The next two-parter is after next week's episode. It'll involve the return of an old 'enemy'.
Silurians, if you must know.
The Vampires of Venice was... interesting. I liked the plot-arc with Amy and Rory, which seems to be taking an interesting turn, but the whole 'vampires' thing seemed a bit rushed. I can't help but feel that if they'd made the episode a two-parter then maybe they'd have been able to make the story more engaging. As is was, it all just seemed to be cramed into a very short space of time with no pauses to reflect on the big moments, like
I think Amy's recklessness is partly a product of the fact that the 11th Doctor is super overprotective compared to his predecessors. How many times has he told her to go wait in the TARDIS so far? I'd be doing reckless things too!:D
Haha, yes - it smacks of someone's dad saying "Go wait in the car!"
Once again, for me Matt Smith's fantastic little quirks of demeanour stood out. Like that thing he does with his teeth when he asks
what could be so bad that it would want them to think it's a vampire
, his meek little voice when he says "Cab for Amy Pond?", and "Urgh. I mean I've been around a bit but really, that's, that's... urgh." I like the Doctor/Amy/Rory dynamic too.
The preview for next week looks pretty awesome. Seems like it's going to have a really good story of the variety I enjoy.
I agree with Darth, I liked it, but it did seem a little bit rushed, and wasn't quite as good as the last couple of weeks. (Although considering the Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone were two of the scariest eps ever, that was probably a given!) I was also hoping for it to be a little more gothic, a little more atmospheric than it turned out to be.
Not to be a stickler, but it's just 'Vampires of Venice'. No The.
Rule No. 1: never correct people on titles until the episode finally airs. It's a lesson I learned spending hours debating with people on how they were clearly wrong when they thought last year's xmas special would be called, "The End of Time: Part One."
I agree with Nick, I liked it, but it did seem a little bit rushed, and wasn't quite as good as the last couple of weeks. (Although considering the Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone were two of the scariest eps ever, that was probably a given!) I was also hoping for it to be a little more gothic, a little more atmospheric than it turned out to be.
Oh, and Darth?
Rule No. 1: never correct people on titles until the episode finally airs. It's a lesson I learned spending hours debating with people on how they were clearly wrong when they thought last year's xmas special would be called, "The End of Time: Part One."
Rule No. 1: never correct people on titles until the episode finally airs. It's a lesson I learned spending hours debating with people on how they were clearly wrong when they thought last year's xmas special would be called, "The End of Time: Part One."
Blast! And I'd hoped people would just ignore that. Foiled again!
She was super nice. I spoke to her for a minute or two and she seemed very enthusiastic and polite and signed a lot of stuff for people. She was in a local cafe (she doesn't live too faf from me anyway) and I didn't want to keep her too long. But she was very cool and very tall.
lol I was a nervios reck when I met Sylvester McCoy he proboly thought I was an idiot :P I did manage to tell him it should have been him in time crash hehe
Still better then when I met one of my favorite authors. The conversation went like this:
Author: "Would you like me to sign some of your books?"
Me: "Hmmmurple."
[holds out books and turns an interesting shade of red]
Sound like me when I met Anthony Daniels (C-3P0) at a sci-fi convention in Sweden. I did manage to ask him a question about mime acting (I was studying to become an actor in high school), which I think delighted him.
You got to meet Sylvester McCoy?!! That's it, I gotta get myself to England and meet some of my idols!:D
...Next thing, someone's gonna say that they met Terry Pratchett.
I nearly met Terry pratchett, but i had to go for a dentist appointment. My mum met him for me though and got my book (a hatfull of sky) signed! It says
"To Liam
*Random squiggle*"
I also met Peter Andre (my sisters were mad for him for some reason, so we we ended up queing for 2.5 hours outside of woolies for him to sign a bit of paper), and The Queen. And the guy from ready steady cook.
I nearly met Terry pratchett, but i had to go for a dentist appointment. My mum met him for me though and got my book (a hatfull of sky) signed! It says
"To Liam
*Random squiggle*"
I also met Peter Andre (my sisters were mad for him for some reason, so we we ended up queing for 2.5 hours outside of woolies for him to sign a bit of paper), and The Queen. And the guy from ready steady cook.
It was only a matter of time. I'm so sad, because my chances of meeting him are extremely low (does he even do booksignings anymore?) and even if I did, I doubt he'd sign fifty books for me. Or even my top twenty-five. T_T
The closest I ever have gotten was meeting J.K. Rowling when she came to California, and I had to stand in line for nearly the entire day along with my whole family (only one book per person could be signed). I'd improved somewhat after the "Hmmmurple" author and managed to ask how to pronounce Hermione's name.
Philip Glenister & co filmed some scenes for the latest series of Ashes to Ashes outside my office. It was pretty cool to be able to watch from my desk.
Just as well it wasn't Doctor Who... I'd have spent all day with my face plastered to the window.
Philip Glenister & co filmed some scenes for the latest series of Ashes to Ashes outside my office. It was pretty cool to be able to watch from my desk.
Oh man this is amazing! I love "Ashes to Ashes" and the Guv. Did he shout a lot? "Bollie!!"
So, thoughts? It was much better, and funnier than i thought it would be. I assumed it would be a little dull considering we knew which reality was real, but i was very wrong!
One interesting thing that I noticed during this episode was when the Doctor was telling Amy to trust him. In the scene directly before, he pats her head and leaves. Then, he comes back, tells her to trust him and asks her what he told her when he first met her but, he's wearing the jacket that he lost with the Weeping Angels.
Okay, I'm a bit late with this (we Stateside types who are actually waiting for BBCA broadcast just got Flesh and Stone), but that wasn't the only "error" in the episode I saw. At the end,
the clock goes from 11:59:59 AM 25/6/2010 to 12:00:00 PM 26/6/2010 - a whole 24 hours disappeared
. Either the crew and the editors really weren't paying attention for this episode or
they're showing how time is falling apart in several odd ways
Okay, I'm a bit late with this (we Stateside types who are actually waiting for BBCA broadcast just got Flesh and Stone), but that wasn't the only "error" in the episode I saw. At the end,
the clock goes from 11:59:59 AM 25/6/2010 to 12:00:00 PM 26/6/2010 - a whole 24 hours disappeared
. Either the crew and the editors really weren't paying attention for this episode or
they're showing how time is falling apart in several odd ways
Wow... I didn't notice that. I'm going to have to watch that bit again.
himself? i didn't get that. also, i hope rory stays with the doctor and amy for most of the rest of the season, and the games too.
Yeah. The pollen in the TARDIS had caused them all to hallucinate and the Dream Lord was just a manifestation of the dark parts of The Doctor's mind. That's what makes the hate line all the more interesting.
new Valeyard or the revived series answer to how the Valeyard became or just replacemnt and a dark doctor to battle since the ending left him open for return
one thing I dont get valeyars from the future so how did he not know about how he would lose to the sixth doctor
new Valeyard or the revived series answer to how the Valeyard became or just replacemnt and a dark doctor to battle since the ending left him open for return
one thing I dont get valeyars from the future so how did he not know about how he would lose to the sixth doctor
This would totally make my summer. The Valeyard was my favorite Old!Who villain. Ever.
I hope the dream lord is gona be a returning charecter New who needs more original recuring villians like they did with the angels and imporved them (not that the dream lord needs improving but maybe a pysical form so his actions effect realaty.
The Vampires of Venice was... interesting. I liked the plot-arc with Amy and Rory, which seems to be taking an interesting turn, but the whole 'vampires' thing seemed a bit rushed. I can't help but feel that if they'd made the episode a two-parter then maybe they'd have been able to make the story more engaging. As is was, it all just seemed to be cramed into a very short space of time with no pauses to reflect on the big moments, like
But maybe that's just me.
Haha, yes - it smacks of someone's dad saying "Go wait in the car!"
Once again, for me Matt Smith's fantastic little quirks of demeanour stood out. Like that thing he does with his teeth when he asks
The preview for next week looks pretty awesome. Seems like it's going to have a really good story of the variety I enjoy.
Oh, and Darth?
Rule No. 1: never correct people on titles until the episode finally airs. It's a lesson I learned spending hours debating with people on how they were clearly wrong when they thought last year's xmas special would be called, "The End of Time: Part One."
"Hey Karen, are you a Kiss-O-Gram in real life too?"
That's a great question
'Say "hi" to everyone at the BBC for me"...
Still better then when I met one of my favorite authors. The conversation went like this:
Author: "Would you like me to sign some of your books?"
Me: "Hmmmurple."
[holds out books and turns an interesting shade of red]
...Next thing, someone's gonna say that they met Terry Pratchett.
Sound like me when I met Anthony Daniels (C-3P0) at a sci-fi convention in Sweden. I did manage to ask him a question about mime acting (I was studying to become an actor in high school), which I think delighted him.
"To Liam
*Random squiggle*"
I also met Peter Andre (my sisters were mad for him for some reason, so we we ended up queing for 2.5 hours outside of woolies for him to sign a bit of paper), and The Queen. And the guy from ready steady cook.
It was only a matter of time. I'm so sad, because my chances of meeting him are extremely low (does he even do booksignings anymore?) and even if I did, I doubt he'd sign fifty books for me. Or even my top twenty-five. T_T
The closest I ever have gotten was meeting J.K. Rowling when she came to California, and I had to stand in line for nearly the entire day along with my whole family (only one book per person could be signed). I'd improved somewhat after the "Hmmmurple" author and managed to ask how to pronounce Hermione's name.
Just as well it wasn't Doctor Who... I'd have spent all day with my face plastered to the window.
Yeah, he stormed around all angry with his big coat billowing about in full Guv-ness. I was so happy he had the Quattro as well.
It's not a spoiler about the reality. More of an event that happens in one of the worlds.I just found it very amusing!
I wish there was less old people and more Toby Jones, every second with that guy was pure gold...
OMG! That's the first thing I thought of!
But, I just loved how creepy this episode was. And...that ponytail.:D
Okay, I'm a bit late with this (we Stateside types who are actually waiting for BBCA broadcast just got Flesh and Stone), but that wasn't the only "error" in the episode I saw. At the end,
Wow... I didn't notice that. I'm going to have to watch that bit again.
one thing I dont get valeyars from the future so how did he not know about how he would lose to the sixth doctor
Darn it, now i want it!
This would totally make my summer. The Valeyard was my favorite Old!Who villain. Ever.