Just wait until you get to the Celestial Toymaker. Sadly, there are no official copies of it, to my knowledge, but there is a rather nice fan reconstruction on dailymotion that is totally worth it.
Just wait until you get to the Celestial Toymaker. Sadly, there are no official copies of it, to my knowledge, but there is a rather nice fan reconstruction on dailymotion that is totally worth it.
I'm defanatly planning on watching all of the fan reconstructions... I don't want to miss anything ^_^
I just started watching Dr. who... from the beginning, it was kinda slow going at first, but then I hit "Marco Polo" I had enjoyed the series prior to that, and "the daleks" was awesome, but "marco polo" just clicked with me because I'm a big fan of radio dramas and without the video it just made the story arc that much more exciting ^_^ I just love using my imagination xDD
I think I'm truly going to enjoy this series from this point forward =D
On a side note, I'm a HUGE fan of Peter Davison from when he played Tristan Farnon in "all creatures great and small" so I'm especially anxious to see some of his dr. who episodes ^_^
You'll be at it a while. There are currently 775 episodes available (Series 6 episode 7 being episode 777 overall)
I watched "The Aztecs" last night, and really enjoyed it. It was nice to see the show being both educational and entertaining. The special features on the DVD were nice too, with a short documentary about the fall of the aztecs, which succeeded in making me hate the spanish.
I wish they would do more episodes set in the past. Like the ancient egyptians, the mayans or the native americans(i can see that happening: Matt Smith meeting Geronimo)
You'll be at it a while. There are currently 775 episodes available (Series 6 episode 7 being episode 777 overall)
I watched "The Aztecs" last night, and really enjoyed it. It was nice to see the show being both educational and entertaining. The special features on the DVD were nice too, with a short documentary about the fall of the aztecs, which succeeded in making me hate the spanish.
I wish they would do more episodes set in the past. Like the ancient egyptians, the mayans or the native americans(i can see that happening: Matt Smith meeting Geronimo)
Well, more recently the pseudo-historicals haven't exactly been the hottest episodes, with The Curse of The Black Spot, Victory of the Daleks, and Tooth and Claw as some of the worser examples. Vincent and the Doctor may be the only time in the whole new series where the historical works well. And they can't do full-on historicals because of a BBC policy, so yeah.
I saw a rumor that this year's christmas special may have the daleks. It's a shame they already did a Christmas carol, because teaching Davros the meaning of Christmas would be a great episode.
Vincent and the Doctor may be the only time in the whole new series where the historical works well.
"Vincent and the Doctor" is one of my all-time favourite episodes. To me it's a fantastic example of how well you can develop a character (and empathy for that character) in the space of just 45 minutes.
"Vincent and the Doctor" is one of my all-time favourite episodes. To me it's a fantastic example of how well you can develop a character (and empathy for that character) in the space of just 45 minutes.
What BBC policy is that?
Something along the lines of that the bad guy needs to be fictional or something like that (I don't know)
It's not an official policy, but it was the personal opinion of RTD and it seems to be shared by Moffat. It seems to stem from the idea that audiences, especially younglings, won't enjoy a purely historical story from a series that's sci-fi through and through.
Can't say I entirely agree - trying a pure historical every once in a while would be a really nice change of pace - but as long as they remember to actually go to the past as well as the future, I don't have a particularly big problem with it.
Also: Maths time!
If you watched an entire Doctor Who television adventure - that's an entire story, not an individual episode - every single day, it would take you about 7 months (this includes the second half of this years series).
If you watched one single episode a day, it would take you roughly 2¼ years (this includes the rest of this years series, plus the 28 episodes that would consist of the next two years series as well).
If you did one entire story (for example, one classic DVD) a week, it would take you roughly 5 years and 4 months (this includes the current story total of 217 [we're in the middle of the 217th, for the record], plus the 4 from the rest of this years series and the 56 that would occur over the next 5 years, giving a grand total of 277).
If you calculate how sad I am to have sat here and figure all this out, your brain would asplode.
Well, more recently the pseudo-historicals haven't exactly been the hottest episodes, with The Curse of The Black Spot, Victory of the Daleks, and Tooth and Claw as some of the worser examples. Vincent and the Doctor may be the only time in the whole new series where the historical works well. And they can't do full-on historicals because of a BBC policy, so yeah.
I saw a rumor that this year's christmas special may have the daleks. It's a shame they already did a Christmas carol, because teaching Davros the meaning of Christmas would be a great episode.
Don't forget "The empty child/Doctor Dances", "The girl in the fireplace", "The Shakespeare code" and "the vampires of venice", which were all pretty decent. Three of which won several awards. I think there's a lot of potential in histroicals, but they seem more focussed on famous people the children learn about in school. They'll probably do someone like Henry VIII or maybe even king arthur next, which is a shame.
I don't think the historical episodes you mentioned are bad, it's just that they are less sci-fi-y, which is what the most vocal part of the fan community probably prefer.
Personally, I'd like to see something set in the cold war. Like the cuban missile crisis or something, but I can't see that happening. Although, I think Big Finish are doing an audio in the soviet union featuring seven and the ice warriors.
Big finish sale news: From June 6-10 there will be 10 doctor who titles on sale for £5 each from the first 50 main range titles (1-10 on the 6th, 11-20 on the 7th and so on). There will also be a general sale over the course of the month (From the sounds of it it'll be stuff like "20% off Gallifrey spin-off series" or other bundle deals. There will also be some deals on the day of the convention, but some will be exclusive to to that event.
Re: cold war. That's the first one of the Season 27 set! (I really reccomend the set, it's a good price in the sense you save seven quid.) TBH, it really didn't rely on the Cold War so much as it was in Russia on the anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The Eighth Doctor said he met Lenin on a train in Storm Warning, so I guess there's something that brings the Doctor back! :P
Big Finish announced the sale details - June 6 – Doctor Who releases 1-10
The Sirens of Time, Phantasmagoria, Whispers of Terror, The Land of the Dead, The Fearmonger, The Marian Conspiracy, The Genocide Machine, Red Dawn, The Spectre of Lanyon Moor and Winter for the Adept
June 7 – Doctor Who releases 11-20
The Apocalypse Element, The Fires of Vulcan, The Shadow of the Scourge, The Holy Terror, The Mutant Phase, Storm Warning, The Sword of Orion, The Stones of Venice, Minuet in Hell and Loups-Garoux.
June 8 – Doctor Who releases 21-30
Dust Breeding, Bloodtide, Project: Twilight, The Eye of the Scorpion, Colditz, Primeval, The One Doctor, Invaders from Mars, The Chimes of Midnight, Seasons of Fear.
June 9 – Doctor Who releases 31-40
Embrace the Darkness, The Time of the Daleks, Neverland, Spare Parts, …Ish, The Rapture, The Sandman, The Church and the Crown, Bang-Bang-A-Boom!, Jubilee
June 10 – Doctor Who releases 41-50
Nekromanteia, The Dark Flame, The Pirates, Creatures of Beauty, Project: Lazarus, Flip-Flop, Omega, Davros, Master, Zagreus
In addition, they noted that the sales on BF Day will make in online, but only selected batches of those. Ah well, I suppose I'll organize a list of these releases to get then.
You were ninja-edit'd *edit* Just as I was ¬_¬
And because you mentioned the French dub earlier:Monty Python time!
You were ninja-edit'd *edit* Just as I was ¬_¬
And because you mentioned the French dub earlier:Monty Python time!
I actually had a similar idea, with the phone call at the end of the Big Bang, except when he's on the phone he's speaking french and talking to other people it's English. It'd have made the scene much funnier
But, I wouldn't expect to see Subscriptions on sale at all, and EDA subs as a remote chance. It'll probably be similar to the other month-long sales, ie 5 related releases for fivers.
I actually had a similar idea, with the phone call at the end of the Big Bang, except when he's on the phone he's speaking french and talking to other people it's English. It'd have made the scene much funnier
But, I wouldn't expect to see Subscriptions on sale at all, and EDA subs as a remote chance. It'll probably be similar to the other month-long sales, ie 5 related releases for fivers.
I don't know, If it's like their christmas sale, They'll have some of the spin-off series discounted (all the cybermen series for £35 I think was one. Eight of the soundtrack CDs for £8 was another. They did a stage play bundle too. ) I guess we'll have to wait and see! I'm looking to spend around £85-£90 for a 12 month download subscription (usually £115). Seeing as I have all the 1-50 releases I really want, I don't think I'll be spending out that much this time. Unless the EDA season 2 is discounted too.
Oh yeah: I started watching the claws of axos (Pertwee), and it's pretty rubbish. Highlights so far include: What looks like the inside of Jabu-Jabus belly from Zelda, Spaghetti monster and the monstrous evil of a man under a blanket.
It's not an official policy, but it was the personal opinion of RTD and it seems to be shared by Moffat. It seems to stem from the idea that audiences, especially younglings, won't enjoy a purely historical story from a series that's sci-fi through and through.
Can't say I entirely agree - trying a pure historical every once in a while would be a really nice change of pace - but as long as they remember to actually go to the past as well as the future, I don't have a particularly big problem with it.
Also: Maths time!
If you watched an entire Doctor Who television adventure - that's an entire story, not an individual episode - every single day, it would take you about 7 months (this includes the second half of this years series).
If you watched one single episode a day, it would take you roughly 2¼ years (this includes the rest of this years series, plus the 28 episodes that would consist of the next two years series as well).
If you did one entire story (for example, one classic DVD) a week, it would take you roughly 5 years and 4 months (this includes the current story total of 217 [we're in the middle of the 217th, for the record], plus the 4 from the rest of this years series and the 56 that would occur over the next 5 years, giving a grand total of 277).
If you calculate how sad I am to have sat here and figure all this out, your brain would asplode.
I'm planning to do 1-3 episodes a day, I don't mind long series' xD in fact I'm really looking foreward to having something to do in my off time for the next 2 years ^_^
If you watched an entire Doctor Who television adventure - that's an entire story, not an individual episode - every single day, it would take you about 7 months (this includes the second half of this years series).
If you watched one single episode a day, it would take you roughly 2¼ years (this includes the rest of this years series, plus the 28 episodes that would consist of the next two years series as well).
If you did one entire story (for example, one classic DVD) a week, it would take you roughly 5 years and 4 months (this includes the current story total of 217 [we're in the middle of the 217th, for the record], plus the 4 from the rest of this years series and the 56 that would occur over the next 5 years, giving a grand total of 277).
If you calculate how sad I am to have sat here and figure all this out, your brain would asplode.
How many episodes would you have to watch per day to finish in three months, watching the four new series season about three times?
So I'm not exactly hopeful that any of the things I was planning to go on sale are going on sale for BF Day, and have restructured my list to include just main range 1-50 so I can clean house for most of Eight/Charley and Six/Evelyn with releases 6, 9, 22, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 40, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50. I may choose to axe two of those off in case somethign I was looking forward to does go ons ale the day itself, and if any of those are in the monthly sale I can hold off and buy something not in the daily one (because that'd be silly). Overall, that's 35 hours of content, and only one am I not looking forward to (ZAGREEEEUUUUS! *shakes fist*). Oh well, neccesary evil and all that. I also am thinking of picking up a 6-release sub at the end of the month starting with the Key 2 Time Part 2, as that includes the first half of the excellent seven/ace/hex trilogies in addition to the McGann anthology 'The Company of Friends' (which I'd hold out on buying as they'll probably have some sale on it in the fall due to Mary Shelley's role coming back in October, but SCRIPTS ) and then pick up the first bit of the Key 2 Time on it's own because wobbuffet and I definately would not want to start an arc that is heavily interconnected 1/3 of the way in.
How many episodes would you have to watch per day to finish in three months, watching the four new series season about three times?
Cause...that's sorta what I did.
Let's see... 3 months is about 90 days. So we just need to calculate how many stories you've watched in total and divide that by the number of days to figure out how many per day.
So. At present, we're at 217 stories (For the record, that's going on the assumption that Planet of the Dead is story number 200).
Each of the new series has 11 individual stories, counting the Christmas one. If you've watched four of those sets of 11 stories, then we need to add 44 for each additional time you've watched them. You say you've seen them three times, so that's an additional 88 (since the original 44 is in the original story count).
So 217, plus 88, equals 305. Now, how many times does 90 fit into that?
3.388 recurring.
So, rounding off for sake of convenience, you need to have watched around 3½ full stories a day to have watched the number you claim to have done in 3 months.
As for individual episodes? I believe someone mentioned there are 777 at present. Each modern series has 14 episodes, so times that by 8 to reach the number of rewatched episodes - 112. Added together, the total number of episodes watched is 889, which is so near 900 it makes the rest simple.
So basically, 10 episodes a day, with each Sunday letting you only watch 9.
So there's a new somewhat-non-canon series of Audios featuring the Minister of Chance (a character from the non-canon Death comes to Times) featuring Paul McGann (not as the doctor) and Sylvestor McCoy (not as the Doctor either, but as a bad guy!). They're only £1.29 or $1.99 off iTunes (just search 'The Minister of Chance') and the prologue is available as a free podcast.
you know what I love about dr. who, No matter what tame period, or what planet they go to, the people always speak perfect english, with a brittish accent... even marco polo who was italian lolol
on a side note, can anyone tell me how long Barbera, Ian, and susan are in the show? and were they originally intended to be perminent characters, or was it always intended to replace them with other companions after awile?
you know what I love about dr. who, No matter what tame period, or what planet they go to, the people always speak perfect english, with a brittish accent... even marco polo who was italian lolol
on a side note, can anyone tell me how long Barbera, Ian, and susan are in the show? and were they originally intended to be perminent characters, or was it always intended to replace them with other companions after awile?
Susan left in the second story of the second series, the other two hung around for a bit longer. I don't think anybody planned to replace them at the beginning.... nobody expected the show to go on for more than a dozen episodes.
(Anyway... no matter where people on Star Trek go, they always seem to meet Americans. And wherever people go on Stargate, there're always a lot of pine trees around, which must be annoying, since that's what their home base looks like!)
Susan left in the second story of the second series, the other two hung around for a bit longer. I don't think anybody planned to replace them at the beginning.... nobody expected the show to go on for more than a dozen episodes.
(Anyway... no matter where people on Star Trek go, they always seem to meet Americans. And wherever people go on Stargate, there're always a lot of pine trees around, which must be annoying, since that's what their home base looks like!)
IKR! It's one of my major pet peeves with sci-fi programs, and so easy to fix, if the main characters would let it slip into regular conversation that they have some sort of universal translator or something it wouldn't be that big of an issue...
IKR! It's one of my major pet peeves with sci-fi programs, and so easy to fix, if the main characters would let it slip into regular conversation that they have some sort of universal translator or something it wouldn't be that big of an issue...
Still, a little odd that it took 40 years or so for them to explain it!
Also, see if you can spot Karen Gillan (Amy, the current assistant).
In Doctor Who they have the TARDIS translating (which they didn't bother explaining because nobody really cared). In Star Trek they do, in fact, have a universal translator, though it's not exactly 100% reliable. In Farscape, they had translator microbes. Wikipedia has a few more examples.
In Stargate, the producers freely admit that aliens tend to speak English to avoid spending 10 minutes an episode overcoming the language barrier.
I agree it can be a little silly at times, but that's what suspension of disbelief is for.
Beat you to it with a visual aid! Yay!
Well, actually you went into other sci-fi, so I'll let you off. In fact, just ignore this post. It smells of onions.
Awesome ^^, It does raise a few questions though, who would win in a fight?
The Doctor VS Obi-Wan? The Doctor. Near infinite number of lives beats Midiclorians.
Amy VS Leia? Leia. An action chick vs. an action chick who's willing to kill. If this were a beauty contest though, it'd be a draw (or, alternatively, everybody wins).
Daleks VS Stormtroopers? Daleks. Duh.
Rory VS Darth Vader? Darth Vader. Again, duh. Then again, Rory never does seem to stay dead for long...
The BF Day won't include Downlaods. Period. As in, buying the CD will not include downloads either. I am incredibly angered by this.
Wha? That sucks. Deeply so. I've been looking forward to this for some time. I have no room for CDs on my shelf and I love having all my titles under my account. It just seems like a baffling decision.
I'm defanatly planning on watching all of the fan reconstructions... I don't want to miss anything ^_^
I watched "The Aztecs" last night, and really enjoyed it. It was nice to see the show being both educational and entertaining. The special features on the DVD were nice too, with a short documentary about the fall of the aztecs, which succeeded in making me hate the spanish.
I wish they would do more episodes set in the past. Like the ancient egyptians, the mayans or the native americans(i can see that happening: Matt Smith meeting Geronimo)
Well, more recently the pseudo-historicals haven't exactly been the hottest episodes, with The Curse of The Black Spot, Victory of the Daleks, and Tooth and Claw as some of the worser examples. Vincent and the Doctor may be the only time in the whole new series where the historical works well. And they can't do full-on historicals because of a BBC policy, so yeah.
A few of these eras would be nice, though.
I saw a rumor that this year's christmas special may have the daleks. It's a shame they already did a Christmas carol, because teaching Davros the meaning of Christmas would be a great episode.
"Vincent and the Doctor" is one of my all-time favourite episodes. To me it's a fantastic example of how well you can develop a character (and empathy for that character) in the space of just 45 minutes.
What BBC policy is that?
Something along the lines of that the bad guy needs to be fictional or something like that (I don't know)
Can't say I entirely agree - trying a pure historical every once in a while would be a really nice change of pace - but as long as they remember to actually go to the past as well as the future, I don't have a particularly big problem with it.
Also: Maths time!
If you watched an entire Doctor Who television adventure - that's an entire story, not an individual episode - every single day, it would take you about 7 months (this includes the second half of this years series).
If you watched one single episode a day, it would take you roughly 2¼ years (this includes the rest of this years series, plus the 28 episodes that would consist of the next two years series as well).
If you did one entire story (for example, one classic DVD) a week, it would take you roughly 5 years and 4 months (this includes the current story total of 217 [we're in the middle of the 217th, for the record], plus the 4 from the rest of this years series and the 56 that would occur over the next 5 years, giving a grand total of 277).
If you calculate how sad I am to have sat here and figure all this out, your brain would asplode.
Don't forget "The empty child/Doctor Dances", "The girl in the fireplace", "The Shakespeare code" and "the vampires of venice", which were all pretty decent. Three of which won several awards. I think there's a lot of potential in histroicals, but they seem more focussed on famous people the children learn about in school. They'll probably do someone like Henry VIII or maybe even king arthur next, which is a shame.
I don't think the historical episodes you mentioned are bad, it's just that they are less sci-fi-y, which is what the most vocal part of the fan community probably prefer.
Personally, I'd like to see something set in the cold war. Like the cuban missile crisis or something, but I can't see that happening. Although, I think Big Finish are doing an audio in the soviet union featuring seven and the ice warriors.
Big finish sale news: From June 6-10 there will be 10 doctor who titles on sale for £5 each from the first 50 main range titles (1-10 on the 6th, 11-20 on the 7th and so on). There will also be a general sale over the course of the month (From the sounds of it it'll be stuff like "20% off Gallifrey spin-off series" or other bundle deals. There will also be some deals on the day of the convention, but some will be exclusive to to that event.
Re: cold war. That's the first one of the Season 27 set! (I really reccomend the set, it's a good price in the sense you save seven quid.) TBH, it really didn't rely on the Cold War so much as it was in Russia on the anniversary of the Russian Revolution. The Eighth Doctor said he met Lenin on a train in Storm Warning, so I guess there's something that brings the Doctor back! :P
You were ninja-edit'd
And because you mentioned the French dub earlier:Monty Python time!
I actually had a similar idea, with the phone call at the end of the Big Bang, except when he's on the phone he's speaking french and talking to other people it's English. It'd have made the scene much funnier
But, I wouldn't expect to see Subscriptions on sale at all, and EDA subs as a remote chance. It'll probably be similar to the other month-long sales, ie 5 related releases for fivers.
I don't know, If it's like their christmas sale, They'll have some of the spin-off series discounted (all the cybermen series for £35 I think was one. Eight of the soundtrack CDs for £8 was another. They did a stage play bundle too. ) I guess we'll have to wait and see! I'm looking to spend around £85-£90 for a 12 month download subscription (usually £115). Seeing as I have all the 1-50 releases I really want, I don't think I'll be spending out that much this time. Unless the EDA season 2 is discounted too.
Oh yeah: I started watching the claws of axos (Pertwee), and it's pretty rubbish. Highlights so far include: What looks like the inside of Jabu-Jabus belly from Zelda, Spaghetti monster and the monstrous evil of a man under a blanket.
I did the Big Bang in french thing with my editing skeelz, so expect that to be linked soonish.
I'm planning to do 1-3 episodes a day, I don't mind long series' xD in fact I'm really looking foreward to having something to do in my off time for the next 2 years ^_^
How many episodes would you have to watch per day to finish in three months, watching the four new series season about three times?
Cause...that's sorta what I did.
Not that much. 42 episodes and three christmas specials = 45. 135 episode, 90 days. 1.5ish.
I meant watching the entire classical series in addition to watching the new series three times. Should have made that more clear.
Too much time a day is the answer then.
Yeah...I also only watched Doctor Who while I was doing organic chemistry or calculus. What does THAT say about me?
So. At present, we're at 217 stories (For the record, that's going on the assumption that Planet of the Dead is story number 200).
Each of the new series has 11 individual stories, counting the Christmas one. If you've watched four of those sets of 11 stories, then we need to add 44 for each additional time you've watched them. You say you've seen them three times, so that's an additional 88 (since the original 44 is in the original story count).
So 217, plus 88, equals 305. Now, how many times does 90 fit into that?
3.388 recurring.
So, rounding off for sake of convenience, you need to have watched around 3½ full stories a day to have watched the number you claim to have done in 3 months.
As for individual episodes? I believe someone mentioned there are 777 at present. Each modern series has 14 episodes, so times that by 8 to reach the number of rewatched episodes - 112. Added together, the total number of episodes watched is 889, which is so near 900 it makes the rest simple.
So basically, 10 episodes a day, with each Sunday letting you only watch 9.
...I can't sleep. Sue me.
So there's a new somewhat-non-canon series of Audios featuring the Minister of Chance (a character from the non-canon Death comes to Times) featuring Paul McGann (not as the doctor) and Sylvestor McCoy (not as the Doctor either, but as a bad guy!). They're only £1.29 or $1.99 off iTunes (just search 'The Minister of Chance') and the prologue is available as a free podcast.
on a side note, can anyone tell me how long Barbera, Ian, and susan are in the show? and were they originally intended to be perminent characters, or was it always intended to replace them with other companions after awile?
Susan left in the second story of the second series, the other two hung around for a bit longer. I don't think anybody planned to replace them at the beginning.... nobody expected the show to go on for more than a dozen episodes.
(Anyway... no matter where people on Star Trek go, they always seem to meet Americans. And wherever people go on Stargate, there're always a lot of pine trees around, which must be annoying, since that's what their home base looks like!)
IKR! It's one of my major pet peeves with sci-fi programs, and so easy to fix, if the main characters would let it slip into regular conversation that they have some sort of universal translator or something it wouldn't be that big of an issue...
Still, a little odd that it took 40 years or so for them to explain it!
Also, see if you can spot Karen Gillan (Amy, the current assistant).
In Stargate, the producers freely admit that aliens tend to speak English to avoid spending 10 minutes an episode overcoming the language barrier.
I agree it can be a little silly at times, but that's what suspension of disbelief is for.
Well, actually you went into other sci-fi, so I'll let you off. In fact, just ignore this post. It smells of onions.
Wait... onions? Wha..?
In other news, this kid has the best parents in the world. His surname is even smith!
Also this.
Awesome ^^, It does raise a few questions though, who would win in a fight?
The Doctor VS Obi-Wan?
Amy VS Leia?
Daleks VS Stormtroopers?
Rory VS Darth Vader?
Amy VS Leia? Leia. An action chick vs. an action chick who's willing to kill. If this were a beauty contest though, it'd be a draw (or, alternatively, everybody wins).
Daleks VS Stormtroopers? Daleks. Duh.
Rory VS Darth Vader? Darth Vader. Again, duh. Then again, Rory never does seem to stay dead for long...
Wha? That sucks. Deeply so. I've been looking forward to this for some time. I have no room for CDs on my shelf and I love having all my titles under my account. It just seems like a baffling decision.