I've been playing it for half an hour, and i've got a slight ache. Although it's not in my head, it's my nose. Probably cause by me sneezing ten minutes ago. Meh. I haven't played any games yet (well I played a quick AR game), as my internet wouldn't connect properly (I had similair issues with the wii/dsi. I had to adjust my channel). Pretty good so far. Although the 3D doesn't seem to work with the AR games that much. Probably because of all the movement.
I've been playing it for half an hour, and i've got a slight ache. Although it's not in my head, it's my nose. Probably cause by me sneezing ten minutes ago. Meh. I haven't played any games yet (well I played a quick AR game), as my internet wouldn't connect properly (I had similair issues with the wii/dsi. I had to adjust my channel). Pretty good so far. Although the 3D doesn't seem to work with the AR games that much. Probably because of all the movement.
Yeah any game that has 3d and motion controls probably wont have decent 3d. A shame really but I guess if you move your head with the 3ds, you can keep the effect, or just turn it off althogether.
Got my 3DS today and am loving it so far... got "LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars" and "Super Street Fighter IV" along with it. Both games look fantastic, although I've noticed some frame-rate drops in LSW once it gets crowded (or full of visual effects)... turning off the 3D helps a lot, but that's hardly an option for me
It's been years ago since I experienced an auto-stereoscopic display, and I must say the 3DS' screen does it really well. The intergrated 3D camera(s) though is crap... the 3D works fine, but the image quality is horrible (especially since it doesn't use the full 640x480 pixels of the camera, so that you can "re-focus" the image while in the photo viewer). Still, putting stereoscopic photos of other cameras (like the Fuji Finepix Real 3D) works fine, showing a much better image quality (though no option for re-focusing the photos while viewing). I can't wait for 3D movie trailers to become available for the device.
I agree that the concept of the AR games is clashing with the "don't move your head"-concept of the screen, but it's still a nice feature which is very well implemented.
I've tried my 3DS games, and I have to say, I'm very impressed. Especially with some parts of Rayman. In the first level, there was a part with a river and platforms/cliffs either side. As I was running along there, lots of pollen started floating around, and butterflies and dragonflies were popping out the screen. It was really quite a wow moment. The actual game itself isn't any different from previous versions though (although they've quietened his fists down, oddly).
DS games are indeed a bit blurry when played on the default setting. However, playing on the native resolution (hold start& select when you boot the game) improves the graphics a lot. Past the DS'. It just becomes a tad small. Personally, I think i'll be able to live with it. I'm one of those people who when they buy a 4:3 DVD, has to stretch it to widescreen. I think this is easily Nintendo's best handheld to date. Even with the meh launch line-up. It's probably the first time a nintendo handheld has had a graphical edge too.
Oh, and the circle pad works a treat with okamiden. The clunky movement control on DS was the biggest let down for me and the analogue solves all that. Visually, yeah its still blurry even compared to the XL. Overall id rather play it on the 3ds so those holding back on okamiden were wise
Been playing with mine for a bit now, and I can honestly say it is amazing. I'm enjoying Pilotwings, (I have to start at the lowest 3D setting, and work my way up, because at full 3D at first just messes with my eyes) but it is worth it when you get to full 3D. Real fun, really worth the wait. Also, something I did with the Kirby card:
I'm might get this in late June early July, as cool as it looks I was never one to buy a new console RIGHT when it came out. I would ussally wait a month or two to see how it plays out, see if there's any major problem with it, and, in most cases, wait for the better games to come out. Which is in June-Julyish. Not saying the games they have now aren't good or anything, just wanting more.
I'm might get this in late June early July, as cool as it looks I was never one to buy a new console RIGHT when it came out. I would ussally wait a month or two to see how it plays out, see if there's any major problem with it, and, in most cases, wait for the better games to come out. Which is in June-Julyish. Not saying the games they have now aren't good or anything, just wanting more.
Launch lineup was weak, there's no beating around the bush like
Oh, and the circle pad works a treat with okamiden. The clunky movement control on DS was the biggest let down for me and the analogue solves all that. Visually, yeah its still blurry even compared to the XL. Overall id rather play it on the 3ds so those holding back on okamiden were wise
Please tell me you weren't one of the ones saying the analog nub on PSP was "useless" when PSP came out, because the circle pad is essentially the same thing.
Looks like there is already a system update for Europe. Probably will be the same for the USA. Great now Ill have to update it and have even less time.
Looks like there is already a system update for Europe. Probably will be the same for the USA. Great now Ill have to update it and have even less time.
Our update just had some headache inducing 3d video of bears and skydiving. I think the US update has an OKGo music video.
To the poster above: i was refering to the controls specifically for okamiden, rather than the DS in general. Maybe it was optimised slightly for 3ds, either way that game is a pain to control on ds. I dono, i actaully quite liked the psp nub.
I hooked up that pic of Reggie with face raiders and it recognised it as a 'Baby Boy'
I never really got a chance to play with a PSP, so I don't personally have an opinion on the control disc, but I believe a couple of 3DS reviewers who had tried both said that the 3DS one feels a bit better. I'm just really excited that it'll work as an alternate d-pad for regular DS games. Super Mario 64 DS will finally be somewhat playable!
I never really got a chance to play with a PSP, so I don't personally have an opinion on the control disc, but I believe a couple of 3DS reviewers who had tried both said that the 3DS one feels a bit better. I'm just really excited that it'll work as an alternate d-pad for regular DS games. Super Mario 64 DS will finally be somewhat playable!
What? I've managed to get almost all of the stars in that one, including about 70% of the 100 coin stars.
I just found all the control options to be uncomfortable after a while. Shame because I thought a lot of the design ideas were really clever, and I was always disappointed that they didn't bring those over for an enhanced Wii port, instead of settling on releasing the original on Virtual Console.
Watched Reggie demoing the thing on Jimmy Fallon tonight. It looks like something that'll be awesome and I'll really want later on, but right now it looks like a cool thing I'm perfectly happy not spending my money on.
Wow, that is scary! Infact, i'm going to scan it into my 3DS to use in Faceraiders. I did a cyberman earlier:
There. I wanted a snap when it said "DEFEAT THE BOSS!" but i was just a smidgeon too late
As promised, have some kudos. Now my 3DS is infected with evil moon Reggie...
So i've been slinking about in Splinter Cell, the 3D IS helpful gameplay wise. It gives you a better sense of depth and area. It's particularly useful for example as I lean against a wall watching a guard come down the corridor getting ready to pounce on the bastid. i really get a good sense of how far away he is etc etc.
Has anyone else had their 3DS crash on them yet? It happened to me three times yesterday. It came up with a black screen telling me an error had occurred, and told me to force-turn off the console. Apparently quite a few people have had similar problems. I'm hoping it's just a firmware issue. Everyone who has had the issue has the latest firmware. Although, pretty much everyone has that firmware anyway...
Has anyone else had their 3DS crash on them yet? It happened to me three times yesterday. It came up with a black screen telling me an error had occurred, and told me to force-turn off the console. Apparently quite a few people have had similar problems. I'm hoping it's just a firmware issue. Everyone who has had the issue has the latest firmware. Although, pretty much everyone has that firmware anyway...
Just got mine and am so far loving it.
The 3d works great but it wont hurt me to turn it off if I must.
The AR works pretty well along with the 3d photos.
The pedometer seems a little off since it says I only have 8 steps and I have walked at least 20 with the thing.
Face Raiders was cool.
I feel massively insulted by my Mii from the photo, but Ill keep it as a reminder it isnt perfect:D
Next up will be the 2 games I got.
Street Fighter and Nintendogs and cats.
Nope, mine's been great. Were you playing a Ubisoft game? Because that's where it seems to be happening.
Nope. Twice in AR games, and once in face raiders. It hasn't happened yet today. Mind you I've mainly been playing Okamiden. Still, if it happens again, and nintendo don't have a fix out by the end of the week, then I'll probably just pick up an extended guarantee. I'm not having a repeat of my DSi fiasco...
Has anyone else had their 3DS crash on them yet? It happened to me three times yesterday. It came up with a black screen telling me an error had occurred, and told me to force-turn off the console. Apparently quite a few people have had similar problems. I'm hoping it's just a firmware issue. Everyone who has had the issue has the latest firmware. Although, pretty much everyone has that firmware anyway...
Actually it's funny you should say that, My DSi would times, not necssarily crash, but just frezze up on me and wouldn't let me do anything but just reset and then it would work fine. It mostly happened t me when i was playing "Rhythm Heaven." I don't know, maybe i flicked to hard or something.
Messing around with the pedometer because I have a Mario Mii on the Wii saved that I would love to transfer over with the mario hat:D
I need to beat the first level to get it. Im sure it takes 2 miis to kill the ghost Maximun so Ill need 400 steps and I am at 263 steps.
Oooh i can go ahead and use the first life.
The pedometre's a clever bit of gear. It encourages you to cart your 3ds about with you, so now Nintendo can say they're encouraging healthiness from the vidya, plus it means the Streetpass features may get a look in
So far though on my treks to and from work I haven't recieved any streetpass data as yet
Yeah any game that has 3d and motion controls probably wont have decent 3d. A shame really but I guess if you move your head with the 3ds, you can keep the effect, or just turn it off althogether.
It's been years ago since I experienced an auto-stereoscopic display, and I must say the 3DS' screen does it really well. The intergrated 3D camera(s) though is crap... the 3D works fine, but the image quality is horrible (especially since it doesn't use the full 640x480 pixels of the camera, so that you can "re-focus" the image while in the photo viewer). Still, putting stereoscopic photos of other cameras (like the Fuji Finepix Real 3D) works fine, showing a much better image quality (though no option for re-focusing the photos while viewing). I can't wait for 3D movie trailers to become available for the device.
I agree that the concept of the AR games is clashing with the "don't move your head"-concept of the screen, but it's still a nice feature which is very well implemented.
DS games are indeed a bit blurry when played on the default setting. However, playing on the native resolution (hold start& select when you boot the game) improves the graphics a lot. Past the DS'. It just becomes a tad small. Personally, I think i'll be able to live with it. I'm one of those people who when they buy a 4:3 DVD, has to stretch it to widescreen. I think this is easily Nintendo's best handheld to date. Even with the meh launch line-up. It's probably the first time a nintendo handheld has had a graphical edge too.
Attachment not found.
Bad Kirby! No doodling on my exam timetable!
Launch lineup was weak, there's no beating around the bush like
Same here. I just chose Street Fighter so I at least have some game.
Please tell me you weren't one of the ones saying the analog nub on PSP was "useless" when PSP came out, because the circle pad is essentially the same thing.
Majority of the reason why I'm waiting out on the, better, stronger 1 publisher games. I can't recall any major flukes with it though...
Our update just had some headache inducing 3d video of bears and skydiving. I think the US update has an OKGo music video.
To the poster above: i was refering to the controls specifically for okamiden, rather than the DS in general. Maybe it was optimised slightly for 3ds, either way that game is a pain to control on ds. I dono, i actaully quite liked the psp nub.
I hooked up that pic of Reggie with face raiders and it recognised it as a 'Baby Boy'
What? I've managed to get almost all of the stars in that one, including about 70% of the 100 coin stars.
Whoops, forgot to upload this. Made it the same day it was asked for. Pretty meh but I couldn't do much without making it look totally stupid.
There. I wanted a snap when it said "DEFEAT THE BOSS!" but i was just a smidgeon too late
As promised, have some kudos. Now my 3DS is infected with evil moon Reggie...
Don't be suprised if this ends up on /v/
Now I'm definitely waiting til after E3!
The 3d works great but it wont hurt me to turn it off if I must.
The AR works pretty well along with the 3d photos.
The pedometer seems a little off since it says I only have 8 steps and I have walked at least 20 with the thing.
Face Raiders was cool.
I feel massively insulted by my Mii from the photo, but Ill keep it as a reminder it isnt perfect:D
Next up will be the 2 games I got.
Street Fighter and Nintendogs and cats.
Seemed pretty close for me. It has to be closed to record steps.
Actually it's funny you should say that, My DSi would times, not necssarily crash, but just frezze up on me and wouldn't let me do anything but just reset and then it would work fine. It mostly happened t me when i was playing "Rhythm Heaven." I don't know, maybe i flicked to hard or something.
I need to beat the first level to get it. Im sure it takes 2 miis to kill the ghost Maximun so Ill need 400 steps and I am at 263 steps.
Oooh i can go ahead and use the first life.
So far though on my treks to and from work I haven't recieved any streetpass data as yet