Okay, as promised, and although nobody is likely to care since I bet you're all busy downloading, I'm adding the Sam&Max pictures, all together in a single post for the first time! (previously seen in the preorder forums where they can still be found in between unrelated posts):
Still working on the rocket. After a few failed tries I managed to get a cone. Then I realised the rocket looked like something it probably shouldn't look like so I'm going to work on it some more to make it better.
I have some questions about the narwhal:
a) should the narwhal be screaming, or happy? Don't tell me "both", it's going to be hard enough to make it one of the two xD ("Neither" is a perfect I-will-love-you-forever answer though)
b) I don't have to make it look like Majus's narwhal, right? It can look like an actual narwhal instead? I'm mostly thinking of the . I have no clue how I could knit that, although I guess I could try.
I'll use your answers in making it when I'm done with the rocket.
I finished the rocket. It was less straightforward than I though, and I had to do all but the main piece a couple of times before I got them right, but considering the lack of details and small number of parts it was still rather simple.
After a few failed tries I managed to get a cone. Then I realised the rocket looked like something it probably shouldn't look like so I'm going to work on it some more to make it better.
Haha... oh dear. Now I'll never be quite able to look at the finished product with a straight face.
Why does Avistew find it necessary to measure her giant red penis?
You should have seen it before!
I thought adding fire would help. Surely nobody would think it's a penis if it's on fire, right? Plus I changed the top and I added the small red part at the bottom. It looks more like a rocket this way.
Meh, I'm sure it will look better when there is a screaming (or otherwise) narwhal strapped to it.
EDIT: wait! When I quoted it, it wasn't saying that!
I put the measuring tape so you'd have an idea how big it was. When I quoted you I could have sworn you were saying "Why did Avistew knit a giant red penis?"...
You should have seen it before!
I thought adding fire would help. Surely nobody would think it's a penis if it's on fire, right? Plus I changed the top and I added the small red part at the bottom. It looks more like a rocket this way.
It just looks like something is coming out the wrong end to me, like someone messed up the directions and put something on the base rather than the tip.
...actually, it doesn't look that bad. Thing is, though, I came in here and saw the picture before reading the post above it, and thought "RED KNITTED PENIS", followed by a few seconds of wondering what it really was before it clicked.
Meh, I'm sure it will look better when there is a screaming (or otherwise) narwhal strapped to it.
Or otherwise? Like a Moaning Narwhal?
[EDIT: wait! When I quoted it, it wasn't saying that!
I put the measuring tape so you'd have an idea how big it was. When I quoted you I could have sworn you were saying "Why did Avistew knit a giant red penis?"...
It was a really quick edit. If it's in your post, my edit did get through before you clicked "Quote", but after you read it. I thought that way of saying it would be funnier.
Could you put a plastic cone or something inside it to make it look more angular and sturdy?
I was just thinking that, with thick paper or cardboard, but the plush wouldn't be washable anymore. However, plastic... That might be an idea.
Of course, to make a plastic cone the right size and shape... is another story
Avi, go by Majus' new picture...no stripes on that rocket
Torture me Elmer (with little torture implements)
Jurgens monster
a Desoto (but i know that would be really difficult...and big if it was to scale!
A rope sack for sam and max
tiny jimmy two teeth
an internet (wtf??)
a respect for living things (i'd love to see that)
A hypno bear
A Trogdor!
Of course, to make a plastic cone the right size and shape... is another story
What about those very thin, flexible plastic cutting mats (like these)? It would be pretty cheap, and you could just cut out a piece to the right size/shape and roll it into a cone. Maybe staple the edges together.
What about those very thin, flexible plastic cutting mats (like these)? It would be pretty cheap, and you could just cut out a piece to the right size/shape and roll it into a cone. Maybe staple the edges together.
Oooh, not a bad idea. I'll check if I can find something like that. And put it in the newer cone I've already started, which is wider. That should help.
I guess you could always skip the whole "inserting a plastic cone" thing and just magic it into an instant cone... but I don't think you're supposed to use magic outside of hogwarts..
I guess you could always skip the whole "inserting a plastic cone" thing and just magic it into an instant cone... but I don't think you're supposed to use magic outside of hogwarts..
It's only frowned upon if you're still studying at Hogwarts, but I'm misplaced my wand.
I found some plastic (from the package of my energy metre, which just arrived) but after I cut it I'm wondering how to keep it together. Staples would rust, I'm wondering if I could just burn the ends and make it stick together that way or something...
If so, I need fire.
Update because I'm BORED! Why is everyone sleeping when I'm not?
Anyway, I'm taking a break from knitting because oh boy do my hands hurt. But I've started the rocket. Here is a picture with a Sissi kitty for scale (Disclaimer: I did not knit the cat)
As you can see it's missing the top. I'm still trying to figure out how to make a cone without using double-pointed needles but I think I'll end up having to. I hope I have some the right size.
Also, in not too long I'll be able to post the Sam&Max pictures here! yay!
Nah. I wanted a picture with the two of them, so I went to get Lumpy (the big one) from the place where he was sleeping and dumped him on the bed next to Sissi (the small one). She was confused by it and mefiant (I don't blame her, he's twice her size). He stood there for a minute or so (while I took the picture) then decided this was as good a spot as any to finish his nap.
They do play a lot but this wasn't such an occurence.
But then I started thinking, if I cut the plastic, I'm afraid it will be too sharp and will cut the yarn.
Although to be fair my main reasoning there was "I'm too lazy".
So I didn't use plastic.
Instead I finished my bigger cone and put it over the old one without adding stuffing. Since the extremities aren't stuffed, they look more "sharp" or "pointy".
Hopefully I won't have to work more on it, even though I'm not 100% satisfied with it.
And I don't care that it looks like it has a nipple.
I might have to take tomorrow off. I did too much today and my hands really hurt, if I knit tomorrow as well I might end up not able to do much with my hands for a week or so. It has happened before. So I'll try and rest tomorrow so I don't lose a whole week.
Instead I finished my bigger cone and put it over the old one without adding stuffing. Since the extremities aren't stuffed, they look more "sharp" or "pointy".
That was a good idea! I looked at it and thought "cool, that's totally not-sexual now"...
It doesn't look like a nipple to me. Not enough like one, anyway. Not anywhere near as much like a nipple as the old rocket looked like a penis, in any event. The rocket looks a lot better now.
I was trying to be pre-emptive. I just felt like someone was going to say that, and I wanted to say, I don't care, I'm not doing it again.
I'm out of red yarn anyways.
If you could find a red and yellow handlebar streamer it could work maybe for the flame.... sort of... if it was shorter... plus they have a peg you could stitch into the end of the rocket. ... or you could just have loose red and yellow yarn streaming out of the end.... what were we talking about..... did somebody say nipple?
I like the way I did it. It felt like a compact flame would look better than a non-compact one. I made it short because I wanted the whole thing to be around the size of my S&M plushies, do you think it's too short? I can make a new one, but removing this one might be more trouble than it's worth.
Also, you can't see, but the tip is yellow, the rest is white. It just felt like orange and red wouldn't work as well. But maybe I was wrong?
I'm happy with it the way it is right now. When I'm done the narwhal I'll check if I want anything changed but for know I think I'll leave it the way it is. Better is the enemy of good.
Go with what you like and do not let anyone sway you... its the ONLY way to do art or you will not be satisfied... art is a personal experience and a way to express yourself... not others... unless of course its commissioned work.
Also that cat is SUPER realistic. How the hell did you knit it?! It's crazy. Oh, wait... I didn't read your post properly. Never mind.
(Sorry about that, I'm running for Most Obvious Bad Joke Award 2010. Fingers crossed!)
I have some questions about the narwhal:
a) should the narwhal be screaming, or happy? Don't tell me "both", it's going to be hard enough to make it one of the two xD ("Neither" is a perfect I-will-love-you-forever answer though)
b) I don't have to make it look like Majus's narwhal, right? It can look like an actual narwhal instead? I'm mostly thinking of the
I'll use your answers in making it when I'm done with the rocket.
Haha... oh dear. Now I'll never be quite able to look at the finished product with a straight face.
You should have seen it before!
I thought adding fire would help. Surely nobody would think it's a penis if it's on fire, right? Plus I changed the top and I added the small red part at the bottom. It looks more like a rocket this way.
Meh, I'm sure it will look better when there is a screaming (or otherwise) narwhal strapped to it.
EDIT: wait! When I quoted it, it wasn't saying that!
I put the measuring tape so you'd have an idea how big it was. When I quoted you I could have sworn you were saying "Why did Avistew knit a giant red penis?"...
...actually, it doesn't look that bad. Thing is, though, I came in here and saw the picture before reading the post above it, and thought "RED KNITTED PENIS", followed by a few seconds of wondering what it really was before it clicked.
Or otherwise? Like a Moaning Narwhal?
It was a really quick edit. If it's in your post, my edit did get through before you clicked "Quote", but after you read it. I thought that way of saying it would be funnier.
I can't stop laughing at this.
Poor narwhal... I think the expression you choose for him (happy or screaming) will say a lot more about his tastes than we should probably know.
Well, people have also been requesting a... happy... narwhal...
Dammit! I wanted to keep this thread clean! Majus, I blame you 100%.
EDIT: I'm making a new cone. I'll hopefully finish it today or tomorrow and maybe it will look better that way.
... the worse part is that with my record, nobody's going to believe it wasn't on purpose
Seriously though, I really hope you dont stop the project because of it.
If there were yellow stripes it wouldn't look like anything because I still wouldn't have figured out how to make it yet. So there.
I'm not stopping the project. Just starting over part of it. The most annoying part. GrrrRRR.
Hopefully that will fix it.
I was just thinking that, with thick paper or cardboard, but the plush wouldn't be washable anymore. However, plastic... That might be an idea.
Of course, to make a plastic cone the right size and shape... is another story
Torture me Elmer (with little torture implements)
Jurgens monster
a Desoto (but i know that would be really difficult...and big if it was to scale!
A rope sack for sam and max
tiny jimmy two teeth
an internet (wtf??)
a respect for living things (i'd love to see that)
A hypno bear
A Trogdor!
What about those very thin, flexible plastic cutting mats (like these)? It would be pretty cheap, and you could just cut out a piece to the right size/shape and roll it into a cone. Maybe staple the edges together.
Oooh, not a bad idea. I'll check if I can find something like that. And put it in the newer cone I've already started, which is wider. That should help.
It's only frowned upon if you're still studying at Hogwarts, but I'm misplaced my wand.
I found some plastic (from the package of my energy metre, which just arrived) but after I cut it I'm wondering how to keep it together. Staples would rust, I'm wondering if I could just burn the ends and make it stick together that way or something...
If so, I need fire.
Your cat looks like a skinny version of my cat
I can see this ending badly...
Soldering iron?
Burning plastic can set the room on fire and may cause toxic fumes ... and rather irregular crimpling.
Your cat looks like a combination of my cats
Nah. I wanted a picture with the two of them, so I went to get Lumpy (the big one) from the place where he was sleeping and dumped him on the bed next to Sissi (the small one). She was confused by it and mefiant (I don't blame her, he's twice her size). He stood there for a minute or so (while I took the picture) then decided this was as good a spot as any to finish his nap.
They do play a lot but this wasn't such an occurence.
Ooh, that's a brilliant idea.
But then I started thinking, if I cut the plastic, I'm afraid it will be too sharp and will cut the yarn.
Although to be fair my main reasoning there was "I'm too lazy".
So I didn't use plastic.
Instead I finished my bigger cone and put it over the old one without adding stuffing. Since the extremities aren't stuffed, they look more "sharp" or "pointy".
Hopefully I won't have to work more on it, even though I'm not 100% satisfied with it.
And I don't care that it looks like it has a nipple.
I might have to take tomorrow off. I did too much today and my hands really hurt, if I knit tomorrow as well I might end up not able to do much with my hands for a week or so. It has happened before. So I'll try and rest tomorrow so I don't lose a whole week.
That was a good idea! I looked at it and thought "cool, that's totally not-sexual now"...
... and then I read that.
I'm out of red yarn anyways.
example... obviously the wrong color
Also, you can't see, but the tip is yellow, the rest is white. It just felt like orange and red wouldn't work as well. But maybe I was wrong?
I'm happy with it the way it is right now. When I'm done the narwhal I'll check if I want anything changed but for know I think I'll leave it the way it is. Better is the enemy of good.
If I want to draw Guybrush as a girl or make morgan a zombie im gonna do it even if people do not like it or even hate it
You can't please everyone, so you might as well please yourself.
(^ I'm pretty sure someone more awesome than me said that, but I can't remember who.)