Also, the new series of the Sarah Jane Adventures starts on the 11th. Theres a few older episodes up on the iplayer at the moment (Eye of the gorgons being my favourite)
I can't believe that I almost forgot about Sarah Jane! With that, SGU, and that new Torchwood series that's supposed to come out at some time I'll be lucky if I have any time left for school.
"Yet more details have surfaced regarding the forthcoming Doctor Who Nintendo Wii/DS games which are to be released in time for Christmas!
Both games have been penned by Oli Smith, writer of the New Series Adventure novel, Nuclear Time, as well as The Runaway Train audiobook and the Judoon Monsoon Decide Your Destiny book. It has also been announced that the Wii game, Return to Earth, will include 2 mini-games called the Gravity Gun and the Sonic Screwdriver Game.
Throughout the game, players will be able to “aim and fire sonic beams” with the Wii Remote in order to ”move platforms, turn on/off hazards, open doors and more”.
Meanwhile, Evacuation Earth (DS) is to feature over 100 puzzles, 3 mini-games and more than 60 explorable locations, with “beautifully drawn characters”.
In addition, both games include new recorded dialogue by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan."
The DS version is starting to sound pretty awesome!
Just read my Doctor Who:Live! Programme, and it announced an iphone/ipad/ipodtouch/android game called Doctor who:Mobile! It's apparently "coming soon".
Not cool, Beeb. Not cool. I like the idea of it having a point it must end, and limiting it lets them draw out storylines instead of trying to keep it around forever and ever and not accomplishing anything.
Also, whilst at it, Mr. Moffat, please make an episode for 9.10.11 (US or UK way) a Three Doctors Special and 11.11.11 the finale for the year.
Not cool, Beeb. Not cool. I like the idea of it having a point it must end, and limiting it lets them draw out storylines instead of trying to keep it around forever and ever and not accomplishing anything.
Also, whilst at it, Mr. Moffat, please make an episode for 9.10.11 (US or UK way) a Three Doctors Special and 11.11.11 the finale for the year.
DW ending? It's been going on since 1964. It's very unlikely to end at this point. If it does, it's going to be because it's cancelled, which, in turn, is simply a prelude to a reboot.
DW ending? It's been going on since 1964. It's very unlikely to end at this point. If it does, it's going to be because it's cancelled, which, in turn, is simply a prelude to a reboot.
Yes, but if it has a set end point, it gets cancelled before it starts to decline significantly.
Personally, I would have preffered them to wait until the next doctor, and then have him start to get depressed as he reaches the end of his life, and hunting for a way to get more. It would have provided a relatively nice story arc. I think the execution is the problem here.
The problem, as it stands, is that if Timelords are indeed immortal, then why did the master need to steal someone elses body, back in The keeper of Traaken (part of Tom Bakers final series)? He did so because his last body was basically dead.
Yes, but if it has a set end point, it gets cancelled before it starts to decline significantly.
Personally, I would have preffered them to wait until the next doctor, and then have him start to get depressed as he reaches the end of his life, and hunting for a way to get more. It would have provided a relatively nice story arc. I think the execution is the problem here.
The problem, as it stands, is that if Timelords are indeed immortal, then why did the master need to steal someone elses body, back in The keeper of Traaken (part of Tom Bakers final series)? He did so because his last body was basically dead.
maybe the 11th drs just lieing :P the dr in any incarnation isnt allways truthful
maybe the 11th drs just lieing :P the dr in any incarnation isnt allways truthful
I sorta hope this is true and they come up with a more creative work around to deal with the regeneration thing. Like... maybe the 13th Doctor turns out to actually be the Valeyard and succeeds in stealing regenerations from his sixth incarnation in an alternate reality and... I probably shouldn't get my hopes up, should I?
I sorta hope this is true and they come up with a more creative work around to deal with the regeneration thing. Like... maybe the 13th Doctor turns out to actually be the Valeyard and succeeds in stealing regenerations from his sixth incarnation in an alternate reality and... I probably shouldn't get my hopes up, should I?
But you see, The Valeyard isn't the Future Doctor, but all the evil parts of the roughly 12th Doctor removed and made Humanoid. Theoretically, this would undo all the character development that I love so much with the Doctor losing the ability to show mercy, like in Human Nature, as he'd be 100% good.
But you see, The Valeyard isn't the Future Doctor, but all the evil parts of the roughly 12th Doctor removed and made Humanoid. Theoretically, this would undo all the character development that I love so much with the Doctor losing the ability to show mercy, like in Human Nature, as he'd be 100% good.
the master said he was a potential doctor somewhere between his 13-last incarnation trying to solidify hes existence
the master said he was a potential doctor somewhere between his 13-last incarnation trying to solidify hes existence
No, he said he is the evil part of the doctor taken from him 'somewhere around' his 12th or 13th forms. The vagueness leads me to think it could happen with 11/Dream Lord soon.
No, he said he is the evil part of the doctor taken from him 'somewhere around' his 12th or 13th forms. The vagueness leads me to think it could happen with 11/Dream Lord soon.
all the rewrites and other media stating diffrent things makes him one of the most confusing charecters
I never thought that the Valeyard was really explained very well. Personally, I think nearly everyone in that episode was lying about something or other. I mean, The Master always has his own motives, and the Timelord Council was mainly interested in covering up the fact that they moved Earth halfway across the universe for no apparent reason. They probably lied about Peri being alive, too.
I do think that the idea that the Doctor is either lying or in denial has some merit. Over the course of the past season, he made several references to the fact that he is "old," and specifically the fact that his age is finally starting to take a toll on his mind. Seems odd that they would emphasize the idea that he's gradually approaching the end of his lifespan, and then handwave it away with no explanation.
• Rex Matheson is a sharp-as-nails, funny-as-hell, tough-as-rawhide CIA agent who cares less about making a good impression than he does making a lasting one. Sounds juicy, right? So no wonder my sources tell me that both Dollhouse alum Enver Gjokaj and One Tree Hill grad Chad Michael Murray are eyeing the role.
• Esther Katusi is a CIA Watch Analyst — in other words, a grunt — who, against all odds, has both an unshakable faith in human nature and a monster crush on Rex. Greek goddess Amber Stevens is said to be the frontrunner for this part.
• Rex Matheson is a sharp-as-nails, funny-as-hell, tough-as-rawhide CIA agent who cares less about making a good impression than he does making a lasting one. Sounds juicy, right? So no wonder my sources tell me that both Dollhouse alum Enver Gjokaj and One Tree Hill grad Chad Michael Murray are eyeing the role.
• Esther Katusi is a CIA Watch Analyst — in other words, a grunt — who, against all odds, has both an unshakable faith in human nature and a monster crush on Rex. Greek goddess Amber Stevens is said to be the frontrunner for this part.
Hmm.. the bbc have decided to rebrand the eigth doctor (Paul Mcgann), he's getting a new costume and a new screwdriver. It seems a bit pointless to me, but it's interesting non-the less. source
It's still a work in progress though.
Old Screwdriver
New sonic
Old outfit
New outfit
Maybe this hints that they are planning a cross-over, or even filiming his regeneration sequence at some point? It just seems pointless in actually making the things if he only appears in darkened photos on the front of the audios, or in the comics.
If I know my facts right, the eight doctor was the one from the TV-movie and has mostly appeared in expanded universe fiction. From what I understand, he was also the most active doctor during the time war. Could this mean we might possible finally see what happened during The Last Time War?
I don't know if this is a good idea or not because I really like the mystery and uncertainty revolving the war, and revealing everything might spoil a lot. But I'm still very open to see some action from Mcgann as the doctor again. Like the new outfit, but I prefer the original.
If I know my facts right, the eight doctor was the one from the TV-movie and has mostly appeared in expanded universe fiction. From what I understand, he was also the most active doctor during the time war. Could this mean we might possible finally see what happened during The Last Time War?
I don't know if this is a good idea or not because I really like the mystery and uncertainty revolving the war, and revealing everything might spoil a lot. But I'm still very open to see some action from Mcgann as the doctor again. Like the new outfit, but I prefer the original.
Yep you got it right. He was the doctor right up until Chris appeared in 2005, and never had a regeneration sequence filmed, so it's generally assumed he was the doctor during the timewar, and that it killed him.
Personally, althouugh i preffer the original costume, i'm more than happy with this one. It almost certainly means he'll be making an appearance at some point again (Moffat has also previously said he would love to write for him), which is fantastic! Plus his current costume is difficult to cosplay as. I just hope he doesn't loose his old hair/wig. Plus, given that the New eighth doctor adventure audios from Big finish were dropped (they're still going to do some as part of the main range, but not the shorter, 2x45 minute episodes aswell), it's possible he may be getting an actual series...
One thing to bear in mind is that only the screwdriver and the jacket are official. The rest is apparently his own clothes.
I'll probably get both for christmas, as i can't afford the games, plus the peripherals, plus the series 5 boxset plus my car insurance!
Is the Wii version going to be played from a first-person perspective? Looks like so according to the screenshots.
Preview clips from: The Christmas Special!
...and other assorted BBC shows.
Woo!! Hehe, I loved seeing each of the 3 modern-series Doctors in there, even if Eccleston and Tennant are for other programs.
Also, the new series of the Sarah Jane Adventures starts on the 11th. Theres a few older episodes up on the iplayer at the moment (Eye of the gorgons being my favourite)
The DS version is starting to sound pretty awesome!
The DS version is certainly starting to sound good. Better than the Wii version actually.
Hopefully we'll get to see some trailers soon.
Click here
Both games are voiced, and both games feature several villains.
Awesome, but I guess you have to pay postage aswell. You decided to get some then? Which one(s)?
Downloads ftw, and no, still spending money on other things. One day, I will get Master, maybe if they go on sale like they did in July.
Ah, yes, i forgot about the downloads! Incidentally the CD's come with downloads aswell.
In other news, the BBC have decided to ignore established doctor who lore, with a slightly spoilery SJA line
Not cool, Beeb. Not cool. I like the idea of it having a point it must end, and limiting it lets them draw out storylines instead of trying to keep it around forever and ever and not accomplishing anything.
Also, whilst at it, Mr. Moffat, please make an episode for 9.10.11 (US or UK way) a Three Doctors Special and 11.11.11 the finale for the year.
DW ending? It's been going on since 1964. It's very unlikely to end at this point. If it does, it's going to be because it's cancelled, which, in turn, is simply a prelude to a reboot.
Personally, I would have preffered them to wait until the next doctor, and then have him start to get depressed as he reaches the end of his life, and hunting for a way to get more. It would have provided a relatively nice story arc. I think the execution is the problem here.
The problem, as it stands, is that if Timelords are indeed immortal, then why did the master need to steal someone elses body, back in The keeper of Traaken (part of Tom Bakers final series)? He did so because his last body was basically dead.
maybe the 11th drs just lieing :P the dr in any incarnation isnt allways truthful
Blablabla Time Lords can never be gone blablabla time travel blabla
I sorta hope this is true and they come up with a more creative work around to deal with the regeneration thing. Like... maybe the 13th Doctor turns out to actually be the Valeyard and succeeds in stealing regenerations from his sixth incarnation in an alternate reality and... I probably shouldn't get my hopes up, should I?
But you see, The Valeyard isn't the Future Doctor, but all the evil parts of the roughly 12th Doctor removed and made Humanoid. Theoretically, this would undo all the character development that I love so much with the Doctor losing the ability to show mercy, like in Human Nature, as he'd be 100% good.
the master said he was a potential doctor somewhere between his 13-last incarnation trying to solidify hes existence
No, he said he is the evil part of the doctor taken from him 'somewhere around' his 12th or 13th forms. The vagueness leads me to think it could happen with 11/Dream Lord soon.
all the rewrites and other media stating diffrent things makes him one of the most confusing charecters
• Esther Katusi is a CIA Watch Analyst — in other words, a grunt — who, against all odds, has both an unshakable faith in human nature and a monster crush on Rex. Greek goddess Amber Stevens is said to be the frontrunner for this part.
I just hope they still have welsh accents...
It's still a work in progress though.
Old Screwdriver
New sonic
Old outfit
New outfit
Maybe this hints that they are planning a cross-over, or even filiming his regeneration sequence at some point? It just seems pointless in actually making the things if he only appears in darkened photos on the front of the audios, or in the comics.
The only thing that was ever wrong with the eighth doctor was the half human thing, which got ret-conned anyway.
Also, he look so much better in the old outfit. I won't complain about the screwdriver, but the new outfit does not look good on him
I don't know if this is a good idea or not because I really like the mystery and uncertainty revolving the war, and revealing everything might spoil a lot. But I'm still very open to see some action from Mcgann as the doctor again. Like the new outfit, but I prefer the original.
Yep you got it right. He was the doctor right up until Chris appeared in 2005, and never had a regeneration sequence filmed, so it's generally assumed he was the doctor during the timewar, and that it killed him.
Personally, althouugh i preffer the original costume, i'm more than happy with this one. It almost certainly means he'll be making an appearance at some point again (Moffat has also previously said he would love to write for him), which is fantastic! Plus his current costume is difficult to cosplay as. I just hope he doesn't loose his old hair/wig. Plus, given that the New eighth doctor adventure audios from Big finish were dropped (they're still going to do some as part of the main range, but not the shorter, 2x45 minute episodes aswell), it's possible he may be getting an actual series...
One thing to bear in mind is that only the screwdriver and the jacket are official. The rest is apparently his own clothes.
Wow, man knows how to dress himself. I rather like the new sonic - the other one didn't have nearly enough bits on it.