The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited December 2010
    Hadn't read this thread in about three days (real life and all), and there were 12 pages of posts. Finally caught up. For the moment.

    In my experience, there are woman friends who tell you that they've always wanted to be more at the last possible moment when there is nothing you can do about it, such as you're already about to move to a new city a thousand miles away, or you just got married to someone else. I'm not sure what the point of that is.

    Good luck to those of you who are sexually frustrated, for the next four days, anyway.
  • edited December 2010
    My left index finger hurts from working both the "nub" and the D-pad on the PSP at the same time. As much as I love the Command Deck system, this would be the biggest flaw in it. Thankfully, it only seems to be a problem against two enemies. Unfortunately, they are the hardest two enemies in the game.
  • edited December 2010
    Even when arranging your commands in the order you wanted to use them and setting up the shortcut?
  • edited December 2010
    I'm unaware of any shortcut feature this game may have. But yeah, my decks were pretty simple. Four Aerial Slams and four Mega Potions for the Remnant and four Thunder Surges and four Curagas for the Unknown.

    Anyway, I have to say that I was a little underwhelmed by the Unknown. While he did generally kill me faster than the Vanitas Remnant, it took me FAR fewer tries to beat him.

  • edited December 2010
    I never use potions or any consumables.

    Anyway, I always wanted to create a small card game. Perhaps I'll make a small one or something.
  • edited December 2010
    Make a children's card game which sells really well, and then when you play it you can screw the rules, because you have money.
  • edited December 2010
    Alternatively dye your hair green, same results, less money required.
  • edited December 2010
    Or for something completely different, make it have a ton of rules so you can screw the money.
  • edited December 2010
    Just watched Citizen Kane for the first time and I already feel much more cultured. I think I may have to watch it again, though, when I'm not so swamped with finals, so that I can devote my full attention to the more subtle parts of the movie that I probably missed.
  • edited December 2010
    Copy, paste, modify FTW.

    Actually, that's how I do coding in general. I would be in troubles when I need to start from the bare...

    Dim input

    On Error Resume Next
    strComputer = "."
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LocalTime")

    For Each objItem in colItems

    input=InputBox("Enter your name")

    If IsEmpty(input) Then

    WScript.Echo "Stopping Logon."

    ElseIf Len (input) = 0 Then

    WScript.Echo "No name entered, canceling logon."


    WScript.Echo "Welcome " & input & "."
    Wscript.Echo "The date is: " & objItem.Day & "/" & objItem.Month & "/" & objItem.Year & ", " & "The time is: " & objItem.Hour& ":" & objItem.Minute & "."

    End If


    A simple logon code (without the actual logon) the code just have to be simple and we understand how it works to pass the class.
    It's not a lot at the moment, but it works. All I need to do know is ad some sort of statement so only people with specific names get accepted.
    And a few lines of code to take some information out of the text and ad it to excel. And I am done. :)
  • edited December 2010
    Why are people idiots?

    A steady diet of brain-shrinking reality shows.
  • edited December 2010
    That show Hoarders, has made me sick to my stomach.
  • edited December 2010
    Remolay wrote: »
    Make a children's card game which sells really well, and then when you play it you can screw the rules, because you have money.
    You mean like Maximillion Pegasus?
  • edited December 2010
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I dunno, I swear mine's getting a second wind

    Hehe! I said pretty much the exact same thing to someone the other day...
  • edited December 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    That show Hoarders, has made me sick to my stomach.

    Well, you should've known better than to watch it in the first place. Seriously, it makes me sad what people will watch as entertainment.
  • edited December 2010
    Really want to get a SNES.
    Need to save up and get one and a few games.

    Also this GAMER NEEDS 3DS BADLY!!
    (Star Fox 64 3DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • edited December 2010
    I rewatched all six Star Wars films, and I found myself having serious problems with the originals. Luke is an uptight asshole with a rod up his bum, Leia is a stuck up bitch who thinks she knows it all and has to control everyone (I know this one was intentional), and Han is just about the only decent cool guy in the whole movie. Obi Wan might be a wise old wizard but between Yoda and Obi Wan, Yoda is the better mentor by far. I honestly don't get the chemistry between Han and Leia; it just appears out of nowhere in ESB and it's not likeable except for the carbonite scene. It's like Lucas knew they had no chemistry so he forced it by writing Luke and Leia as brother and sister. Maybe I'm crazy, but I never saw how stuck up bitch plus arrogant snarky male equals automatic chemistry. Also since I have the DVD version that has all of Lucas's asinine changes that weren't from my childhood, it just annoyed me all the more. I think Luke's journey as a hero is definitely a good one, but he's an asshole throughout the whole thing because of it too. When he finally finishes his training he talks down to everybody like Obi Wan did- now I can kind of understand them doing this as they have a broader view of greater things, but it comes across as preachy sometimes. He even talks down to Yoda, and Yoda understands the Force better than Luke does! What an asswipe! And Han gets knocked for arrogance? Not to mention whenever Luke goes up against Vader or the Emperor he consistently gets his ass handed to him- the only time he ever gets the upper hand on Vader is when he snaps because Vader and the Emperor goaded him into it. In my opinion Luke was the Chosen One because of destiny, but definitely not because of skill.
  • edited December 2010
    I rewatched all three Star Wars films, and I found myself having serious problems with the originals. Luke is an uptight asshole with a rod up his bum, Leia is a stuck up bitch who thinks she knows it all and has to control everyone, and Han is just about the only decent cool guy in the whole movie. Obi Wan might be a wise old wizard but between Yoda and Obi Wan, Yoda is the better mentor by far. I honestly don't get the chemistry between Han and Leia; it just appears out of nowhere. It's like Lucas knew they had no chemistry so he forced it by writing Luke and Leia as brother and sister. Maybe I'm crazy, but I never saw how stuck up bitch plus arrogant snarky male equals automatic chemistry. Also since I have the DVD version that has all of Lucas's asinine changes that weren't from my childhood, it just annoyed me all the more. I think Luke's journey as a hero is definitely a good one, but he's an asshole throughout the whole thing because of it too. When he finally finishes his training he talks down to everybody like Obi Wan did- now I can kind of understand them doing this as they have a broader view of greater things, but it comes across as preachy sometimes. He even talks down to Yoda, and Yoda understands the Force better than Luke does! What an asswipe! And Han gets knocked for arrogance? Not to mention whenever Luke goes up against Vader or the Emperor he consistently gets his ass handed to him- the only time he ever gets the upper hand on Vader is when he snaps because Vader and the Emperor goaded him into it. In my opinion Luke was the Chosen One because of destiny, but definitely not because of skill.

  • edited December 2010
    tredlow wrote: »

    Sigh. How insightful.
  • edited December 2010
    Erin Esurance is kinda hot, but is probably the worst SECRET agent ever. Also, she's annoying.
  • edited December 2010
    I've been drawn back to the Marbel Hornet videos everytime, but I still can't watch any of the videos in full.

    Seriously, you guys know why they call it Marbel Hornets? Because once you've seen it, you'll shit marbels.
  • edited December 2010
    Admit it, Fawful, you're just trying to give Dashing a heart attack.
  • edited December 2010
    Hagrid sucks. I hate Hagrid. Go to hell, Hagrid.

    Nah, just kidding, man, we're cool.
  • edited December 2010
    Hey, the expansion pack for that online game with the orcs and elves is out today. What's it called? Custer's Revenge or something?
  • edited December 2010
    Regarding Star Wars. I look at it as a 'Great Story told... not so great'. I mean, if you retell the story of the whole Saga (I mean EpsI to VI) to someone, he'll think 'Holy shit, that sounds awesome!'. But the mileage of that same person's opinion may vary AFTER he sees the movies, and I'm not talking only about the prequels. I'm talking about the originals too - ANH has aged very badly for a movie (it's slow and boring, and I can't say that about a lot of other old movies I love to watch; now, all you people, mind you, I'm not saying it WASN'T ground-breaking, of course it was. But it doesn't hold up it's ground anymore, and NOT because of the old special effects), and ROTJ was a very cheesy and poorly executed ending to begin with. So, ESB is the SW movie I have the least gripes with (and that one being C-3PO... GOD IS HE ANNOYING IN THAT MOVIE!!!).

    The other big problem with SW is that Lucas was thinking up a lot of things on the go, his views on things changed and... you know, stylistically the SW Saga doesn't hold well together as a whole. It's more like three duologies: ANH and ESB, ROTJ and TPM, AOTC and ROTS.

    Star Wars music is all around awesome, though.
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    Regarding Star Wars. I look at it as a 'Great Story told... not so great'. I mean, if you retell the story of the whole Saga (I mean EpsI to VI) to someone, he'll think 'Holy shit, that sounds awesome!'. But the mileage of that same person's opinion may vary AFTER he sees the movies, and I'm not talking only about the prequels. I'm talking about the originals too - ANH has aged very badly for a movie (it's slow and boring, and I can't say that about a lot of other old movies I love to watch; now, all you people, mind you, I'm not saying it WASN'T ground-breaking, of course it was. But it doesn't hold up it's ground anymore, and NOT because of the old special effects), and ROTJ was a very cheesy and poorly executed ending to begin with. So, ESB is the SW movie I have the least gripes with (and that one being C-3PO... GOD IS HE ANNOYING IN THAT MOVIE!!!).

    The other big problem with SW is that Lucas was thinking up a lot of things on the go, his views on things changed and... you know, stylistically the SW Saga doesn't hold well together as a whole. It's more like three duologies: ANH and ESB, ROTJ and TPM, AOTC and ROTS.

    Star Wars music is all around awesome, though.

  • edited December 2010
    Oh. Almost forgot. Star Wars Expanded Universe. That's a freaking MESS. OF SHIT. You have to dig in it to find some good stuff. Most of it comes in form of games (there are actually lots of good SW games). Some things come out of comics. And there are VERY few jewels among the novels. And cartoons... well, both Clone Wars TV series are pretty good, actually (though Season 3 of the latest CW TV show started pretty sucky, by this time it seems to get better). But those are the only good SW cartoons/TV shows. And at the bottom of all this the Holiday Special. Even Lucas hates Holiday Special, and that's saying something.
  • edited December 2010
    I agree with a lot of what Farlander said. I hear that Lucas is working on a live-action Star Wars TV series. I'm insanely curious as to what that'll be like if it ever gets off the ground.
  • edited December 2010
    I do want to point out that, despite my opinion on Lucas' Star Wars movies or the SW franchise, I greatly respect Lucas. As a creator and a great visionary, AND as a businessman. And you can't deny that it's basically thanks to him we're all here. Without his ability and wish to make money ( :D ) there would be no LucasFilm Games/LucasArts. No LucasArts = No Monkey Island, Full Throttle, and, most importantly, no TellTale Games (and TellTale games wouldn't exist if LucasArts wouldn't have decided to cease making adventure games). No TellTale Games = No the first good Back to the Future game!

    Funny how it all works out.
  • edited December 2010
    Wonder if George Lucas ever played Monkey Island or Sam and Max. I wanna know what he thinks about it.
  • edited December 2010
    Time to go out...Again.
  • edited December 2010
    Just finished my last day of work before my holiday! A whole 10 days off! Hurrah!
  • edited December 2010
    jeeno0142 wrote: »
    Just finished my last day of work before my holiday! A whole 10 days off! Hurrah!

    Congrats, hopes you get fun when you´re free:)
  • edited December 2010
    I realised today that the Left 4 Dead hand is a left hand.

    Am I slow or what?
  • edited December 2010
    I bought Justice Leauge series 1 dvd
  • edited December 2010
    This cold snap is killing my headphones =( It freezes the wire, making it very stiff, which has in turn loosened the connection. Now, if the wire is held at certain angles, the sound in the left earpiece cuts out. Great. I'll have to replace them again, which is a shame, because I love this pair (I've already had two previous identical pairs, each with similair issues). Bah. Now, do i buy a different type, and hope they are equal in comfort/quality, or do I buy the same again?

    @remolay: wait until you realise the hand on the second game is holding up two fingers!
  • edited December 2010
    Friar wrote: »
    @remolay: wait until you realise the hand on the second game is holding up two fingers!


    But seriously, realising that the cover art of a game was a pun really made my day.
  • edited December 2010
    So, I've got redirected from the High Octane Nightmare Fuel / Web Original page to the Nostalgia Chick's Top 10 Disturbing and Inescapable Christmas Songs video, and is it just me, or did she become extremely hot and cute at the same time at 4:31?
This discussion has been closed.