I came across This awesome video today, and it really made me think a time war film/serial could work. In fact, I think it would be the ideal plot for the 50th anniversary episode in 2013! Without a doubt, amongst the coolest fan-made videos i've seen!
I came across This awesome video today, and it really made me think a time war film/serial could work. In fact, I think it would be the ideal plot for the 50th anniversary episode in 2013! Without a doubt, amongst the coolest fan-made videos i've seen!
Oh really? Look at that User's amazing Fanedit The Ten Doctors.
According to Blogtor Who, The title of the Neil Gaiman episode in series six is (for maybe) titled "What are Little Boys Made Of". This surprises me not at all.
So, the way I thought the returning enemies every season were going to work was that S1=1st Doctor (Daleks), S2=2nd (Cybermen, even though they first appeared in Final First Doctor, S3=3rd(Master), S4=4th(Davros, as Sontarans were 3rd Doctor), but then Series 5 messed that up with the Silurians not being a fifth doctor enemy, which would perfectly align Series 6 for the Valeyard.
So, the way I thought the returning enemies every season were going to work was that S1=1st Doctor (Daleks), S2=2nd (Cybermen, even though they first appeared in Final First Doctor, S3=3rd(Master), S4=4th(Davros, as Sontarans were 3rd Doctor), but then Series 5 messed that up with the Silurians not being a fifth doctor enemy, which would perfectly align Series 6 for the Valeyard.
Well, the Silurians were sort of there at the end along with all the Doctor's other enemies. So, maybe we're still on track for the Valeyard? *hopeful face*
...The Valeyard is sorta my favorite villain in the entire Doctor Who canon.
Apparently, Prince Edward was supposed to be in an episode a while back.
Also, is anyone else going to see Doctor who live next month? Tickets are still on sale! It's supposed to be like an episode, based on the Jon Pertwee story, Carnival of monsters. Heres a trailer. Apparently Matt Smith is going to be there on opening night, Moffat is supposed to be attending all the nights, and Nick Briggs (voice of the daleks) is playing Winston Churchill.
Reminds me of something, didn’t Star Wars sell popsicles that looked like battle droids when Episode I came out?
I think it was on a shirt somewhere.
In other news, I picked up my "grow your own Weeping angel" today!
It's just a bit bigger than a 50p piece at the moment. Not bad, considering it can only grow when you aren't looking at it!
Apparently, Katy manning (Jo grant, 3rd doctors assistant) will be in an episode of SJA (which starts next month) entitled "death of the doctor"
Also, if anyone has twitter, follow @rclarkie, he's tweeting stuff from the filming set (episode 4 at the moment, and it involves giant feet) of Doctor who.
Given the success of the first series, we'd be daft not to recomission
[Rage]Success? What success? The game was bland! They took an awesome concept of a Doctor Who Adventure game and somehow screwed up! Every episodes "plot" feels like an excuse plot, the "adventure games" part seems tacked on since most of the puzzles are solved with a puzzle that belongs with the flash game section on the Doctor Who website, the characters faces look plain wrong and while Matt and Karen are good actors their voice acting (along with the other voice acters) is bland in this game. Why do I get the feeling he's confused a lot of downloads with people liking the game?
But it's not just about the numbers; the feedback we've had has been overwhelmingly positive
Wait positive feedback? Who the hell were they asking that gave them that?[/Rage]
On a side note why do I feel like I belong on thatguywiththeglasses.com now?
It isn't free if you don't live in the UK, also it doesn't change the fact that the promised a Doctor Who adventure game where you can explore the TARDIS and they gave us a game on par with the flash games and two rooms of the TARDIS and only one of them is new.
It's annoying that they comissioned a second series with the same developer (assuming they are sticking with Sumo Digital). For me, the only plus points are that it contains little tidbits of information via the cards, and the plots of the first two games were somewhat decent. They have alot of work to make the series better, and they would be far better of getting TTG to do the games!
@StLouisRibs: Have you picked up any of the BF audios yet? Is so, which ones?
It's annoying that they comissioned a second series with the same developer (assuming they are sticking with Sumo Digital). For me, the only plus points are that it contains little tidbits of information via the cards, and the plots of the first two games were somewhat decent. They have alot of work to make the series better, and they would be far better of getting TTG to do the games!
@StLouisRibs: Have you picked up any of the BF audios yet? Is so, which ones?
Oh, I keep putting that off. After I pick up the Borderlands DLC next week, I'll be starting a weekly reverse order by Doctor. So Master, Davros, Spare Parts, Chimes of Midnight, then back to 7th with a different one I haven't decided on yet.
With the first three episodes downloaded more than 1.6 million times and a fourth episode on the way, the BBC reveals plans to continue the groundbreaking Doctor Who: The Adventure Games with a second season in 2011.
Groundbreaking in the sense that they didn't suck as much as people thought they would. Still weren't very good, mind.
Not only giving gamers a way to connect with the 11th Doctor and his companion Amy Pond outside of the television series
Find me someone who genuinely connected with the main characters, what with their stiff animations and emotionless voices. Go on. Find someone. I'll wait. I'll be over here, getting on with my life.
"Given the success of the first series, we'd be daft not to recomission," says Simon Nelson, head of multiplatform in vision, BBC. "But it's not just about the numbers; the feedback we've had has been overwhelmingly positive."
Show me this feedback, and I will show you a poorly spelled e-mail from a five year old. Most everyone I've met who's played these games has very little to say about them that's good. I suspect you're 'massaging the figures' with that little line, Simon. Either that or you're not looking at reviews or fan forums. Which you're probably not, to be honest.
"Our audience has been introduced to a new form of drama"
I think you need to look up the meaning of the word 'drama', because your DW games have practically none, and I suspect that tiny amount that you do have was entirely accidental.
"And, for many, these have been the first computer games they have downloaded.
I've already commented on that, but to re-iterate: If this is the first video game that people have played, then you have put most of them off video games for life. That will be your legacy, and I hope you're proud of yourself.
"We've set new standards in audience participation - and we think we've really helped push the concept of families actively playing together.
Now that's just a load of rubbish. Families have always played video games together - mostly because the kids are too young to really get to grips with the games. Watch a kid try to play Scooby Doo or something and you'll see what I mean. Just because you've managed to move that onto the PC does not mean you've revolutionized the concept, just as making it a game about Doctor Who rather than Scooby Doo does not mean you've made a work of art instead of a mindless piece of electronic 'entertainment'. The only way you've improved things is by getting kids to play your particular game, and I'm willing to bet that most of them would have as much fun with a stick as they would with this.
Apparently BBC didn't have any high expectation for these games, so who can blame calling it a success. I did like some of the plots though, first two episodes were interesting but the third was a completely missed opportunity.
With the lousy quality of the episodic games, it does bring certain insecurity about the quality of the future Wii- and DS games. Are they going to suffer the same blandness or will they actually be good?
Apparently BBC didn't have any high expectation for these games, so who can blame calling it a success. I did like some of the plots though, first two episodes were interesting but the third was a completely missed opportunity.
With the lousy quality of the episodic games, it does bring certain insecurity about the quality of the future Wii- and DS games. Are they going to suffer the same blandness or will they actually be good?
Well, put it this way: They felt the need to include a sonic screwdriver wiimote/stylus to add an incentive to buying the game. Actually, do those come with the games?
Well, put it this way: They felt the need to include a sonic screwdriver wiimote/stylus to add an incentive to buying the game. Actually, do those come with the games?
I don't think so. They'll probably make some special bundles but I don't think they would make it standard.
I still want to know who did they ask that gave them good feedback?
Non-gamers, presumably. People who have only a vague idea of what "computer games" look like are probably quite pleased and impressed by how much the game characters resemble the characters from the show.
I wish one of the new doctors would wear a hat. The main reason I like McCoy is because of that Hat, and Davison's hat was really cool too, but he was a good enough doctor that his hat didn't matter. Baker1's sometimes hat... eh.
I wish one of the new doctors would wear a hat. The main reason I like McCoy is because of that Hat, and Davison's hat was really cool too, but he was a good enough doctor that his hat didn't matter. Baker1's sometimes hat... eh.
Could be a nice idea for the next season of the episodic games. Each game could have one special outfit the player has to unlock and the outfits could either be from an earlier incarnation of the Doctor or something unique like the fez doctor. Good idea or bad idea?
Could be a nice idea for the next season of the episodic games. Each game could have one special outfit the player has to unlock and the outfits could either be from an earlier incarnation of the Doctor or something unique like the fez doctor. Good idea or bad idea?
No wait a sec I've got a better idea for season two... A competent game company that can make adventure games!
Some screenshots have appeared of the wii/DS games. Sorry about the page stretch!
In other news, the Cardiff Doctor who exhibition is going to
close down next year (In march), and is going to be replaced
with a "fully interactive experience" in 2012.
Looks like they will fit for the systems, but Where the heck is Rory?
Good point! I keep forgetting about him.
Anyway, it seems like the DS game at least is a Point'n click adventure game, which is nice. The wii version looks more action orientated (it seems to have a health bar) Which version will everyone be picking up (if any)?
the cult of skaro where the bitches daleks ever.
EDIT skaro was on my spell check o_0
Oh really? Look at that User's amazing Fanedit The Ten Doctors.
I watched the first two parts of this. Is is finished yet?
Part Three coming in 10ish days. Dunno if it's the last one or not.
Thanks, I think I'll keep an eye out for it. The first two were absolutely fantastic.
Oh, also, Casting stuff in the same post
Well, the Silurians were sort of there at the end along with all the Doctor's other enemies. So, maybe we're still on track for the Valeyard? *hopeful face*
...The Valeyard is sorta my favorite villain in the entire Doctor Who canon.
Apparently, Prince Edward was supposed to be in an episode a while back.
Also, is anyone else going to see Doctor who live next month? Tickets are still on sale! It's supposed to be like an episode, based on the Jon Pertwee story, Carnival of monsters. Heres a trailer. Apparently Matt Smith is going to be there on opening night, Moffat is supposed to be attending all the nights, and Nick Briggs (voice of the daleks) is playing Winston Churchill.
Reminds me of something, didn’t Star Wars sell popsicles that looked like battle droids when Episode I came out?
I think it was on a shirt somewhere.
In other news, I picked up my "grow your own Weeping angel" today!
It's just a bit bigger than a 50p piece at the moment. Not bad, considering it can only grow when you aren't looking at it!
As Friar already said, it came from a T-shirt. A brilliantly designed T-shirt I might add.
I want that shirt! :cool:
Also, if anyone has twitter, follow @rclarkie, he's tweeting stuff from the filming set (episode 4 at the moment, and it involves giant feet) of Doctor who.
Similarly: http://shirt.woot.com/friends.aspx?k=8901, http://www.teefury.com/archive/936/Robots_in_Disguise/, and http://www.teefury.com/archive/894/The_Eleventh_Doctor/
On a side note why do I feel like I belong on thatguywiththeglasses.com now?
It isn't free if you don't live in the UK, also it doesn't change the fact that the promised a Doctor Who adventure game where you can explore the TARDIS and they gave us a game on par with the flash games and two rooms of the TARDIS and only one of them is new.
@StLouisRibs: Have you picked up any of the BF audios yet? Is so, which ones?
Oh, I keep putting that off. After I pick up the Borderlands DLC next week, I'll be starting a weekly reverse order by Doctor. So Master, Davros, Spare Parts, Chimes of Midnight, then back to 7th with a different one I haven't decided on yet.
Groundbreaking in the sense that they didn't suck as much as people thought they would. Still weren't very good, mind.
It was only a success because you charged people outside the UK for it, and I'll bet most of them felt totally ripped off.
Find me someone who genuinely connected with the main characters, what with their stiff animations and emotionless voices. Go on. Find someone. I'll wait. I'll be over here, getting on with my life.
Most of whom will now never play another video game ever again. Thanks, guys.
Show me this feedback, and I will show you a poorly spelled e-mail from a five year old. Most everyone I've met who's played these games has very little to say about them that's good. I suspect you're 'massaging the figures' with that little line, Simon. Either that or you're not looking at reviews or fan forums. Which you're probably not, to be honest.
I think you need to look up the meaning of the word 'drama', because your DW games have practically none, and I suspect that tiny amount that you do have was entirely accidental.
I've already commented on that, but to re-iterate: If this is the first video game that people have played, then you have put most of them off video games for life. That will be your legacy, and I hope you're proud of yourself.
Now that's just a load of rubbish. Families have always played video games together - mostly because the kids are too young to really get to grips with the games. Watch a kid try to play Scooby Doo or something and you'll see what I mean. Just because you've managed to move that onto the PC does not mean you've revolutionized the concept, just as making it a game about Doctor Who rather than Scooby Doo does not mean you've made a work of art instead of a mindless piece of electronic 'entertainment'. The only way you've improved things is by getting kids to play your particular game, and I'm willing to bet that most of them would have as much fun with a stick as they would with this.
I can. And unless you drastically improve the quality of these 'games', I'll happily wait until the end of time.
With the lousy quality of the episodic games, it does bring certain insecurity about the quality of the future Wii- and DS games. Are they going to suffer the same blandness or will they actually be good?
Nah, I can't keep a straight face while typing that.
Well, put it this way: They felt the need to include a sonic screwdriver wiimote/stylus to add an incentive to buying the game. Actually, do those come with the games?
I don't think so. They'll probably make some special bundles but I don't think they would make it standard.
Non-gamers, presumably. People who have only a vague idea of what "computer games" look like are probably quite pleased and impressed by how much the game characters resemble the characters from the show.
In other news, I only need a pair of braces, and my 11th doctor costume will be complee!
I wish one of the new doctors would wear a hat. The main reason I like McCoy is because of that Hat, and Davison's hat was really cool too, but he was a good enough doctor that his hat didn't matter. Baker1's sometimes hat... eh.
Could be a nice idea for the next season of the episodic games. Each game could have one special outfit the player has to unlock and the outfits could either be from an earlier incarnation of the Doctor or something unique like the fez doctor. Good idea or bad idea?
No wait a sec I've got a better idea for season two... A competent game company that can make adventure games!
In other news, the Cardiff Doctor who exhibition is going to
close down next year (In march), and is going to be replaced
with a "fully interactive experience" in 2012.
Looks like they will fit for the systems, but Where the heck is Rory?
Anyway, it seems like the DS game at least is a Point'n click adventure game, which is nice. The wii version looks more action orientated (it seems to have a health bar) Which version will everyone be picking up (if any)?
I'll get the Wii one if we Americans ever get them.