The City that Dares not Sleep Speculation Thread



  • edited July 2010
    Long post, so here it goes...

    *Remember at the dimensional destabiliser, Sam is apparently going to get eaten by a giant beast in his future? And how if you use future vision that giant beast is Max? And how if you use future vision on Sam at the final battle, it shows a giant set of teeth biting? I bet we'll spend a portion of 305 in Max/Junior's giant body as Sam.

    *Buster Blaster in space?

    *I still wonder who the main villain will be in all this? The narrator would be way too obvious. Junior wouldn't really be any surprise at all. So who is left? Sal? Hell, maybe we won't even have a major villain (although I doubt it). If you think about it, all the set pieces have already fallen in place. Obviously, Sam/Junior has to be stopped, but we pretty much already know what's going on. The only things that haven't been explained are:
    -The narrator's identity. Although it's possible he's just that, a nameless narrator. (Doubt it though)
    -Why does Max have psychic powers, anyway? Although I feel like that isn't something that has to be explained. Kind of like the Desoto flying to the moon.

    *Also, when you visit Sammeth and Maximus' resting place in 301, you could read some ancient prediction written in hieroglyphics. Didn't it say something like "Max will turn into a giant beast and destroy the world"?

    All in all, really good episode (as always). Can't wait to see what Telltale's going to do with this season's finale.

    Edit: Eh, guess it wasn't that long :p

    I doubt max will be the FINAL villain. I think its gunna be an extra long episode and their is some other threat.

    TT has a track record of making the main villain somone completely unexpected. Look at charlie ho-tep. At this point they might as well make it the European tourist.

    Bluster Blasters future is going to keep me up at night...

    Why cant people just accept the Narrator is just a narrator!?

    Its basicly like
    "Look! Its new and unfamiliar! We have to kill it!"
  • edited July 2010
    I agree with that we might be in Max Jr's guts at some point, perhaps we'll make into Max's brain and have to seperate Jr from Max that way, psychonauts style!
  • edited July 2010
    Oh, I agree with you on the main villain thing. I'm just pointing out that, unlike season 1 and 2, we don't necessarily need a new main villain for the story to make sense.

    I still have no idea who it's going to be, though. Sure, Soda Poppers and Hugh Bliss were unexpected, but they were important characters who appeared in most of the episodes. I doubt it's just going to be some random dude like the European tourist.
  • edited July 2010
    Actually, when you think about it, it's almost impossible season 3 is going to have one surprise major villain who's behind everything. It's perfectly possible the finale is going to have one more surprise villain, sure. But in season 1 and 2, all the events (except the ones in both first episodes) were all part of one major villain's (or 3 in case of the soda poppers) grand scheme. The episodes in season 3 are all connected by the toybox and the elder gods, but Skunkape, papierwaite, sammun-mak and charlie are all after the toys for completely different reasons. They never were anybody's thralls. I really don't see how this could all be encompassed in one overarching grand scheme.

    But then again, Telltale has pretty much proven that whatever's going to happen in the finale will be something nobody of us is expecting. :rolleyes:

    Edit: I have no idea if what I'm saying is making sense to anyone. English isn't my first language.
  • edited July 2010
    Edit: I have no idea if what I'm saying is making sense to anyone. English isn't my first language.

    Don't worry. Your English seems to be near, if not completely, perfect.
  • edited July 2010
    Please don't tell me Sal is dead.. he is a very likeable character.. would be sad indeed if he has bitten the dust.
  • edited July 2010
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Please don't tell me Sal is dead.. he is a very likeable character.. would be sad indeed if he has bitten the dust.

    I don't think you can ever say a Sam & Max character is dead, meaning he/she will never appear in another episode. I mean, there have been dead characters in episodes before, Momma Bosco, the people in Hell.

    Since the subplot involving Girl Stinky trying to kill Grandpa Stinky hasn't been wrapped up yet, I wouldn't be surprised to see Sal in 305. And that's not wishful thinking since I'm in the tiny minority who has no particular affection for Sal.
  • edited July 2010
    I very much doubt Sal has bitten the dust. Why would they suddenly kill off such a new and beloved character like that? It'd be really anticlimatic. Besides, stranger things have happened in this series than Sal surviving that.
  • edited July 2010
    This has probably been said an infite number of times before, but I really miss the office and Bosco. The office only for the music, though.
  • edited July 2010
    Harry is probable dead too,because he was searching the stamps in the statue when max destroyed her.
  • edited July 2010
    Nah dude, Harry's just chilling in Max/Junior's stomach waiting for Sam to join him in 305 :p
  • edited July 2010
    Mr. Kerstbal, please use the EDIT option if you want to add something and your last post was the last post of the thread at the time. It is rather annoying if people double post, and it also tends to get people in trouble, and I wouldn't want anyone to get banned from excessive double posting.
  • edited July 2010
    This has probably been said an infite number of times before, but I really miss the office and Bosco. The office only for the music, though.

    Do you have the season 1 DVD? It has an .mp3 with the office music. I have like 35 Sam & Max tracks in an iTunes playlist, including 4 from my old Hit the Road CD. "The Office" is definitely a favorite.
  • edited July 2010
    I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that I'm expecting a giant monster battle between Max and Sal. Sal has been bitten by the bad luck bug and I wouldn't be surprised if it went on into the next episode. I think the villain has been safely wrapped up now and I'd love to see Sam turn to the narrator for advice.

    Oh, and as for the pull the chord thing...t'was a reference to Ed Wood, emphasised by the fact that the narrator is a parody of Criswell, a character from the movie and a real life 'actor' in Woods actual films.

    Also, Mack Salmon. MACK. SALMON. If I do not see any reference to Mack Salmon in the next episode, I might just be forced to give up playing adventure games.

  • edited July 2010
    Bmask wrote: »
    Also, Mack Salmon. MACK. SALMON. If I do not see any reference to Mack Salmon in the next episode, I might just be forced to give up playing adventure games.

    For episode 202 they were originally going to have Mr. Spatula be Mack Salmon; however, Steve Purcell said no, he does not want Mack Salmon's backstory to be revealed. In other words, don't hold your breath for Mack Salmon to appear.
  • edited July 2010
    I don’t think Sal is dead. Use future vision on him after he draw the cake: it shows him yelling "Save yourself, babe" towards the sea, which has yet to happen.
  • edited July 2010
    Power46 wrote: »
    For episode 202 they were originally going to have Mr. Spatula be Mack Salmon; however, Steve Purcell said no, he does not want Mack Salmon's backstory to be revealed. In other words, don't hold your breath for Mack Salmon to appear.

    Now that's interesting...see, I actually don't want to know his origin either, I think there's just so much more parody potential in having the character just pop up randomly with a misguided grudge against the heroes. It would be a nice nod to the fans but rather than being self indulgent would act as a decent joke. Not that what we haven't got here isn't solid scriptwriting anyway (the Charlie Ho-tep revelation is easily one of the best reveals in a telltale game thus far, the way the comedy was kept up without being bogged down by any drama was really well done.)
  • edited July 2010
    I hope we get to revisit the office in episode 5, and preferrably while the office building is dislodged from the ground and carried by a humongous Stitch impersonator.

    Anyway, having the episode set partly inside of Max (both his body and his mind) would make a lot of sense to me. Partly because that future vision had a giant Max swallow Sam, but especially since a visit to his mind could mean that we would meet the last bit of the normal Max left in there, and that he could use "powers" inside his own brain to help Sam against the parts conquered by Junior...?

    Would be a plausible way of reintroducing Max's psychic abilities in 305, in my opinion.
  • edited July 2010
    Partly because that future vision had a giant Max swallow Sam
    That was in the Dark Dimension though.
    So unless you also expect Sam to kill himself with poison and Max to beat Sam to dead with a hammer, don't hold out for it...
  • edited July 2010
    I actually thought it was a gag. Kinda like 'hey, let's use future vision to solve this puzzle! Oh...wait.'
  • edited July 2010
    max turned into gaint beast because of toys side effects and its not junoir because he disappeared or died and the toybox is gone ... i dont get why narrator said "pull the cord"
    in the end girl stinkey woke up and she didnt find sal sal dead?? because the hole is really deep
  • edited July 2010
    I don't think that final scene with Stinky would exist if Sal was dead.
    One thing I hope for episode 5 is more playtime. With all those loose ends I wonder how they could make a satisfying ending in 3 hours.
  • edited July 2010
    All those loose ends? If it weren't for the ending cliffhanger, this season could've pretty much been wrapped up story wise.

    Unless I'm misunderstanding you.
  • edited July 2010
    All those loose ends? If it weren't for the ending cliffhanger, this season could've pretty much been wrapped up story wise.

    I thought so, too. One thing running through all episodes that hasn't been resolved is why Girl Stinky is trying to kill Grandpa Stinky. I'm thinking there must be more to this than meets the eye because why else would she need an elaborate plot involving a power core, etc. I have no idea whether that's at all related to the main Devil's Toybox plot or not. There are other things that don't necessarily need to be wrapped up but could be expanded on, such as Bosco's situation or Gordon's comment that he would meet Sam and Max again.
  • edited July 2010
    All those loose ends? If it weren't for the ending cliffhanger, this season could've pretty much been wrapped up story wise.

    Unless I'm misunderstanding you.

    Well yeah, you're right, there aren't that many loose ends now that I think about it.

    But still, there's Skun-ka'pe and Sal missing in action, Stinky and Sal planning to kill Grandpa, the narrator's potential appearance (which I don't buy but could very well happen), not to mention the molemen. All that plus the main plot with Yog Sogoth, giant Max and Junior.
    That's a kind of a lot compare to previous episodes. Maybe not, I don't know anymore. It's late, I should go to bed. :o
  • edited July 2010
    LeBart wrote: »
    ...not to mention the molemen.

    You mean molepeople. ;) I would love to see Nefertiti in 305. Yeah, I know she only came back in Sammun-Mak's alternative reality, but that doesn't mean she's not still alive in the real reality as well.
  • edited July 2010
    thom-22 wrote: »
    You mean molepeople. ;) I would love to see Nefertiti in 305. Yeah, I know she only came back in Sammun-Mak's alternative reality, but that doesn't mean she's not still alive in the real reality as well.

    I loved Nefertiti's dialogue but the voice acting was so gross ! :(
  • edited July 2010
    Is it bad I want there to be a Megas XLR reference with the Desoto bolted to Lady Liberty's shoulders, stomping around New York and battling Maxzilla? (Maxmera? King Maxorah?)
  • edited July 2010
    can anyone explain to me .. how is junior controlling max ???
    i mean junior dissapeared in 304 and the devils toybox is gone .. so who is controlling max?? see none ... its toys side effects ... i think
  • edited July 2010
    Well...Max kind of fell on Junior. So I guess he accidentally fused with him, or something.

    Or maybe Junior has nothing to do with it. Maybe this is part of the horrible side-effects that come with having psychic powers; read too many minds, and you turn into a disgusting eldritch abomination worthy of H.P. Lovecraft. And maybe everything that's happening is part of Max finally going genuinely insane, since his brain is too fried now for him to control himself.

    I can see a situation like that paving the way for some kind of "I know you're in there somewhere" fight between Sam and Max, with Max destroying everything and Sam trying to get him to stop by reminding him of who he used to be, and all that jazz.
  • edited July 2010
    The strongest case for saying that it is nothing to do with Junior is the scene at the very end of 301. Max was on fire like he was before he transformed AND Skunkape seemed to know something about it...
  • edited July 2010
    all i now is sam go past the froth and gums look out max belle hear sam cums
  • edited July 2010
    I really doubt Max's new form is merely a side effect of his psychic powers. Why else would Max say "I think I swallowed some of that dark dimensional demon yolk" right before he starts to get all demonic?
  • edited July 2010
    maybe a mix he cod have began to Transform form max in to surfing like an all knowing max or sniff and Junior sheaved the opportunity
  • edited July 2010
    When you try to shoot the cloning machine, Sam mentioned cloning Max a new body after the case is over so maybe we'll get to replace Max with a new body.
  • edited July 2010
    Do you guys think that maybe, just maybe, the presence of the Toybox and T-o-Ps were what were stopping Max from turning into a horrible Junior-like monster in the first place?
  • edited July 2010
    That was in the Dark Dimension though.
    So unless you also expect Sam to kill himself with poison and Max to beat Sam to dead with a hammer, don't hold out for it...

    I know, I know, but it was the final and definite future vision that showed up. Kinda like how the future was changed several times in 301. I just think it ties together really well with what happened to Max.

    Also, tried using future vision with Sam in the final battle? Were those... teeth?
  • edited July 2010
    and the trot hole it was what sam saw be for wheel
  • edited July 2010
    I know, I know, but it was the final and definite future vision that showed up. Kinda like how the future was changed several times in 301. I just think it ties together really well with what happened to Max.

    Also, tried using future vision with Sam in the final battle? Were those... teeth?

    even more evedence max will eat sam
  • edited July 2010
    I don't think the toys are gone. They're practically the base of the whole game, and it wouldn't be worth playing if we didn't get to mess around with them...
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