are speculating that Joel is the one who gets killed off in that ambush, not Dina. It would certainly be a great way to connect the player and the character, angering both of them enough to give a valid reason to find and kill the other group.
i hope you're right dude, i'm sick and tired of the "kill your gays!" story beat. the first one did it too for no reason other than shock value and le epic sad moment. if you're gonna kill a character it should mean something.
so fucking obvious they're gonna kill ellie's girlfriend huh. didn't even try to hide it.
Now this is the classic Naughty Dog misdir… moreection move. Carefully edit the trailer in such a way that it implies a big story beat, only for that not to happen.
(take the case of TLOU 1's story trailer. At the end, it kinda looks like Ellie is going to shoot Joel. Obviously that never happened.)
We'll see. Smart editing can do things. The shot with Joel could be from the very beginning while the shot of Ellie getting grabbed from behind could be completely unrelated to the scene with Joel.
We'll just have to see for ourselves once the game is out. Everything in this trailer is up to interpretation on when/where these scenes happen.
Naughty Dog holds all the cards here and could be shuffling them up to who knows where. I mean, are we even sure that the gunshot and "Nnoooo!" soundbytes are in that ambush scene? No, we can't be sure. Is that basement even part of that ski lodge? Maybe. We don't know.
If Naughty Dog intends to release more trailer after this, I have to resist watching them because the release date is close and I don't want to know more story details until I experience the full game myself.
No multiplayer for TLOU2 confirmed
The team decided to completely focus on giving us the best singleplayer experience instead.
Also, more gameplay
So freaking bummed about this today. And here I was hoping that we'd get a multiplayer reveal on Outbreak Day. Damn......
Here's to hoping that they've only put MP on hold and will add it in after release. It was the most enjoyable, life-extending aspect of the game.
And, well, as it's Outbreak Day, we finally have more news about gameplay and stuff from Part II!
Since the press played reportedly 3 hours (or 2 chapters) of content from the game, I think I'll only look at a few articles and glance at some gameplay.
Then, I should probably go dark on the game. It'll be big in February, for sure. And I don't want that initial first-hand impression ruined. However, that'll be harder than escaping a room with 3 bloaters in it.
Okay, I trust Naughty Dog won't spoil very much about the game (unlike the famous reveal of the entire Uncharted 4 Madagascar chase scene) since they know this game is one for the ages.
On a seperate note, yeah, with ND saying that a huge part of the game is about the relationship between Dinah and Ellie (which to me doesn't sound like a story in which one character dies in the first hour or two), and as well as the fact that Joel's appearance happens after her "path of revenge" has begun, it's safe to say that we're being played. That story trailer is misleading. Maybe no one dies in that basement.
Update on Multiplayer/Factions Mode. (it's a big picture)
Seems like we might see a standalone version of Factions instead (which might make sense since they probably don't want to develop and implement a mode that not too many people would care for. Plus, with the game being more than one disc large (over 50GB), it would beef up the base game's data, too.)
They do have multiplayer/online programmers on their team that were hired a few months ago (and some new positions opened up recently), so they need something to do...
Same. I actually haven't watched any gameplay or read any articles about the demo yet, and I'm okay with that.
But I've reeeeally been thinking about looking some stuff up recently.
Still, to this day, I haven't looked at any articles or viewed any videos on the Last of Us II Press Showcase.
However. I succumbed to one video.
A great way to learn a lot of info about what's coming in the new game, while only getting a few short glimpses at footage.
Still, to this day, I haven't looked at any articles or viewed any videos on the Last of Us II Press Showcase.
However. I succumbed to one… more video.
A great way to learn a lot of info about what's coming in the new game, while only getting a few short glimpses at footage.
Super duper hyped. Ok, back to my hidey-hole.
So... Gah. Yeah. ND promised they waited so long to release a definitive date because they didn't want to keep delaying it like they did with Uncharted 4... only they just did that 3 weeks after the announcement.
At the very least school will be over and I'll have some more time at home to play with it.
Yeah, I just got an email about my pre-order saying the game is postponed.
Fortunately there are some other cool games coming out between now and then, so hopefully we won't be too bored while we wait.
Sad news, folks...
Rumors have been circulating that a Sony first-party title has been delayed. And...
The Last of Us Part II is that ga… moreme. It has officially been delayed to May 29th, 2020.
So... Gah. Yeah. ND promised they waited so long to release a definitive date because they didn't want to keep delaying it like they did with Uncharted 4... only they just did that 3 weeks after the announcement.
At the very least school will be over and I'll have some more time at home to play with it.
So now that’s both TLOU and DOOM: Eternal that have been delayed. Which sucks because I was looking to spread out my purchases a bit more (DOOM in November, TLOU in February, Cyberpunk in April, Dying Light 2 at some point in 2020, etc.) but that plan has gone up in flames I guess.
Sad news, folks...
Rumors have been circulating that a Sony first-party title has been delayed. And...
The Last of Us Part II is that ga… moreme. It has officially been delayed to May 29th, 2020.
So... Gah. Yeah. ND promised they waited so long to release a definitive date because they didn't want to keep delaying it like they did with Uncharted 4... only they just did that 3 weeks after the announcement.
At the very least school will be over and I'll have some more time at home to play with it.
tfw new Borderlands 3 update comes out, Outer Worlds comes out for just 10 bucks on gamepass, I got Spyro for free, and Luigi's Mansion 3 all come out within a week of each other
I was thinking that too after Last of Us 2 got delayed. More games Im interested in all coming out at the same time
So now that’s both TLOU and DOOM: Eternal that have been delayed. Which sucks because I was looking to spread out my purchases a bit more (D… moreOOM in November, TLOU in February, Cyberpunk in April, Dying Light 2 at some point in 2020, etc.) but that plan has gone up in flames I guess.
I’ve heard good things about The Outer Worlds so far, but while I was considering getting it at launch, I think I’m going to hold off until I see more of it. I know it’s Obsidian (makers of Fallout New Vegas) and not Bethesda (makers of Fallout 3 and 4), but I’ve tried to get into the Fallout games before, but just never could, and I don’t want to pay full price for something that I’m going to possibly lose interest in within a couple of hours.
In regards to the BL3 update, the Bloody Harvest thing is fun, but doesn’t take all that long to complete. The new loot is awesome though so far, and they implemented or announced they’re working on implementing several things fans have been asking for, like more spread out vending machines, buffs to certain characters, and skippable cutscenes.
tfw new Borderlands 3 update comes out, Outer Worlds comes out for just 10 bucks on gamepass, I got Spyro for free, and Luigi's Mansion 3 al… morel come out within a week of each other
I was thinking that too after Last of Us 2 got delayed. More games Im interested in all coming out at the same time
I was thinking same with Bl3 update, however I feel its gonna take me a long time to get all the rewards (but it does go on for a month so Ill probably be fine)
I just wish theyd increase the bank already like damn. Its just filled with legendary and so my characters inventory. Sad part is I wont even use 90% of them, Im just a hoarder in video games smh
I’ve heard good things about The Outer Worlds so far, but while I was considering getting it at launch, I think I’m going to hold off until … moreI see more of it. I know it’s Obsidian (makers of Fallout New Vegas) and not Bethesda (makers of Fallout 3 and 4), but I’ve tried to get into the Fallout games before, but just never could, and I don’t want to pay full price for something that I’m going to possibly lose interest in within a couple of hours.
In regards to the BL3 update, the Bloody Harvest thing is fun, but doesn’t take all that long to complete. The new loot is awesome though so far, and they implemented or announced they’re working on implementing several things fans have been asking for, like more spread out vending machines, buffs to certain characters, and skippable cutscenes.
The one I’m most interested (and worried about) is Mayhem 4/Mayhem 2.0. Mayhem 3 is already incredibly difficult, badass enemies have infinite ammo and rocket launchers, and you get several annointed enemies that just fuck you up. You need to balance out Mayhem as it is now before adding more levels.
I was thinking same with Bl3 update, however I feel its gonna take me a long time to get all the rewards (but it does go on for a month so I… morell probably be fine)
I just wish theyd increase the bank already like damn. Its just filled with legendary and so my characters inventory. Sad part is I wont even use 90% of them, Im just a hoarder in video games smh
Sad news, folks...
Rumors have been circulating that a Sony first-party title has been delayed. And...
The Last of Us Part II is that ga… moreme. It has officially been delayed to May 29th, 2020.
So... Gah. Yeah. ND promised they waited so long to release a definitive date because they didn't want to keep delaying it like they did with Uncharted 4... only they just did that 3 weeks after the announcement.
At the very least school will be over and I'll have some more time at home to play with it.
I think they need to just buff characters. Mayhem 3 is not hard at all with my Flak build. My Amara feels well balanced and can actually kill things. And then theres Zane, who is fucking garbage like holy shit. Why does he do like 2 damage even on Mayhem 1? I even changed him to what is considered the best Zane build and he still sucks so bad smh
They said that’s another thing they're working on. The full list and info is here:… more-3-patch-hotfixes-roadmap-oct-24/
The one I’m most interested (and worried about) is Mayhem 4/Mayhem 2.0. Mayhem 3 is already incredibly difficult, badass enemies have infinite ammo and rocket launchers, and you get several annointed enemies that just fuck you up. You need to balance out Mayhem as it is now before adding more levels.
The Last of Us: Left Behind just turned 6 this past Valentine's Day.
To commemorate this, and to raise funds to donate to the Australian Fire Relief, Neil Druckmann, Ashley Johnson, and a few other ND devs (I think, I didn't see the livestream) played through the DLC.
In it, lots of behind-the-scenes discussion on the making of it and a few teases to Part II.
Credit to reddit user SuspiciousNebula for making a list of important points discussed.
The use of two malls in Left Behind was partly due to the production advantages from reusing assets etc.
Ellie and Riley’s story was the only serious contender for a DLC. There was an idea to do something about Joel and Tommy but it never went anywhere.
The developers were mindful that most DLCs take place away from the main game’s story. They wanted to break with that convention for Left Behind and weave the story into the main narrative.
Left Behind release was delayed because they didn’t feel the ending was strong enough so they took another month to add the chase sequence. The original ending showed the clicker ambush during the dancing scene then returned to after they were both bitten.
Ellie acquired her palm tree t-shirt from the department store she and Riley have their water gun fight in. It can be seen hanging in the background. Coincidentally, the last time we see this t-shirt is in the ‘present day’ part of the DLC where she uses it to dress Joel’s wound.
The idea for Left Behind came after the comic book was published, and Riley’s closing lines to Ellie were inspired by the comic.
Neil mentioned how he has gotten used to having a dodge button from playing Part II and he misses it when he plays the original games.
The bow and arrow statue shown in the present day mall can be found as a little statuette in Uncharted 4.
For legal reasons all of the businesses shown in the games are fictional, and a lot of them are references to Naughty Dog artists or their friends/family.
Ashley Johnson recently finished replaying through TLOU 1 as a refresher.
Neil and Ashley had a lunch where they discussed the story for Part II and Left Behind, indicating that the early development of the sequel was happening several years ago. By the time Left Behind was being developed they knew they would be making a sequel to the main game starring Ellie.
Chelsea Tavares auditioned for the role of Riley but lost out to Yani King. Chelsea has been cast in Part II in an unspecified role.
One of Ashley’s favourite scenes to film in Left Behind was the kiss between Riley and Ellie, partly because it was fun to do the awkward teen dancing.
Neil was nervous to film the kiss scene and was asking whether they needed to clear the room to film it.
The story of Riley and Ellie exploring the abandoned mall is a metaphor for skipping school.
The character of Winston had died by the time of the Left Behind story. This was done because there wasn’t time to write and cast the role.
The horse was added in the comic to explain how Ellie knows how to ride horses in Part I.
Neil joked that Left Behind features a wolf mask and “maybe that will have significance later”.
They couldn’t get the license to use Magic 8 Ball so they created their own - Skeleseer.
The brick throwing contest was inspired by Neil’s childhood where he and his friends did a little vandalism.
Ashley and Neil both commented on how Ellie is very different by the end of Part II from how she was in Part I and Left Behind. The character has evolved a lot.
Several parts of Left Behind were re-shot to include a few hints at the chemistry between Ellie and Riley so the kiss scene wouldn’t feel like it came out of nowhere.
The story of the helicopter crew deliberately paralleled Ellie’s story in that they were both about somebody being sick and their friends trying to save them. The developers also wanted to show that it was possible to save a person’s life if you amputated an infected limb soon enough.
Neil referenced a Reddit post about how Ellie says something at the end that she learned from Joel earlier on. The users were crediting Naughty Dog with great storytelling for making this reference but it was accidentally the result of “bad writing” by Neil.
The last scene shot in The Last of Us was a fail state where Ellie catches on fire.
There is a bug in Left Behind where throwing a brick at a Clicker sometimes doesn’t work.
Troy wasn’t present for the production of Left Behind and Joel’s audio was taken from the original game.
Ashley mentioned she wished you could still move when playing a recording, which Neil seemed to agree with.
The carousel was included to show that even in a harsh world there could be moments of pure innocence.
When Ellie is reading jokes to Riley it was the first time the actors had heard them. Their responses were genuine.
The photo booth sequence too a long time to get right.
The arcade game was included as a response to the hostility for QTEs that existed at the time. They wanted to make a really awesome QTE.
Ellie imagines herself playing one of the broken arcade racing games. Afterwards she comments that a game about shooting race cars is stupid. Neil included this as a reference to Jak X, which he found to be challenging to make. The player can get a trophy called Nobody’s Perfect.
They were going to put a PS4 on a shelf during the water gun fight but Sony asked them not to because it hadn’t been properly released yet.
Neil has considered telling other stories in TLOU world and following other characters.
Neil suggested using a rock song for Ellie and Riley to dance to but Bruce Straley favoured the one that they ended up using, which Neil also liked.
Music plays a much bigger role in Part II.
When thinking about music for the Part II reveal trailer they first looked at Johnny Cash music. This lead to the discovery that Shawn James has covered Cash’s music and they eventually decided to go with an original Shawn James track which fit the trailer well.
The music is usually a folksy theme in keeping with the Americana tone of the TLOU franchise.
There is a scene in Part II where Troy Baker put his thumb on his pants. When the developers reviewed the motion capture data and noticed this they had to change the character design because it meant Joel’s shirt would have to be tucked in.
The credits at the end of Left Behind are shown as cards rather than scrolling because it compresses better and takes less storage space.
Now this is the classic Naughty Dog misdirection move. Carefully edit the trailer in such a way that it implies a big story beat, only for that not to happen.
(take the case of TLOU 1's story trailer. At the end, it kinda looks like Ellie is going to shoot Joel. Obviously that never happened.)

Why did you hate the story of the first?
well, personally i thought every single story beat was just a worse version of various apocalypse stories that had been done better before (a couple i picked up on were children of men, 28 days later, i am legend, etc). there was never a plot element that surprised me because i saw it all coming a mile away, so it was hard for me to get invested in the story when everything was so predictable and bland. unlike the uncharted series none of the story segments really wowed me, i was just waiting for the next thing to happen and rolling my eyes a lot.
this is of course just a personal thing and i'm not trying to force my opinions onto other people, and obviously there's a lot of things i like about the game, but it makes me frustrated when people call it such an original masterpiece of a story when there are so many game stories that are so creative and original that i see no love get thrown at.
it's also worth noting though that i genuinely love the characters of ellie and joel despite not enjoying the story, so i'm still invested in their situation, but the plot beats just feel like nothing to me. i'd rather play the uncharted games for story.
i hope you're right dude, i'm sick and tired of the "kill your gays!" story beat. the first one did it too for no reason other than shock value and le epic sad moment. if you're gonna kill a character it should mean something.
Neil Druckmann said that the main theme they're trying to tackle with this sequel is the emotion of "hate" and how far you'd go to take revenge on those who hurt the people you love.
A lot of fans are speculating that Joel is the one who gets killed off in that ambush, not Dina. It would certainly be a great way to connect the player and the character, angering both of them enough to give a valid reason to find and kill the other group.
Yep. I still think Joel is the one who won't survive past the prologue.
Doubtful cause the last scene of the new trailer definitely takes place in the middle of the game. It doesn't even look like a hallucination.
We'll see. Smart editing can do things. The shot with Joel could be from the very beginning while the shot of Ellie getting grabbed from behind could be completely unrelated to the scene with Joel.
We'll just have to see for ourselves once the game is out. Everything in this trailer is up to interpretation on when/where these scenes happen.
Naughty Dog holds all the cards here and could be shuffling them up to who knows where. I mean, are we even sure that the gunshot and "Nnoooo!" soundbytes are in that ambush scene? No, we can't be sure. Is that basement even part of that ski lodge? Maybe. We don't know.
If Naughty Dog intends to release more trailer after this, I have to resist watching them because the release date is close and I don't want to know more story details until I experience the full game myself.
No multiplayer for TLOU2 confirmed
The team decided to completely focus on giving us the best singleplayer experience instead.
Also, more gameplay
That actually sucks for the mp fans. I personally have no problem but I don't doubt a lot of people are going to be disappointed.
As I said above, as much as I would love to see more details, I'd rather hesitate cause the release day is pretty close.
So freaking bummed about this today. And here I was hoping that we'd get a multiplayer reveal on Outbreak Day. Damn......
Here's to hoping that they've only put MP on hold and will add it in after release. It was the most enjoyable, life-extending aspect of the game.
And, well, as it's Outbreak Day, we finally have more news about gameplay and stuff from Part II!
Since the press played reportedly 3 hours (or 2 chapters) of content from the game, I think I'll only look at a few articles and glance at some gameplay.
Then, I should probably go dark on the game. It'll be big in February, for sure. And I don't want that initial first-hand impression ruined. However, that'll be harder than escaping a room with 3 bloaters in it.
Okay, I trust Naughty Dog won't spoil very much about the game (unlike the famous reveal of the entire Uncharted 4 Madagascar chase scene) since they know this game is one for the ages.
On a seperate note, yeah, with ND saying that a huge part of the game is about the relationship between Dinah and Ellie (which to me doesn't sound like a story in which one character dies in the first hour or two), and as well as the fact that Joel's appearance happens after her "path of revenge" has begun, it's safe to say that we're being played. That story trailer is misleading. Maybe no one dies in that basement.
New free PS4 Outbreak Day theme is out by the way!
When they confirm that there won't be any multiplayer in the last of us

Update on Multiplayer/Factions Mode. (it's a big picture)
Seems like we might see a standalone version of Factions instead (which might make sense since they probably don't want to develop and implement a mode that not too many people would care for. Plus, with the game being more than one disc large (over 50GB), it would beef up the base game's data, too.)
They do have multiplayer/online programmers on their team that were hired a few months ago (and some new positions opened up recently), so they need something to do...
Say hello to the game team of Part II
That moment when I'm trying so hard to resist watching new gameplay footages of this game.

Same. I actually haven't watched any gameplay or read any articles about the demo yet, and I'm okay with that.
But I've reeeeally been thinking about looking some stuff up recently.
Still, to this day, I haven't looked at any articles or viewed any videos on the Last of Us II Press Showcase.
However. I succumbed to one video.
A great way to learn a lot of info about what's coming in the new game, while only getting a few short glimpses at footage.
Super duper hyped. Ok, back to my hidey-hole.
Aaaarrgh, I'm still resisting watching more footage. February can't come any sooner.
Assumed this was brought back because of the arguments.
Can someone give me a straight summary of what's been going on with the sequel thus far?
Sad news, folks...
Rumors have been circulating that a Sony first-party title has been delayed. And...
The Last of Us Part II is that game. It has officially been delayed to May 29th, 2020.
So... Gah. Yeah. ND promised they waited so long to release a definitive date because they didn't want to keep delaying it like they did with Uncharted 4... only they just did that 3 weeks after the announcement.
At the very least school will be over and I'll have some more time at home to play with it.
Yeah, I just got an email about my pre-order saying the game is postponed.
Fortunately there are some other cool games coming out between now and then, so hopefully we won't be too bored while we wait.
So now that’s both TLOU and DOOM: Eternal that have been delayed. Which sucks because I was looking to spread out my purchases a bit more (DOOM in November, TLOU in February, Cyberpunk in April, Dying Light 2 at some point in 2020, etc.) but that plan has gone up in flames I guess.
tfw new Borderlands 3 update comes out, Outer Worlds comes out for just 10 bucks on gamepass, I got Spyro for free, and Luigi's Mansion 3 all come out within a week of each other
I was thinking that too after Last of Us 2 got delayed. More games Im interested in all coming out at the same time
I’ve heard good things about The Outer Worlds so far, but while I was considering getting it at launch, I think I’m going to hold off until I see more of it. I know it’s Obsidian (makers of Fallout New Vegas) and not Bethesda (makers of Fallout 3 and 4), but I’ve tried to get into the Fallout games before, but just never could, and I don’t want to pay full price for something that I’m going to possibly lose interest in within a couple of hours.
In regards to the BL3 update, the Bloody Harvest thing is fun, but doesn’t take all that long to complete. The new loot is awesome though so far, and they implemented or announced they’re working on implementing several things fans have been asking for, like more spread out vending machines, buffs to certain characters, and skippable cutscenes.
I was thinking same with Bl3 update, however I feel its gonna take me a long time to get all the rewards (but it does go on for a month so Ill probably be fine)
I just wish theyd increase the bank already like damn. Its just filled with legendary and so my characters inventory. Sad part is I wont even use 90% of them, Im just a hoarder in video games smh
They said that’s another thing they're working on. The full list and info is here:
The one I’m most interested (and worried about) is Mayhem 4/Mayhem 2.0. Mayhem 3 is already incredibly difficult, badass enemies have infinite ammo and rocket launchers, and you get several annointed enemies that just fuck you up. You need to balance out Mayhem as it is now before adding more levels.
The wait for this game just became a Dark Souls boss now
I think they need to just buff characters. Mayhem 3 is not hard at all with my Flak build. My Amara feels well balanced and can actually kill things. And then theres Zane, who is fucking garbage like holy shit. Why does he do like 2 damage even on Mayhem 1? I even changed him to what is considered the best Zane build and he still sucks so bad smh
2 Bordelands fans discussing Borderlands 3 in a Last of Us discussion thread.

The Last of Us: Left Behind just turned 6 this past Valentine's Day.
To commemorate this, and to raise funds to donate to the Australian Fire Relief, Neil Druckmann, Ashley Johnson, and a few other ND devs (I think, I didn't see the livestream) played through the DLC.
In it, lots of behind-the-scenes discussion on the making of it and a few teases to Part II.
Credit to reddit user SuspiciousNebula for making a list of important points discussed.
Welcome to the day we would have gotten Part II had it not been delayed.
97 days remaining.
Don't remind me of what could have been.
why must you hurt me neil
Nah, bitch! Don't shit on @Poogers555 and @MetallicaRules on a TLoU discussion board!
shush deku
Welp, bolt... I never expected you to be here.
Just think, in an alternate universe you're playing The Last Of Us 2 by now
95 days remaining