When one say "you guys" it does not necessarily mean one is addressing an all-male group. "A guy" or "this guy" is male, but "hey guys" or "You guys!" are indicative of a group without implying a gender definition.
Okay, everything I've made so far went to their respective owners, so if you wanted more pictures, it's too late now! I don't have anything anymore.
This made room for knitting more stuff. Yay!
I'm still trying to find something that makes me go "Oh dear I HAVE to knit this". Don't have the right colour for Abe. Not sure how I'd do the bug and nervous about looking up reference pictures...
Zombie at play suggested bluster blaster, I think I'll have to check if I have the right colours because that sounds good to me. On the other hand it feels almost everything I've done so far is Sam & Max related. Sure they're my favourite telltale series but I'd like to offer to you guys a more... diverse array.
Mmh... I'll think about it. Maybe I'll take a day off or something
You know... I would love an Annable's Gnome, for some reason. I don't know why!
Because they're CREEPY? lol
I think I'd rather wat until we have more pictures and info. They said we'd know more on may 4th, so maybe then, but that's a pretty good idea actually!
Wait, do you send the finished plush to whoever suggest it, or just Majus?
Er, I wasn't planning on sending plushes to the people who suggested them. Sorry?
Either way, I made Sam and Max without it being suggested (unless you count the fact that thousands of fans demanded them xD) so I guess the only one that was suggested would be Majus's.
So your question wouldn't make much sense
I WILL follow more of the suggestions though (and you don't get the plush if I take your suggestion. You only get bragging rights for suggesting it).
Then why did you say everything you made so far went to their respective owners?
Oh, I see. Their respective owners aren't the people who suggested it, but the people I made them for. In the opening post I specified I was looking for ideas of plushies to make but I wasn't offering them to people.
Originally I wanted to make lots of Christmas gifts and start very early. But I realised that would take a lot of room so I decided to just give these out early. I've never been able to give gifts exactly at Christmas anyways, it's always either too early or to late xD
I guess I could knit a Yare plush but then I'd probably have to keep it for myself.
Because, you know, nobody would want it.
Dashing, I've been looking at Peasant Quest, and RD-the-character has several angles, and I'm thinking the best way would be to knit tiny cubed or something. But it seems like a lot of work.
The bug has lots of small parts, like his mandibles and legs, that would need to be pretty thin, so I'm wondering about that. Also, I'm not sure how big I should make him. But I still like the idea.
And of course Abe's head when I get the right colour.
Maybe I should knit an argyle sweater and send it to Yare. That would creep him out, on the other hand that's a lot of work for a joke. I mean the joke would basically be on me, right?
Also, he probably will read that, so, the joke doesn't work anymore.
(I know. I realised I wouldn't be willing to work for months on that project, so instead I wrote it here so he can read it and roll his eyes and blush like a schoolboy. Sssh.)
(I know. I realised I wouldn't be willing to work for months on that project, so instead I wrote it here so he can read it and roll his eyes and blush like a schoolboy. Sssh.)
I'm just explaining in a case somebody doesn't get the irony
I'll take the Yare plushie if you make him a mousquetaire costume. (Seriously, with the hair and goatee he is this close to being d'Artagnan or Cyrano de Bergerac.)
I'll take the Yare plushie if you make him a mousquetaire costume. (Seriously, with the hair and goatee he is this close to being d'Artagnan or Cyrano de Bergerac.)
:eek: How can you say that? He's much, much, much too good looking to be Cyrano.
And stop volunteering for the Yare plushie I'm keeping it! At least this way I can say I sleep with Yare and not be lying.
That sort of thing, only using a flatter, more rectangular box. You could basically use the Cardboard box as a stuffer, like when you use a balloon or chicken wire when doing Papier Maché. If you did that, and stuck two sets of wheel on the bottom, it could work.
I am offended. I turn beautiful things into dirty things all the time.
Okay, then. As long as I'm included I'm fine with it.
This made room for knitting more stuff. Yay!
I'm still trying to find something that makes me go "Oh dear I HAVE to knit this". Don't have the right colour for Abe. Not sure how I'd do the bug and nervous about looking up reference pictures...
Zombie at play suggested bluster blaster, I think I'll have to check if I have the right colours because that sounds good to me. On the other hand it feels almost everything I've done so far is Sam & Max related. Sure they're my favourite telltale series but I'd like to offer to you guys a more... diverse array.
Mmh... I'll think about it. Maybe I'll take a day off or something
Because they're CREEPY? lol
I think I'd rather wat until we have more pictures and info. They said we'd know more on may 4th, so maybe then, but that's a pretty good idea actually!
I'm aware of that fact
But I'd like to be sure of the exact colours and stuff. And just know about it more. It would just be so easy to make a mistake otherwise.
Wait, do you send the finished plush to whoever suggest it, or just Majus?
Er, I wasn't planning on sending plushes to the people who suggested them. Sorry?
Either way, I made Sam and Max without it being suggested (unless you count the fact that thousands of fans demanded them xD) so I guess the only one that was suggested would be Majus's.
So your question wouldn't make much sense
I WILL follow more of the suggestions though (and you don't get the plush if I take your suggestion. You only get bragging rights for suggesting it).
Oh, I see. Their respective owners aren't the people who suggested it, but the people I made them for. In the opening post I specified I was looking for ideas of plushies to make but I wasn't offering them to people.
Originally I wanted to make lots of Christmas gifts and start very early. But I realised that would take a lot of room so I decided to just give these out early. I've never been able to give gifts exactly at Christmas anyways, it's always either too early or to late xD
You should play Peasant's Quest.
Can you knit argyle, avi?
Wow, that got beyond creepy in record time.
I guess I could knit a Yare plush but then I'd probably have to keep it for myself.
Because, you know, nobody would want it.
Dashing, I've been looking at Peasant Quest, and RD-the-character has several angles, and I'm thinking the best way would be to knit tiny cubed or something. But it seems like a lot of work.
The bug has lots of small parts, like his mandibles and legs, that would need to be pretty thin, so I'm wondering about that. Also, I'm not sure how big I should make him. But I still like the idea.
And of course Abe's head when I get the right colour.
Maybe I should knit an argyle sweater and send it to Yare. That would creep him out, on the other hand that's a lot of work for a joke. I mean the joke would basically be on me, right?
(I know. I realised I wouldn't be willing to work for months on that project, so instead I wrote it here so he can read it and roll his eyes and blush like a schoolboy. Sssh.)
You really want it after avistew is through with it?
Hmm good point. Scratch that then.
I'm just explaining in a case somebody doesn't get the irony
That would just be the most awesome one ever!!!
:eek: How can you say that? He's much, much, much too good looking to be Cyrano.
And stop volunteering for the Yare plushie
this one.... I mean you are going to have to put that coin that comes with the deluxe edition somewhere... he can hold it for you.
Does Yare know yet you are planning on making a Yare voodoo doll?
I think he'll figure it out soon enough
Oh snap. Make the voodoo doll of Guybrush from the cover of MI2 ^_^
This! No seriously... this!
Er... What do you mean by template?
Sort of like a Tissue box cover
That sort of thing, only using a flatter, more rectangular box. You could basically use the Cardboard box as a stuffer, like when you use a balloon or chicken wire when doing Papier Maché. If you did that, and stuck two sets of wheel on the bottom, it could work.