I still have my doubts about getting it.
From the new screenshots you can obviously see that they took the original environments and touched them up a little bit, for some things it's obvious that they still use the same N64 models. Lord Jabu Jabu for instance and Ganondorfs horse.
Plus I still saw the same 2D sprites for some objects like the chains on the drawbridge, the bridgeropes in Kokiri Forest and Jabu Jabu's teeth.
Put this to the fact that it's developed by a third party and this is starting to look more and more like a minimal effort...
I just think it's so cheap to keep re-releasing these games on new platforms.
True, it gets a little bit more attention then Rayman 3D and Splinter Cell 3D, but it's still almost a port, especially now that I see that they reuse the same environments from 13 years ago.
A new console should go paired with at least a few new games, preferably a NEW super mario or Zelda title. The Nes, Gameboy, Snes and N64 all had these, where did they go.
This would be a bigger deal if they treated Ocarina of Time like Capcom did with Resident Evil for the Gamecube, build it again from scratch. This just reeks like a cheap port with some updated models by a third party company.
And the worst part is that I'm probably still gonna get it...
I've only owned the one on N64 but I hear what you're saying, I suppose that I would be more pessimistic about it if I had gotten an earlier rerelease. That's sort of how i feel about crono trigger.
I'm getting it still, simply for the fact it's OoT. On a handheld. Plus, its got masterquest in it, which is great. Yes I already own two versions of it on Gamecube (one free, the other bought), but I don't really like the GC versions. They have loadscreens! In the N64 version it was very quick to save when you exit the pause screen. On the GC versions, attempting to do so turned the screen black with a loading screen message for 5 seconds or so. It's not much, but it got annoying. Hopefully that issue won't be present this time.
Also, what's with the trend of letting us lowly europeans have games first for a change? It's scaring me now!
Jabu-Jabu isn't the same model. Similair, but still different.
Not as different as it could/should be, but it's better than nothing. The environment looks fantastic though.
Jabu-Jabu isn't the same model. Similair, but still different.
Not as different as it could/should be, but it's better than nothing. The environment looks fantastic though.
Looks friggin fantastic to me. I don't want N64 games to be "ultra-updated". I love their low polygons. They have an insane amount of charm. It says a lot that OOT can still hold up even after all this time with N64 graphics.
Besides, Ganondorf still looks badass and horrifyingly evil, and that's all that matters.
If you wanted to make a point about Ganondorf being badass you should've posted the pic of him and his horse going through the flames.
There, now your argument is complete.
Honestly, it's freaking portable OoT, even if had absolutely no updates I'd still want it badly just for that alone, everything else is an awesome bonus (specially Master Quest since I never got the collection >__>)
Well that's how I first thought when the ports started coming! Portable Super Mario Bros, awesome! Portable Donkey Kong Country, amazing!
But now that I'm old and bitter I can just see them milking every little penny with a minimal amount of effort...
Well that's how I first thought when the ports started coming! Portable Super Mario Bros, awesome! Portable Donkey Kong Country, amazing!
But now that I'm old and bitter I can just see them milking every little penny with a minimal amount of effort...
I can certainly sympathise with that point of view, but for me at least, playing remakes of great games on portables seems to refresh the experience enough for me. I loved SM64 DS, despite playing it to death(especially the earlier levels) on the N64. They added enough extra content to make me want to play it all over again. I'm confident the small tweaks they've apparently made, and the extras they've added to Zelda will make it worth my while. If not, well I don't have any 3DS games that I really want after that until starfox comes down in price (heck no am I paying £35 for a 2 hour game!), or until paper mario.
Star Fox 64 is just one of those games you can play again and again!
(Plus multiplayer! )
Its short, but there are many paths, and it should be great for a portable.
(I can easily see me playing it all the time)
Now one thing that isn't on the 3DS that is annoying me is a lack of Elite Beat Agents.
Sure we have it on DS, and we have the two Ouendan games, BUT!
Imagine how the game could be improved on the 3DS!
(I'm thinking a downloadable verison from the store, and DLC packs introduced regularily. Come on you know you would get it! >: D)
Re: Starfox
It better have some god damn online multiplayer >=(
I wouldn't just get it, I'd play it until my eyes bled and my hands broke from all the playing triying to get S ranks with the divas.
I'd love to have a new EBA. The first was fantastic. So fantastic in fact, that I ended up breaking my touchscreen on my DS lite playing it. Actually, that was in Ouendan 2. Meh. Darn you final song!
Star Fox 64 is just one of those games you can play again and again!
(Plus multiplayer! )
Its short, but there are many paths, and it should be great for a portable.
(I can easily see me playing it all the time)
Now one thing that isn't on the 3DS that is annoying me is a lack of Elite Beat Agents.
Sure we have it on DS, and we have the two Ouendan games, BUT!
Imagine how the game could be improved on the 3DS!
(I'm thinking a downloadable verison from the store, and DLC packs introduced regularily. Come on you know you would get it! >: D)
The game just doesn't have much nostalgia valur for me. I played it for the first time about two years ago, and completed it the same day. I didn't really see what all the fuss was about. Sure, the arwing levels were pretty awesome, but I hated the vehicle sections. They seemed too slow. And the game was too short. The alternate paths added a bit of longevity to it, but in the end, it just doesn't seem worth it to me. Plus they've replaced the original voice actors in it, which sucks. I've grown used to them, thanks to the internet!
Now, if they include the original starwing (that's starfox to all non-european/aussie people. Apparently there already was already an atari game called star fox in those regions.)
The game looks great on the 3DS. I'll give it that. They really fixed up the enviroment and everything does look brighter. But it still not enough for me to buy the 3DS just yet. After all, I can still play Zelda on the N64 since it still works. Hell, it would be cheaper to buy it for the Wii.
I heard that Nintendo might be anouncing a new console soon though on ign.com. Maybe I'll wait for that and the sure to be HD port of Zelda:OOT on that system. lol At least that way it'll be more like the Resident Evil remake for the gamecube. Now that was a true remake. I hope Zelda:OOT gets a remake like that.
I've heard that the games music won't be touched at all, which is disappointing to say the least. Given the fact that the rest of the game is all shiny and improved, having the same music will be a let down. It's great and all, but feels a little dated and 2D. There's some great fan renditions of the original tunes re-orchestrated, which is what I feel they should do/should've done for the 3DS version.
Also, I wouldn't hold your breath for a wii HD version. It's supposed to be one of the major 3DS games, so they aren't likely to want to release it again, and potentially undermine sales. That isn't to say they won't do a Majora's mask, skyward sword or windwaker remake. Although the only way I'd re-buy Majora's mask or windwaker would be if they were portable as well as improved (windwaker could have its missing dungeon re-added, for example)
You guys may not be very impressed with OoT:3D from the screen shots but the reviewers are loving it.
It's not that I'm not impressed. it looks good and the 3D is a cool feature to have but I just don't get the decision to take what many consider to be the greatest game ever made and remake it for... a handheld?
It's going to help the 3DS fly off the shelf, that's for sure. But I'll wait for a true console remake of the game.
Ive been checking up on that Resedent evil Mercanarys game, and I must say that looks quite impressive for a handheld. I HAVE to get that game solely for the purpose of how well it shows of the 3ds graphics, and who knows, maybe Ill get into a new series.
Still good news though. My cartrdige had a broken save function, so I never got passed the first couple of dungeons. Everytime I turned the power off, I would lose all my saved data.
The person who posted that seems to be a little bit confused. The source article that they link to is more in line with what I'd heard previously: There will be a Virtual Console on the 3DS store with Game Boy games on it, and there will also be the "3D Classics" store that will have 3D-ified versions of retro games, and those two services will be pretty separate. It sounds like Link's Awakening is going to the Virtual Console, which means no 3D mode for that game. Tough to picture how 3D effects would work in that sort of game anyway, since if you popped Link away from the background it would just look like he's floating.
Still cool to know that LA is confirmed for rerelease anyway. I hope they bring the Oracle games as well, and maybe streamline the process of linking them together.
Wouldn't putting a 3D function on an original gameboy game mean that they'd have to rebuild the whole game from scratch?
I don't know. It depends on how decent they'd want the 3D effect to be. You can get software which upscales into 3D. My blu-ray player software on my laptop does it, but I don't actually have the equipment to view that 3D.
They've really coloured it up! That bottom picture was taken from an emulator, right? The background looks really fuzzy!
Probably, I just pulled it from google. The character models are pretty clear though, and I don't think the backgrounds looked that much better on the console version anyway.
From the new screenshots you can obviously see that they took the original environments and touched them up a little bit, for some things it's obvious that they still use the same N64 models. Lord Jabu Jabu for instance and Ganondorfs horse.
Plus I still saw the same 2D sprites for some objects like the chains on the drawbridge, the bridgeropes in Kokiri Forest and Jabu Jabu's teeth.
Put this to the fact that it's developed by a third party and this is starting to look more and more like a minimal effort...
True, it gets a little bit more attention then Rayman 3D and Splinter Cell 3D, but it's still almost a port, especially now that I see that they reuse the same environments from 13 years ago.
A new console should go paired with at least a few new games, preferably a NEW super mario or Zelda title. The Nes, Gameboy, Snes and N64 all had these, where did they go.
This would be a bigger deal if they treated Ocarina of Time like Capcom did with Resident Evil for the Gamecube, build it again from scratch. This just reeks like a cheap port with some updated models by a third party company.
And the worst part is that I'm probably still gonna get it...
Also, what's with the trend of letting us lowly europeans have games first for a change? It's scaring me now!
Jabu-Jabu isn't the same model. Similair, but still different.
Not as different as it could/should be, but it's better than nothing. The environment looks fantastic though.
Looks friggin fantastic to me. I don't want N64 games to be "ultra-updated". I love their low polygons. They have an insane amount of charm. It says a lot that OOT can still hold up even after all this time with N64 graphics.
Besides, Ganondorf still looks badass and horrifyingly evil, and that's all that matters.
There, now your argument is complete.
Honestly, it's freaking portable OoT, even if had absolutely no updates I'd still want it badly just for that alone, everything else is an awesome bonus (specially Master Quest since I never got the collection >__>)
But now that I'm old and bitter I can just see them milking every little penny with a minimal amount of effort...
Well, that's the problem =P
Anyways, comparisons
I can certainly sympathise with that point of view, but for me at least, playing remakes of great games on portables seems to refresh the experience enough for me. I loved SM64 DS, despite playing it to death(especially the earlier levels) on the N64. They added enough extra content to make me want to play it all over again. I'm confident the small tweaks they've apparently made, and the extras they've added to Zelda will make it worth my while. If not, well I don't have any 3DS games that I really want after that until starfox comes down in price (heck no am I paying £35 for a 2 hour game!), or until paper mario.
(Plus multiplayer!
Its short, but there are many paths, and it should be great for a portable.
(I can easily see me playing it all the time)
Now one thing that isn't on the 3DS that is annoying me is a lack of Elite Beat Agents.
Sure we have it on DS, and we have the two Ouendan games, BUT!
Imagine how the game could be improved on the 3DS!
(I'm thinking a downloadable verison from the store, and DLC packs introduced regularily. Come on you know you would get it! >: D)
It better have some god damn online multiplayer >=(
I wouldn't just get it, I'd play it until my eyes bled and my hands broke from all the playing triying to get S ranks with the divas.
I'd love to have a new EBA. The first was fantastic. So fantastic in fact, that I ended up breaking my touchscreen on my DS lite playing it. Actually, that was in Ouendan 2. Meh. Darn you final song!
Now, if they include the original starwing (that's starfox to all non-european/aussie people. Apparently there already was already an atari game called star fox in those regions.)
I heard that Nintendo might be anouncing a new console soon though on ign.com. Maybe I'll wait for that and the sure to be HD port of Zelda:OOT on that system. lol At least that way it'll be more like the Resident Evil remake for the gamecube. Now that was a true remake. I hope Zelda:OOT gets a remake like that.
I couldn't agree more.
Also, I wouldn't hold your breath for a wii HD version. It's supposed to be one of the major 3DS games, so they aren't likely to want to release it again, and potentially undermine sales. That isn't to say they won't do a Majora's mask, skyward sword or windwaker remake. Although the only way I'd re-buy Majora's mask or windwaker would be if they were portable as well as improved (windwaker could have its missing dungeon re-added, for example)
Don't forget the remake of Metal Gear Solid on Gamecube.
It's not that I'm not impressed. it looks good and the 3D is a cool feature to have but I just don't get the decision to take what many consider to be the greatest game ever made and remake it for... a handheld?
It's going to help the 3DS fly off the shelf, that's for sure. But I'll wait for a true console remake of the game.
Still good news though. My cartrdige had a broken save function, so I never got passed the first couple of dungeons. Everytime I turned the power off, I would lose all my saved data.
The person who posted that seems to be a little bit confused. The source article that they link to is more in line with what I'd heard previously: There will be a Virtual Console on the 3DS store with Game Boy games on it, and there will also be the "3D Classics" store that will have 3D-ified versions of retro games, and those two services will be pretty separate. It sounds like Link's Awakening is going to the Virtual Console, which means no 3D mode for that game. Tough to picture how 3D effects would work in that sort of game anyway, since if you popped Link away from the background it would just look like he's floating.
Still cool to know that LA is confirmed for rerelease anyway. I hope they bring the Oracle games as well, and maybe streamline the process of linking them together.
You don't need an article to confirm that. They actually show us in the 3DS's instruction manual.
I don't know. It depends on how decent they'd want the 3D effect to be. You can get software which upscales into 3D. My blu-ray player software on my laptop does it, but I don't actually have the equipment to view that 3D.
They work with different layers anyway.
Wow, Castletown looks nice. Now, will the camera be free?
They've really coloured it up! That bottom picture was taken from an emulator, right? The background looks really fuzzy!
Probably, I just pulled it from google. The character models are pretty clear though, and I don't think the backgrounds looked that much better on the console version anyway.