The First Great Sam & Max Race of 2010

edited November 2010 in Sam & Max
Well, with Episode 4 coming out on Tuesday and the Monkey Island race coming to a close, this thread is way overdue. Most of this post was adapted from the rules for the ongoing Monkey Island race, so please let me know if there's any errors.

I'd like to point out that this race is Icedhope's, I'm just running it for him. I can still make some decisions on the rules, but final decisions are up to him and he can overrule anything I say if he wants.

Dates and Times

The race will take place from September 13th through the 26th. Participants will set their own race times and race on their own schedule during the two weeks. Approximate race times will be submitted to me so I can try and draw up a viewing schedule, as well as to make it easier for me to keep track of what times to document. Any participants who have a problem with these dates can be accommodated.

Broadcasting and Documenting

Documentation in the form of a post in this thread at the start and end of each episode is required. This is how I will record times and determine winners. If you wish (and if you'd like to make my life easier and have a more accurate time), you may time yourself and submit times along with your "finished" posts.

To clarify: If you do not post in this thread at the start and finish of each game, I cannot record your times.

In the past, a few of us broadcasted our races on Livestream, and it was a lot of fun, both for us and the people watching. However, this can cause sluggish performance in some games and can be difficult to make work with others, so if you prefer you can also provide updates on your progress over Twitter, post in this thread, or even come to one of the Livestreams and chat with everyone. What's fun about this is the added community element. If you choose to document, please provide a link to where you will be documenting and an estimated time (and time zone) that you will begin playing each game so I can add where and when to watch next to your name on the entrants list.

If anyone's interested in using Livestream and needs help, feel free to ask. Several of us have experience with it from the last two races and will be happy to help.


If anyone has any ideas on how to improve these rules, let me know.

It is required that you play all sixteen episodes in the Telltale series in order. Sequence breaking is not allowed. You must play Culture Shock, Situation: Comedy, The Mole, The Mob, and The Meatball, Abe Lincoln Must Die!, Reality 2.0, Bright Side of the Moon, Ice Station Santa, Moai Better Blues, Night of the Raving Dead, Chariots of the Dogs, What's New Beelzebub?, The Penal Zone, The Tomb of Sammun-Mak, They Stole Max's Brain!, Beyond the Alley of the Dolls, and The City That Dares Not Sleep in that order (whew!).

Hit the Road is sort of a bonus. Due to its limited availability, participants only have to play if they have access to it and want to. It will not be factored into the final race time, but times on Hit the Road will be posted and compared separately. Hit the Road is to be played at default dialogue speed.

Hint settings are to be left on low.

Skipping dialogue is not allowed. Bypassing optional dialogue is allowed, but once a dialogue option is picked, you must let it play out uninterrupted. There is an exception for accidentally picking an identical dialogue section a second time.

The credits count as a cutscene. You're finished with a game when you return to the menu.

Saving the game during the race is allowed, and may be a good idea in case of a game crash. Loading saves made during the race is fine (but other than a crash, why would you want to?). If your game crashes and you haven't saved, er...I really have no idea what happens then.

The use of saves made outside the race is only allowed if the saves strictly take you to a previous point in the game. That is, you may not gain any new inventory or bypass any puzzles, even if you also lose inventory and puzzles become unsolved. If the save has the exact same inventory and solved puzzles or fewer, you may use it.

Since we're splitting the race apart, the winner will be determined by time. Time will be determined by forum posts made at the start and finish of each game.

Each player is allowed four do-overs. If you don't like one of your times, you may elect to try that game again. You may only redo each game once. Note that this only applies to completed runs. If you play a game over and do worse, your best time will be kept.


Probably not going to happen.

Participants and Broadcast Info

IcedHope -

The Highway -

tabstis -




doodinthemood -


TomPravetz -

Nintomster -


The Gentleman


hamza721 -



tbm1986 -

caeska -


1. caeska - 15:02
2. Nintomster - 15:37 (+0:35)
3. joseppey - 16:05 (+1:03)
4. SlasherMan - 17:00 (+1:58)
5. Icedhope - 17:43 (+2:41)
6. StrongBrush1 - 17:56 (+2:54)
7. tbm1986 - 18:53 (+3:51)
8. RingmasterJ5 - 26:29 (+11:27)

The Highway
The Gentleman


Culture Shock: 0:52
Situation: Comedy: 0:38
The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball: 0:46
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 1:07
Reality 2.0: 0:57
Bright Side of the Moon: 0:52
Ice Station Santa: 0:58
Moai Better Blues: 1:02
Night of the Raving Dead: 0:49
Chariots of the Dogs: 1:05
What's New, Beelzebub?: 0:57
The Penal Zone: 1:45
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 1:32
They Stole Max's Brain!: 1:26
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 1:35
The City that Dares Not Sleep: 1:22
Sam & Max Save the World: 5:12
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: 1:32
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: 7:40
Total: 17:43

Culture Shock: 0:51
Situation: Comedy: 0:51
The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball: 0:48
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 0:59
Reality 2.0: 1:01
Bright Side of the Moon: 0:59
Ice Station Santa: 1:10
Moai Better Blues: 1:01
Night of the Raving Dead: 1:15
Chariots of the Dogs: 0:59
What's New, Beelzebub?: 1:10
The Penal Zone: 1:27
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 1:31
They Stole Max's Brain!: 1:16
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 1:15
The City that Dares Not Sleep: 1:23
Sam & Max Save the World: 5:29
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: 5:35
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: 6:52
Total: 17:56

Culture Shock: 0:54
Situation: Comedy: 0:53
The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball: 0:59
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 1:45
Reality 2.0: 1:23
Bright Side of the Moon: 1:20
Ice Station Santa: 2:01
Moai Better Blues: 1:55
Sam & Max Save the World: 7:14

Culture Shock: 0:49
Situation: Comedy: 0:46
The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball: 0:43
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 0:53
Reality 2.0: 0:48
Bright Side of the Moon: 0:52
Ice Station Santa: 1:03
Moai Better Blues: 0:48
Night of the Raving Dead: 1:08
Chariots of the Dogs: 0:49
What's New, Beelzebub?: 1:01
The Penal Zone: 1:18
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 1:18
They Stole Max's Brain!: 1:16
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 1:16
The City that Dares Not Sleep: 1:17
Sam & Max Save the World: 4:51
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: 4:49
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: 6:25
Total: 16:05

Culture Shock: 0:44
Situation: Comedy: 0:44
The Mole, The Mob, and The Meatball: 0:41
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 0:51
Reality 2.0: 0:52
Bright Side of the Moon: 0:51
Ice Station Santa: 1:00
Moai Better Blues: 0:45
Night of the Raving Dead: 1:08
Chariots of the Dogs: 0:50
What's New, Beelzebub?: 0:58
The Penal Zone: 1:13
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 1:30
They Stole Max's Brain!: 1:10
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 1:06
The City that Dares Not Sleep: 1:14
Sam & Max Save the World: 4:43
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: 4:41
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: 6:13
Total: 15:37

Culture Shock: 0:50
Situation: Comedy: 0:43
The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball: 0:41
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 0:57
Reality 2.0: 0:47
Bright Side of the Moon: 0:58
Ice Station Santa: 0:59
Moai Better Blues: 0:42
Night of the Raving Dead: 1:04
Chariots of the Dogs: 1:00
What's New, Beelzebub?: 1:22
The Penal Zone: 1:20
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 1:25
They Stole Max's Brain!: 1:33
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 1:20
The City that Dares Not Sleep: 1:19
Sam & Max Save the World: 4:56
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: 5:07
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: 6:57
Total: 17:00

Culture Shock: 1:16
Situation: Comedy: 1:09
The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball: 0:57
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 1:16
Reality 2.0: 1:35
Bright Side of the Moon: 1:11
Ice Station Santa: 1:23
Moai Better Blues: 1:41 1:34
Night of the Raving Dead: 2:20 1:50
Chariots of the Dogs: 1:53
What's New, Beelzebub?: 2:19
The Penal Zone: 2:48 1:45
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 2:45
They Stole Max's Brain!: 2:09
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 2:12
The City that Dares Not Sleep: 2:29 1:15
Sam & Max Save the World: 7:24
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: 8:59
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: 10:06
Total: 26:29

Culture Shock: 0:58
Situation: Comedy: 0:52
The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball: 0:50
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 1:06
Reality 2.0: 1:05
Bright Side of the Moon: 1:01
Ice Station Santa: 1:31 1:05
Moai Better Blues: 1:04
Night of the Raving Dead: 1:31
Chariots of the Dogs: 1:11
What's New, Beelzebub?: 1:26
The Penal Zone: 2:05 1:25
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 1:27
They Stole Max's Brain!: 1:21
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 1:39 1:13
The City that Dares Not Sleep: 1:37 1:18
Sam & Max Save the World: 5:52
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: 6:17
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: 6:44
Total: 18:53

Culture Shock: 0:45
Situation: Comedy: 0:44
The Mole, the Mob, and the Meatball: 0:41
Abe Lincoln Must Die!: 0:50
Reality 2.0: 0:47
Bright Side of the Moon: 0:51
Ice Station Santa: 0:58
Moai Better Blues: 0:44
Night of the Raving Dead: 1:00
Chariots of the Dogs: 0:46
What's New, Beelzebub?: 0:58
The Penal Zone: 1:14
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak: 1:14
They Stole Max's Brain!: 1:12
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls: 1:06
The City that Dares Not Sleep: 1:12
Sam & Max Save the World: 4:38
Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space: 4:26
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse: 5:58
Total: 15:02


Surfin' the Highway (Fastest time on Hit the Road): NOBODY!
Culture Cultist (Fastest Time on Culture Shock): Nintomster - 0:44
Situation Under Control (Fastest Time on Situation: Comedy): Icedhope - 0:38
Stick It To the Mob (Fastest Time on The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball): Nintomster, SlasherMan, and caeska - 0:41
Expedient Election (Fastest time on Abe Lincoln Must Die): caeska - 0:50
A Grip on Reality (Fastest Time on Reality 2.0): SlasherMan and caeska - 0:47
Always Look on the Bright Side (Fastest Time on Bright Side of the Moon): Nintomster and caeska - 0:51
Merry Exorcist-mas (Fastest Time on Ice Station Santa): Icedhope and caeska - 0:58
Welcome to Paradise (Fastest Time on Moai Better Blues): Slasherman - 0:42
Zoom Zoom Zombie (Fastest Time on Night of the Raving Dead): Icedhope - 0:49
Chariots of Fire (Fastest Time on Chariots of the Dogs): caeska - 0:46
The Speed Devil (Fastest time on What's New, Beelzebub?): Icedhope - 0:57
One Swift Stroke (Fastest time on The Penal Zone): Nintomster - 1:13
Tomb Raider (Fastest time on The Tomb of Sammun-Mak): caeska - 1:14
They Beat Max's Time! (Fastest Time on They Stole Max's Brain): Nintomster - 1:10
Put your Toys Away (Fastest Time on Beyond the Alley of the Dolls): Nintomster and caeska - 1:06
Max Destruction (Fastest Time on The City That Dares Not Sleep): caeska - 1:12
World Savior (Fastest Time on Save the World): caeska - 4:38
4th Dimension Traveler (Fastest Time on Beyond Time and Space): caeska - 4:26
Speak of the Devil (Fastest Time on The Devil's Playhouse): caeska - 5:58
Speedy Sam (Fastest Total Time): caeska - 15:02
Don't Say "Achievement", Sam (Most Annoying Number of Achievements): caeska - 13
First to the Finish (First Person to Finish the Race): StrongBrush1
You Crack Me Up, Little Buddy (Closest Competitors): Icedhope and StrongBrush1 (0:13 difference)
Bosco's Playhouse (Most Absent): The Highway, tabstis, Neelo, evilguy12, TomPravetz, The Gentleman, mightypiratetm, hamza721, Spamking

After the Race

It looks like everyone really enjoyed the idea of doing fun runs of each game after the Monkey Island race, so we're bringing the idea over here. Between now and the end of the race, everyone can sign up for one two episodes to play through for fun after the race. This is an audience participation sort of thing, so being able to broadcast on Livestream, Ustream, or a similar site is a must. Once we start getting closer to the end of the race, if all the slots aren't filled, I'll be opening it up for people to sign up for a second third episode. Note that this is open to anyone who can broadcast on Livestream, not just race participants.

Hit the Road - Blooglspash
Culture Shock - Icedhope
Situation: Comedy - WayneBrady
The Mole, The Mob, and The Meatball - StLouisRibs
Abe Lincoln Must Die! - StLouisRibs
Reality 2.0 - tabstis
Bright Side of the Moon - lombre
Ice Station Santa - GuruGuru214
Moai Better Blues - harald
Night of the Raving Dead - caeska
Chariots of the Dogs - StrongBrush1
What's New, Beelzebub? - RingmasterJ5
The Penal Zone - Nintomster
The Tomb of Sammun-Mak - shoeshine624
They Stole Max's Brain! - Icedhope
Beyond the Alley of the Dolls - The Highway
The City That Dares Not Sleep - GuruGuru214


  • edited July 2010
    I'm DEFINITELY in! No way am I missing this!
    Unlike the Monkey Island Race...

    I'll use my same channel on livestream as I was GOING to use for the mi race... Mind you, a lot of the time I'll be playing from in my room, late at night, where the internet and my parents do not reach. so i might only stream some of the time, and then walk 5 metres to my bed where the wifi signal reaches to post my time.
  • edited July 2010
    I have seasons 1-3 but not Hit the Road. Does that mean I can't join?:confused:
    Oh, can you play it on XBLA?
  • edited July 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    I have seasons 1-3 but not Hit the Road. Does that mean I can't join?:confused:
    Oh, can you play it on XBLA?

    You can probably play along but without hit the road i dont think your score will count, unless a seperate contest for people without hit the road is made.

    yes, in the mi race some people are playing the wii version
  • edited July 2010
    Right then, thanks!
  • edited July 2010
    Nintomster wrote: »
    Right then, thanks!

    If you don't have it then no biggie as long as you have 1-3 then your good.

    It will be sort of a bonus thing.
  • edited July 2010
    Updated the rules.
  • edited July 2010
    Well then I think I might skip Hit the Road because I never really enjoyed it all that much (compared to the telltale games: its still good, but not AS good...)

    i might play it at the very end if there's still time left though...
  • edited July 2010
    I might join this now I don't need to play hit the road...
  • edited July 2010
    I'll join the race - not gonna play Hit the Road though...
  • edited July 2010
    I'm in! I hope nothing comes up this time to prevent me from participating, like in the MI race. I'll play all the games, including Hit the Road.
  • edited July 2010
    You'd best start adding people to the original post, guru! or you'll have a backlog to sort through!
  • edited July 2010
    I have to admit this sounds interesting. Do you need any special programs to record it like Fraps? Or does the livejournal site do anything? I've never actually used it before.
  • edited July 2010
    Hmmm... Aw, what the hay. Count me in!
  • edited July 2010
    Count me in as well man! I wanted to do Monkey Island but hated Escape so much I didn't feel like it. I do have HIT THE ROAD. So I may play it, especially since I haven't done so in quite a while.
  • edited July 2010
    Count me in!
    (I'll be playing Hit The Road too)
  • edited July 2010
    I may do it, depends on the times. I don't have hit the road.
  • edited July 2010
    Hmm this is pretty cool, I might join. I have hit the road but i don't think i'll play it either
  • edited July 2010
    I'm playing through every episode in order at the moment anyway which will be handy in the race. Just starting Reality 2.0 - hopefully, I'll have finished them all in preparation for The City that Dares Not Sleep.
  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    I'm playing through every episode in order at the moment anyway which will be handy in the race. Just starting Reality 2.0 - hopefully, I'll have finished them all in preparation for The City that Dares Not Sleep.

    Damndest thing, I'm doing that too! XD
  • edited July 2010
    SlasherMan wrote: »
    Damndest thing, I'm doing that too! XD

    How far have you got?
  • edited July 2010
    Right now finishing Reality 2.0
  • edited July 2010
    SlasherMan wrote: »
    Right now finishing Reality 2.0

    Hey, I'll finish Reality by tomorrow morning and we can have a mini-race if you want? First person to reach Beyond the Alley of the Dolls wins :D
  • edited July 2010
    Actually, now that I think about it, I may not be able to. I can, but I will won't finish them all quickly. I have school in August/September. Oh, well, it is Sam & Max, so it will be still be fun!

    By the way, will we be able to enjoy The City That Dares Not Sleep first? I would like to take my time with it to enjoy it, then start the race. Even if I may not have a good time.
  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    Hey, I'll finish Reality by tomorrow morning and we can have a mini-race if you want? First person to reach Beyond the Alley of the Dolls wins :D

    I like that! Let's do it >:D
  • edited July 2010
    SlasherMan wrote: »
    I like that! Let's do it >:D

    Just finished Reality. Will start Bright Side of the Moon tomoro morning.
  • edited July 2010
    Count me in as a viewer (I erm....currently lack a season or two.) I did it with MI, so with SnM it should be ten times more hysterical. :)
  • edited July 2010
    Zonino wrote: »
    I have to admit this sounds interesting. Do you need any special programs to record it like Fraps? Or does the livejournal site do anything? I've never actually used it before.

    We chose Livestream over Ustream or because they have this program called Procaster that handles all the screen capture and streaming and is very easy to use.
    Nintomster wrote: »
    By the way, will we be able to enjoy The City That Dares Not Sleep first? I would like to take my time with it to enjoy it, then start the race. Even if I may not have a good time.

    Oh, absolutely. I wouldn't want anyone's first time playing to be during a race.
  • edited July 2010
    I will join! No Hit the road for me though. I also probably won't have a livestream though.
  • edited July 2010
    I need to check my calendar to see if I have school during the race, otherwise my only playing times will be between 10PM and 2AM...

    Broadcast Page:
  • edited July 2010
    im testing out the streaming now. anyone who wants to tell me if it works well or not is welcome.
  • edited July 2010
    Why are hints allowed to be turned on low, shouldnt they be turned off?
    or can't they be turned off completely?
  • edited July 2010
    what do hints even do? cryptic messages? i never understand them!
  • edited July 2010
    XD I would race, but I don't have Hit the Road... XD
  • edited July 2010
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    XD I would race, but I don't have Hit the Road... XD

    havent you seen? the race is just telltale, with hit the road as optional
  • edited July 2010
    havent you seen? the race is just telltale, with hit the road as optional

    I didn't read the rules... XD Sure Guru. If what he says is true, sign me up!
  • edited July 2010
    I just wanna ask a question before I say sign me up. Do we HAVE to record our playthroughs and broadcast them? Because I don't think I'll be able to. But I have a timer on my watch that I can keep track of times with, if that's acceptable. And if we do choose to play Hit The Road, too, does that have to go first, or can it go after all the Telltale games?
  • edited July 2010
    Add me to this please. I'll have fun! I post on this forum the times I start and finish.
  • edited July 2010
    Alright, sign me in! I'm doing it. Thought of it for a while and yes i'll do it
  • edited July 2010
    Alright, count me in. Sounds like fun.
  • edited July 2010
    I only have Abe Lincoln must Die!, so I won't join in, but I'll watch.
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