The Newly Regenerated Doctor Who Thread



  • edited May 2011
    Yeah... this episode was... yeah. I liked the twist, but everything else was just bad. It's the first episode of modern Who that I didn't like, though, so I'm not complaining.

    Next week's looks great.
    Was that an Ood I saw? :D
  • edited May 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    It's only for international people, and no, they won't.

    So they think we're stupid.
  • edited May 2011
    Aren't you?


    I think the logic is, people in foreign countries aren't quite as in love with the series as us, so you don't remember everything or you're more likely to miss episodes. Hence the recap.

    Mind you, I've not seen this recap (if someone could link me to it, I'd appreciate it) so I don't know if/how condescending it is, but it can't be all that bad, surely?
  • edited May 2011
    I'm curious too. Besides, it makes the episodes longer. That's a good thing, no? ;)
  • edited May 2011
    Wait what? Foreigners get longer dr who episodes? Massively unfair :(
  • edited May 2011
    Wait what? Foreigners get longer dr who episodes? Massively unfair :(

    Fleshed out with advert breaks and a small recap trailer about who amy/the doctor are.
  • edited May 2011
    They're finally adding series five (and Sherlock) to Netflix streaming tomorrow. Three cheers for Moffat!

    Edit: Oddly, the first eighth doctor adventure popped up in my big finish account yet I didn't ever purchase it. I just added it to the cart to see what it converts to the other day, and when I looked tody it was sitting in my account. Hrm.
  • edited May 2011
    Freebie! Awesome. What was that one, The Storms of Something? It's a good one, whatever it was called.

    And hooray for Sherlock! Awesome series, if you haven't seen it you're gonna love it.
  • edited May 2011
    Freebie! Awesome. What was that one, The Storms of Something? It's a good one, whatever it was called.

    And hooray for Sherlock! Awesome series, if you haven't seen it you're gonna love it.
    Storm Warning. And yeah, Sherlock is awesome.

    I decided to start rewatching series 5 again, this time with the commentaries and stuff on (and then again afterwards to see the stuff they point out, because the in-vision commentary doesn't work properly on my blu-ray player, with a huge black box taking up 25% of the screen surrounding the commentary video.) It's actually pretty decent. I just watched "the time of Angels". It's a shame Moffat cut the rather awesome idea of having one of the clerics sent back in time and writing the book.
  • edited May 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    Storm Warning. And yeah, Sherlock is awesome.

    I decided to start rewatching series 5 again, this time with the commentaries and stuff on (and then again afterwards to see the stuff they point out, because the in-vision commentary doesn't work properly on my blu-ray player, with a huge black box taking up 25% of the screen surrounding the commentary video.) It's actually pretty decent. I just watched "the time of Angels". It's a shame Moffat cut the rather awesome idea of having one of the clerics sent back in time and writing the book.

    No, I meant that I got the first New Eighth Doctor Adventure (ie, Blood of the Daleks Part One) Not complaining, but I was trying to save those for later after I had listened to more of Eight and Charlie.

    Also, Look over there: It's the cover for this year's subscriber bonus!

    Secondary Edit: The Whispering Forest will be on Radio 4 Extra starting the week after next. It appears this entire Davison/Tegan/Turloguh/Nyssa trilogy will air, Monday-Thursday at 6:00 for 3 weeks starting next. I remember Friar showed interest in the last one, a new Mara story, which would most likely air the week of the 30th (Dear lord, is it already that far into the year?)
  • edited May 2011
    On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the easiest, how would you rate the difficulty of the Doctor Who Adventure Game?
  • edited May 2011
    SwordKing wrote: »
    On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the easiest, how would you rate the difficulty of the Doctor Who Adventure Game?
    Actual Gameplay: -7.

    The damn puzzles where a slight inaccuracy results in you suddenly restarting: 10,000,000,000
  • edited May 2011
    How I wish for a TTG Doctor Who game!
  • edited May 2011
    SwordKing wrote: »
    On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the easiest, how would you rate the difficulty of the Doctor Who Adventure Game?

    The puzzles are generally designed for younger gamers, so if you're at all experienced in games you'll find the DWAGs absurdly easy. The biggest problem you'll have is the controls, but you can use the WASD scheme, even if it isn't documented.
  • edited May 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    Fleshed out with advert breaks and a small recap trailer about who amy/the doctor are.

    In Australia Doctor Who is shown on the government funded channel ABC, so there are no ads. But wouldn't having ads have the adverse effect? A half hour program is usually shortened to 23 minutes to fit ad breaks so I'm not sure how much it would need to be shortened because DW doesn't go for a full hour but would estimate that Confidential wouldn't air. You're not missing much with the recap.
  • edited May 2011
    In Australia Doctor Who is shown on the government funded channel ABC, so there are no ads. But wouldn't having ads have the adverse effect? A half hour program is usually shortened to 23 minutes to fit ad breaks so I'm not sure how much it would need to be shortened because DW doesn't go for a full hour but would estimate that Confidential wouldn't air. You're not missing much with the recap.

    One of the key reasons the BBC started selling the show to BBC America instead of Syfy over here was that Syfy cut the content for more ads, cutting nearly 25 minutes off Journey's End and ruining the episode.
  • edited May 2011
    I was thinking, if Telltale wanted to add yet another franchise to their already busy schedule, they could do a lot worse than Doctor Who. It's a franchise that just screams graphic adventure, and there's all kinds of potential for Telltale story-wise. And they've already shown an ability to gel with British Franchises and time travel. So who else would love to see Telltale take us for a ride on the Tardis?
  • edited May 2011
    Has been suggested many, many times. Sadly, the incredibly mediocre adventure games are already confirmed to stick around through the end of the year, and TTG would not be able to do the whole 'free in UK' thing as they are a much bigger company then the one to take care of the Adventure Games.
  • edited May 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    Has been suggested many, many times. Sadly, the incredibly mediocre adventure games are already confirmed to stick around through the end of the year, and TTG would not be able to do the whole 'free in UK' thing as they are a much bigger company then the one to take care of the Adventure Games.

    I never really understood why the games were free over here in the first place. By extending the reasoning they gave (paid for with TV license money), then the books, audios, DVD's and wii/DS/iOS/android games should've/should be free too. I think the reason telltale didn't get the license (if they indeed applied for it) is probably due to the location of the studio VS the actors. After all, they have a very tight schedule, so there isn't time to be shuttling them backwards and forwards to the US. Plus a british developer can play the whole "We grew up with it so we know it better" card. Not that it worked at all...

    Anyway, if TTG do make a doctor who game, I think the universe might simultaneously implode and explode with sheer awesomeness.

    In other news: the classic series episode(s) "The Hand of fear" starts re-airing on BBC4 today at 7.40. It was Sarah Jane's final story. Well sort of. (you know what I mean!)

    Oh, and speaking of the games: Matt Smith playing The mazes of time I love how it's "The Doctor and Karen" rather than Amy!
  • edited May 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    I never really understood why the games were free over here in the first place. By extending the reasoning they gave (paid for with TV license money), then the books, audios, DVD's and wii/DS/iOS/android games should've/should be free too. I think the reason telltale didn't get the license (if they indeed applied for it) is probably due to the location of the studio VS the actors. After all, they have a very tight schedule, so there isn't time to be shuttling them backwards and forwards to the US. Plus a british developer can play the whole "We grew up with it so we know it better" card. Not that it worked at all...

    Anyway, if TTG do make a doctor who game, I think the universe might simultaneously implode and explode with sheer awesomeness.

    In other news: the classic series episode(s) "The Hand of fear" starts re-airing on BBC4 today at 7.40. It was Sarah Jane's final story. Well sort of. (you know what I mean!)

    Oh, and speaking of the games: Matt Smith playing The mazes of time I love how it's "The Doctor and Karen" rather than Amy!

    They outsourced the audio recording, though, for Wallace (which apparently was a financial bomb, so maybe it's related?)
  • edited May 2011
    The games are made with direct co-operation with the TV crew, from being written by writers from the show to having the executive producers from the show also produce the games, as well as actually being funded by the BBC. They are, essentially, episodes of the show (wish I could remember where I heard that).

    The books, audios and other games are just standard tie-ins. Some well done, others not (I'm looking at you, Wii game) but they're not supported in the same way, either financially or production-wise. And that's why you have to pay for them. (Unless you get them free with a newspaper!)
  • edited May 2011
    I wonder what River would say If she saw this home movie in the TARDIS.
  • edited May 2011
    Important double post!
  • edited May 2011
    (why did I not spot that? I was wathcing that episode the other day. Twice.)
    I spotted another likeness:
  • edited May 2011
    Aargh, just finished the first McGann set I bought (Storm Warning-Stones of Venice). *looks at calendar saying how long it is until Big Finish day* aaargh come sooner I need more audio.

    I made a spreadsheet of every single audio drama I want. It's big. However, I just want to say how irritating it is that McGann apparently becomes meh post-Zagreus as he's wandering around the other universe or whatever, as the only one I really, really want is the one with Davros, which is his first one back I believe. In other words, I can pretend that the events of wandering around in the other dimension didn't happen.

    So, I'm going to be getting Eighth Doctor Adventures until BF day lets me finish up the first set of McGann's, and only because of the mysterious free Blood of the Daleks that is still unexplained.

    And I *still* have not seen 6x03. Because BBC America on demand hasn't updated the HD version yet, and there's no reason to watch in SD.
  • edited May 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    Aargh, just finished the first McGann set I bought (Storm Warning-Stones of Venice). *looks at calendar saying how long it is until Big Finish day* aaargh come sooner I need more audio.

    I made a spreadsheet of every single audio drama I want. It's big. However, I just want to say how irritating it is that McGann apparently becomes meh post-Zagreus as he's wandering around the other universe or whatever, as the only one I really, really want is the one with Davros, which is his first one back I believe. In other words, I can pretend that the events of wandering around in the other dimension didn't happen.

    So, I'm going to be getting Eighth Doctor Adventures until BF day lets me finish up the first set of McGann's, and only because of the mysterious free Blood of the Daleks that is still unexplained.

    And I *still* have not seen 6x03. Because BBC America on demand hasn't updated the HD version yet, and there's no reason to watch in SD.

    I wondered why you hadn't commented on it yet! Most people seem to see it as an average doctor who episode (Not bad, but average by doctor who standards) I still enjoyed it though.

    I keep forgetting about BFD. I may have to put a large sum of money aside. Hmm...
    I'd also heard that his McGann's third main range series was a bit "meh". Afterall, the first release, as I understand it is just him and India Fisher (Charlie/the voiceover on masterchef) talking to each other about their feelings. But i'm adamant that I'll get them. If only so that I won't be confused by the Davros audio which I have (:p), as I understand it has an assistant who is gained in the divergent universe.
  • edited May 2011
    Bah. I don't get BBC America in high def. And I liked this episode, but I will say that it's nowhere near the top of my list. There have certainly been far worse (the farting aliens from Season One come to mind VERY quickly).
  • edited May 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    And I *still* have not seen 6x03. Because BBC America on demand hasn't updated the HD version yet, and there's no reason to watch in SD.
    I'll do you a deal. After you (finally) watch the HD version, go back and watch the SD version and if you can genuinely tell me that there was a huge amount in difference to the viewing quality, I will...

    ...I dunno, something embarrassing. I'll post a photo of me looking incredibly silly while playing with some Doctor Who toys. Deal?

    But really, HD is nice, but it isn't the leap everyone says it is. It's not exactly VHS-DVD quality, more DVD-slightly clearer DVD. Does it really matter if the episode is a little bit nicer to look at? Surely the quality of the show itself should be more important to you.
  • edited May 2011
    Bah. I don't get BBC America in high def. And I liked this episode, but I will say that it's nowhere near the top of my list. There have certainly been far worse (the farting aliens from Season One come to mind VERY quickly).

    I don't either, (Comcast in New Jersey, eh?), but it's available on Demand in HD for some reason.

    Also, HD matters to me. Lost is one of those shows that made a huge difference in HD, which made me peeved when I couldn't watch the last season in HD due to various reasons. Especially in the opening two parter, the HD made the landscapes look much nicer.
  • edited May 2011
    I'll do you a deal. After you (finally) watch the HD version, go back and watch the SD version and if you can genuinely tell me that there was a huge amount in difference to the viewing quality, I will...

    ...I dunno, something embarrassing. I'll post a photo of me looking incredibly silly while playing with some Doctor Who toys. Deal?

    But really, HD is nice, but it isn't the leap everyone says it is. It's not exactly VHS-DVD quality, more DVD-slightly clearer DVD. Does it really matter if the episode is a little bit nicer to look at? Surely the quality of the show itself should be more important to you.

    HD makes quite a big difference (at least when viewing on the iPlayer and Blu-ray's). It's kind of like when you maximise a video on youtube and it get's a bit blurry and pixelated. The HD allowed you to keep the same picture quality maximised as a SD video non-maximised has (if that makes sense).

    On the blu-ray releases, it's much more pronounced (providing the lighting is right. Dark scenes can become very pixelly). Given the choice, i'd pick up a HD version of a program over SD, providing the price isn't a huge jump up. (for example, the Series 5 blu-ray was only a fiver more than SD, which was perfect).
  • edited May 2011
    EH, to each his own. I'm still not convinced that HD is that big a leap up from normal SD digital channels, and since we actually have HD in my house, I have compared the two.

    Course, that doesn't stop me watching Doctor Who in HD. I just don't seem to see much difference. But if you can, then more power to you.

    Incidentally, 6.03 is quite a dark episode lighting-wise, so bear that into consideration when waiting for the HD version!
  • edited May 2011
    Yeah, I think HD is definitely better, but I probably wouldn't wait ages for it. For instance, I prefer watching it in SD holed up in my room, then in HD on the TV downstairs when it's airing (My family seem to like talking mid-episode...), but they've forced me to. But I would buy Blu-ray over DVD every time (for new releases. Not pre-HD stuff, as that is definitely not noticeable in most cases). Having a blu-ray drive in my laptop is cool (even if it drains the battery significantly so that the battery on lasts about 50 minutes when watching a film!)

    Anyone remember that TARDIS design competition that was run last year by blue-peter? Well, the winning design appears in this weeks episode. And it's getting a toy version.
  • edited May 2011
    Just seen that photo above.
    Amazing... now... wait, remind me what that means again?
  • edited May 2011
    Just seen that photo above.
    Amazing... now... wait, remind me what that means again?

    It means that there will be another TARDIS!
  • edited May 2011
    ...and here's video of it! (minor spoilers, obviously)

    Keep in mind the Doctor's TARDIS has at least two control rooms, people.
  • edited May 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    ...and here's video of it! (minor spoilers, obviously)

    Keep in mind the Doctor's TARDIS has at least two control rooms, people.

    Possible spoilers:
    From what I gather from the behind the scenes trailer, they are in a junkyard. And the console is made from junk (hinting at a separate handmade one).
  • edited May 2011
    Friar wrote: »
    Possible spoilers:
    From what I gather from the behind the scenes trailer, they are in a junkyard. And the console is made from junk (hinting at a separate handmade one).

    Well, you sort of ruined how
    I was setting people up for needless speculation. Nonetheless, the episode WAS supposed to feature the TARDIS pool AND the Zero Room, and we will see 9/10's TARDIS as seen in the trailer, so we might see another contorl room (The JNT Era one plox) yet.
    In addition, rumor has it that the Doctor's Wife is [spoile]Paul McGann in a Dress[/spoiler]

    (that was a joke)
  • edited May 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    In addition, rumor has it that the Doctor's Wife is [spoile]Paul McGann in a Dress[/spoiler]

    (that was a joke)
    Might work better if you spell Spoiler correctly. :D
  • edited May 2011
    Might work better if you spell Spoiler correctly. :D

    That is the joke.
  • edited May 2011
    Yes, of course it was. ;)
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