Dear lord... Look at the couple at the bottom right of these grabs from an early Second Doctor Serial:
In other words, "I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there."
Also: The new season of Torchwood is apparently a reboot for US audiences, similar to the Office and such. Seeing as I despise Torchwood after seeing 'Captain Jack Harkness', I couldn't be happier. Double edit: But it's not. RTD SHOOTS DOWN RUMORS
I'm sorry, what am I looking for here? All I can see is a bad Timothy Dalton impersonator.
...oh wait, are they..? Ah, I get it. Well spotted.
And I'd imagine the Torchwood 'reboot' is the same sort of reboot Doctor Who got when it came back in '05. Technically the same show, but it's fresh enough for newbies to jump in and not feel particularly left out.
Dear lord... Look at the couple at the bottom right of these grabs from an early Second Doctor Serial:
In other words, "I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there."
Also: The new season of Torchwood is apparently a reboot for US audiences, similar to the Office and such. Seeing as I despise Torchwood after seeing 'Captain Jack Harkness', I couldn't be happier. Double edit: But it's not. RTD SHOOTS DOWN RUMORS
I remember there was a similair picture last year that featured a Billie Piper lookalike. Only it was an actual real life photo. Well, probably photoshopped, but still. Alas, I cannot find it now, so reading this post was a huge waste of time.
So the second part fot he Lost Stories came out today, and I listened to the first bit of it. It's quite good! It also perfectly timed it so when I arrived where I was going that the credits started rolling which earns it bonus points.
Also; we're only 20 days away from midseason finale.
So the second part fot he Lost Stories came out today, and I listened to the first bit of it. It's quite good! It also perfectly timed it so when I arrived where I was going that the credits started rolling which earns it bonus points.
Also; we're only 20 days away from midseason finale.
We're also only 20 days from finding out who River song is!
We're also only 20 days from finding out who River song is!
Well, actually
it's an affirmative
as to if we find out who River is in Episode Seven. So I resent in the Big Finish bug with a more attractive subject (TREMENDOUS BUG - ENTIRE STORE FOR LESS THAN £1) then my prior one (Re: Regarding Doctor Who) to attract more attention with more information provided.
as to if we find out who River is in Episode Seven. So I resent in the Big Finish bug with a more attractive subject (TREMENDOUS BUG - ENTIRE STORE FOR LESS THAN £1) then my prior one (Re: Regarding Doctor Who) to attract more attention with more information provided.
Where did you send it? It might be worth sending it to both and (ignore the links. They're automatic. Double check the addresses on their site). Maybe possibly posting a thread alerting them about it (no details, just telling them to check their inbox). Maybe even PM some staff. But that's probably overkill. I need to send them an e-mail to ask them to change my forum name, as it's currently my real name. I might get cyberraped!
Where did you send it? It might be worth sending it to both and (ignore the links. They're automatic. Double check the addresses on their site). Maybe possibly posting a thread alerting them about it (no details, just telling them to check their inbox). Maybe even PM some staff. But that's probably overkill. I need to send them an e-mail to ask them to change my forum name, as it's currently my real name. I might get cyberraped!
I sent it to Enquiries last week, and this week sent them to both. It appears to not be too pressing an issue because I appear to be the first to find it but as an example I showed them how to use it to get a Subscription (of titles not released for a ways away anyway, so I won't exploit it) for the price thing. It'd be neat if they let me keep it though!
Also; Ohai, I totally knew that name sounded familiar on the forums over there (your name is on your Steam Profile)
I sent it to Enquiries last week, and this week sent them to both. It appears to not be too pressing an issue because I appear to be the first to find it but as an example I showed them how to use it to get a Subscription (of titles not released for a ways away anyway, so I won't exploit it) for the price thing. It'd be neat if they let me keep it though!
Also; Ohai, I totally knew that name sounded familiar on the forums over there (your name is on your Steam Profile)
I don't really post that much over there, which is why I haven't changed it already. (I was a little confused at first as to how you knew my name. I glanced over the steam part and just saw my profile, so spent a few minutes there being perplexed!)
Also, I wouldn't expect a reply until tomorrow, it's 21:49 over here.
Also Also: Doctor who and its actors are up for TV choice awards, which you can vote on... here.
Secondary edit: So I've made a list of titles to obtain using money I'm saving up for BF Day, leading to 17 titles from the Eighth Doctor Adventures (3,4,5), Monthly Series (For Colin, 6 and 9, and for Paul 29,30,31,32,33... also 50 even though I'll hate it), Lost Stories Season One (1,3,5,6,7,8), as I expect all of these to go on sale for 5 your currencies during the sale. $85 for $181 worth of things. BF has also confirmed in addition to BF Day and the build up week, there will be sales for each of the Summer months.
If the Lost Stories Do not go on sale, then FFFFFFFFFFFFF.
So BF finally responded, and apparently they're letting me keep my things. Perhaps even the subscription I added with the intent of showing how bad it can be.
Secondary edit: So I've made a list of titles to obtain using money I'm saving up for BF Day, leading to 17 titles from the Eighth Doctor Adventures (3,4,5), Monthly Series (For Colin, 6 and 9, and for Paul 29,30,31,32,33... also 50 even though I'll hate it), Lost Stories Season One (1,3,5,6,7,8), as I expect all of these to go on sale for 5 your currencies during the sale. $85 for $181 worth of things. BF has also confirmed in addition to BF Day and the build up week, there will be sales for each of the Summer months.
If the Lost Stories Do not go on sale, then FFFFFFFFFFFFF.
So BF finally responded, and apparently they're letting me keep my things. Perhaps even the subscription I added with the intent of showing how bad it can be.
As for the Big Finish Sale, I don't think I'll be buying more than £30 or so. Unless a 12 month subscription is discounted to below £100, so I can pick up "the four doctors" as my freebie.
As for the Big Finish Sale, I don't think I'll be buying more than £30 or so. Unless a 12 month subscription is discounted to below £100, so I can pick up "the four doctors" as my freebie.
You do know you could just buy a 6 release download or physical that includes The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories, right?
And they said they're looking into it as my other email with the exact details of how it is done was lost in the mailing so had to be re-fwded.
Also: What about getting one of the discount subscriptions from 1-50? Assuming you don't own any for a stretch (from what you said, 34-45 would seem like the right fit, with (I believe) only Jubilee as something you already own). It'd entitle you to one free single cd release, which could be the Four Doctors and at a fraction of the price of a full release.
Aand I'm actually somewhat confident they'll let me keep this subscription (October - September1 Next Year), which'd have me set for The Five Companions, at least. Also, no anthology releases, unless it's a McCoy anthology next year, which screws up subs when there are trilogies and you only get 2/3 of a trilogy that is suddenly interrupted by an anthology.
So in other words, hooray! The only reason I want a subscription (seeing as you only save like 6 dollars or something like that) is that it includes a PDF of the Script, which is useful for people like me who have a bad habit of wandering on the internet and losing track of what's happening because there's nothing you can stare at (I overthink this). Also, the Five Companions is nice but not that integral to purchasing something.
And my Big Finish folder is now over 1.5 gigabytes. Gulp.
You do know you could just buy a 6 release download or physical that includes The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories, right?
And they said they're looking into it as my other email with the exact details of how it is done was lost in the mailing so had to be re-fwded.
Also: What about getting one of the discount subscriptions from 1-50? Assuming you don't own any for a stretch (from what you said, 34-45 would seem like the right fit, with (I believe) only Jubilee as something you already own). It'd entitle you to one free single cd release, which could be the Four Doctors and at a fraction of the price of a full release.
Aand I'm actually somewhat confident they'll let me keep this subscription (October - September1 Next Year), which'd have me set for The Five Companions, at least. Also, no anthology releases, unless it's a McCoy anthology next year, which screws up subs when there are trilogies and you only get 2/3 of a trilogy that is suddenly interrupted by an anthology.
So in other words, hooray! The only reason I want a subscription (seeing as you only save like 6 dollars or something like that) is that it includes a PDF of the Script, which is useful for people like me who have a bad habit of wandering on the internet and losing track of what's happening because there's nothing you can stare at (I overthink this). Also, the Five Companions is nice but not that integral to purchasing something.
And my Big Finish folder is now over 1.5 gigabytes. Gulp.
It's a thought, but at the moment, I'm mainly after the McGann audios. There's a 12 stretch that almost covers two seasons (if added to the audio I have on the davros DVD, i'd be one short), plus a few extra ones. Whilst I have nothing against the other audios (they are pretty awesome), I think it's best if I try and complete my DVD collection for those doctors, picking up a few here and there. I also did think about doing the subscription for the newer releases, but then I figure i would have missed out on a bunch, so I'm working my way through the collection slowly. If it comes to it, I may just buy the four doctors audio from eBay at some point. Oh well.
Also, I filled up my 8GB iPod touch with Big finish audios. Now I have to choose what I put on it.
And then my computer broke, so I lost my collection (which was all organised nicely, with the tracks collated into 4 tracks (one track per part rather than 16 or so tracks to a part). Oh well. I currently have 5 re-downloaded and on my iPod.
Thanks for the advice anyway. (I also have ...ish in the range you mentioned. That, Spare parts and the maltese penguin (a freebie) were the additional ones on the end of my six month subscription which covered McGanns second main range season.) I'll probably just see what happens during the sale. And what my Finances can take.
Edit to include now somewhat regular gag of still have not seen 6x03.
Also: I somehow skipped the majority of your 'finishing the DVD collections' argument. As to that, Colin's era is full of notoriously bad episodes, of which I really only want one more and I'm fine as I already have seen the Two Doctors and Vengeance on Varos is getting a rerelease so it'd be silly to watch it now. I have a similar pickle with McCoy, I only actually want like two of his stories right now. The three yet to be released are the ones I want the most, and of course those aren't out for another year or so. Davison is slowly becoming my least favorite Doctor as he's the one I've seen the most of in the classic series, and by logic I've seen the most bad ones. (I didn't care for Earthshock or Resurrection of the Daleks, and Terminus is still my least favorite story period), so he's not really of my interest right now. Therefore, if I want quality Who from my favorite eras (or at least representative of them), I'll need to rely on these audios. Then again, things are different over here in the states as opposed to you(s) as you can get like 2 DVDs for one audio, whereas here you can get one audio for a DVD because BF realizes that's the only way they can sell well over here.
Also also: You could up the reccomended subscription from 36-47 :P
Well, the annoying thing is the rapture is supposed to happen before doctor who is on, so I think it's best to kill a puppy, to ensure you get left behind to see it.
Well, the annoying thing is the rapture is supposed to happen before doctor who is on, so I think it's best to kill a puppy, to ensure you get left behind to see it.
I tried but unfortunately it was scrappy doo and now I have a wing reserved for me in Heaven.
Well, the annoying thing is the rapture is supposed to happen before doctor who is on, so I think it's best to kill a puppy, to ensure you get left behind to see it.
Well considering how strict the rules are to get into Heaven are according to the Bible if you take it literally, I don't think anyone has to worry about that.
Well, Just incase the world does end today, I completed the DS game. Actually, the real reason is that I've injured my leg, so am stuck in bed. Boo.
It's around 5 hours long according to the 3DS stat tracker (I spent 4hrs37mins on it to be precise). It's worth picking up for a tenner, but it's not exactly stellar. It's incredibly easy for the most part, and the harder puzzles are generally optional. It also suffers from some poor QA testing. Like the fact you can do a puzzle which mentions fixing damage
the silurians did to the ship before you actually find out that they are there, and what they did!
. Or misleading typos in some of the tasks ("remove the broken battery whilst leaving the functional batteries in the circuit" being one that sticks in my mind. There's one working battery and 3 broken ones, yet the brief would have you believe that the broken ones must be the working ones). Apart from that, the script is pretty decent. Apart from the ending.
Seriously, that sucks. Although this two parter doesn't look all that great. Maybe it's all Ribs fault for not watching "The Curse of the Black Pearl Spot.
In semi-related news, My Neil Gaiman book arrived today. And I promptly spilt a bit of Cider on it ¬_¬
Also, My thoughts on todays episode: Meh.The premise is interesting but it's been stretched considerably to fit into two episodes. The majority of the episode was spent repeating explanations or repeatedly running through corridors (moreso than usual). And a very predictable cliffhanger.
Positive points: I HAVE RORY's SHIRT IN MY WARDROBE. Also, I recognised the spot where the TARDIS was parked from a university open day I went to a couple of years ago. It's the park just outside Cardiff Castle. That was nice.
Ending the first half of a two-parter before a week on hiatus is just cruel. At least they went all out with the big reveal, rather than just letting us know what was going on with the
obscured figure saying "You can trust me".
I simply can't wait to see
the two Doctors interacting
, and I'm curious to see how the
behaves, what his motives are, and of course what his final fate will be.
behaves, what his motives are, and of course what his final fate will be.
I thought it was interesting that
the older woman was the one to antagonise the Flesh versions in the first place, but it's formerly meek Jennifer leading the 'ganger revolution.
I'm guessing the
Doctorganger will sacrifice himself for the betterment of the world or something, thus proving that the creatures are not monsters, but living beings with the same capacities as their human (or Time Lord) counterparts.
the older woman was the one to antagonise the Flesh versions in the first place, but it's formerly meek Jennifer leading the 'ganger revolution.
I'm guessing the
Doctorganger will sacrifice himself for the betterment of the world or something, thus proving that the creatures are not monsters, but living beings with the same capacities as their human (or Time Lord) counterparts.
Also @ Rather Dashing: If you think the weeklong hiatus is cruel, there's a 3 month one coming up in two weeks. After the first part of a two parter, which ends in an apparently "game changing cliffhanger".
Also, I just noticed that the weeklong hiatus is exclusive to the US network. Obviously, it's time for me to utilize other means to keep up with the UK fanbase. No way I can wait a week after so many fans have seen it and NOT get the plot spoiled.
Also, I just noticed that the weeklong hiatus is exclusive to the US network. Obviously, it's time for me to utilize other means to keep up with the UK fanbase. No way I can wait a week after so many fans have seen it and NOT get the plot spoiled.
you could try a streaming webpage that might have it.
Also @ Rather Dashing: If you think the weeklong hiatus is cruel, there's a 3 month one coming up in two weeks. After the first part of a two parter, which ends in an apparently "game changing cliffhanger".
OK, here's a question. I haven't see 6x05 yet. Is it worth watching right now or should I wait until next week and watch both parts of the story at roughly the same time?
OK, here's a question. I haven't see 6x05 yet. Is it worth watching right now or should I wait until next week and watch both parts of the story at roughly the same time?
The story is good, but not as excellent as the past two. It seems to me like it was made specifically to set up the "big reveal" of the episode, pretty much. The story is without much surprise for a Who story, and the episode contains what is easily the hokiest CGI in this whole series. Still, take all this as relative to the other episodes of this series, which are absolutely BRILLIANT(that is to say, no, I don't think the episode was bad at all).
Well, I looked at a picture of Peter Davison with an animated speaker icon overlayed, if that counts?
Oh yeah, I saw the complete Worzel Gummidge collection in a shop today, and was sorely tempted to buy it just to be morbidly disturbed by Jon Pertwee.
Now, onto cobwebs part two!
In other words, "I love humans. Always seeing patterns in things that aren't there."
Also: The new season of Torchwood is apparently a reboot for US audiences, similar to the Office and such. Seeing as I despise Torchwood after seeing 'Captain Jack Harkness', I couldn't be happier. Double edit: But it's not. RTD SHOOTS DOWN RUMORS
...oh wait, are they..? Ah, I get it. Well spotted.
And I'd imagine the Torchwood 'reboot' is the same sort of reboot Doctor Who got when it came back in '05. Technically the same show, but it's fresh enough for newbies to jump in and not feel particularly left out.
So the second part fot he Lost Stories came out today, and I listened to the first bit of it. It's quite good! It also perfectly timed it so when I arrived where I was going that the credits started rolling which earns it bonus points.
Also; we're only 20 days away from midseason finale.
Well, actually
I sent it to Enquiries last week, and this week sent them to both. It appears to not be too pressing an issue because I appear to be the first to find it but as an example I showed them how to use it to get a Subscription (of titles not released for a ways away anyway, so I won't exploit it) for the price thing. It'd be neat if they let me keep it though!
Also; Ohai, I totally knew that name sounded familiar on the forums over there (your name is on your Steam Profile)
Also, I wouldn't expect a reply until tomorrow, it's 21:49 over here.
Also Also: Doctor who and its actors are up for TV choice awards, which you can vote on... here.
Secondary edit: So I've made a list of titles to obtain using money I'm saving up for BF Day, leading to 17 titles from the Eighth Doctor Adventures (3,4,5), Monthly Series (For Colin, 6 and 9, and for Paul 29,30,31,32,33... also 50 even though I'll hate it), Lost Stories Season One (1,3,5,6,7,8), as I expect all of these to go on sale for 5 your currencies during the sale. $85 for $181 worth of things. BF has also confirmed in addition to BF Day and the build up week, there will be sales for each of the Summer months.
If the Lost Stories Do not go on sale, then FFFFFFFFFFFFF.
So BF finally responded, and apparently they're letting me keep my things. Perhaps even the subscription I added with the intent of showing how bad it can be.
Did they say whether they'd fixed it now?
Also: Cobwebs part four.
As for the Big Finish Sale, I don't think I'll be buying more than £30 or so. Unless a 12 month subscription is discounted to below £100, so I can pick up "the four doctors" as my freebie.
You do know you could just buy a 6 release download or physical that includes The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories, right?
And they said they're looking into it as my other email with the exact details of how it is done was lost in the mailing so had to be re-fwded.
Also: What about getting one of the discount subscriptions from 1-50? Assuming you don't own any for a stretch (from what you said, 34-45 would seem like the right fit, with (I believe) only Jubilee as something you already own). It'd entitle you to one free single cd release, which could be the Four Doctors and at a fraction of the price of a full release.
Aand I'm actually somewhat confident they'll let me keep this subscription (October - September1 Next Year), which'd have me set for The Five Companions, at least. Also, no anthology releases, unless it's a McCoy anthology next year, which screws up subs when there are trilogies and you only get 2/3 of a trilogy that is suddenly interrupted by an anthology.
So in other words, hooray! The only reason I want a subscription (seeing as you only save like 6 dollars or something like that) is that it includes a PDF of the Script, which is useful for people like me who have a bad habit of wandering on the internet and losing track of what's happening because there's nothing you can stare at (I overthink this). Also, the Five Companions is nice but not that integral to purchasing something.
And my Big Finish folder is now over 1.5 gigabytes. Gulp.
Double also:
Also, I filled up my 8GB iPod touch with Big finish audios. Now I have to choose what I put on it.
And then my computer broke, so I lost my collection (which was all organised nicely, with the tracks collated into 4 tracks (one track per part rather than 16 or so tracks to a part). Oh well. I currently have 5 re-downloaded and on my iPod.
Thanks for the advice anyway. (I also have ...ish in the range you mentioned. That, Spare parts and the maltese penguin (a freebie) were the additional ones on the end of my six month subscription which covered McGanns second main range season.) I'll probably just see what happens during the sale. And what my Finances can take.
Edit to include now somewhat regular gag of still have not seen 6x03.
Also: I somehow skipped the majority of your 'finishing the DVD collections' argument. As to that, Colin's era is full of notoriously bad episodes, of which I really only want one more and I'm fine as I already have seen the Two Doctors and Vengeance on Varos is getting a rerelease so it'd be silly to watch it now. I have a similar pickle with McCoy, I only actually want like two of his stories right now. The three yet to be released are the ones I want the most, and of course those aren't out for another year or so. Davison is slowly becoming my least favorite Doctor as he's the one I've seen the most of in the classic series, and by logic I've seen the most bad ones. (I didn't care for Earthshock or Resurrection of the Daleks, and Terminus is still my least favorite story period), so he's not really of my interest right now. Therefore, if I want quality Who from my favorite eras (or at least representative of them), I'll need to rely on these audios. Then again, things are different over here in the states as opposed to you(s) as you can get like 2 DVDs for one audio, whereas here you can get one audio for a DVD because BF realizes that's the only way they can sell well over here.
Also also: You could up the reccomended subscription from 36-47 :P
Nonsense, we all know the Dalek Invasion of Earth won't happen until next century!
As I recal he didn't save us from the invasion rather he just booted them off after.
Exactly. The Dalek Invasion of Earth is the Rapture, obviously, and that won't happen for nearly 150 years.
I tried but unfortunately it was scrappy doo and now I have a wing reserved for me in Heaven.
Well considering how strict the rules are to get into Heaven are according to the Bible if you take it literally, I don't think anyone has to worry about that.
It's around 5 hours long according to the 3DS stat tracker (I spent 4hrs37mins on it to be precise). It's worth picking up for a tenner, but it's not exactly stellar. It's incredibly easy for the most part, and the harder puzzles are generally optional. It also suffers from some poor QA testing. Like the fact you can do a puzzle which mentions fixing damage
Seriously, that sucks. Although this two parter doesn't look all that great. Maybe it's all Ribs fault for not watching "The Curse of the Black Pearl Spot.
In semi-related news, My Neil Gaiman book arrived today. And I promptly spilt a bit of Cider on it ¬_¬
American gods? Stardust? Good Omens? ect?
Does it matter? They're all brilliant. Though, with Good Omens, you get bonus Terry Pratchett.
Also, My thoughts on todays episode: Meh.The premise is interesting but it's been stretched considerably to fit into two episodes. The majority of the episode was spent repeating explanations or repeatedly running through corridors (moreso than usual). And a very predictable cliffhanger.
Positive points: I HAVE RORY's SHIRT IN MY WARDROBE. Also, I recognised the spot where the TARDIS was parked from a university open day I went to a couple of years ago. It's the park just outside Cardiff Castle. That was nice.
I thought it was interesting that
Or maybe even this.
Also @ Rather Dashing: If you think the weeklong hiatus is cruel, there's a 3 month one coming up in two weeks. After the first part of a two parter, which ends in an apparently "game changing cliffhanger".
Oh yeah, Matt Smith is up for a BAFTA tonight.
you could try a streaming webpage that might have it.
Oh HELL no.
Less than two weeks of doctor who left.