The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited December 2010
    coolsome wrote: »
    If I had kids id call one Superman and If I have a boy Id call him God

    Actually, Nicolas Cage already sort of did by calling his son Kal-El.
  • edited December 2010
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Actually, Nicolas Cage already sort of did by calling his son Kal-El.

    Then il name mine Darkseid as revenge!
  • edited December 2010
    coolsome wrote: »
    Then il name mine Darkseid as revenge!

    Better Idea: First name "Lex" Middle name: "Luthor"
  • edited December 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Better Idea: First name "Lex" Middle name: "Luthor"

    Yh but Darkseid is a god and I want my kid to go places in the universe
  • edited December 2010
    Good night!

    Also, I just had deelishus dinner. It was, well... adequate.

    Hmm reading that almost gets me hungry again.
    No, NOW it´s time for the bed!

    Good night;)
  • edited December 2010
    hey guys is The Inventory ment to be where all the TTG charecters live and hang out when there not in games?
  • edited December 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Edit/New thing: The Sorcerers Apprentice is a fun movie.

    Only because Nicolas Cage was being Nicolas Cage. Everything else about it was pretty bad.
  • edited December 2010
    I wonder if this thread will ever die. I'm pretty sure it'll stay active up until the day that the Telltale website dies.
  • edited December 2010
    Catch up Game!
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    On the "friends vs more" thing... I have this friend who wants to be, well, more than friends, and he's not exactly shy about making it clear. Evenings at his place always seem to end with him trying to kiss me, and when I'm not cool with it he gets all cranky like a 5 year old who's been denied a sweetie. This has happened 3 or 4 times now.

    I'm generally pretty easy going about these kinds of situations, but his persistence is really eroding my trust, and I find it quite frustrating that he doesn't seem to respect my autonomy.

    Ugh. That sounds annoying. These things are very annoying both ways, that is, if you're clear you're not interested and someone insists, it's very, very frustrating (and Seamus did NOT insist, otherwise I wouldn't have become friends with him. Being pressured like that makes you feel like your opinion on the matter is irrelevant or something).
    On the other hand, it also sucks when the person who isn't interested doesn't say so. News flash, people: a lack of reaction is usually interpreted as either "(s)he likes it/doesn't mind it, I should/can keep going" or "(s)he hasn't noticed I like him/her, I should be MORE blunt/forward/affectionate". It's not that hard to say "listen, I like you but I don't feel the same way" or "it makes me uncomfortable when you do this or that".
    If you don't say anything and hope it stops, you're just encouraging it!

    Not talking about you here, puzzlebox. I assume you weren't kissing him back then complaining that he tried to kiss you :P Plus kissing is pretty high on the "not getting the message" scale, that's pretty rude of him not to respect your boundaries.
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Hey drew carey is starting a new inprov show exactly with whose line and COLIN AND RYAN ARE BACK

    I have decided that if by some freak of nature I ever end up having kids and they're twins, I shall name them Luke and Leia. It would just have to be done.

    What if they're the same sex?
    coolsome wrote: »
    If I had kids id call one Superman and If I have a boy Id call him God

    I like the way this sentence is phrased. Sounds like either you don't think boys are kids, or that you'd call your kid Superman if it's a girl. Either way, sounds like a "and Zoidberg" moment here.
  • edited December 2010
    Just got a new office chair. God damn, do I ever hate Allen wrenches.
    Hayden wrote: »
    I wonder if this thread will ever die. I'm pretty sure it'll stay active up until the day that the Telltale website dies.

    Nope, I've created the unkillable thread. In fact, I like to think that this is the thread that managed to kill "Boobs: an artistic discussion".
  • edited December 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Had somebody watched Megamind? How was?

    It was pretty amazing.

    Yeah...I've sorta watched it three times....and bought the sound track....and all the songs that weren't included on the soundtrack....

    I'm obsessed.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey! You folk are gamers! Would any of you people be interested in in buying chocolate helicopters? I'm thinking about making and selling them for the Christmas season. Great as stocking stuffers!

    here's my spiel i guess

    "For this holiday season, I'm planning on selling chocolate helicopters. (I made the one pictured) I can make them in either dark, milk, or white.

    I'm thinking the going rate would be $1.00 each, decreasing to $0.75 each for orders with 12+ helicopters.

    Shipping would be free for any orders to the US. Any international buyers can talk to me and we can work things out.

    If people are interested, shoot me a pm, and we'll get things sorted.

    (Mods, if you aren't cool with this, feel free to delete.)"
  • edited December 2010
    While it would be horrible and I doubt I'd survive, it would probably be hilarious.

    Marrying Star Wars nerdettes is an election now? Wait! Stop everything! I just got the best reality show idea ever! "Who Wants To Marry A Star Wars Nerd?" :D

    That is one show that TV needs! I would go on it!
    Until the woman the contestants are supposed to compete for shows up, and it turns out she's worn a wookie costume since she was seventeen, and refuses to take it off or shower or speak any words other than "GRARRRRBLURGH" and "HRGURAAAALLLGH".

    Hey, how did you know about my Wookie costume!:D
  • edited December 2010
    Avistew wrote: »

    What if they're the same sex?

    They WILL be named Luke and Leia - awkward childhoods be damned! It just has to happen. The only exception I'm willing to make is if they're both males, then they can be Romulus and Remus. I can also make an exception if anyone can think of female twins who went on to become great hero(ine)s.
  • edited December 2010
    I had a friend who was a girl and also named Luke, so it can be done. I think it's far less awkward for a girl to have a guys' name than for a guy to have a girls' name.
  • edited December 2010
    Watching Tron, and drinking a coke life is good right now.
  • edited December 2010
    How about Kat and Ana? Not heroic enough?
  • edited December 2010
    Something not Inception related: Ever had a dream, where you know it's a dream, and you try to wake up, but you can't despite your best efforts, and you actually open your eyes and see your room, but the rest of your body is still asleep, so you can't move? I had, and it sucks.
  • edited December 2010
    Nope, I've created the unkillable thread. In fact, I like to think that this is the thread that managed to kill "Boobs: an artistic discussion".

    My memory might be failing me, but I think the boobs thread was already dead by that point. That, or it was in dire need of being put out of its misery.

    What's on my mind is that in 4 days I'll be getting ready to leave for Edmonton to meet my boyfriend at the airport. I can't stop thinking about it. It's so much on my mind that I think it's a miracle I haven't been spamming this thread about it more.
  • edited December 2010
    I can't think of any Japanese games with an autosave feature. I know that there's plenty of them, but I can't think of any...
  • edited December 2010
    Avistew wrote: »
    My memory might be failing me, but I think the boobs thread was already dead by that point. That, or it was in dire need of being put out of its misery..

    Naw, "Boobs" died in early June, and I started this thread at the end of May.
  • edited December 2010
    I still hate VBscript, and now I have to do it again. No matter what, I am not going to fail this time...
  • edited December 2010
    I found a penny, in my room...I don't know why I'm happy about finding my own penny.
  • edited December 2010
    I need to stop trying to fight this boss and do something else before bed. Also, I think I probably need a stress ball before I try to fight him again, because this is absolute bullshit. I'M NOT EVEN PLAYING ON HARD, DAMMIT.
  • edited December 2010
    I need to stop trying to fight this boss and do something else before bed. Also, I think I probably need a stress ball before I try to fight him again, because this is absolute bullshit. I'M NOT EVEN PLAYING ON HARD, DAMMIT.

    Well, a good night's rest is always preferred before a boss battle.
  • edited December 2010
    Why do most cartoons depict cats and dogs as mortal enemies?
  • edited December 2010
    Here's what I was attempting. However, this guy is doing it two difficulty levels above me, which means he's taking twice or more damage and dealing half or less (I think, the game's vague on what the difficulty levels actually do). Imagine how inadequate that makes me feel. Still, the fact that a boss like this exists at all makes me want to go kick Tetsuya Nomura in the nuts.

    Oh, and did I mention that winning this fight unlocks a harder boss?
  • edited December 2010
    I just saw one of these vile bastards. The bugger vanished when I went to find something proper to crush it with, too. I guess I'm not getting any more sleep before heading off to class, then. Woe is me.

    Also, I find myself wondering how many other atheists appreciate liturgical compositions from the baroque and renaissance periods simply for their aesthetic value. (Think Mozart's Libera Me from Requiem.)
  • edited December 2010
    I just saw one of these vile bastards. The bugger vanished when I went to find something proper to crush it with, too. I guess I'm not getting any more sleep before heading off to class, then. Woe is me.

    Also, I find myself wondering how many other atheists appreciate liturgical compositions from the baroque and renaissance periods simply for their aesthetic value. (Think Mozart's Libera Me from Requiem.)

    1. OH MY GOOD GOSH THATS ADORABLE! I want a lil' buggy like that! I was the crazy kid who volunteered at zoos to hold the giant hairy tarantulas... they were so soft and fuzzy! Keep in mind that I am a legally blind girl. I think bugs, arachnids- basically any sort of arthropod- as well as worms and all sorts of creepy crawlies are awesome. Hissing cockroaches are the sh!t, man. On an unrelated note, I also like snakes. And hedgehogs. NO I AM NOT TYCHO.

    2. As for liturgies- I think they're awesome strictly from an aesthetic point of view, too. The amount of emotion poured behind work of a religious nature has always fascinated me.

    On another note, anyone have suggestions to help someone who ha been having serious trouble sleeping for the past two weeks? I'm getting only like 4 hours of sleep an night now- I give myself enough time for seven or eight but I just haven't been able to sleep well.

    I'm getting zits all over my face now, and my hands have started shaking, too. I don't want to take crud like ambien or anything- if this keeps up another day or two I'm going to the doctor. But maybe you guys have some suggestions?
  • edited December 2010
    Hello all, time to go to work.
    I really hope that it is possible to ride in the snow with a bike.
  • edited December 2010
    Also, I find myself wondering how many other atheists appreciate liturgical compositions from the baroque and renaissance periods simply for their aesthetic value. (Think Mozart's Libera Me from Requiem.)
    ...sorry, what? None of those words seemed to involve video games, explosions, zombies, bacon, or comic books, so I don't get it.
  • edited December 2010
    Isn't it ironic that people find those who don't know what the word ironic means ironic?
  • edited December 2010
    Know what else is ironic? 26.
  • edited December 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    Why do most cartoons depict cats and dogs as mortal enemies?

    Yeah, and if they're not depicted as enemies they're depicted as friends to rebel against the cliche of cats and dogs being enemies. Well, they've always been at the constant battle of which is the better house pet, so maybe that's why.
  • edited December 2010
    PecanBlue wrote: »
    Yeah, and if they're not depicted as enemies they're depicted as friends to rebel against the cliche of cats and dogs being enemies. Well, they've always been at the constant battle of which is the better house pet, so maybe that's why.

    But why not Dog and Iguana? Goldfish and Hamster? Cat and Tamagotchi?
  • edited December 2010
    I still hate VBscript, and now I have to do it again. No matter what, I am not going to fail this time...
    Copy, paste, modify FTW.

    Actually, that's how I do coding in general. I would be in troubles when I need to start from the bare...

    ^ because many more people have cat or dog compared to the other mentioned animals.
  • edited December 2010
    Argh, I can't get "Video Killed the Radio Star" out of my head. This is day two of this crap, and let me tell you academic reading does not get easier when you're brain's looping 'video killed the radio star, in my mind and in my car' ad nausem.
  • edited December 2010
    Know what else is ironic? 26.

    ...And now I know I'm a nerd for automatically thinking of iron. It's not like I've memorized the periodic table or anything... >.>
  • edited December 2010
    mgrant wrote: »
    Argh, I can't get "Video Killed the Radio Star" out of my head. This is day two of this crap, and let me tell you academic reading does not get easier when you're brain's looping 'video killed the radio star, in my mind and in my car' ad nausem.

    Well at least it's not Salt'N' Pepa's Push it.
  • edited December 2010
    Okay, so according to Poker Night at the Inventory, "poker is played for money, goods and services".

    May I ask, what kind of services are we talking about?
This discussion has been closed.