Where the hell is Sam & Max Season 3

edited December 2009 in Sam & Max
We have not herd anything at all about Sam & Max Season 3 What Gives


  • edited July 2009
    I think they pushed it back to work on some pirate game or something.
  • edited July 2009
    Agent P29 wrote: »
    What Gives
    They are currently very busy releasing some other exellent games!
    A game Company should never stick to just one series you know.

    Don't worry
    Season 3 will come!;)
  • edited July 2009
    Its not bad that Sam & Max is waiting, with the looks on how Monkey Island is, more moving just not talking, but action, more detail, im pretty sure we can expect all this and more in Sam & Max Season 3 :)
  • edited July 2009
    It is sure to be the best season after more than a year and a half between to plan.
  • edited July 2009
    They are in the early stages of designing Sam & Max Season 3.. I was just thinking with all the momentum monkey island has..if that finishes in november, it would be great if episode 1 of s&m s3 came out in december, so it followed on right after ToMI. I don't know if that gives them enough time though.
  • edited July 2009
    I'd imagine we'd start to hear more stuff about season 3 around the time the 4th episode of Tales is being released (around October I guess) and I wouldn't be surprised to see the first episode released in December but probably more likely early 2010.
  • edited July 2009
    I remember reading that they're aiming to release a new game every quarter, so it may be possible that it's out before December.
  • edited July 2009
    From what I can tell, they had at most half a year before release to work on Monkey Island. With five episodes for Tales, I could see episode 1 of Sam and Max: Season Three releasing at the tail end of that or right afterwords.
  • edited July 2009
    I thought I saw Jake post somewhere in all the Monkey Island discussion in not-really veiled terms that the reason Jared wasn't doing music for ToMI was because he was busy scoring up Season 3.

    Ah yes, only in the Private Pirates forum, here it is though it's just saying he'll be doing it as it turns out.
  • edited July 2009
    I'm not too worried since TOMI is keeping me busy, but I'm sure we most definetly won't see it til the end of Wallace & Gromit..which, I'm sorry but I don't know how much longer that has to go =\
    I would be delighted if it was the start of the new year. Before then is even better.

    Also this:
    "rhymes with schmam and schmax schmeasson schmee"
    made me laugh.
  • edited July 2009
    The Monkey in my pocket stole it.
    And he took all my change. Bad Monkey!
  • edited July 2009
    @adventureaddict: There is only onle episode left to go for wallace and gromit!
  • edited July 2009
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    @adventureaddict: There is only onle episode left to go for wallace and gromit!

    Oooh, that makes things interesting then!
  • edited July 2009
    If it's going to be controlled like ToMI please give us the option to change the movement controls to be like Grim Fandango / Escape from Monkey Island. They were like first person shooter controls. More like driving an RC car. W = Forward, A/D rotate, S = backwards.
  • edited July 2009
    I was disappointed when it had been a while since I'd heard anything about season three as well. When they said they were releasing Tales of Monkey Island, that made everything better. :)
  • edited July 2009
    jobney76 wrote: »
    They were like first person shooter controls. More like driving an RC car. W = Forward, A/D rotate, S = backwards.

    You dissin' ma "Alone in the Dark"?
  • edited July 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    I think they pushed it back to work on some pirate game or something.
    Did you just refer to MI as some pirate game?
  • edited July 2009
    Yes, but I was joking. I'm a big Monkey Island fan.
  • edited July 2009
    lol I was about to say. "Who doesn't know monkey island." Yeah after MI I think sam and max will be back full force.
  • edited July 2009
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    @adventureaddict: There is only onle episode left to go for wallace and gromit!

    Which makes me very sad... It is my favorite Telltale series. Sam & Max is a close #2 though.
  • edited July 2009
    Wallace and Gromit was way too short.
    some more episodes wouldn't hurt.
  • edited July 2009
    I heard Telltale will release it sometime this fall, but they could be wrong.
  • edited July 2009
    I didn't hear anything, I'm just hopping that it will come out quick because I'm felling a little dizzy :(
  • edited July 2009
    I heard Telltale will release it sometime this fall, but they could be wrong.
    Where'd you hear that?
  • edited July 2009
    A forum member went to Comic Con and heard that we'd POSSIBLY MAYBE be seeing it around November or December.

  • edited July 2009
    A forum member went to Comic Con and Telltale told him that we'd be seeing it around November or December.
    No, actually, a forum member went to Comic Con and said that he thought the season would start at the end of the year but doesn't remember where he heard that and might have just dreamed it.

    Please be careful attributing stuff to Telltale, because it gets picked up and then turned into people complaining that something hasn't happened when Telltale "promised" it would. Stuff changes all the time, so please don't take something as "Telltale said" unless it's coming from an official announcement.
  • edited July 2009
    As long as they release it at all :) I hope Sam & Max gets a few more seasons. And i hope it stays Point & Click. ;)
  • edited July 2009
    Telltale isn't a massive company, one game series at a time is good enough for me.

    Although monkey island should NEVER STOP PRODUCTION
  • edited July 2009
    It´s not that small anymore. In one thread they said they have 50+ employees by now. Yes, "Tales Of Monkey Island" and "Sam & Max" should be the main series for Telltale :) I would lie if i´d say that i dont wanna see more of Sam & Max.
  • edited July 2009
    As Sam once said, "patience is a sharp razor to swallow". I'm craving some more Sam and Max action too, but I rather have Telltale games take their sweet time to make Season 3 well worth the wait :D
  • edited July 2009
    A forum member went to Comic Con and heard that we'd POSSIBLY MAYBE be seeing it around November or December.

    I NEVER said November OR December. Someone may have said "possibly at the end of this year," but that is far from a confirmation. Besides, I was using subtle sarcasm in that thread. An archaic thing that I should probably avoid using on these forums from now on.

    For a more definitive Comic-Con report with less BS, see my blog:
  • edited July 2009
    Chuck wrote: »
    No, actually, a forum member went to Comic Con and said that he thought the season would start at the end of the year but doesn't remember where he heard that and might have just dreamed it.

    Please be careful attributing stuff to Telltale, because it gets picked up and then turned into people complaining that something hasn't happened when Telltale "promised" it would. Stuff changes all the time, so please don't take something as "Telltale said" unless it's coming from an official announcement.

    Yeah, sorry. I just misread what he said, saw that someone asked where it was said, and replied to that. I'll look closer before quoting stuff about new games.

    Now I feel kinda bad about it.
  • edited July 2009
    I heard on facebook they were working on it until they gained rights for Monkey island
  • edited February 2014
    Telltale have really stepped up their abilities to develop great games, especially with the Wallace and Gromit and Tales of Monkey Island series. I'd expect when S&M Season 3 does drop we are going to be in for the most rewarding Sam & Max adventure yet...

    I still love Hit the Road. :)
  • edited July 2009
    I agree that TMI and S&M need to continue production. S&M season 3... (sighs) the possibilities.
  • edited August 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    Where'd you hear that?

  • edited August 2009

    Speculation, then. I think they'll formally announce Sam & Max Season 3 around the release of ToMI episode 4 or 5, and I doubt they'll release the first episode this year. But we'll see.
  • edited August 2009
    Season Three... :eek:
  • edited August 2009
    I'm just even happy that they're realeasing a third season!
  • edited August 2009
    When they finaly do release this game, it's going to be awesome! Finaly, NO MORE SODA POPPERS! Whizzer's bladder issue jokes were starting to get old.
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