The most recent Davison season of Audios (not counting the one currently running) is the best recieved one, has Nyssa, Tegan, and Turlough, and concludes with a conclusion of the Mara trilogy.
And I decided to go way back because they're nearly half price of newer ones when you go to the first 25.
I'll have to give that a look in then, I think. Although i'm not a huge fan of Turlough.
Also, subscriptions up to the first 50 releases are cheaper too, although if you're only going for Colin Baker ones, it probably isn't worth it for you.
I'll have to give that a look in then, I think. Although i'm not a huge fan of Turlough.
Also, subscriptions up to the first 50 releases are cheaper too, although if you're only going for Colin Baker ones, it probably isn't worth it for you.
Well, as they went on the audio dramas get much better in average quality, meaning that despite it costing another 15 dollars or whatnot it is for stories that are much more likely to be good then bad.
It's a shame Davison has all those companions that he seems to not really care for, except for Nyssa, because they really drag down a majority of his stories apparently.
And I don't want just the Colin Baker's, it's that Davison is meh in most, and I already have a subscription to the Lost Stories, and I don't wnt to start one of McGann's arcs, so It is the only doctor left that's a sound investment.
Well, as they went on the audio dramas get much better in average quality, meaning that despite it costing another 15 dollars or whatnot it is for stories that are much more likely to be good then bad.
It's a shame Davison has all those companions that he seems to not really care for, except for Nyssa, because they really drag down a majority of his stories apparently.
And I don't want just the Colin Baker's, it's that Davison is meh in most, and I already have a subscription to the Lost Stories, and I don't wnt to start one of McGann's arcs, so It is the only doctor left that's a sound investment.
Fair enough. Although the eighth doctors arc doesn't start really until "the chimes of midnight" (it makes a references to the first audio, "Storm Warning", which is a bit of a shame for newcomers, as it really is a fantastic ausio. Probably my favourite.) So, the first few can be listened to as standalone titles. (although, you do kind of need to listen to "storm warning" anyway to know charley's background. You don't actually need to know the plot details as such, just that
Charley snuck on board the R101 airship, which was historically doomed to crash, like the Hindenberg. The doctor saves her on the back of a vortisaur (of course, there is still the matter of what causes the crash, and what really happened aboard the airship, which is still worth listening to in the episodes)
I always felt a bit sorry for Davison's doctor. Adric, Tegan and Turlough were all sort of acquired by him. He never got to choose a companion as such, they just forced themselves in. Still, I think Nyssa and Tegan work pretty well together (in the audio's at least). Erimem is alright too, I guess (an audio specific companion). Some of his audios are definately worth a look-in, like Spare Parts (far better than its TV counterpart. It has robot horses. With Nyssa as the companion), and the Minds Eye (my first audio. It's only three parts, but it's awesome. With Peri and Erimem as the companions)
Fair enough. Although the eighth doctors arc doesn't start really until "the chimes of midnight" (it makes a references to the first audio, "Storm Warning", which is a bit of a shame for newcomers, as it really is a fantastic ausio. Probably my favourite.) So, the first few can be listened to as standalone titles. (although, you do kind of need to listen to "storm warning" anyway to know charley's background. You don't actually need to know the plot details as such, just that
Charley snuck on board the R101 airship, which was historically doomed to crash, like the Hindenberg. The doctor saves her on the back of a vortisaur (of course, there is still the matter of what causes the crash, and what really happened aboard the airship, which is still worth listening to in the episodes)
I always felt a bit sorry for Davison's doctor. Adric, Tegan and Turlough were all sort of acquired by him. He never got to choose a companion as such, they just forced themselves in. Still, I think Nyssa and Tegan work pretty well together (in the audio's at least). Erimem is alright too, I guess (an audio specific companion). Some of his audios are definately worth a look-in, like Spare Parts (far better than its TV counterpart. It has robot horses.), and the Minds Eye.
Adric was actually quite a fun companion with Tom Baker's doctor, but when they cast someone young it changed the father/son relationship to be a little brother relationship, meaning Adric became much more annoying. Five also has another companion exclusive ot the audios, 'Thomas Brewster', and I know nothing about that other then most people don't like him and he joins Six later.
Interestingly, have you ever noticed Seven has like no companions? There's Mel (who hasn't been in an audio since 2007), Ace, and Hex. Now they're finally adding another one, but it is so odd how little people he interacts with. Interestingly, he's going to be companionless for his next trilogy, something that can quite benefit Seven in my opinion in a way only certain other doctors can. In the things for Thin Ice, the Producer made clear that he doesn't imagine Seven willingly letting go of his companions due to how long he's traveled with all of them.
Adric was actually quite a fun companion with Tom Baker's doctor, but when they cast someone young it changed the father/son relationship to be a little brother relationship, meaning Adric became much more annoying. Five also has another companion exclusive ot the audios, 'Thomas Brewster', and I know nothing about that other then most people don't like him and he joins Six later.
Interestingly, have you ever noticed Seven has like no companions? There's Mel (who hasn't been in an audio since 2007), Ace, and Hex. Now they're finally adding another one, but it is so odd how little people he interacts with. Interestingly, he's going to be companionless for his next trilogy, something that can quite benefit Seven in my opinion in a way only certain other doctors can. In the things for Thin Ice, the Producer made clear that he doesn't imagine Seven willingly letting go of his companions due to how long he's traveled with all of them.
His companions also all seem to have three letter names. Does the new one have a name yet? Also, seven will indeed benefit from having no assistant for a while. In the TV series, it was the assistants that annoyed me with him (Mel was a bit too high and squeaky, and Ace wasn't convincing). Although i'm sure that's changed in the audios. I haven't listened to one of his yet (well barring Zagreus and the sirens of time, but they were multi-doctor stories). I do have one waiting on my iPod though (Red).
Now for somethig completely different as my Doctor Who complaint of the day.
(At least in this picture used in opening titles and certain DVDs/CD covers)
See what I mean?
Also, Short Trips series: yay or nay? I'm thinking about getting the collection that has the story featuring the ultimate tragedy of Six losing his coat.
Now for somethig completely different as my Doctor Who complaint of the day.
(At least in this picture used in opening titles and certain DVDs/CD covers)
See what I mean?
Also, Short Trips series: yay or nay? I'm thinking about getting the collection that has the story featuring the ultimate tragedy of Six losing his coat.
Short trips are odd. They're definately worth a look-in, and i've heard great things about some of them, but as a whole they probably aren't as good as the main range episodes.
Speaking of disturbing doctor photos, Colin Bakers new twitter profile picture scares the hell out of me.
Yes, that's him.
And whoviannet has a countdown on their main page. Although we get it 8 hours before you do, and ten hours before the west coast!
The reason it is on the iplayer is because it was on BBC Radio 4 extra (BBC7 as was)
But whether we get the rest of that McGann season is anybody's guess... however, in the latest Big Finish podcast they have promised to give away as a podcast Episode 1 of the first story of the subsequent season
Interestingly, have you ever noticed Seven has like no companions?
Olla the Heat Vampire
Wolsey (mind you, he may not count)
a couple of androids which each appeared in one-off stories
Olla the Heat Vampire
Wolsey (mind you, he may not count)
a couple of androids which each appeared in one-off stories
Regular companions. Audios were focus. Frobisher was 6/8.
I still find this all rather shocking, I actually was watching Death of the Doctor (for the fourth time) earlier today. I've been meaning to watching more SJA, especially the episode with the Brigadier
and K9
, but I've kept putting it off.
Also, I really disliked the audio balancing in the Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith as I could barely hear anything the characters were saying because of teh music.
I'm going to guess RTD is going to try and get a show to take it's place still, and Jo Grant would be the most likely choice (I hope not, she's apparently very good in the Companion Chronicles and this'd force her off) due to her appearance in Death of the Doctor, but I'm sure RTD could find another companion to play with for a spinoff.
Also: for the early (and I mean early) Tom Baker seasons, The Brigadier, Sarah Jane, and Harry were the Doctor's companions. They're all gone now...
The thing that really kills me about htis is I'd never have guessed she was how old she was. I thought at the most she was in her early fifties, probably late fourties (although math should have proven me wrong). She really did look quite young for her age.
So... now that the topic has been stolen by incredibly sad news yet again, switching the topic! I decided to go with Storm Warning instead of the Marion Conspiracy, for some odd reason that may be due to Friar's insistance on how great Paul McGann is. Downloading it tonight!
SJA isn't near filming yet, and unless they suddenly swithc it to the Jo Grant Adventures I don't think we'll see anything amount of it.
According to Russel T Davies and the BBC, 3 episodes of the new season of the SJA have been filmed. Of course, no news yet about what they're going to do with the footage. I assume the BBC doesn't even know yet.
Very sad news. Classic Doctor Who was before my time, and although I ended up watching most of the SJA, it was never really my show. I know she was incredibly loved by a lot of children in the UK though. Very sad news indeed.
The worst irony? He mentions they signed on a season of 4th Doctor Adventures with her just last week.
Nicolas Briggs (the Daleks) has also put up thoughts here.
It was indeed a huge shock. She looked incredibly healthy considering her age, and her death brought tears to my eyes. She was an incredibly talented actress, and from what I gather a great person. If you want proof of that, look at how well she hid her illness. I watched School Reunion again 3 days ago (just after I finished the key to time boxset, because i'd fallen in love with K9).
Comments from David Tennant and Matt Smith
David Tennant
I just can't believe that Lis is gone. She seemed invincible. The same woman who enchanted my childhood, enchanted my time on Doctor Who and enchanted generations who have watched her and fallen in love with her – just like I did. I feel very honoured to have shared a TARDIS with Sarah Jane Smith, and I feel very lucky to have shared some time with Lis Sladen. She was extraordinary.
Matt Smith
What struck me about Lis was her grace. She welcomed me, educated me, and delighted me with her tales and adventures on Doctor Who. And she also seemed to have a quality of youth that not many people retain as they go through life. Her grace and kindness will stay with me because she had such qualities in abundance and shared them freely. I will miss her, as will the world of Doctor Who and all the Doctors that had the good pleasure to work with Lis Sladen and travel the universe with Sarah Jane.
TB's blog was quite touching. Even more so because there was only one update between her and the brig.
On a more uplifting note: I hope you enjoy storm warning. It's a fantastic serial, that I think benefits from being on audio. I don't think it could have been done justice on the BBC's budget. Plus, it will let you fully appreciate the likes of "The chimes of Midnight", "Seasons of Fear" (Although this could be seen as the start of an arc, in the same way that the crack in "The eleventh hour" is. and "Embrace the darkness" (although that one would probably standalone anyway.)
Oh and some of the SJA episodes have appeared on the iPlayer. And I think it's about time I bought the boxsets.
On a more uplifting note: I hope you enjoy storm warning. It's a fantastic serial, that I think benefits from being on audio. I don't think it could have been done justice on the BBC's budget. Plus, it will let you fully appreciate the likes of "The chimes of Midnight", "Seasons of Fear" (Although this could be seen as the start of an arc, in the same way that the crack in "The eleventh hour" is. and "Embrace the darkness" (although that one would probably standalone anyway.)
Oh and some of the SJA episodes have appeared on the iPlayer. And I think it's about time I bought the boxsets.
I plan on purchasing all but one of the eighth doctor serials (up to Zagreus), as I know they were put as mini-seasons with incredibly lite arcs (at least to start). For the record, Minuet in Hell is the only one I'm skipping because of it's absolutely terrible reviews. I'd also skip Zagreus because the guy who wrote is sort of a douche in regards to the play (he said it was a better tribute to the show then the Five Doctors was 15 years beforehand)
Also: a unofficial page for cancer funding in dedication to Elizabeth Sladen is anyone wants to donate.
It was indeed a huge shock. She looked incredibly healthy considering her age, and her death brought tears to my eyes. She was an incredibly talented actress, and from what I gather a great person. If you want proof of that, look at how well she hid her illness.
By the sounds of it, she was diagnosed and gone within a year.
Heaven knows whether SJA can carry on (rename it "Bannerman Road", perhaps), but I don't think that Katy Manning / Jo Grant would be the right person to carry it! Far too chaotic!
By the sounds of it, she was diagnosed and gone within a year.
Heaven knows whether SJA can carry on (rename it "Bannerman Road", perhaps), but I don't think that Katy Manning / Jo Grant would be the right person to carry it! Far too chaotic!
(Hmm... perhaps Mike Yates and Mrs Wibbsey?!)
I only suggested Jo because she had been introduced prior. I fully expect the show to carry on in some way, although the most logical would be having UNIT step in with Mike Yates and/or Liz Shaw to take care of Mr. Smith and K9.
Season opener in 4 days on BBC America! Isn't this one set in Utah? I distinctly remember one of my friends over there trying desperately to find their shooting location.
Season opener in 4 days on BBC America! Isn't this one set in Utah? I distinctly remember one of my friends over there trying desperately to find their shooting location.
Yes, yes, and You only asked one question so using more then one yes is somewhat redundant.
Hey, I got 'Curse of Peladon' in the mail today, effectively meaning I now have a story from every doctor (except McGann, the movie is too expensive), with 3 Colin Bakers (6 if you count Trial as 4), 1 mccoy, 3 Tom Bakers, 4 Davisons, 4 Hartnells, and 1 Troughton. (And 1 Pertwee, obviously) Shut up, I only started caring about Doctor Who on exactly July 1st, 2010 at 8:06 AM Eastern Time! This isn't a terrible collection 10 months in!
Annoyingly, starting in 2010 they changed the logo atop the spine to one that says BBC in Purple instead of BBC Video in white, meaning it doesn't match the 80ish stories already released.
I've been watching since New Who started with Eccleson. My favorite New Who episode is still a toss-up between the Silence in the Library two-parter and Blink.
I showed Silence as the first episode to get my mom into it, and now we're having a season opener party this weekend!
From Doctor Who Magazine: The BBC has confirmed that there will be a dedication to Elisabeth Sladen at the start of Saturday's new episode of Doctor Who. There will also be a 15-minute programme 'My Sarah Jane: A Tribute to Elisabeth Sladen' at 18:45 on CBBC on Saturday, after Doctor Who.
I plan on purchasing all but one of the eighth doctor serials (up to Zagreus), as I know they were put as mini-seasons with incredibly lite arcs (at least to start). For the record, Minuet in Hell is the only one I'm skipping because of it's absolutely terrible reviews. I'd also skip Zagreus because the guy who wrote is sort of a douche in regards to the play (he said it was a better tribute to the show then the Five Doctors was 15 years beforehand)
Also: a unofficial page for cancer funding in dedication to Elizabeth Sladen is anyone wants to donate.
Heh, good luck coping with the cliffhanger at the end of Neverland! Zagreus itself is actually a very interesting story. It's not a multi-doctor story in the same way, say, the five doctors is. It features multiple companions and doctors (five doctors in total), most of which aren't playing themselves. It's quite a good story if you can get your head round it. A bit lengthy though (it's on three discs).
As for the TV movie, it's skippable. So much of the film has been ignored (the doctor being half-human for example), its main purpose now is as an introduction to McGann. It's still reasonably good if you ignore some of the casting (the master was definitely cast wrong.), and acts like a nice bridge between Classic doctor who and "New Who", having a halfway decent musical score, (including my favourite version of the theme. And those squeaky voices are meant to be Daleks. See, that's what happens when we let you americans take charge of our shows... . Also note at the end the sonic screwdriver is backwards (the joys of DVD commentaries!)), oh and a fantastic TARDIS set. Apparently the most expensive set ever created at the time.
Oh and Minuet in Hell is indeed pretty rubbish. Its only redeeming quality is that the brigadier is in it. But then he's in Zagreus too
As personification of the TARDIS... ->major spoiler
Which has become evil as a result of being overwhelmed by Anti-time, and being betrayed by the doctor.
Here's hoping they put a dedication to him at the start of saturday's episode too.
Heh, good luck coping with the cliffhanger at the end of Neverland! Zagreus itself is actually a very interesting story. It's not a multi-doctor story in the same way, say, the five doctors is. It features multiple companions and doctors (five doctors in total), most of which aren't playing themselves. It's quite a good story if you can get your head round it. A bit lengthy though (it's on three discs).
As for the TV movie, it's skippable. So much of the film has been ignored (the doctor being half-human for example), its main purpose now is as an introduction to McGann. It's still reasonably good if you ignore some of the casting (the master was definitely cast wrong.), and acts like a nice bridge between Classic doctor who and "New Who", having a halfway decent musical score, (including my favourite version of the theme. And those squeaky voices are meant to be Daleks. See, that's what happens when we let you americans take charge of our shows... . Also note at the end the sonic screwdriver is backwards (the joys of DVD commentaries!)), oh and a fantastic TARDIS set. Apparently the most expensive set ever created at the time.
Oh and Minuet in Hell is indeed pretty rubbish. Its only redeeming quality is that the brigadier is in it. But then he's in Zagreus too
As personification of the TARDIS... ->major spoiler
Which has become evil as a result of being overwhelmed by Anti-time, and being betrayed by the doctor.
Here's hoping they put a dedication to him at the start of saturday's episode too.
I said way back (probably Page 11) that I get stories from Netflix, which includes the TV Movie. I enjoyed it, but there's no reason to rewatch it anytime soon and the only reason I want the DVD is the 'Stripped for Action' feature.
Also, I already know how Neverland ends because someone sort of said it in a review for Zagreus somewhere. Besides, everyone had to live 17 months without it anyway.
Interestingly, the incentive for subscribing a few years back was each monthly series episode, whether bought indivudually or in subscription, came with one 10-minute episode of 'The Three Companions', a Companion Chronicle which has the Brigadier (in his last appearance in Doctor Who), Thomas Brewster (a pretty meh recent companion for five and six), and Polly (who is Polly). Overall, the special ended up being pretty meh but fun enough incentive and sign of things to come. However, seeing as it is the final Brigadier tale, if you want you can buy it seperately for release in August, in addition to two out of print Companion Chronicles. Just thought I'd let those out of the loop know.
EDIT: How odd. The official site without warning suddenly added a classic series monster who only has appeared in one serial to the list of monsters. I suppose they're this years returning classic series baddies then.
Unless, of course, it's an immensely clever bluff designed to make us think they're this years big bad when it's actually something completely different. Which is far beyond what the BBC is capable of pulling off, so...
Also, I'd like to thank you guys for making me feel better about myself. I knew I was a little sad for being such a Doctor Who nerd, but you guys... man, you guys are real nerds! I almost feel... NORMAL when you're around. I... I think I like that feeling. It's... nice. So thanks!
Unless, of course, it's an immensely clever bluff designed to make us think they're this years big bad when it's actually something completely different. Which is far beyond what the BBC is capable of pulling off, so...
Also, I'd like to thank you guys for making me feel better about myself. I knew I was a little sad for being such a Doctor Who nerd, but you guys... man, you guys are real nerds! I almost feel... NORMAL when you're around. I... I think I like that feeling. It's... nice. So thanks!
I prefer the term Geek! Allow me to demonstrate with this handy Chart.
EDIT: How odd. The official site without warning suddenly added a classic series monster who only has appeared in one serial to the list of monsters. I suppose they're this years returning classic series baddies then.
The Drahvins appear off-screen as part of Alliance at the end of the last series.
I can't wait to listen to the other half in 10 years time as part of a "Lost stories" boxset!
Speaking of Lost Stories, I really can't wait until they license over the David Tennant years, as there are a number of rejected stories that sounded really interesting, like one by Stephen Fry and the one originally written for Midnight's slot, about Donna watching a rerun of a Ghost Hunters type show that the Doctor is on.
And Fitzoliver, that just adds to the idea that they've been building up a return.
Speaking of Lost Stories, I really can't wait until they license over the David Tennant years, as there are a number of rejected stories that sounded really interesting, like one by Stephen Fry and the one originally written for Midnight's slot, about Donna watching a rerun of a Ghost Hunters type show that the Doctor is on.
And Fitzoliver, that just adds to the idea that they've been building up a return.
I'm personally hoping they license Christopher Eccelston. Just because he was awesome and wasn't in it for that long. But I could imagine him being reluctant to do it.
I wouldn't hold your breath for the licensing though. Heck, the whole license is due for renewal next year, and I can see the BBC rejecting it (afterall, It was made before the new series, I think), or at least refining the terms on it (maybe cutting McGann in preparation for the 50th anniversary if they plan on going down the time war film/special route).
I'm personally hoping they license Christopher Eccelston. Just because he was awesome and wasn't in it for that long. But I could imagine him being reluctant to do it.
I wouldn't hold your breath for the licensing though. Heck, the whole license is due for renewal next year, and I can see the BBC rejecting it (afterall, It was made before the new series, I think), or at least refining the terms on it (maybe cutting McGann in preparation for the 50th anniversary if they plan on going down the time war film/special route).
Actually, it' due for renewal at the end of this year, although the fact that you can put money down on things like the Lost Stories and the Fourth Doctor Adventures means it's pretty much not changing.
I don't imagine Eccelston wanting to do it for another few years, but David Tennant would probably be willing to do it noticeably sooner. At the very least, it'd be neat if we got Lady Cristina companion chronicles.
Actually, it' due for renewal at the end of this year, although the fact that you can put money down on things like the Lost Stories and the Fourth Doctor Adventures means it's pretty much not changing.
I don't imagine Eccelston wanting to do it for another few years, but David Tennant would probably be willing to do it noticeably sooner. At the very least, it'd be neat if we got Lady Cristina companion chronicles.
I'd quite like a Captain Jack one. We never did learn how he lost all those memories. And maybe a doctor's daughter series, but given she's got a newborn to care for, that's unlikely.
I think there is plenty of potential for Tennant audios. Like his time with Queen Elizabeth I, or all those other random things he mentioned doing.
I'll have to give that a look in then, I think. Although i'm not a huge fan of Turlough.
Also, subscriptions up to the first 50 releases are cheaper too, although if you're only going for Colin Baker ones, it probably isn't worth it for you.
Well, as they went on the audio dramas get much better in average quality, meaning that despite it costing another 15 dollars or whatnot it is for stories that are much more likely to be good then bad.
It's a shame Davison has all those companions that he seems to not really care for, except for Nyssa, because they really drag down a majority of his stories apparently.
And I don't want just the Colin Baker's, it's that Davison is meh in most, and I already have a subscription to the Lost Stories, and I don't wnt to start one of McGann's arcs, so It is the only doctor left that's a sound investment.
Fair enough. Although the eighth doctors arc doesn't start really until "the chimes of midnight" (it makes a references to the first audio, "Storm Warning", which is a bit of a shame for newcomers, as it really is a fantastic ausio. Probably my favourite.) So, the first few can be listened to as standalone titles. (although, you do kind of need to listen to "storm warning" anyway to know charley's background. You don't actually need to know the plot details as such, just that
I always felt a bit sorry for Davison's doctor. Adric, Tegan and Turlough were all sort of acquired by him. He never got to choose a companion as such, they just forced themselves in. Still, I think Nyssa and Tegan work pretty well together (in the audio's at least). Erimem is alright too, I guess (an audio specific companion). Some of his audios are definately worth a look-in, like Spare Parts (far better than its TV counterpart. It has robot horses. With Nyssa as the companion), and the Minds Eye (my first audio. It's only three parts, but it's awesome. With Peri and Erimem as the companions)
Adric was actually quite a fun companion with Tom Baker's doctor, but when they cast someone young it changed the father/son relationship to be a little brother relationship, meaning Adric became much more annoying. Five also has another companion exclusive ot the audios, 'Thomas Brewster', and I know nothing about that other then most people don't like him and he joins Six later.
Interestingly, have you ever noticed Seven has like no companions? There's Mel (who hasn't been in an audio since 2007), Ace, and Hex. Now they're finally adding another one, but it is so odd how little people he interacts with. Interestingly, he's going to be companionless for his next trilogy, something that can quite benefit Seven in my opinion in a way only certain other doctors can. In the things for Thin Ice, the Producer made clear that he doesn't imagine Seven willingly letting go of his companions due to how long he's traveled with all of them.
His companions also all seem to have three letter names. Does the new one have a name yet? Also, seven will indeed benefit from having no assistant for a while. In the TV series, it was the assistants that annoyed me with him (Mel was a bit too high and squeaky, and Ace wasn't convincing). Although i'm sure that's changed in the audios. I haven't listened to one of his yet (well barring Zagreus and the sirens of time, but they were multi-doctor stories). I do have one waiting on my iPod though (Red).
Now for somethig completely different as my Doctor Who complaint of the day.
(At least in this picture used in opening titles and certain DVDs/CD covers)
See what I mean?
Also, Short Trips series: yay or nay? I'm thinking about getting the collection that has the story featuring the ultimate tragedy of Six losing his coat.
EDIT; Speaking of:
Short trips are odd. They're definately worth a look-in, and i've heard great things about some of them, but as a whole they probably aren't as good as the main range episodes.
Speaking of disturbing doctor photos, Colin Bakers new twitter profile picture scares the hell out of me.
Yes, that's him.
And whoviannet has a countdown on their main page. Although we get it 8 hours before you do, and ten hours before the west coast!
But whether we get the rest of that McGann season is anybody's guess... however, in the latest Big Finish podcast they have promised to give away as a podcast Episode 1 of the first story of the subsequent season
Olla the Heat Vampire
Wolsey (mind you, he may not count)
a couple of androids which each appeared in one-off stories
Regular companions. Audios were focus. Frobisher was 6/8.
Oh my.
First the Brigadier, then her. Who's next, Tom Baker? This news is indeed saddening. It all seems so sudden.
Wait, wasn't she in the middle of filming a 5th series of the SJA? I don't think I could bring myself to watch it. Not so soon after her death.
Tom Baker had better record these Audio Dramas fast, his companions are not doing too well this year.
The BBC are talking about it now on BBC news. It was cancer apparently. RTD is on now.
Also, I really disliked the audio balancing in the Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith as I could barely hear anything the characters were saying because of teh music.
I'm going to guess RTD is going to try and get a show to take it's place still, and Jo Grant would be the most likely choice (I hope not, she's apparently very good in the Companion Chronicles and this'd force her off) due to her appearance in Death of the Doctor, but I'm sure RTD could find another companion to play with for a spinoff.
Also: for the early (and I mean early) Tom Baker seasons, The Brigadier, Sarah Jane, and Harry were the Doctor's companions. They're all gone now...
So... now that the topic has been stolen by incredibly sad news yet again, switching the topic! I decided to go with Storm Warning instead of the Marion Conspiracy, for some odd reason that may be due to Friar's insistance on how great Paul McGann is. Downloading it tonight!
According to Russel T Davies and the BBC, 3 episodes of the new season of the SJA have been filmed. Of course, no news yet about what they're going to do with the footage. I assume the BBC doesn't even know yet.
Very sad news. Classic Doctor Who was before my time, and although I ended up watching most of the SJA, it was never really my show. I know she was incredibly loved by a lot of children in the UK though. Very sad news indeed.
The worst irony? He mentions they signed on a season of 4th Doctor Adventures with her just last week.
Nicolas Briggs (the Daleks) has also put up thoughts here.
It was indeed a huge shock. She looked incredibly healthy considering her age, and her death brought tears to my eyes. She was an incredibly talented actress, and from what I gather a great person. If you want proof of that, look at how well she hid her illness. I watched School Reunion again 3 days ago (just after I finished the key to time boxset, because i'd fallen in love with K9).
Comments from David Tennant and Matt Smith
David Tennant
I just can't believe that Lis is gone. She seemed invincible. The same woman who enchanted my childhood, enchanted my time on Doctor Who and enchanted generations who have watched her and fallen in love with her – just like I did. I feel very honoured to have shared a TARDIS with Sarah Jane Smith, and I feel very lucky to have shared some time with Lis Sladen. She was extraordinary.
Matt Smith
What struck me about Lis was her grace. She welcomed me, educated me, and delighted me with her tales and adventures on Doctor Who. And she also seemed to have a quality of youth that not many people retain as they go through life. Her grace and kindness will stay with me because she had such qualities in abundance and shared them freely. I will miss her, as will the world of Doctor Who and all the Doctors that had the good pleasure to work with Lis Sladen and travel the universe with Sarah Jane.
TB's blog was quite touching. Even more so because there was only one update between her and the brig.
On a more uplifting note: I hope you enjoy storm warning. It's a fantastic serial, that I think benefits from being on audio. I don't think it could have been done justice on the BBC's budget. Plus, it will let you fully appreciate the likes of "The chimes of Midnight", "Seasons of Fear" (Although this could be seen as the start of an arc, in the same way that the crack in "The eleventh hour" is. and "Embrace the darkness" (although that one would probably standalone anyway.)
Oh and some of the SJA episodes have appeared on the iPlayer. And I think it's about time I bought the boxsets.
I plan on purchasing all but one of the eighth doctor serials (up to Zagreus), as I know they were put as mini-seasons with incredibly lite arcs (at least to start). For the record, Minuet in Hell is the only one I'm skipping because of it's absolutely terrible reviews. I'd also skip Zagreus because the guy who wrote is sort of a douche in regards to the play (he said it was a better tribute to the show then the Five Doctors was 15 years beforehand)
Also: a unofficial page for cancer funding in dedication to Elizabeth Sladen is anyone wants to donate.
By the sounds of it, she was diagnosed and gone within a year.
Heaven knows whether SJA can carry on (rename it "Bannerman Road", perhaps), but I don't think that Katy Manning / Jo Grant would be the right person to carry it! Far too chaotic!
(Hmm... perhaps Mike Yates and Mrs Wibbsey?!)
I only suggested Jo because she had been introduced prior. I fully expect the show to carry on in some way, although the most logical would be having UNIT step in with Mike Yates and/or Liz Shaw to take care of Mr. Smith and K9.
Also, Mrs. Wibbsey. Just what.
Yes, yes, and You only asked one question so using more then one yes is somewhat redundant.
Hey, I got 'Curse of Peladon' in the mail today, effectively meaning I now have a story from every doctor (except McGann, the movie is too expensive), with 3 Colin Bakers (6 if you count Trial as 4), 1 mccoy, 3 Tom Bakers, 4 Davisons, 4 Hartnells, and 1 Troughton. (And 1 Pertwee, obviously) Shut up, I only started caring about Doctor Who on exactly July 1st, 2010 at 8:06 AM Eastern Time! This isn't a terrible collection 10 months in!
Annoyingly, starting in 2010 they changed the logo atop the spine to one that says BBC in Purple instead of BBC Video in white, meaning it doesn't match the 80ish stories already released.
I showed Silence as the first episode to get my mom into it, and now we're having a season opener party this weekend!
Heh, good luck coping with the cliffhanger at the end of Neverland! Zagreus itself is actually a very interesting story. It's not a multi-doctor story in the same way, say, the five doctors is. It features multiple companions and doctors (five doctors in total), most of which aren't playing themselves. It's quite a good story if you can get your head round it. A bit lengthy though (it's on three discs).
As for the TV movie, it's skippable. So much of the film has been ignored (the doctor being half-human for example), its main purpose now is as an introduction to McGann. It's still reasonably good if you ignore some of the casting (the master was definitely cast wrong.), and acts like a nice bridge between Classic doctor who and "New Who", having a halfway decent musical score, (including my favourite version of the theme. And those squeaky voices are meant to be Daleks. See, that's what happens when we let you americans take charge of our shows...
Oh and Minuet in Hell is indeed pretty rubbish. Its only redeeming quality is that the brigadier is in it. But then he's in Zagreus too
I said way back (probably Page 11) that I get stories from Netflix, which includes the TV Movie. I enjoyed it, but there's no reason to rewatch it anytime soon and the only reason I want the DVD is the 'Stripped for Action' feature.
Also, I already know how Neverland ends because someone sort of said it in a review for Zagreus somewhere. Besides, everyone had to live 17 months without it anyway.
Interestingly, the incentive for subscribing a few years back was each monthly series episode, whether bought indivudually or in subscription, came with one 10-minute episode of 'The Three Companions', a Companion Chronicle which has the Brigadier (in his last appearance in Doctor Who), Thomas Brewster (a pretty meh recent companion for five and six), and Polly (who is Polly). Overall, the special ended up being pretty meh but fun enough incentive and sign of things to come. However, seeing as it is the final Brigadier tale, if you want you can buy it seperately for release in August, in addition to two out of print Companion Chronicles. Just thought I'd let those out of the loop know.
EDIT: How odd. The official site without warning suddenly added a classic series monster who only has appeared in one serial to the list of monsters. I suppose they're this years returning classic series baddies then.
Also, I'd like to thank you guys for making me feel better about myself. I knew I was a little sad for being such a Doctor Who nerd, but you guys... man, you guys are real nerds! I almost feel... NORMAL when you're around. I... I think I like that feeling. It's... nice. So thanks!
I prefer the term Geek! Allow me to demonstrate with this handy Chart.
Now if you don't mind I literally just woke up three minutes ago and instantly checked this thread. Hmph.
Also: The beeb says three Stories of SJA were filmed, not just three episodes. a Whole half a season!
I can't wait to listen to the other half in 10 years time as part of a "Lost stories" boxset!
The Drahvins appear off-screen as part of Alliance at the end of the last series.
Speaking of Lost Stories, I really can't wait until they license over the David Tennant years, as there are a number of rejected stories that sounded really interesting, like one by Stephen Fry and the one originally written for Midnight's slot, about Donna watching a rerun of a Ghost Hunters type show that the Doctor is on.
And Fitzoliver, that just adds to the idea that they've been building up a return.
I'm personally hoping they license Christopher Eccelston. Just because he was awesome and wasn't in it for that long. But I could imagine him being reluctant to do it.
I wouldn't hold your breath for the licensing though. Heck, the whole license is due for renewal next year, and I can see the BBC rejecting it (afterall, It was made before the new series, I think), or at least refining the terms on it (maybe cutting McGann in preparation for the 50th anniversary if they plan on going down the time war film/special route).
Actually, it' due for renewal at the end of this year, although the fact that you can put money down on things like the Lost Stories and the Fourth Doctor Adventures means it's pretty much not changing.
I don't imagine Eccelston wanting to do it for another few years, but David Tennant would probably be willing to do it noticeably sooner. At the very least, it'd be neat if we got Lady Cristina companion chronicles.
I think there is plenty of potential for Tennant audios. Like his time with Queen Elizabeth I, or all those other random things he mentioned doing.