I was just flicking through that as I can't be bothered to watch the whole thing, but is what I saw right? You can only have 2 weapons at one given time?
Cool thing, though, for other demo-havers: A certain old-school Duke cheat or two still work, and one gives you a whole new (unfinished) environment to check out. No real gameplay to be had, but still awesome.
It's been long confirmed (since before Gearbox took over) that there was going to be a 2-weapon limit. I don't even mind anymore.
Also, everyone's complaining about the dated look which is nothing new either. We all knew it would look a couple years older than the current content. I'm fine with it. The game still looks spectacular. People saying it only looks slightly better than the first Unreal on PC are also heavily exaggerating. The only thing that I notice sometimes is the polygon count on some models, which doesn't bother me. The textures I don't even notice.
Also, for those complaining about the blurry-ness you can turn that off by disabling Post Processing Effects in the advanced video options.
I thought the demo was great. It's supposed to be short. It's supposed to be a taste.
That's the first I had heard of a weapon limit. I don't think it'll stop me from wanting the game, but I still want to try the demo first. I guess it's more realsitic that Duke would only wonder about with two guns as opposed to a rocket launcher, a chaingun, ashotgun, a grenade launcher, a pistol.... all at once. I always wondered whether someone would topple under the weight of all that. :P
The weapon limit is probably the biggest problem I have with the demo, and therefore the game. How are you supposed to enjoy all the various weapons if you can only carry two at a time? I want to be able to switch between them all at the drop of a hat, not hunt around and hope I can find the one I want. Bah!
Otherwise, the demo was OK, though it wasn't enough to make me rush and pre-order the game. It seems OK. And that's the biggest problem. It's OK. It should have wowed me, but it didn't. It's just OK. I have an issue with that.
I have no issues. This game has been floating around for like 15 years now, you can see some of the older models and textures have been ported over to this beta release.
The game is going to have flaws, it's a miracle that it's even getting released. It's been twisted and warped by the same thing that inspired it, human beings. And every one wants to play it with the same interests and obsession at heart where the project started, and ultimately this warped sense of the game being perfect lead to it being canceled 2- to three times, if not 4 times.
No game can live up to this hype , and no hype behind a game that large, moving a game, can all be contained. What I think you should expect from Duke Nukem Forever is a modern shooter, one that has lots of fun bits throughout. But, it's not going to live up to a bar that you keep setting higher and higher so that it never reaches it.
I played Duke Nukem 2-D through 3-D through Forever demo.
It had a Duke feeling to it, and that's good. I don't think the demo was very telling, as it was old old footage, and the game probably gets better as time goes on, and I doubt those bits we played are even in the game. But, they might be. If they are, I doubt they are high lights of the game.
If you're expecting a god like experience inside of a video game, you're likely to feel cheated. Over all I'd say this will be a good, enjoyable game for Duke fans. If you're not a Duke fan, then you won't be into it as much.
The guys behind this were obsessed.When the company went under, they even kept working on the game, if not for them, Duke Forever would be NEVER.
People will complain about this or that, as all this time has gone by. But, it's a hell of a achievement to finally see this game coming to a end, and it's been on thin ice many many times before. What we're likely getting is a Frankenstein game of different versions of the the game that were made over the years. Now, another company has it in their hands, and the guys from 3D Realms are just helping to finish the project.
It might not be a perfect game but I highly doubt that it isn't going to be worth playing.
I think it was silly to release that demo, as I anticipate that the full length game will be a lot better.
The one thing Ive heard a complaint about that I agree with is that There is no kicking,a duke game should have that.
^ I don't think I've ever seen you put so much truth into a single post, doodo. Well said.
Also, yet another thing for demo-havers: There's a way to get all of the weapons to play with! And if you've played Duke 3D, you already know how, heehee.
I was just flicking through that as I can't be bothered to watch the whole thing, but is what I saw right? You can only have 2 weapons at one given time?
Yes. I am personally more pissed at the regenerating health thing. That really sucks. I don't know who started it (probably Halo) but since it came around developers have just been too lazy to think about placing health packs in a level. Just rest for 20 seconds and your shot off arms and legs will regrow.
Yes. I am personally more pissed at the regenerating health thing. That really sucks. I don't know who started it (probably Halo) but since it came around developers have just been too lazy to think about placing health packs in a level. Just rest for 20 seconds and your shot off arms and legs will regrow.
Yeah I'm in the same boat there. I was hoping DNF would be above that. This demo left an overall sour taste in my mouth. I felt like I was playing some Halo/CoD clone and not a Duke game. I'm considering cancleing my BoSE pre-order.
What's worse is on the forums no one's answering any questions. They're willing to comment on the stupi whiteboards but not any complaints. Like is this close to the final build? Why this? Why that? Hell even digging through some of the int files I found stuff that made me pretty upset. Like DLC map packs. I also found out how many SP levels and MP maps there are.
E-monk , I followed this project through out the years and the people on the forums are insane. I've seen a wish list, demands for this project as long as from your nose to mine.
They probably just don't want to address all those crazy people who are impossible to please. I do agree a few issues need addressed.
Given that, most things people are pissed about are small problems that a modding community can address. Hopefully the final release team has caught some of those issues.
The regenerating health is fine. Especially given that it's not Health. It's Duke's EGO. It says it right above the bar. Honestly.
Don't get me wrong - I'm happy this game is finally coming out. It's a nice ending to a very, very long story, and I look forward to the inevitable book covering the entire developmental process (be honest, you'd buy it too).
The demo was... slightly underwhelming. I don't know whether the full game will be like this or whether the demo was essentially a pre-release alpha or something, but there were a few problems with it. I'll go into details in a minute, but surely the point of a demo is to convince you to part money for the full game? If so, then failure on that part! If Elvenmonk's pondering whether to cancel his pre-order, then others must be doing so as well, if they haven't already done so. Problem!
The decision to show a level from the middle of the game is, I think, a poor one. It's a pretty generic level. Yes, it does show off the Mighty Foot (that's the car), but that barely lasts two minutes before it runs out of gas and you need to go refill it. Hmm.
Then we get the on-foot sections, and these are... well, they're odd. They feel like a mix between classic Duke and modern shooters, and it's not an entirely satisfactory mix. I'm not saying it has to be exactly like Duke3D, but conversely it doesn't feel like it has enough in common with it to really feel like a sequel to it.
As I've mentioned, my biggest problem is the limited weapon slots. Two? This idea is taken from every other modern shooter and it's a really stupid one, in my opinion. This isn't a modern generic shooter we're playing. It's Duke freakin' Nukem. He can convert a try with an alien's eye, for god's sake, he can carry more than just a pistol and a shotgun.
The lack of a kick button, while understandable, is also an issue. Melee bashing with whatever weapon you currently have is fine, but there's no personality behind it. When using The Mighty Duke it helped make you feel like a badass. You don't get that so much here.
Oddly, the weapon physics feel a little floaty. Maybe it's just me needing time to get used to them that a demo simply doesn't offer, but they felt unrefined. Oddly, this is the one thing they should have taken from modern shooters, which is slightly ironic, really. Also, reloading? Really? The pistol maybe, but for everything else, it just feels... wrong.
Did not enjoy the 'boss fight'. I had no explanation of what to do beside 'use explosives', which I wasn't carrying at the time, and as a result was almost immediately killed. And there was no mention of the ammo box, so it was only by pure luck that I discovered it (it's right in the line of fire, naturally, so lord knows how I did that).
The positives were the one liners, the mine cart rides and the graphics, which looked nice (and quite frankly I don't know what everyone else is so up in arms about - they look fine. So what if they're not next-gen? Gameplay's what count, right?). But really, that's not a whole lot to go on.
Again, grabbing a level from the middle of the game was, I feel, a bad decision. Maybe let us play through the first one, maybe two levels, so that you really whet our appetites. We play a bit, maybe start getting into it, then it ends. What do we do? We buy the full game! Instead, we got a generic level. Yeah, I really wanna see what happens once he's refuelled his car. Woo.
So the demo did not wow me. Still, I've no doubt that I'll get the full game at some point, so here's hoping that it does a better job when I do.
People say it was 3DRealms' decision to put a limit on the weapon count, but Gearbox' Borderlands is known for having limits of carrying weapons in the first place. I don't know who to blame. So I'll blame both. I'd gone further but I have to play Borderlands first. It's on my Steam library but I haven't installed it for months.
This game won't be a disaster but won't be a complete revival of Duke Nukem because of those stupid decisions, therefore will only be MEH. Evil of corporational fast game-developing (humor the irony here) tactics triumph again.
Yes, well, any one to be taken seriously will be buying the game for PC.And this game will be awesome and any little things worth fixing will either be in a patch or mod up date.
People say it was 3DRealms' decision to put a limit on the weapon count, but Gearbox' Borderlands is known for having limits of carrying weapons in the first place. I don't know who to blame. So I'll blame both. I'd gone further but I have to play Borderlands first. It's on my Steam library but I haven't installed it for months..
It was 3D Realm's decision. George Broussard talked about it long before 3DR laid off its employees and Gearbox bought the rights. And Gearbox said over and over that this game was 3DR's vision and they were changing nothing. Just polishing it up.
Yes, well, any one to be taken seriously will be buying the game for PC.And this game will be awesome and any little things worth fixing will either be in a patch or mod up date.
How do you want to fix the regenerating health annoyance?
Recreate the whole game and put Ego Boosts everywhere?
I wish the 2-weapon limit and regenerating health bar wasn't there, but it is. And installing mods to "fix" that at this point would only unbalance the game. It wasn't designed for a full weapon wheel or non-recharging health. So just enjoy it for what it is or don't play it at all. Simple solution.
I was fine with the whole 2-weapon thing. I figured the game would still be playable, so I let it go. But a regenerating health bar? That... sucks. I miss the time in games (mainly wolfenstein I'm thinking of here I think) where I find an entire cooked Roast Chicken and it restores a part of my health immediately. I like health packs and stuff so it really does suck that it's not part of this game.
I really want to try the game for myself now. Some parts of it look all Duke Nukem and awesome and then some parts sound like a major let down and more like Halo. I want to see for myself.
No-ones mentioned it yet, so I'm going to assume that you weren't able to demo multiplayer. That's another aspect I want to know about. It sounds like they put a Duke twist to that.
Regenerating health, while a bugbear of mine, is something I can live with if there's a valid reason for it. In the original Halo, you had a recharging shield but a non-recharging health bar, and I think that worked great. But in all sorts of other games, there's literally no reason for it.
A few examples where I can let it slide:
- Uncharted has the justification that it's not health that Drake's losing, it's his luck wearing out. No luck? Dead. I can sort-of buy that.
- The Bond games have regenerating health, but it's Bond. C'mon. He shrugs bullet wounds off all the time, it's nothing new.
- Crysis series. It's the suit's shielding, not an actual health meter. When the shield runs out, you're a sitting duck. I can totally buy that.
With Duke Forever, it's not his health, it's his ego. Because it's not a serious game, I can buy that. Anyone's ego would get worn down if they got shot, so a quick breather would work to psyche himself up again.
But I can understand why people dislike the change. There's something entertaining about having to conserve your health and make sure that you don't go running and gunning, but then again, that's also somewhat against what Duke does. He doesn't take cover and hide, taking pot shots at enemies when they come into sight. No, that's the sissy boy way of doing things. Duke, he charges straight in and kicks some ass, shrugging off damage like it's a stray hair from a lovely lady.
So when you look at it like that, yeah, it kinda makes sense. More in keeping with the character, even if it does feel odd from a gameplay point-of-view.
With Duke Forever, it's not his health, it's his ego. Because it's not a serious game, I can buy that. Anyone's ego would get worn down if they got shot, so a quick breather would work to psyche himself up again.
And when his ego runs out he gets down on his knees and hits his face against a rock. The blood & broken glasses must come from somewhere.
I hope they never introduce this crap to the Half-Life-series. It was stupid in Portal but then again searching for a health recharge would stop solving puzzles too much.
Yeah, well some things Duke's ego can't even save. Besides the alternative is just as silly, little health packs that rejuveniate your health after being through a fire, shot by a plasma ball, falling 30 feet to the ground, being shot by bullets...
Honestly, this is my thought. You will either buy the game our you won't me personaly. I've been waiting fifteen years for this game, and honestly. I want to play it, I've earned it. Bitching about the game isn't going to change the game. If your a duke nukem fan get the game. If your not then leave it alone. There is too much negativity on how the game should look and or feel...well you know what be grateful that this game wasn't lost and that it's going to be available.Because I'm pretty sure if gearbox didn't step up we wouldn't even be playing a demo and we would still be wondering if it's coming out. There I've said my two pieces.
There's something humorous about a thread where regenerating health is less realistic than finding a roast chicken that heals your oozing bullet wounds.
There's something humorous about a thread where regenerating health is less realistic than finding a roast chicken that heals your oozing bullet wounds.
I didn't mean that as such, just that regenerating health isn't Duke Nukem-ish. To me anyway. Whereas a health pack is. I guess I'm just used to what I've played before. I'm still willing to give the regeneration thingy a try and all that as I want the game, but I won't have any real conclusions until I play the demo for myself. Which will be in about a week.
Ego only regenerates if it gets so low that it flashes red. You can also rejuvenation some Ego by performing execution moves on near-fallen foes. You can also extend the length of your Ego bar in the full game by performing actions of admiration on yourself like lifting weights in your penthouse, admiring yourself in the mirror, playing pool, etc. It's not simply a recharging health bar. Although I wish the only way to recharge your health bar would be to do those things instead of waiting until it gets low enough and then hiding behind a wall.
I've been waiting fifteen years for this game, and honestly. I want to play it, I've earned it. Bitching about the game isn't going to change the game. If your a duke nukem fan get the game. If your not then leave it alone.
So you are saying you will take any game as long as it has the Duke in it and is called DNF just because you have been waiting for so long? Well if that is the case they shouldn't habve worked on the game so hard.
The reason one can buy any Duke game as long as it has Duke in it (and was made by the same guys who made 1, 2, and 3D) is because we know they put so much work and heart into it.
Also, Yahtzee said in Extra Punctuation that he is giving DNF another chance and is looking forward to it.
Either I'm on ignore or no one wants to set off a nuke in the demo or see Duke's apartment...:D
Following your hints, I watched a Youtube video showing how you can explore Duke's apartment via NoClip. I can't find any information on setting off a nuke though. Please share the details Doodo...
Following your hints, I watched a Youtube video showing how you can explore Duke's apartment via NoClip. I can't find any information on setting off a nuke though. Please share the details Doodo...
It's in the desert level, you know that ship where you get the rocket launcher? And fight the space craft? Well there's a nuke attached to it, if you shoot the red tip of it, you'll go full nuke.
The apartment is the location where the opening of the game (with Duke and two women) takes place. You can reach it with the no clipping cheat (accessed the same way it was in Duke3D).
Did you throw the poop from the toilet. And did you drive the truck in map two after it runs out of gas? Clip to the gas tank, take the gas tank bring it back to truck by clipping and there you go.
I was just flicking through that as I can't be bothered to watch the whole thing, but is what I saw right? You can only have 2 weapons at one given time?
Cool thing, though, for other demo-havers: A certain old-school Duke cheat or two still work, and one gives you a whole new (unfinished) environment to check out.
Also, everyone's complaining about the dated look which is nothing new either. We all knew it would look a couple years older than the current content. I'm fine with it. The game still looks spectacular. People saying it only looks slightly better than the first Unreal on PC are also heavily exaggerating. The only thing that I notice sometimes is the polygon count on some models, which doesn't bother me. The textures I don't even notice.
Also, for those complaining about the blurry-ness you can turn that off by disabling Post Processing Effects in the advanced video options.
I thought the demo was great. It's supposed to be short. It's supposed to be a taste.
That was good.
The weapon limit is probably the biggest problem I have with the demo, and therefore the game. How are you supposed to enjoy all the various weapons if you can only carry two at a time? I want to be able to switch between them all at the drop of a hat, not hunt around and hope I can find the one I want. Bah!
Otherwise, the demo was OK, though it wasn't enough to make me rush and pre-order the game. It seems OK. And that's the biggest problem. It's OK. It should have wowed me, but it didn't. It's just OK. I have an issue with that.
The game is going to have flaws, it's a miracle that it's even getting released. It's been twisted and warped by the same thing that inspired it, human beings. And every one wants to play it with the same interests and obsession at heart where the project started, and ultimately this warped sense of the game being perfect lead to it being canceled 2- to three times, if not 4 times.
No game can live up to this hype , and no hype behind a game that large, moving a game, can all be contained. What I think you should expect from Duke Nukem Forever is a modern shooter, one that has lots of fun bits throughout. But, it's not going to live up to a bar that you keep setting higher and higher so that it never reaches it.
I played Duke Nukem 2-D through 3-D through Forever demo.
It had a Duke feeling to it, and that's good. I don't think the demo was very telling, as it was old old footage, and the game probably gets better as time goes on, and I doubt those bits we played are even in the game. But, they might be. If they are, I doubt they are high lights of the game.
If you're expecting a god like experience inside of a video game, you're likely to feel cheated. Over all I'd say this will be a good, enjoyable game for Duke fans. If you're not a Duke fan, then you won't be into it as much.
The guys behind this were obsessed.When the company went under, they even kept working on the game, if not for them, Duke Forever would be NEVER.
People will complain about this or that, as all this time has gone by. But, it's a hell of a achievement to finally see this game coming to a end, and it's been on thin ice many many times before. What we're likely getting is a Frankenstein game of different versions of the the game that were made over the years. Now, another company has it in their hands, and the guys from 3D Realms are just helping to finish the project.
It might not be a perfect game but I highly doubt that it isn't going to be worth playing.
I think it was silly to release that demo, as I anticipate that the full length game will be a lot better.
The one thing Ive heard a complaint about that I agree with is that There is no kicking,a duke game should have that.
Also, yet another thing for demo-havers: There's a way to get all of the weapons to play with! And if you've played Duke 3D, you already know how, heehee.
Yes. I am personally more pissed at the regenerating health thing. That really sucks. I don't know who started it (probably Halo) but since it came around developers have just been too lazy to think about placing health packs in a level. Just rest for 20 seconds and your shot off arms and legs will regrow.
Yeah I'm in the same boat there. I was hoping DNF would be above that. This demo left an overall sour taste in my mouth. I felt like I was playing some Halo/CoD clone and not a Duke game. I'm considering cancleing my BoSE pre-order.
What's worse is on the forums no one's answering any questions. They're willing to comment on the stupi whiteboards but not any complaints. Like is this close to the final build? Why this? Why that? Hell even digging through some of the int files I found stuff that made me pretty upset. Like DLC map packs. I also found out how many SP levels and MP maps there are.
They probably just don't want to address all those crazy people who are impossible to please. I do agree a few issues need addressed.
Given that, most things people are pissed about are small problems that a modding community can address. Hopefully the final release team has caught some of those issues.
Don't get me wrong - I'm happy this game is finally coming out. It's a nice ending to a very, very long story, and I look forward to the inevitable book covering the entire developmental process (be honest, you'd buy it too).
The demo was... slightly underwhelming. I don't know whether the full game will be like this or whether the demo was essentially a pre-release alpha or something, but there were a few problems with it. I'll go into details in a minute, but surely the point of a demo is to convince you to part money for the full game? If so, then failure on that part! If Elvenmonk's pondering whether to cancel his pre-order, then others must be doing so as well, if they haven't already done so. Problem!
The decision to show a level from the middle of the game is, I think, a poor one. It's a pretty generic level. Yes, it does show off the Mighty Foot (that's the car), but that barely lasts two minutes before it runs out of gas and you need to go refill it. Hmm.
Then we get the on-foot sections, and these are... well, they're odd. They feel like a mix between classic Duke and modern shooters, and it's not an entirely satisfactory mix. I'm not saying it has to be exactly like Duke3D, but conversely it doesn't feel like it has enough in common with it to really feel like a sequel to it.
As I've mentioned, my biggest problem is the limited weapon slots. Two? This idea is taken from every other modern shooter and it's a really stupid one, in my opinion. This isn't a modern generic shooter we're playing. It's Duke freakin' Nukem. He can convert a try with an alien's eye, for god's sake, he can carry more than just a pistol and a shotgun.
The lack of a kick button, while understandable, is also an issue. Melee bashing with whatever weapon you currently have is fine, but there's no personality behind it. When using The Mighty Duke it helped make you feel like a badass. You don't get that so much here.
Oddly, the weapon physics feel a little floaty. Maybe it's just me needing time to get used to them that a demo simply doesn't offer, but they felt unrefined. Oddly, this is the one thing they should have taken from modern shooters, which is slightly ironic, really. Also, reloading? Really? The pistol maybe, but for everything else, it just feels... wrong.
Did not enjoy the 'boss fight'. I had no explanation of what to do beside 'use explosives', which I wasn't carrying at the time, and as a result was almost immediately killed. And there was no mention of the ammo box, so it was only by pure luck that I discovered it (it's right in the line of fire, naturally, so lord knows how I did that).
The positives were the one liners, the mine cart rides and the graphics, which looked nice (and quite frankly I don't know what everyone else is so up in arms about - they look fine. So what if they're not next-gen? Gameplay's what count, right?). But really, that's not a whole lot to go on.
Again, grabbing a level from the middle of the game was, I feel, a bad decision. Maybe let us play through the first one, maybe two levels, so that you really whet our appetites. We play a bit, maybe start getting into it, then it ends. What do we do? We buy the full game! Instead, we got a generic level. Yeah, I really wanna see what happens once he's refuelled his car. Woo.
So the demo did not wow me. Still, I've no doubt that I'll get the full game at some point, so here's hoping that it does a better job when I do.
This game won't be a disaster but won't be a complete revival of Duke Nukem because of those stupid decisions, therefore will only be MEH. Evil of corporational fast game-developing (humor the irony here) tactics triumph again.
It was 3D Realm's decision. George Broussard talked about it long before 3DR laid off its employees and Gearbox bought the rights. And Gearbox said over and over that this game was 3DR's vision and they were changing nothing. Just polishing it up.
How do you want to fix the regenerating health annoyance?
Recreate the whole game and put Ego Boosts everywhere?
They could call it PenisPumpPowerActionThingieBar. It would still be a health bar.
Their are very talented moders out there.
I really want to try the game for myself now. Some parts of it look all Duke Nukem and awesome and then some parts sound like a major let down and more like Halo. I want to see for myself.
No-ones mentioned it yet, so I'm going to assume that you weren't able to demo multiplayer. That's another aspect I want to know about. It sounds like they put a Duke twist to that.
Regenerating health, while a bugbear of mine, is something I can live with if there's a valid reason for it. In the original Halo, you had a recharging shield but a non-recharging health bar, and I think that worked great. But in all sorts of other games, there's literally no reason for it.
A few examples where I can let it slide:
- Uncharted has the justification that it's not health that Drake's losing, it's his luck wearing out. No luck? Dead. I can sort-of buy that.
- The Bond games have regenerating health, but it's Bond. C'mon. He shrugs bullet wounds off all the time, it's nothing new.
- Crysis series. It's the suit's shielding, not an actual health meter. When the shield runs out, you're a sitting duck. I can totally buy that.
With Duke Forever, it's not his health, it's his ego. Because it's not a serious game, I can buy that. Anyone's ego would get worn down if they got shot, so a quick breather would work to psyche himself up again.
But I can understand why people dislike the change. There's something entertaining about having to conserve your health and make sure that you don't go running and gunning, but then again, that's also somewhat against what Duke does. He doesn't take cover and hide, taking pot shots at enemies when they come into sight. No, that's the sissy boy way of doing things. Duke, he charges straight in and kicks some ass, shrugging off damage like it's a stray hair from a lovely lady.
So when you look at it like that, yeah, it kinda makes sense. More in keeping with the character, even if it does feel odd from a gameplay point-of-view.
And when his ego runs out he gets down on his knees and hits his face against a rock. The blood & broken glasses must come from somewhere.
I hope they never introduce this crap to the Half-Life-series. It was stupid in Portal but then again searching for a health recharge would stop solving puzzles too much.
Also: I like that the console war finally ended. 360 wins because the Duke is using that one and not the Wii or PS-Tripple.
I didn't mean that as such, just that regenerating health isn't Duke Nukem-ish. To me anyway. Whereas a health pack is. I guess I'm just used to what I've played before. I'm still willing to give the regeneration thingy a try and all that as I want the game, but I won't have any real conclusions until I play the demo for myself. Which will be in about a week.
-Did you guys find the nuke explosion in map 2?
-Did you find duke's apartment in map 1?
To quote the game: well after 13 years it should be. And I love that review.
So you are saying you will take any game as long as it has the Duke in it and is called DNF just because you have been waiting for so long? Well if that is the case they shouldn't habve worked on the game so hard.
Also, Yahtzee said in Extra Punctuation that he is giving DNF another chance and is looking forward to it.
Following your hints, I watched a Youtube video showing how you can explore Duke's apartment via NoClip. I can't find any information on setting off a nuke though. Please share the details Doodo...
It's in the desert level, you know that ship where you get the rocket launcher? And fight the space craft? Well there's a nuke attached to it, if you shoot the red tip of it, you'll go full nuke.
How do you go to the apartment without clipping?
The apartment is the location where the opening of the game (with Duke and two women) takes place. You can reach it with the no clipping cheat (accessed the same way it was in Duke3D).
Youtube link.