Also, Totalhalibuit says that sometime today, we would have 3 new vids of this game from him.
Single Player, Multiplayer, and I honestly dont know the other one.
EDIT: I dont think this is among the three talked about, but the irony is defenently a good one.
Thanks to the glory of broken street dates, I am now playing DNF.
The demo did NOT do this game justice. Yeah, the mechanic flaws are still there, but I'm enjoying this so much more than the demo. I played up to the (in)famous "Power armor is for pussies" scene last night, and I'm chomping at the bit to get back to it.
Its not bad, it does what it says on the box, simple FPS with Duke Nukem humour and shouldn't be taken seriously although the loading times could be better I'm hoping they fix that with a patch and Ego is system is looked into. I think people were expecting too much from it, I wasn't expecting a masterpiece.
As far as the gaming experience goes, I agree. The single player campaign is fabulous and I'm sure the multiplayer is lots of fun. I wasn't expecting to be let down. But the presentation and the lack of even the most basic features of a PC game for the PC version is just unforgivable.
I toyed around with the multiplayer for a couple of hours, and it is damn fun. The netcode is pure junk, but like MK9, I imagine that'll be fixed in due time. The Duke Burger MP map is expertly made, too. I also really enjoy the unlock system. It keeps you hooked without punishing new players.
Sadly, I can imagine that the online community for this game will be a ghost town by next year. It's not Duke 3D enough or Call of Duty enough or Halo enough to please the majority of players.
Who ever said that this was meant to be a Duke 3D clone, remake?
All the footage of earlier versions of the game have shown that this was never meant to be a Duke 3D clone, or remake.
This is not a Duke3D remake. "Duke Nukem has always been about the character"
"They want something to play"
There's a whole history of games, and they all have been different, one game to the other. And they're all Duke Nukem games.You all got your panties in a twist over so many different things, because for some reason you wanted a Duke 3D clone, remake...
You're only fooling yourself.
NO ONE, NOTHING ,ever said this is going to be a Duke 3D remake or Clone...
If you can't accept this game , just because it's different, and not a Duke 3D clone, remake, then you truly aren't a real fan. NO ONE ever said it was meant to be one. It's still a Duke Nukem game, and rather enjoyable for fans of the character.
If you met the creators face to face, I highly doubt they'd disagree as they seem to love their character, and know what the games are really about. And the video are words out of their mouth.
"humor" "fun"
"focus on the character"
"very child-ish, doesn't take itself seriously"
"Duke has always been about the character"
Like throwing poop around...
So far from what I've seen the game has all the things they felt made Duke Nukem over the years...
I think this game does not give DUKE the characterization he needs. One liners and constant "fuck yeahs" are one thing but, he's mellow. He's like a OOC father when it comes to other characters he needs to interact with. He's required to sit and watch the television for one minute until the guy lets him pass through.
If the game is all about characterization I'm afraid I'm still a tad bit disappointed.
So totalbiscuit hates the single player mode.
He has gotten a LOT of hatemail.
Gotta love the internets. People just can't handle differing opinions, can they?
As a person who loves DNF, I thought totalbiscuit made some very valid criticisms. (although I did want to slap him across the head for running past the best parts of the opening areas )
So totalbiscuit hates the single player mode.
He has gotten a LOT of hatemail.
I'll give him that, really. He never said he WAS a fan of Duke Nukem FRANCHISE, he expressed that he likes DN3D. I don't have to be a Duke Nukem fan to enjoy Duke Nukem 3D. And, there it goes, it was the most entertaining title of the franchise. What has done in DNF, in my terms, is a big step back and I don't like it. So keep me out of your pretty shiny "WE LUV DUKE <33" fanclub, doodo, or do not just claim that I and people like me throws shit just for the sake of it; I don't like any modern FPSs because of the overusage of the ridicilous taboos and I wouldn't like to see a classic franchise be dominated by it, too. I'm entitled to dislike, hate, and bash it.
He also expresses a lot of despise towards mainstream FPSs, let it be Call of Duty or Halo series (although he has mixed opinions on Halo as far as I'm concerned, but really, say one thing negative and lifeless fanboys will be all over your lungs). If he doesn't get much hatemail from those I wouldn't say that the difference of the fanrage he gets will exponentially increase to a fairly apparent degree.
I loved the single player. The pacing was good and it was just darn fun. I started to get annoyed with the weapon limitation but I dealt with it. Duke's lines felt like they were delivered poorly. I mean, they were delivered well, but just not really in context with what was going on. Poor directing there. It tries to mimic Halo's arena-battle style combat and Half-Life's puzzle sections. It succeeds more at the Halo thing than the Half-Life thing. Not to say that the puzzles were not good, but it just felt a little clunky in context with everything that was going on and not as polished and fine-tuned as Valve's perfect touch.
I really enjoyed it. And I wasn't expecting any innovations but there were some, though small. The Ego system is unique to Duke in that it's your health bar. Once your ego bar gets low enough it'll refill as red and flash and you have to find cover. After a certain amount of time it refills your Ego bar. You can also refill your Ego bar to full by performing an execution on an enemy. Randomly after you've done enough damage, an enemy will fall to his knees and you have a limited amount of time to perform an execution. If you have the freeze-ray gun you can always perform an execution so that weapon becomes a game mechanic to refill your health. And its ammo never runs out, you just have to wait for it to recharge after shooting it for too long. You can also permanently extend the size of your Ego (haha that was funny, Gearbox) by doing Duke-ish things that cater to his self-serving nature. Like admiring yourself in the mirror, lifting weights, bench-pressing, punching a punching bag, shooting hoops, winning a game of pinball, pool, whack-a-mole (which is called abort-an-alien in the game), etc.
Overall, I loved it. Could have been a little more polished, but it was a fantastic experience. The only huge drawback is that there is so little PC features in the PC version. No mod tools, no in-game console (it was in the demo, removed in the retail), dedicated servers are unsupported and completely feature-less. It's sad. Hope that stuff gets fine-tuned and patched.
I wouldn't want to play it anyways; the graphics and action sequences seem impressive, but I think they may have overdid it on the sexual theme. I wouldn't recommend this to female players with high moralities.
I wouldn't want to play it anyways; the graphics and action sequences seem impressive, but I think they may have overdid it on the sexual theme. I wouldn't recommend this to female players with high moralities.
If the gameplay wasn't broken, I would recommend this to anyone with a sense of humor.
I don't think the rest of humanity ever deserves a fragment of thought coming from me on any kind of subject. It's a game, it's there just for entertainment.
If the gameplay wasn't broken, I would recommend this to anyone with a sense of humor.
I don't think the rest of humanity ever deserves a fragment of thought coming from me on any kind of subject. It's a game, it's there just for entertainment.
Don't get me wrong; I do have a sense humor and an urge to shoot bad guys with extreme predjudice, but I do have some limits.
Don't get me wrong; I do have a sense humor and an urge to shoot bad guys with extreme predjudice, but I do have some limits.
Well, I don't think the sexual themes are anywhere near scandalous. There are far worse examples to the games using extreme sexuality to hide the otherwise lame quality of their game.
In this game, however, girls just always wear skimpy outfits, talk naughty and flash titties here and there. The only problem I can see is that it may be downgrading, like, "girls are good only for the titties", but I wouldn't say that would be a problem because the game is already full of stereotypes, alas it's the humor of the franchise. I don't think it's worse than having a protagonist that only knows to talk profane and full of sexual innuendoes -in theory, at least, I like Duke the way he is. What I'm trying to say is that if a female gamer comes and says "this game is ridicilously sexist", I would claim that she is sexist because she picked up only one aspect (limited to only one gender) of the entire humor the game offers. I mean, the same applies to guys; large abs and pecs, carrying nothing but guns, extreme lust and weakness to woman and dick jokes scattered all over... I'd say that's also downgrading for men.
Actually, the amount of sexual areas is surprisingly tame compared to what people were expecting. A lot of people were disappointed actually. The most you get is topless women in 2 areas of the game. Nothing beyond that. It's nothing really over the top at all.
I think much of the criticism is certainly valid - I got the Xbox 360 version and felt like taking a walk every time a load screen popped up, it took so long.
I just get annoyed with the countless 1/10 reviews that seem to amount to 'This game is crap on a stick'. The game clearly deserves I would say at least around a 6. It's certainly nowhere near flawed enough to be below that.
That, and 'this game is not innovative' - maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that running around a casino and restaurant while being the size of a mouse and solving puzzles was funny and original.
I had a lot of fun with DNF, and I'd give it around an 8/10 for people who like numbers.
I think much of the criticism is certainly valid - I got the Xbox 360 version and felt like taking a walk every time a load screen popped up, it took so long.
I just get annoyed with the countless 1/10 reviews that seem to amount to 'This game is crap on a stick'. The game clearly deserves I would say at least around a 6. It's certainly nowhere near flawed enough to be below that.
That, and 'this game is not innovative' - maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that running around a casino and restaurant while being the size of a mouse and solving puzzles was funny and original.
I had a lot of fun with DNF, and I'd give it around an 8/10 for people who like numbers.
The thing is - would it have been innovative when the game was first concieved all those eternity ago? That's the thing reviewers seem to fail at interpreting.
From what I saw, it isnt a 1/10. I dont even think TB would think that and he has so much hate mail right now.
Oh god I must read the comments on the 1/10 reviews as I wait for the yahtzee review.
TB also has yet to review the multiplayer which may or not be a while because apparantly his dog died today.
So far only IGN and maybe one other big game review site gave it an abysmally low score. The metacritic is still quite high. Not that those numbers matter. DNF is good. Just not on the 360.
The thing is - would it have been innovative when the game was first concieved all those eternity ago? That's the thing reviewers seem to fail at interpreting.
I don't think allowances should be made for that sort of thing. Your game coes out when it comes out, unfortunately gaming's one of those industries where when things age they don't always age well. As such if DNF's behind and unenjoyable in its execution then that's how it is. Regardless of how troubled or long its development was.
I haven't played it personally though I probably will at some point to see where I weigh in on the controversy.
So far only IGN and maybe one other big game review site gave it an abysmally low score. The metacritic is still quite high. Not that those numbers matter. DNF is good. Just not on the 360.
To IGN then, the hate comments will be a good one.
Until yahtzee reviews it that is, in about 2 weeks:(
So far only IGN and maybe one other big game review site gave it an abysmally low score. The metacritic is still quite high. Not that those numbers matter. DNF is good. Just not on the 360.
Um, okay...
*throws some poop*
... great, now my house smells like poop.
Thanks Doodo!
Single Player, Multiplayer, and I honestly dont know the other one.
EDIT: I dont think this is among the three talked about, but the irony is defenently a good one.
The demo did NOT do this game justice. Yeah, the mechanic flaws are still there, but I'm enjoying this so much more than the demo. I played up to the (in)famous "Power armor is for pussies" scene last night, and I'm chomping at the bit to get back to it.
Sadly, I can imagine that the online community for this game will be a ghost town by next year. It's not Duke 3D enough or Call of Duty enough or Halo enough to please the majority of players.
All the footage of earlier versions of the game have shown that this was never meant to be a Duke 3D clone, or remake.
This is not a Duke3D remake.
"Duke Nukem has always been about the character"
"They want something to play"
Here are the original creators of the game, character, explaining why you are not a real fan...
It started as a side-scroller ...
There aren't only 3 Duke Nukem games that have ever been made...
Land of the Babes
Manhattan Project
Time to Kill
Duke 1
There's a whole history of games, and they all have been different, one game to the other. And they're all Duke Nukem games.You all got your panties in a twist over so many different things, because for some reason you wanted a Duke 3D clone, remake...
You're only fooling yourself.
NO ONE, NOTHING ,ever said this is going to be a Duke 3D remake or Clone...
Earlier versions look nothing like Duke 3D, showing it was never intended to be one.
"Duke Nukem has always been about the character"
If you can't accept this game , just because it's different, and not a Duke 3D clone, remake, then you truly aren't a real fan. NO ONE ever said it was meant to be one. It's still a Duke Nukem game, and rather enjoyable for fans of the character.
If you met the creators face to face, I highly doubt they'd disagree as they seem to love their character, and know what the games are really about. And the video are words out of their mouth.
"humor" "fun"
"focus on the character"
"very child-ish, doesn't take itself seriously"
"Duke has always been about the character"
Like throwing poop around...
So far from what I've seen the game has all the things they felt made Duke Nukem over the years...
If the game is all about characterization I'm afraid I'm still a tad bit disappointed.
He has gotten a LOT of hatemail.
Gotta love the internets. People just can't handle differing opinions, can they?
As a person who loves DNF, I thought totalbiscuit made some very valid criticisms. (although I did want to slap him across the head for running past the best parts of the opening areas
I'll give him that, really. He never said he WAS a fan of Duke Nukem FRANCHISE, he expressed that he likes DN3D. I don't have to be a Duke Nukem fan to enjoy Duke Nukem 3D. And, there it goes, it was the most entertaining title of the franchise. What has done in DNF, in my terms, is a big step back and I don't like it. So keep me out of your pretty shiny "WE LUV DUKE <33" fanclub, doodo, or do not just claim that I and people like me throws shit just for the sake of it; I don't like any modern FPSs because of the overusage of the ridicilous taboos and I wouldn't like to see a classic franchise be dominated by it, too. I'm entitled to dislike, hate, and bash it.
He also expresses a lot of despise towards mainstream FPSs, let it be Call of Duty or Halo series (although he has mixed opinions on Halo as far as I'm concerned, but really, say one thing negative and lifeless fanboys will be all over your lungs). If he doesn't get much hatemail from those I wouldn't say that the difference of the fanrage he gets will exponentially increase to a fairly apparent degree.
I really enjoyed it. And I wasn't expecting any innovations but there were some, though small. The Ego system is unique to Duke in that it's your health bar. Once your ego bar gets low enough it'll refill as red and flash and you have to find cover. After a certain amount of time it refills your Ego bar. You can also refill your Ego bar to full by performing an execution on an enemy. Randomly after you've done enough damage, an enemy will fall to his knees and you have a limited amount of time to perform an execution. If you have the freeze-ray gun you can always perform an execution so that weapon becomes a game mechanic to refill your health. And its ammo never runs out, you just have to wait for it to recharge after shooting it for too long. You can also permanently extend the size of your Ego (haha that was funny, Gearbox) by doing Duke-ish things that cater to his self-serving nature. Like admiring yourself in the mirror, lifting weights, bench-pressing, punching a punching bag, shooting hoops, winning a game of pinball, pool, whack-a-mole (which is called abort-an-alien in the game), etc.
Overall, I loved it. Could have been a little more polished, but it was a fantastic experience. The only huge drawback is that there is so little PC features in the PC version. No mod tools, no in-game console (it was in the demo, removed in the retail), dedicated servers are unsupported and completely feature-less. It's sad. Hope that stuff gets fine-tuned and patched.
If the gameplay wasn't broken, I would recommend this to anyone with a sense of humor.
I don't think the rest of humanity ever deserves a fragment of thought coming from me on any kind of subject. It's a game, it's there just for entertainment.
Don't get me wrong; I do have a sense humor and an urge to shoot bad guys with extreme predjudice, but I do have some limits.
Well, I don't think the sexual themes are anywhere near scandalous. There are far worse examples to the games using extreme sexuality to hide the otherwise lame quality of their game.
In this game, however, girls just always wear skimpy outfits, talk naughty and flash titties here and there. The only problem I can see is that it may be downgrading, like, "girls are good only for the titties", but I wouldn't say that would be a problem because the game is already full of stereotypes, alas it's the humor of the franchise. I don't think it's worse than having a protagonist that only knows to talk profane and full of sexual innuendoes -in theory, at least, I like Duke the way he is. What I'm trying to say is that if a female gamer comes and says "this game is ridicilously sexist", I would claim that she is sexist because she picked up only one aspect (limited to only one gender) of the entire humor the game offers. I mean, the same applies to guys; large abs and pecs, carrying nothing but guns, extreme lust and weakness to woman and dick jokes scattered all over... I'd say that's also downgrading for men.
Or what was done in DN3D 100 years ago (or something like that).
DN3D wasn't all that sexual either, really.Certainly less than DNF.
I just get annoyed with the countless 1/10 reviews that seem to amount to 'This game is crap on a stick'. The game clearly deserves I would say at least around a 6. It's certainly nowhere near flawed enough to be below that.
That, and 'this game is not innovative' - maybe I'm wrong, but I thought that running around a casino and restaurant while being the size of a mouse and solving puzzles was funny and original.
I had a lot of fun with DNF, and I'd give it around an 8/10 for people who like numbers.
The thing is - would it have been innovative when the game was first concieved all those eternity ago? That's the thing reviewers seem to fail at interpreting.
Oh god I must read the comments on the 1/10 reviews as I wait for the yahtzee review.
TB also has yet to review the multiplayer which may or not be a while because apparantly his dog died today.
I don't think allowances should be made for that sort of thing. Your game coes out when it comes out, unfortunately gaming's one of those industries where when things age they don't always age well. As such if DNF's behind and unenjoyable in its execution then that's how it is. Regardless of how troubled or long its development was.
I haven't played it personally though I probably will at some point to see where I weigh in on the controversy.
To IGN then, the hate comments will be a good one.
Until yahtzee reviews it that is, in about 2 weeks:(
Eurogamer gave it 3/10
Don't listen to critics anyway. Judge the game for yourself.