Technically yes, but they've left plenty of get out clauses (That was a rule imposed by the now gone timelords, River giving all her regenerations to him to save him, plus it is reasonable to assume that if it was a biological limit, it was lifted in the time war, to allow them to die over and over again in battle.)
Also, the master broke the limit, but he stole some living guys body to do so. And had to try and steal the doctor's lives to continue in the TV movie.
Personally, I think he's a great choice. I can see this incarnation being darker, and spawning the Valeyard.
See, I was always under the impression that the 13 regeneration thing was a limit imposed by the Time Lords themselves. I seem to remember someone petitioning for additional regenerations at some point. And it's been established that they're transferrable, so the limit might be softer than previously stated. And without the Time Lords around to enforce it, he might very well be able to go on regenerating forever.
Part of me starts going into Stargate for reasons why this might be. In Stargate, you've got the Goa'uld, who manage to live for thousands of years by using these sarcophagi to regenerate themselves whenever they start to age too much. But, as it turns out, there's some problem with the process and if you use the sarcophagus too many times, it triggers megalomania and selfishness, making them incredibly evil.
Maybe Time Lord regenerations are similar. If you regenerate too many times, you start going nuts from the process. Which would explain so many things about the Master and the Valeyard.
I think one of the audios (Zagreus) said that the lmt was imposed by Rassilon at the genetic level when he first enabled regeneration, because after 13 the genetic code starts to break down.
But yes, they'll find a at round it if they want to, Im' sure.
Keep in mind that if you lived forever with unlimited regenerations and could travel through time and space, eventually the universe would be filled with versions of you, and your gravitational pull would collapse it.
In response on his Tumblr, Gaiman said: “Well, that was the rule when we had Time Lords running the show. (And they were the ones who gave the Master his extra regenerations.) There aren’t any Time Lords any more… MY OPINION (which is not Canon) is that the regeneration limit is a lot like the speed limit. You can break it, but things get a lot more dangerous if you do. The Time Lords were the traffic cops: they enforced the limit. With them gone, the Doctor can keep regenerating beyond 13, but with consequences. “
One explaination that I read, can't remember where, was that Time Lords have a limited amount of regeneration energy. I like it, and it easily gets around the limit with the Doctor getting more regeneration energy at some point.
You can break it, but things get a lot more dangerous if you do. The Time Lords were the traffic cops: they enforced the limit. With them gone, the Doctor can keep regenerating beyond 13, but with consequences. “
Neil is wrong. Although in "The Five Doctors" it is clear that the Time Lords can start a regeneration cycle from scratch, for somebody to try regenerating a thirteenth time without help isn't going to work -
That's (to date) two Peters, two Bakers, three Scots, two out-and-out fans, two fifty-five year-olds, two (arguably three) actors who'd already played another part in "Doctor Who" before (would've been four if Bernard Cribbins had been cast as the fourth Doctor), two relatives of Georgia Moffat, and (strictly speaking) nobody from Manchester at all.
So, given that the back half of season 7 has been one massive "love-letter" to the classic series, is it safe to assume that there's a real chance the 50th anniversary special could be called "The Two Doctors"?
Googling around, this report does appear to be true. Whether it actually means *anything* worth hoping for, Moffat only knows.
I'm hoping it includes Peter Cushing, The Morbius Doctor's, The webcast doctor and ten two. As well as all main incarnations. Because 20 doctors are better then two, and having 20 doctors on screen wouldn't be confusing at all.
My brother doesn't like her, though mainly because his first experience with her was from the Catherine Tate show and he couldn't separate the actress from the part. He did say that the character of Donna was one of the better companions, but he just couldn't stop thinking about Catherine Tate.
Since they've already announced the twelfth doctor, they should release a twelfth doctor Destiny of the Doctors audio to make the series focus on exactly one doctor for every month.
December would actually be perfect, since the Doctor will make his twelfth regeneration on Christmas.
See, I was always under the impression that the 13 regeneration thing was a limit imposed by the Time Lords themselves. I seem to remember someone petitioning for additional regenerations at some point. And it's been established that they're transferrable, so the limit might be softer than previously stated. And without the Time Lords around to enforce it, he might very well be able to go on regenerating forever.
Part of me starts going into Stargate for reasons why this might be. In Stargate, you've got the Goa'uld, who manage to live for thousands of years by using these sarcophagi to regenerate themselves whenever they start to age too much. But, as it turns out, there's some problem with the process and if you use the sarcophagus too many times, it triggers megalomania and selfishness, making them incredibly evil.
Maybe Time Lord regenerations are similar. If you regenerate too many times, you start going nuts from the process. Which would explain so many things about the Master and the Valeyard.
But yes, they'll find a at round it if they want to, Im' sure.
And your signatures are wayyyyy too long.
Neil is wrong. Although in "The Five Doctors" it is clear that the Time Lords can start a regeneration cycle from scratch, for somebody to try regenerating a thirteenth time without help isn't going to work -
(Am I to assume we will get another reiteration of this thread starting next year?
Besides, there's THREE Doctors. Technically.
It wasn't that bad.
The Three Doctors is an awesome ep.
Googling around, this report does appear to be true. Whether it actually means *anything* worth hoping for, Moffat only knows.
1) J
2) Spack
3) Cruk
Oh... and probably "Suboth", now...
You don't know that! He could be one of the Dalek operators in an uncreated role.
Can Donna come back now please?!?
Although I'll admit, I am one of those people who liked Donna Noble.
(And given what Catherine Tate is doing these days, I can't imagine she'd NOT want to return).
December would actually be perfect, since the Doctor will make his twelfth regeneration on Christmas.