The First Great Sam & Max Race of 2010



  • edited September 2010
    I got such terrible feedback for noise that I used a dummy sound device so that it would appear mute in the recording (so that I could hear everything right and you guys could just read the subtitles in audible comfort). Once again, the game crashed very close to the end. I think it's because of my randomly inconvenient, does-no-good-ever memory defragger.

    My time for 104: 1h06m
  • edited September 2010
    Finished The Series!
    I don't know all my times, but a little math wouldn't hurt anybody. I think I'm the first to finish.
  • edited September 2010
    you won a award
    first finished:strongbrush1
  • edited September 2010
    seibert999 wrote: »
    you win a award
    first finished:strongbrush1

  • edited September 2010
    I did stream the episodes, though it looks like only most of 302 and 304 were saved. Oh dear...
  • edited September 2010
    Okay, we're all up to date.
  • edited September 2010
    I'm gonna be starting Culture Shock now

    Edit: Done with 101. Time: 45m 19s
  • edited September 2010
    I'm really not counting seconds here, guys. But hey, if you like posting seconds, go right ahead.
  • edited September 2010
    Starting Situation: Comedy in a few moments.

    Come see my stream :)
    I'm really not counting seconds here, guys. But hey, if you like posting seconds, go right ahead.

    But what if someone beats someone's season time by a fraction of a second? We need to use accurate units of measurements don't we?

    Also 102 done in 44 minutes + a couple seconds if we're still counting those.
  • edited September 2010
    Streaming 103 now

    Done. Time: 41 minutes
  • edited September 2010
    The City That Dares Not Sleep in a hour or so if you want to watch...
  • edited September 2010
    Streaming 104 in a few minutes.

    Done, 50 minutes.
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    But what if someone beats someone's season time by a fraction of a second? We need to use accurate units of measurements don't we?

    The closest any two competitors have ever come in a race so far is 15 minutes apart, so I don't think we're in danger of that.

    On the other hand, you're currently part of a three-way tie for the fastest time on 103, so you may have something there...
  • edited September 2010
    The closest any two competitors have ever come in a race so far is 15 minutes apart, so I don't think we're in danger of that.

    On the other hand, you're currently part of a three-way tie for the fastest time on 103, so you may have something there...

    I'm writing down the exact times I have, so it should be no problem if you decide to change your mind.

    Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you going to add the achievement names that we thought up for this race? I'll link the names Strongbrush suggested again because they're waaaay back in this thread.
    Based on some posts in the SBCR4AP thread, I've come up with names for the achievements.

    Surfin' the Highway (Fastest time on Hit the Road)
    World Savior (Fastest Time on Save the World)
    4th Dimension Traveler (Fastest Time on Beyond Time and Space)
    Speak of the Devil (Fastest Time on The Devil's Playhouse)
    Culture Cultist (Fastest Time on Culture Shock)
    Situation Under Control (Fastest Time on Situation: Comedy)
    Stick It To the Mob (Fastest Time on The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball)
    Expedient Election (Fastest time on Abe Lincoln Must Die)
    A Grip on Reality (Fastest Time on Reality 2.0)
    Always Look on the Bright Side (Fastest Time on Bright Side of the Moon)
    Merry Exorcist-mas (Fastest Time on Ice Station Santa)
    Welcome to Paradise (Fastest Time on Moai Better Blues)
    Zoom Zoom Zombie (Fastest Time on Night of the Raving Dead)
    Chariots of Fire (Fastest Time on Chariots of the Dogs)
    The Speed Devil (Fastest time on What's New, Beelzebub?)
    One Swift Stroke (Fastest time on The Penal Zone)
    Tomb Raider (Fastest time on The Tomb of Sammun-Mak)
    They Beat Max's Time! (Fastest Time on They Stole Max's Brain)
    Put your Toys Away (Fastest Time on Beyond the Alley of the Dolls)
    Max Destruction (Fastest Time on The City That Dares Not Sleep)
    Speedy Sam (Fastest Completion Altogether)
    First to the Finish (First Person to Finish the Race Completely)
  • edited September 2010
    Oh, I'm in trouble if we also use seconds...

    Doing The City That Dares Not Sleep now.
  • edited September 2010
    Starting Reality 2.0 now
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you going to add the achievement names that we thought up for this race? I'll link the names Strongbrush suggested again because they're waaaay back in this thread.

    Yeah, I thought That those were pretty clever myself. Of course, though, I can't take FULL credit.
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you going to add the achievement names that we thought up for this race? I'll link the names Strongbrush suggested again because they're waaaay back in this thread.

    I didn't want to name the achievements then, and I don't want to now, but if it's the will of the people, how can I refuse?
  • edited September 2010
    I didn't want to name the achievements then, and I don't want to now, but if it's the will of the people, how can I refuse?

    Why are you asking me?
  • edited September 2010
    It is done.
  • edited September 2010
    1 hour, 14 minutes for The City That Dares Not Sleep.
    6 hours, 13 minutes for The Devil's Playhouse.
    15 hours, 37 minutes total.
    By the way, can we just use minutes, and if more than one person gets the same times, just say they all got the fastest in a tie?
  • edited September 2010
    I'm done with reality 2.0 Final time: 47 minutes

    starting bright side later.
  • edited September 2010
    Starting bright side now.
  • edited September 2010
    beginning situation: comedy
  • edited September 2010
    Starting 105 in 10-20 mins probably. Still low quality and no sound because my computer's armour kinks are beginning to show (having on-board sound might have something to do with it).
  • edited September 2010
    Well just guys I'm streaming 101 right now, heh.
  • edited September 2010
    Finished bright side. Final time 58 minutes

    might start season 2 today if I have time, if not tomorrow
  • edited September 2010
    Finished Situation: Comedy. My time was 46 minutes
  • edited September 2010
    52 minutes 42 seconds Culture shock
    38 min and 26 seconds for Situation Comedy

    back to broadcasting.
  • edited September 2010
    Very sorry, didn't realise changing the game res and triggering full-screen messed up the Procaster. Time is 1h05, despite the vid being longer (was at end screen after credits for over 2 minutes while I was afk).

    106 tomorrow *yawns*.
  • edited September 2010
    All updated.
  • edited September 2010
    Well, I've caught a cold that's no to be messed with, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the times I set up earlier. Sorry about that (I hope no one spent ages waiting in my stream today). I'll be back when I'm feeling better and I hope I'll still be able to finish the race before it's over.
  • edited September 2010
    harald wrote: »
    Well, I've caught a cold that's no to be messed with, so I'm afraid I have to cancel the times I set up earlier. Sorry about that (I hope no one spent ages waiting in my stream today). I'll be back when I'm feeling better and I hope I'll still be able to finish the race before it's over.

    Actually, I find being sick is a good excuse to play Sam & Max.
  • edited September 2010
    caeska wrote: »
    Actually, I find being sick is a good excuse to play Sam & Max.

    Yeah, but this is the kind of cold where you want to lie moaning in bed pitying yourself. Or just have really weird dreams, involving a trip to outer space and and a Tetris-style puzzle that I was just barely unable to solve... and then you wake up soaking in sweat and get back to pitying yourself.

    Never said I'd be completely unable to take advantage of the sickness though, if I can get alert enough to play.
  • edited September 2010
    All updated.

    You didn't get my Situation: Comedy time.
  • edited September 2010
    Starting 106 now.
  • edited September 2010
    joseppey wrote: »
    You didn't get my Situation: Comedy time.

    I also managed to miss Nintomster's final time. I'll update as soon as I can find your 102 time.
  • edited September 2010
    Finished 106. Time: 1h01.

    Edit: once again, I'm confused as to why there's no LS vid on site. Definitely clicked on Go Live! before starting a new game.
  • edited September 2010
    I think it's a setting.

    Your time on Sam & Max Save the World is 5:52.
  • edited September 2010
    Will start streaming Reality 2.0 in about 10 minutes.
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