monsters like warewolfs mummys lockness monster vampires devils ect are aliens not a knock agianst it. I was just noting its never a "real" human monster of legend
monsters like warewolfs mummys lockness monster vampires devils ect are aliens not a knock agianst it. I was just noting its never a "real" human monster of legend
I thought the LochNess monster was from earth, given it was in elague with the silurians, who live under the sea (and predate the human race). But yeah, i get where you're coming from. It would be nice to see more actual Earthican (that should be a word!) creatures.
I was a bit dubious about the Weeping Angels coming back, but I thought this was fantastic. Somehow Steven Moffet managed to make them scarier than they were in Blink. And awesomer (even though that's not a word).
Amys thought her hand was turned to stone and the doctor had to bite it XD
This series seems to be full of Doctor-ish moments. The Jammy Dodger 'Self-Destruct' was another.
There were a lot of nice moments in this episode, and I sort-of enjoyed it, but I'll reserve my full judgement until I see next weeks episode. The preview was... confusing.
I'm really starting to love the New Doctor's Theme (the one that played when
he was talking about not keeping himself in a trap
I put it on my mp3 I got one off youtube that was taken from tv with talking and noises cut out its not perfect but It will do till the new soundtrack Cd comes out
I was a bit dubious about the Weeping Angels coming back, but I thought this was fantastic. Somehow Steven Moffet managed to make them scarier than they were in Blink.
Inevitable comparison to Blink:
Blink managed to make me squeal a couple of times. Somehow the Angels weren't as scary for me this time around though... maybe because I knew what to expect? Or maybe because
most of them had eroded faces - unexpectedly being confronted by a grotesque, snarling stone face and grabby clawing hand was probably what I found most frightening in the first encounter. Sure, this time there were more of them, but they were more feeble.
Mostly I just didn't feel the same sustained level of tension throughout the episode, although parts of it were still very tense - especially the "To be continued..." ending (nice speech!).
I put it on my mp3 I got one off youtube that was taken from tv with talking and noises cut out its not perfect but It will do till the new soundtrack Cd comes out
You owe me. The site actually has all the different themes as well - head to this page and scroll all the way to the bottom. Nice little collection.
For those who aren't aware, during the broadcast of 'Rose', the first new episode of Doctor Who in over a decade (twice that if you discount the movie, which you can't, cause it's totally been established as canon in the show, so ignore this entire parenthesis), the voice of Graham Norton, who had been hosting a live reality show that was on just before Doctor Who, was inadvertently broadcast over the top of the episode for a few seconds. While not an earth-shattering event, it was very annoying and a great deal of Doctor Who fans were not happy!
So when something similar happens right at the end of this week's episode (a little advert for Graham Norton's next show appeared at the bottom of the screen - most American shows do this, but we don't, hence the annoyance), it's bound to cause a fair bit of frustration, as well as shatter the mood of a brilliantly planned cliffhanger.
I think he meant the one in the background of [url] This trailer[/url]. That was the one i was refferencing anyway.
Oh, and This website Sells officially licensed full size replica daleks (for about £3000), cybermen, and soon weeping angel statues. If only i was 15 years older, i could claim a mid-life crisis and buy one of them... Far better than a flashy car anyday!
I am liking how Moffat is playing with the weeping angels, being able to control the voice of the dead, that kind of thing. and with Bob it plays out kinda funny in the good way
I thought it was a great episode as well. Still not sure what my favourite episode so far is (probably the first one), but then we're not even halfway through, so that's not a big problem.
Did anyone else find River Song verging on the wrong side of annoying? Not quite sure why, but she just irritated me.
Flesh and Stone was my fav episode of series Fnarg
I didn't really think it was up to the standards of previous episodes. At least we got some background info about the crack. Also, the date is in eight weeks time, so ties in with the series finale (s).
Does anyone else think that Riversong will kill the doctor at some point? It seemed a bit too obvious to me
I didn't really think it was up to the standards of previous episodes.
No way, are you kidding? It was massively awesome!!
The dialog was fantastic, some parts were a near-constant barrage of great lines. Like all of these:
Father: The whole place is a death trap!
Doctor: No, it's a time bomb. Well, it's a death trap and a time bomb. Aaaand now it's a dead end. [pause] Nobody panic.
Father: Dr Song, do you trust this man?
Song: I absolutely trust him.
Father: He's not some kind of madman then.
Song: [pause] I absolutely trust him.
Doctor: Oh, that's bad. That's extremely very not good.
Amy: So what's wrong with me?
Song: Nothing, you're fine.
Doctor: Everything, you're dying.
Song: Doctor!
Doctor: Yes, you're right, if we LIE to her she'll get all better, right!
Father: Doctor, we're too exposed here, we have to move on.
Doctor: We're too exposed everywhere, and Amy can't move, and anyway, that's not the plan.
Song: There's a plan?
Doctor: I don't know yet, I haven't finished talking.
I'll definitely make regular use of "that's extremely very not good".
And the Doctor
losing it with River Song and getting all angry and shouty?
That was pretty cool.
Oh and I love that they're setting up the season finale already.
the angels appeared able to move while looking at each other. If that was possible then the main characters of Blink would have been zapped back in time.
the angels appeared able to move while looking at each other. If that was possible then the main characters of Blink would have been zapped back in time.
they might have
absorbed so much power that there defence wasnt working propoly they didnt know amy wasnt looking and there defence assumed it was or maybe they where so scared it was on the frits
They might just not have paid attention to each other, purely on their victims, which is why the quantum lock didn't work; they didn't really look at each other at all anyway.
I think that the Angels were controlling the voices of the dead with the neural relay thingee. Like the Vashta Nerada did.
I can't take that episode seriously anymore. Not since Top Gear made comparisons between men in white spacesuits with blacked out visors and the Stig, saying that he had to chew his own face off rather than reveal his identity...
no it wasnt a critsism its just all
I thought the LochNess monster was from earth, given it was in elague with the silurians, who live under the sea (and predate the human race). But yeah, i get where you're coming from. It would be nice to see more actual Earthican (that should be a word!) creatures.
There were a lot of nice moments in this episode, and I sort-of enjoyed it, but I'll reserve my full judgement until I see next weeks episode. The preview was... confusing.
I put it on my mp3 I got one off youtube that was taken from tv with talking and noises cut out its not perfect but It will do till the new soundtrack Cd comes out
No, it wasn't from Earth, or in league with the Silurians.
Doesn't Graham Norton count as a home-grown menace?
Inevitable comparison to Blink:
Blink managed to make me squeal a couple of times.
Mostly I just didn't feel the same sustained level of tension throughout the episode, although parts of it were still very tense - especially the "To be continued..." ending (nice speech!).
The Jammy Dodger was awesome. The Doctor: defending the Earth armed only with a sonic screwdriver and a tasty biscuit.
I'm really liking his mannerisms too - have you noticed the little skippity thing he does sometimes when walking?
Why is it they
In other news, one of my flatmates insists that Matt Smith looks like a young Gordon Ramsay. I am highly skeptical.
Attachment not found.
Run while you still can!
For those who aren't aware, during the broadcast of 'Rose', the first new episode of Doctor Who in over a decade (twice that if you discount the movie, which you can't, cause it's totally been established as canon in the show, so ignore this entire parenthesis), the voice of Graham Norton, who had been hosting a live reality show that was on just before Doctor Who, was inadvertently broadcast over the top of the episode for a few seconds. While not an earth-shattering event, it was very annoying and a great deal of Doctor Who fans were not happy!
So when something similar happens right at the end of this week's episode (a little advert for Graham Norton's next show appeared at the bottom of the screen - most American shows do this, but we don't, hence the annoyance), it's bound to cause a fair bit of frustration, as well as shatter the mood of a brilliantly planned cliffhanger.
I think he meant the one in the background of [url]
Oh, and This website Sells officially licensed full size replica daleks (for about £3000), cybermen, and soon weeping angel statues. If only i was 15 years older, i could claim a mid-life crisis and buy one of them... Far better than a flashy car anyday!
I still put it on my mp3 thanks ^^
It took some getting used to, but i'm beginning to like it as much as the others!
I second that.
I am liking how Moffat is playing with the weeping angels, being able to control the voice of the dead, that kind of thing. and with Bob it plays out kinda funny in the good way
And yes, the angels did snap the necks to get to the neural thingies. That's the only way they could speak.
Oh, and I was promised tea.
Did anyone else find River Song verging on the wrong side of annoying? Not quite sure why, but she just irritated me.
I didn't really think it was up to the standards of previous episodes. At least we got some background info about the crack. Also, the date is in eight weeks time, so ties in with the series finale (s).
As you said, I think it's far too obvious - besides,
No way, are you kidding? It was massively awesome!!
The dialog was fantastic, some parts were a near-constant barrage of great lines. Like all of these:
Doctor: No, it's a time bomb. Well, it's a death trap and a time bomb. Aaaand now it's a dead end. [pause] Nobody panic.
Father: Dr Song, do you trust this man?
Song: I absolutely trust him.
Father: He's not some kind of madman then.
Song: [pause] I absolutely trust him.
Doctor: Oh, that's bad. That's extremely very not good.
Amy: So what's wrong with me?
Song: Nothing, you're fine.
Doctor: Everything, you're dying.
Song: Doctor!
Doctor: Yes, you're right, if we LIE to her she'll get all better, right!
Father: Doctor, we're too exposed here, we have to move on.
Doctor: We're too exposed everywhere, and Amy can't move, and anyway, that's not the plan.
Song: There's a plan?
Doctor: I don't know yet, I haven't finished talking.
I'll definitely make regular use of "that's extremely very not good".
And the Doctor
Oh and I love that they're setting up the season finale already.
I am also very curious as to
they might have
I can't take that episode seriously anymore. Not since Top Gear made comparisons between men in white spacesuits with blacked out visors and the Stig, saying that he had to chew his own face off rather than reveal his identity...