The City that Dares not Sleep Speculation Thread

edited August 2010 in Sam & Max
Wow that episode went quickly. But I think not everything has become clear yet... I still think we will see a main villain to the season as in the previous two. We also don't know what happened to Skunkape, Sal or Papierwaite! (although the latter may be dead...NOOOO) And Max is being controlled by Junior, right? What will the next episode be like without him? And will the narrator ever show up...


  • edited July 2010
    I'm half expecting that there will be a reordering of the universe involved in what may become an overly circuitous plot arc.
  • edited July 2010
    Given that paiperwaite got thrown off the statue of liberty and was gasping for air and that norrington also seemed to passout I'd guess safe asusmption they r dead.

    Also safe bet final villian is Max, but max junior hybrid. I should think Skunk'apes ship will have a use in defeating him
  • edited July 2010
    I think it's pretty safe to say Skun'ka'pe, Sal, and Papierwaite have all bitten the dust, sadly.
  • edited July 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    Given that paiperwaite got thrown off the statue of liberty and was gasping for air and that norrington also seemed to passout I'd guess safe asusmption they r dead.

    Also safe bet final villian is Max, but max junior hybrid. I should think Skunk'apes ship will have a use in defeating him

    I liked Papierwaite a lot in this episode. He makes a better character half-good than fully evil.
  • edited July 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    I think it's pretty safe to say Skun'ka'pe, Sal, and Papierwaite have all bitten the dust, sadly.

    I highly doubt Skunkape and Sal are gone. Sal's death was just too anti-climatic and I don't think the clones would kill Skunkape, especially so soon afterwards - just traumatise him a lot more. I think Skunkape will return with a really great fear of Sam.
  • edited July 2010
    I dunno why it's not been discussed yet but, the narrator: "pull the cord, pull the cord" - whut...
  • edited July 2010
    I dunno why it's not been discussed yet but, the narrator: "pull the cord, pull the cord" - whut...

    wait i remember that but what exactly did he say?
  • edited July 2010
    I dunno why it's not been discussed yet but, the narrator: "pull the cord, pull the cord" - whut...

    Yeah, I was a bit confused too. Maybe 'pull the cord' meant agitate him? That is what you pretty much do to beat Charlie.
  • edited July 2010
    Papierwaite is probably dead, but who knows if being merged with Yog-Soggoth could bring him back or somesuch. He could always end up as a ghost, too. I kinda doubt that Skun'ka'pe would perish off-screen, although I don't doubt that we might not see him until we need use of his spaceship. And Sal's a cockroach, they're survivors.

    Also, villain line-up if fairly misleading now since we've got Max/Junior cloven-feet rather than giant max.

    Pull the cord just sounds like one of those dolls with the talking cord.
  • edited July 2010
    I really really hope that Papierwaite is not dead. I'm pretty sure Norrington is though...WAIT A MINUTE! I'M NORRINGTON!!!
  • edited July 2010
    I suspect there maybe a toy or two more we get to play with yet.

    Afterall in all the shots we've seen/heard about atleast 3 other toys. Especially the paddle ball thing.
  • edited July 2010
    Emo Hoe wrote: »
    I suspect there maybe a toy or two more we get to play with yet.

    Afterall in all the shots we've seen/heard about atleast 3 other toys. Especially the paddle ball thing.

    I think the toys are gone and Max isn't really gonna be cnotrollable in the next episode..
  • edited July 2010
    "Pull the cord" was a reference to this:
  • edited July 2010
    I think after we get max back to normal, our final foe will be none other than
    Mack Salmon!
  • edited July 2010
    Yeah I'm really hoping there is a main villain from the cast we know and love for a final surprise in the final episode.
  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    I highly doubt Skunkape and Sal are gone. Sal's death was just too anti-climatic and I don't think the clones would kill Skunkape, especially so soon afterwards - just traumatise him a lot more. I think Skunkape will return with a really great fear of Sam.

    Of course Sal isn't dead. Didn't they go over how hard it is to kill a roach?
  • edited July 2010
    Junaid wrote: »
    "Pull the cord" was a reference to this:

    that sounds about right seeing how it faded in and such

    one thing i did not see coming was the end boss

    also i think that are time with the toys is over seeing as they were all destroyed
  • edited July 2010
    I dunno why it's not been discussed yet but, the narrator: "pull the cord, pull the cord" - whut...

    Final villain.
  • edited July 2010
    final villain.

  • edited July 2010
    Junaid wrote: »
    "Pull the cord" was a reference to this:

    Its also just foreshadowing that Charlie is the main villain, him being a dummy.


    Max is a giant monster!!?? Why are you not making a big deal!!??



    I throughly enjoyed this episode...

    so season finale predictions...

    - Sam leads army of Sam clones.
    - Momma Bosco builds rediciculously overpriced/unnececery devise.
    - We finally see the office again. This better happen, I swear I miss the music, and seeing what item they stole from the previous episode was like waking up on Christmas.
    - Grampa stinky does something to make all the fans love him. He is long overdue for some spotlight time.
    - Sam psychic powers?
    - Musical number- Many references to godzilla/ king Kong.

    Thats all I got.

  • edited July 2010
    - Musical number!

    This is needed. COMPLETELY needed.
  • edited July 2010
    Sal isnt dead, he is a couchroach, remember so far, scientists estime that the only creature that would survive a nuclear war is bling bling, Cockroaches.. Takes more than a fall to kill Sal :)
  • edited July 2010
    ...Wait, what? What the hell are bling bling cockroaches? Don't tell me that we have to put up with another slew of cheap commercial rap albums...
  • edited July 2010
    If the Mecha-Max shows up in one form or another, I'm happy.

    Then again, this does seem like the perfect time to bring Maimtron back...
  • edited July 2010
    Zeek wrote: »
    If the Mecha-Max shows up in one form or another, I'm happy.

    Then again, this does seem like the perfect time to bring Maimtron back...
    Ooh, I so very much want to see an enormous kaiju battle in 305. The more big giant monsters in it the better, I say!

    I'm making it known here, folks. I predict at least one Godzilla roar coming out of Max at some point.
  • edited July 2010
    I doubt there will be any psychic powers in this episode (after all, the
    devil's toybox was destroyed

    I don't really know what to really expect of this episode.. considering 304 was such a twisty episode, god knows what will happen in this one. I can only guess that you won't actually kill Max, the clones will help out in some way, but I doubt Skunkape, Sal, or Papierwaite will return, and I don't really think it would be necessary for them to do so.
  • edited July 2010
    BoneFreak wrote: »
    I doubt there will be any psychic powers in this episode (after all, the
    devil's toybox was destroyed

    I don't really know what to really expect of this episode.. considering 304 was such a twisty episode, god knows what will happen in this one. I can only guess that you won't actually kill Max, the clones will help out in some way, but I doubt Skunkape, Sal, or Papierwaite will return, and I don't really think it would be necessary for them to do so.

    Remember: Max was able to use his powers in the finale without actually being in possession of the toys. So there's always hope...
  • edited July 2010
    Sal can't die. He's a cockroach, immortality made flesh. However...

    :eek::eek::eek:Girl Stinky, starving for a fresh order of revenge bathed in sadism sauce, will actively help Sam in 305, thinking Sal dead. :eek::eek::eek:

    Remember that in the first trailer, Papierwaite appears for a moment inside Momma Bosco's Lad. Unless it's misleading, it's probable he'll return.

    Skunkape hasn't been humilliated enough. :D

    Momma Bosco will use her immense knowledge in science and genetics to re-grow her hair, so people won't mistake her for Subject Zero from Mass Effect 2. :p

    It'll turn out that Uncle Morty's stamp collection really was in the Statue of Liberty. Harry will be lucky for once.

    Superball will bring a special army to fight Max Jr. Perhaps a laser giant cannon too, which we'll modify to, say, have Max Jr. dance La Bamba?

    Remember, the Comissioner mentions something about a sudden wave of goodwill through the city in 301. We still NEED an explanation for that.

    Did you use the Future Vision in the cheese Lincoln head in 301? Maybe that will happen... but remember, those are visions of things that CAN happen.

    We will use the DeSoto at some point, maybe during the Final Battle, or at least to distract/steal the attention of Max Jr.
  • edited July 2010
    SmileMan64 wrote: »
    Remember that in the first trailer, Papierwaite appears for a moment inside Momma Bosco's Lad. Unless it's misleading, it's probable he'll return.

    Did you use the Future Vision in the cheese Lincoln head in 301? Maybe that will happen... but remember, those are visions of things that CAN happen.

    To be fair, Sal appears in the sewer during that trailer. Also, you get a card out of puddin' Head Lincoln with the NutriSpecs+Future Vision, but its never fully explained what it was and I'm not sure it will since the flare up over exclusive and other such non sequitur.

    Was anybody else hoping that just once Sam would hop into Desoto-Max and ride around?
  • edited July 2010
    I think there's more to Max's transformation than 'I fell on the demon seed and summoned Junior' explanation:
    -In Episode 1, we already saw him on fire like he was at the end
    -The prophecy spoke about emerging with the 'collective consciousness'
    -None of the conditions were fulfilled for Junior's summoning
    -It seems like the psychic powers were having effects on Max anyway
  • edited July 2010
    Or perhaps Skun-ka'pe is somewhat like Sam in terms of psychic aptitude and his proximity to a warp in the dimensional plain gave him some sort of bastardized future vision. Or not.

    It sure looked like Junior had been partially summoned at any rate, much like Yog-Soggoth had been.

    I kinda think that we may see the psychic overload happen in 305, possibly shunting Max's consciousness from that of his Junior-Max hybrid of a corporeal form. Then we get the collective unconsciousness dealy.
  • edited July 2010
    Here's my new theory:
    Somebody gave Max the psychic toys to enhance his psychic powers
    The powers had an effect on him, turning him into that monster

    I think Gordon the Brain has some explaining to do
  • edited July 2010
    I'm not exactly new to this forum because I mostly lurk in the back, but I happened to notice something a little odd from episode 301 and I felt I should mention it. If you check the newspaper that has Max biting the key to the city, the Statue of Liberty looks like Max and not like it did in episode 304. I would usually ignore something like this, but I can't help thinking that the newspaper is actually from the end of 305 and that Max rebuilds it in his image. I might be overthinking this so I want to know what you guys think.
  • edited July 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    I think it's pretty safe to say Skun'ka'pe, Sal, and Papierwaite have all bitten the dust, sadly.

    CRIES I had just started to like Papierwaite...all you're fault.
  • edited July 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Also, villain line-up if fairly misleading now since we've got Max/Junior cloven-feet rather than giant max.

    You did see the giant statue of Max in 303, right?

    Anyone, how about Gordon and Sammun Mak in a giant lagomorph robot built by Mole Men Vs. Demon-Fire Max?

    Then all we need is a new MAIMtron 9000 leading the hordes of Max's giant battle robots into...battle.
  • edited July 2010
    I have vis filing there more to the devil's toy-box than Yog-Soggoth he did say they where his ones so I have a failing the elder gods did not cheat them but gust a idea
  • edited July 2010
    Here's my theory in full:

    Gordon was from a planet where everybody looked like the giant monstrosity Max became.
    He gave Max the psychic toys so that he could use them to restore Gordon.
    He merged with Max upon his 'death' on board the ship because he was so weak.
    Max used the toys and the psychic powers helped Gordon to regrow again - taking over Max like in the last episode.
  • edited July 2010
    Hubert wrote: »
    You did see the giant statue of Max in 303, right
    Or, more recently, giant Max eating Sam.
  • edited July 2010
    tabstis wrote: »
    Gordon was from a planet where everybody looked like the giant monstrosity Max became.

    If you talk to Gordon for a while, when you ask what his body was like, he starts off rambling about how it was nothing special - six feet tall, raven hair, biker's build. Max points out that he'll soon be able to read minds, and he then confesses that he looks more like a platypus.
  • edited July 2010
    Long post, so here it goes...

    *Remember at the dimensional destabiliser, Sam is apparently going to get eaten by a giant beast in his future? And how if you use future vision that giant beast is Max? And how if you use future vision on Sam at the final battle, it shows a giant set of teeth biting? I bet we'll spend a portion of 305 in Max/Junior's giant body as Sam.

    *Buster Blaster in space?

    *I still wonder who the main villain will be in all this? The narrator would be way too obvious. Junior wouldn't really be any surprise at all. So who is left? Sal? Hell, maybe we won't even have a major villain (although I doubt it). If you think about it, all the set pieces have already fallen in place. Obviously, Sam/Junior has to be stopped, but we pretty much already know what's going on. The only things that haven't been explained are:
    -The narrator's identity. Although it's possible he's just that, a nameless narrator. (Doubt it though)
    -Why does Max have psychic powers, anyway? Although I feel like that isn't something that has to be explained. Kind of like the Desoto flying to the moon.

    *Also, when you visit Sammeth and Maximus' resting place in 301, you could read some ancient prediction written in hieroglyphics. Didn't it say something like "Max will turn into a giant beast and destroy the world"?

    All in all, really good episode (as always). Can't wait to see what Telltale's going to do with this season's finale.

    Edit: Eh, guess it wasn't that long :p
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