Nintendo 3DS



  • edited March 2011
    Do you get to create an account of some sort? If you buy things through the store will they be tied to that handheld? What if I want to upgrade to the 3DS Lite/XL/i that will probably follow sometime.
  • edited March 2011
    Origami wrote: »
    Do you get to create an account of some sort? If you buy things through the store will they be tied to that handheld? What if I want to upgrade to the 3DS Lite/XL/i that will probably follow sometime.
    The shop itself isn't going to be available until May, so we can't give you a definite answer. However, previously downloaded games have been tied to the console (DSi/wii). Nintendo have said they are going to be giving us a way to transfer the titles from one console to another, but by the sounds of it you need both to do it (i.e. you can't trade-in your DSi for money off a 3DS, as you won't be able to transfer the games across).

    The games are also linked to a club nintendo account. Although whether this will allow you to redownload games on another console remains to be seen. Currently the only purpose is so nintendo can see what games you've bought, and give you surveys to do for extra reward/star points.
  • edited March 2011
    I still hate Nintendo for letting your stars expire. I didn't get any notification about this. I had saved up 9000 stars and have used 0 of them.
  • edited March 2011
    Thank god they allowed coins to replace miis in the streetpass games.
    Lord knows Id never get through either without it.
  • edited March 2011
    I just found out that they increased the price that they were going to sell it for here and now if I want to buy one here I'd literally have to pay double what you guys would pay.

    F*** that s***
  • edited March 2011
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    I just found out that they increased the price that they were going to sell it for here and now if I want to buy one here I'd literally have to pay double what you guys would pay.

    F*** that s***

    Well darn.
    I will guarantee a spot on my friend list though if that makes you feel better:D
  • edited March 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »

    Uh, my location is right there below Chibiterasu.
  • edited March 2011
    Thailand? (although not completely below)
  • edited March 2011
    ...please tell me that was a joke post.
  • edited March 2011
    One thing I would like to see is what friends have for games. I dont see why that isnt on it.
    All there are is what their fave. game is(which they must own to favorite to say the least) and what they are currently playing.
    Come on Nintendo even if the 3ds has an online experience rivaling a wii, so does a sandwhich. Pick up the pace!
  • edited March 2011
    So now that some of you have had it for a couple of days, can anyone comment on the battery life? Does it feel significantly shorter than with the Lite? Same-ish?
  • edited March 2011
    SunnyGuy wrote: »
    ...please tell me that was a joke post.

    Yeah it was a joke post. I had you though... *WIN*
  • edited March 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    even if the 3ds has an online experience rivaling a wii, so does a sandwhich.

    This... oh my God, that is fantastic.
    Harald B wrote: »
    So now that some of you have had it for a couple of days, can anyone comment on the battery life? Does it feel significantly shorter than with the Lite? Same-ish?

    It definitely is shorter, but I just put it on the dock (which, by the way, is awesome) when I'm not playing it. No problems so far.
  • edited March 2011
    Im always near a charger so Im good:D
    But it is significantly lower than the DS lite that is for sure.
  • edited March 2011
    This should solve everyones battery woes. I'm contemplating getting one. Maybe when the battery life has worn down a bit in 6 months time.
  • edited March 2011
    This is also pretty neat. The 3ds is bulky enough as it is though so I wouldnt use it too often. Im also gonna hold off until the battery is noticebly worse
  • edited March 2011
    Yeah, I saw that. A power bracelet just sounds awesome though.

    Oh yeah, I played the 3DS on the bus today, and the 3D effect was still visible, which is a plus. The downside was that in the menu, every icon was spinning really fast, non-stop. Further experimentation at home has revealed that shaking the 3DS causes them to rotate fast.
  • edited March 2011
    Actually, the main cause is air going into the microphone.
  • edited April 2011
    Here are a few QR codes I have.
    One of my Mii(Note not the mii shown if you are my friend, this one was from my Wii and is better in every way)
    One of Waluigi that I made and
    One of a reminder of why to never use the camera mii app(its of my friend, youll know what I mean when you see it)
  • edited April 2011
    I haven't gotten a game yet. I just can't decide because of the crappy launch titles.
    Which ones do you prefer?

    Oh yeah, here's a picture of me, just for telling me! :D

  • edited April 2011
    Joop wrote: »
    I haven't gotten a game yet. I just can't decide because of the crappy launch titles.
    Which ones do you prefer?

    Oh yeah, here's a picture of me, just for telling me! :D


    I have Splinter Cell 3D, it's not getting great reviews, but that's in comparison tot he other Splinter Cell games which are more 'full' experiences.

    If you want a bit of a meaty single-player sneaking campaign affair i'd go for that. Shadow Warriors or whatever it's called the other Tom Clancy game is supposed to be the black horse sleeper hit of the launch line-up, but I haven't played it so can't vouch for it personally.

    I'll have to see if your mii is as handsome as you are Joop!
  • edited April 2011
    Pilotwings Resort is fantastic. It's shorter, but I think it's worth it.
  • edited April 2011
    Joop wrote: »
    I haven't gotten a game yet. I just can't decide because of the crappy launch titles.
    Which ones do you prefer?

    Oh yeah, here's a picture of me, just for telling me! :D


    Street Fighter is actually very good even if you are a newcomer(like me)
  • edited April 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    I'll have to see if your mii is as handsome as you are Joop!

    Moreso. It has less wrinkles.

    I was out to buy a game today (again.)
    But nothing quite seems to stick...
    Pilot Wings seems like something that should've been included with the package (and not something to spend €50(!) Euro's extra on.
    Rayman is a shameless port of a 12 year old game, that I loved btw, but not enough to pay another €45 on.
    Splinter Cell is a shameless port too, but since I've never given the series a try I was thinking of buying it, only to conlude that I'd rather play it on a television screen.
    Super Monkey Ball seemed the most fun out of the racers but it got lousy reviews and I never really liked the series that much to begin with.
    Street Fighter looks sweet, but I've never had that much with the franchise.
    Hell, the line up just sucks.

    Sure, all other Nintendo handhelds came with a port of a once great mario title, but at least they got a Mario game. There's nothing by Nintendo this time around.
    I guess I should just wait for the cool titles and play Face Raiders once more...
  • edited April 2011
    Well I was tempted to get Ridge Racer to go with Super Street Fighter 4 and Ghost Recon, (which is pretty good so far. Lame story, but gameplay is kind of like Fire Emblem with guns (I'd say advance wars, but the main point of that game was about generating units and gathering resources, whereas this is more about the fighting)).

    But I decided to get Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland and Rhythm Paradise for half the price to tide me over. (£15 as opposed to £30-35.... :/)
    (Plus I have Pokemon White to keep me company as well! :D)
  • edited April 2011
    Freshly Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland

    Heheh, I imported that game years ago. It was weird in the best way.
  • edited April 2011
    Heheh, I imported that game years ago. It was weird in the best way.

    Yeah. I've played it before and loved it!

    I just love how unique it is.
    Your health is also your cash, you have to barter for quite a lot of things, you need to go around and collect stuff and make stuff to get money to progress further.

    But the humour and the graphics have to be the best part for me.
    It reminds me of Katamari Damacy in some ways.
    (Come on Namco! Gives us a 3DS Katamari and I will love you long time! <3)
  • edited April 2011
    Here is a Manny Calvara mii I made out of boredom.
  • edited April 2011
    Been playing mine for the last couple of days. Got Nintendogs and Super Street Fighter IV.

    Nintendogs is great. It really uses the 3D well. Stuff like taking your puppy for walks, throwing the frisby around, and especially for the lure game the sense of depth you get from the 3D actually improves gameplay, albeit it subtly. Plus the puppies look so much cuter in 3D, yes they do, yes they do :D

    They've changed some stuff from the originals: some exciting, like changing the perspective of the walk to behind so you can see down the path; some disappointing, like removing the gym course, though the new lure course is fun it's not as good as the old gym course. All that being said it's still a great experience and one of the highlights of the 3DS's launch.

    I already own SSFIV on 360 but it is a brilliant port. Capcom has done a fantastic job, it doesn't feel paired back or rushed at all plus they take advantage of the many of the 3DS's new features like StreetPass. They give you the whole game plus a little bit extra and the fighting feels really really good.

    The augmented reality games are a fun distraction and great for impressing friends, though Face Raiders is bizarre... but good for a laugh.

    There's not many must have games coming out at least for a couple of months though. Fortunately(?) I'm going to be buried in school work so I'm not going to have much time for more games for a while anyway.
  • edited April 2011
    Woodsyblue wrote: »
    Nintendogs is great. It really uses the 3D well. Stuff like taking your puppy for walks, throwing the frisby around, and especially for the lure game the sense of depth you get from the 3D actually improves gameplay, albeit it subtly. Plus the puppies look so much cuter in 3D, yes they do, yes they do :D
    On the topic of nintendogs.
    The unlockables confuse me.
    Are there any house designs minus the ones preunlocked and the 2 for 1,000? What new toys get unlocked?
    What the hell is the Stardust for?
    Also my dog has no clue how to catch a frisbee. Its sad she just stares at it like it is impossible to catch. Yet she goes nuts for the boomarang and goes straght for it.
  • edited April 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    On the topic of nintendogs.
    The unlockables confuse me.
    Are there any house designs minus the ones preunlocked and the 2 for 1,000? What new toys get unlocked?
    What the hell is the Stardust for?
    Also my dog has no clue how to catch a frisbee. Its sad she just stares at it like it is impossible to catch. Yet she goes nuts for the boomarang and goes straght for it.

    If it like the old one there will be new house designs that you unlock as you go. Plus you can unlock new breeds and items. The way I understand it you unlock things depending on how many trainer points you have. You can unlock a maximum of 200 trainer points per day per animal and it depends on how well the pet is looked after and how much they wuv you.

    My dog's pretty crap the the frisbee too atm. She's pretty good at the park but when I get into a comp she doesn't have a clue. It's just practice practice practice, gotta go to the park a lot and throw it around. Also I think some breeds are better than others. The work dogs like Huskies and Sheepdogs are the most naturally talented at the physical tasks.

    I don't know what stardust is, I'm not that far into the game.

    Hope I've been of some help at least :)

    Edit: Here's my puppy, Tess. I'm uploading this for no other reason than I can!
  • edited April 2011
    Joop wrote: »
    Moreso. It has less wrinkles.

    Tell me about it squire, I have to moisturise these days like a big metrosexual pansy wansy.

    Plus all the noses for the Mii's are abnormal, my point being that i'm drunk and I really like the Splinter Cell game despite it's short comings, so ou should get it. And if you don't like it then get drunk too and you'll have no qualms

    I'm a sucker for games where my boss is a badass black dude, hence my irrational love for MW2
  • edited April 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    Tell me about it squire, I have to moisturise these days like a big metrosexual pansy wansy.

    You like having large underground trains rammed up your ass?
  • edited April 2011
    Well, I wouldn't doubt some people are into that kind of thing.

    On topic: Man, I wish 3DSs weren't so expensive here D:
  • edited April 2011
    You like having large underground trains rammed up your ass?

    Yes, yes I do. Better than the steaming hot penis's you prefer up your pooper, different strokes for different folks and all that

    Also, i've still only watched one episode of Cowboy Bebop,
    But it was quite good, even with a dub and all that, it was still daft as fuck though
  • edited April 2011
    JedExodus wrote: »
    yes, yes i do. Better than the steaming hot penis's you prefer up your pooper, different strokes for different folks and all that

    also, i've still only watched one episode of cowboy bebop,
    but it was quite good, even with a dub and all that, it was still daft as fuck though

    SHUN. That is all.
  • edited April 2011
    SHUN. That is all.

    Here I enjoyed it, but if you refuse to acknowledge that it's daft then I may have to start sending you letterbombs. I mean it's great fun but it's uper stupid from what i've seen so far. Keep in mind i'm admitting I know nowt of the overarching storyline and all that so forgive me if it's the equivalent if animated Sagan
  • edited April 2011
    Hey, I guess that's fair enough. If you still say it's daft after exactly episode five, as that's when the overarching badass backstory rears its ugly head, then I doubt I could ever dispute you. Then again, I fail to see what's daft about it.
  • edited April 2011
    What? Cowboy Bebop is one of the best dubs around.
  • edited April 2011
    DAISHI wrote: »
    What? Cowboy Bebop is one of the best dubs around.

    Here now, I gave the dub cred not a lock of posts ago. Let's not twist words. But we all know as was my point that dubs are usually a big bag of shite, Bebop is very very good

    Also Fawful, I will report back in 2028 when I get that far in the series. Or just wait for me to have to take a few days off work on the sick. I still have a boxset full if the Coen's pretentious horseshit I have to watch
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