So I still haven't seen 6x03. DAMMIT COMCAST WHY DONT YOU UPDATE YOUR ON DEMAND. (It's not in SD either, apparently)
...on the plus side, less time waiting between 6x03 and 6x04!
So, here's a question that rather illicits some thought: of the first three Doctors, which is your favorite? Most fans of the new series seem to say Pertwee, and I'm inclined to agree. Because I love how they responded 'He's incredibly old-looking! Let's make him a kung-fu action star!'
I would say pertwee, but then I haven't seen that much of Troughton. And Hartnell just seemed like a bit of a grump.
Hartnell could be pretty funny. Like when he kept on loudly denying that he had anything to do with burning Rome down...right after he gave Nero the idea.
Having said that, I gotta say Pertwee as well. Just for the scene where he and Jo are exploring this series of tunnels on an alien planet to go meet an old friend of the Doctor's and she keeps on asking why they can't just go back to the TARDIS. If I remember correctly, he responds with something like: "The king of (whatever planet it was) is a very old and dear friend of mine and it would be bad manners to not stop by. Also, I'm lost."
I must've laughed for about ten minutes after that.
Hey, at least there's not as long a wait until it comes back. Plus, we've got Sherlock in the meantime. It's not all bad.
Of the early three, I've only really seen much of Hartnell, so I'll go with him. He had a cheeky side to him that didn't come out often enough, and I like that about him.
*edit* So you've decided to carry on with the EDA's then? Which one are you up to? They're pretty decent. They're pretty much like New series episodes on audio. But the timings don't work out too well for me. My Trek to college involves a 25 minute walk each day, which is the perfect amount of time for a standard audio, but too short for an EDA. (at 50-something minutes)
Oh yeah, I finally picked up the DS game today. It's pretty much like a proffesor Layton Game for small children. What I find odd is that the Sonic screwdriver seems to be almost completely ignored. Come across a padlocked door? You have to backtrack, find the owner of the property, do a small puzzle, unlock a toolbox using a lock pick (which you also have to find), and then use the key on the padlock. All whilst having the sonic in your inventory. Hmm...
What I find odd is that the Sonic screwdriver seems to be almost completely ignored. Come across a padlocked door? You have to backtrack, find the owner of the property, do a small puzzle, unlock a toolbox using a lock pick (which you also have to find), and then use the key on the padlock. All whilst having the sonic in your inventory. Hmm...
While I can understand gimping the screwdriver for gameplay reasons, that's just un-Doctor-ly and wrong.
*edit* So you've decided to carry on with the EDA's then? Which one are you up to? They're pretty decent. They're pretty much like New series episodes on audio. But the timings don't work out too well for me. My Trek to college involves a 25 minute walk each day, which is the perfect amount of time for a standard audio, but too short for an EDA. (at 50-something minutes)
Still Blood of the Daleks. But after listneing to the first part, it's great enough to have me keep buying it until BF Day puts the monthly series I'm going to buy anyway on sale.
Also: I feel exactly the same way re:timing. Although, if it's edited the right way, like the first one, you can stop halfway through and pretend it's 2x the episodes. Because in the first one the Dalek reveal happens around 26 minutes in exactly.
So my new cycle will be EDA one week, CC the next. Because I *must* have the CC where it's the Brigadier chilling with some wine reminiscing,talking to an unheard person, about his time with UNIT.
Well, I've gotten a bit further and the sonic is indeed used for some things. Mainly breaking/fixing stuff. Although sometimes you have to do a stupid impossible sliding picture puzzle to fix things, other times you have to use the sonic, which sparks a minigame a bit like the "drag this item here, minding the edges and hazard" minigame in the adventure games. Only far easier (healthbar FTW.).
And no-one seems overly fussed. Probably because they keep forgetting about them. Now what was I talking about again?
In case people don't know what's going on, they're putting models of these guys all over London to advertise the DW Exhibition.
Great tactic, but it really does highlight the major problem I have with these guys - the hands. Just... just look at them. The rest of it is great, but the hands seem really cheap and tacky by comparison.
Oh god, I uncovered a bug in the Big Finish site that means you can buy everything on the site from anything, download or CD, and do it for £0.20. I sent it in, and hope it's fixed. I HAVE RESISTED THE URGE TO GET A SUBSCRIPTION THOUGH AARGH
Oh god, I uncovered a bug in the Big Finish site that means you can buy everything on the site from anything, download or CD, and do it for £0.20. I sent it in, and hope it's fixed. I HAVE RESISTED THE URGE TO GET A SUBSCRIPTION THOUGH AARGH
Wow, that's a pretty serious bug! What's the 20p for? I'm interested (in a tech sense.), but I guess you can't tell me, or you'll be shot?
I'm guessing it'll lead to some downtime soonish, hopefully it'll be back up before the BFD.
Wow, that's a pretty serious bug! What's the 20p for? I'm interested (in a tech sense.), but I guess you can't tell me, or you'll be shot?
I'm guessing it'll lead to some downtime soonish, hopefully it'll be back up before the BFD.
Yes. Well, the bug would require an overhaul of the way you purchase content to be fixed, but for all I know it's a serious issue that a bunch of people know of that BF doesn't yet. I can't tell you about 20p anywhere like here because that'd give a pretty big hint as to why it exists and how to use it. I think this is why I got Blood of the Daleks accidentally, and my experimentive side had me try it with Invaders of Mars (whilst purchasing something perfectly normally in the same purchase), and it worked like a charm. Maybe they'll reward me with a lifetime subscription (oh please god).
Yes. Well, the bug would require an overhaul of the way you purchase content to be fixed, but for all I know it's a serious issue that a bunch of people know of that BF doesn't yet. I can't tell you about 20p anywhere like here because that'd give a pretty big hint as to why it exists and how to use it. I think this is why I got Blood of the Daleks accidentally, and my experimentive side had me try it with Invaders of Mars (whilst purchasing something perfectly normally in the same purchase), and it worked like a charm. Maybe they'll reward me with a lifetime subscription (oh please god).
I think they're more likely to just throw one of the subscriber CD's at you (of your choice. I would say go for "the four doctors" as to get it otherwise requires any 12 month subscription, or a sub covering Main range 141. Plus, it's worth lots on eBay!)
Or they could be really mean and charge you for the two releases you recieved.
Today's I liked. At the start I was thrown into a world of confusion, then the episode seemed to stop caring so much about explaining itself, and began having fun. I liked that. I loved Amy and Rory being messed about.
I just watched confidential, and it was one of the best in a long time. Neil Gaimen has such an awesome voice. Plus, it had several clips of Paul McGann in it! Yay! Oh yeah, and the others too. They seemed really grainy and dull though. I guess that's what they looked like pre-restoration? Colins coat was more pastel-coloured then Vibrant.
I just watched confidential, and it was one of the best in a long time. Neil Gaimen has such an awesome voice. Plus, it had several clips of Paul McGann in it! Yay! Oh yeah, and the others too. They seemed really grainy and dull though. I guess that's what they looked like pre-restoration? Colins coat was more pastel-coloured then Vibrant.
As much as I love his coat, I find it best to watch his era of Stories with Color turned slightly down as he had some very, very dark stories and the bright eighties lighting doesn't fit it. Davison, on the the other hand, I turn all the way up.
Still no response from BF, I guess I can figure they've left the office seeing as it's midnight. Hope they get this sorted out quickly.
Also: Who has two thumbs and still hasn't seen 6x03? THIS GUY
Double also: BF announced on it's podcast that it'll have a week of unique sales, with a new sale each day leading up to BF Day.
Did anyone else have problems understanding what Auntie and Uncle were saying? I had to turn on the subtitles. Brilliant episode otherwise.
I did too. I just thought that was because there was a lot of background noise at the time (the puppy decided to charge round the garden eating bushes and ripping up grass, my sister went for a bath and my mum was on the phone)
Oh yeah, Went to a car boot sale (do they have those in the states? Think: large scale yard sale with lots of people selling stuff.) today, and picked up five classic DVD's for about £3.50 each. Awesome.
The guy guessed I was a doctor who fan. I wonder if it was my 5th doctor replica shirt that gave it away? :P
...on the plus side, less time waiting between 6x03 and 6x04!
So, here's a question that rather illicits some thought: of the first three Doctors, which is your favorite? Most fans of the new series seem to say Pertwee, and I'm inclined to agree. Because I love how they responded 'He's incredibly old-looking! Let's make him a kung-fu action star!'
Hartnell could be pretty funny. Like when he kept on loudly denying that he had anything to do with burning Rome down...right after he gave Nero the idea.
Having said that, I gotta say Pertwee as well. Just for the scene where he and Jo are exploring this series of tunnels on an alien planet to go meet an old friend of the Doctor's and she keeps on asking why they can't just go back to the TARDIS. If I remember correctly, he responds with something like: "The king of (whatever planet it was) is a very old and dear friend of mine and it would be bad manners to not stop by. Also, I'm lost."
I must've laughed for about ten minutes after that.
Also, I may be in love with the New Eighth Doctor Adventures format.
Of the early three, I've only really seen much of Hartnell, so I'll go with him. He had a cheeky side to him that didn't come out often enough, and I like that about him.
Especially because it happened at my University!!!!
Sadly, I missed it. I can't believe I missed it.
That wasn't that impressive. I think having it suddenly appear at a football game without anyone noticing would be a touch more impressive.
Incase anyone hasn't seen it yet: Fear the Wrath of Moffat!
*edit* So you've decided to carry on with the EDA's then? Which one are you up to? They're pretty decent. They're pretty much like New series episodes on audio. But the timings don't work out too well for me. My Trek to college involves a 25 minute walk each day, which is the perfect amount of time for a standard audio, but too short for an EDA. (at 50-something minutes)
Oh yeah, I finally picked up the DS game today. It's pretty much like a proffesor Layton Game for small children. What I find odd is that the Sonic screwdriver seems to be almost completely ignored. Come across a padlocked door? You have to backtrack, find the owner of the property, do a small puzzle, unlock a toolbox using a lock pick (which you also have to find), and then use the key on the padlock. All whilst having the sonic in your inventory. Hmm...
While I can understand gimping the screwdriver for gameplay reasons, that's just un-Doctor-ly and wrong.
Everyone has deadlock seals instaled now.
Still Blood of the Daleks. But after listneing to the first part, it's great enough to have me keep buying it until BF Day puts the monthly series I'm going to buy anyway on sale.
Also: I feel exactly the same way re:timing. Although, if it's edited the right way, like the first one, you can stop halfway through and pretend it's 2x the episodes. Because in the first one the Dalek reveal happens around 26 minutes in exactly.
So my new cycle will be EDA one week, CC the next. Because I *must* have the CC where it's the Brigadier chilling with some wine reminiscing,talking to an unheard person, about his time with UNIT.
I actually have the DS game, but I've yet to play it. Shame on me! I'll give it a go this weekend when I have more time.
And no-one seems overly fussed. Probably because they keep forgetting about them. Now what was I talking about again?
Great tactic, but it really does highlight the major problem I have with these guys - the hands. Just... just look at them. The rest of it is great, but the hands seem really cheap and tacky by comparison.
That's a very poor strategy since everyone will just forget the moment they look away.
That too. I forgot about that. But we can agree that it is a flawed marketing scheme.
And, for the love of god, STOP
I think this is a running gag now.
Wow, that's a pretty serious bug! What's the 20p for? I'm interested (in a tech sense.), but I guess you can't tell me, or you'll be shot?
I'm guessing it'll lead to some downtime soonish, hopefully it'll be back up before the BFD.
Yes. Well, the bug would require an overhaul of the way you purchase content to be fixed, but for all I know it's a serious issue that a bunch of people know of that BF doesn't yet. I can't tell you about 20p anywhere like here because that'd give a pretty big hint as to why it exists and how to use it. I think this is why I got Blood of the Daleks accidentally, and my experimentive side had me try it with Invaders of Mars (whilst purchasing something perfectly normally in the same purchase), and it worked like a charm. Maybe they'll reward me with a lifetime subscription (oh please god).
I think they're more likely to just throw one of the subscriber CD's at you (of your choice. I would say go for "the four doctors" as to get it otherwise requires any 12 month subscription, or a sub covering Main range 141. Plus, it's worth lots on eBay!)
Or they could be really mean and charge you for the two releases you recieved.
Edit: Is it me or is Rory wearing a Blue Life Preserver? (My post needed more references.)
As much as I love his coat, I find it best to watch his era of Stories with Color turned slightly down as he had some very, very dark stories and the bright eighties lighting doesn't fit it. Davison, on the the other hand, I turn all the way up.
Still no response from BF, I guess I can figure they've left the office seeing as it's midnight. Hope they get this sorted out quickly.
Also: Who has two thumbs and still hasn't seen 6x03? THIS GUY
Double also: BF announced on it's podcast that it'll have a week of unique sales, with a new sale each day leading up to BF Day.
I think we've already seen a different one.
I did too. I just thought that was because there was a lot of background noise at the time (the puppy decided to charge round the garden eating bushes and ripping up grass, my sister went for a bath and my mum was on the phone)
Oh yeah, Went to a car boot sale (do they have those in the states? Think: large scale yard sale with lots of people selling stuff.) today, and picked up five classic DVD's for about £3.50 each. Awesome.
The guy guessed I was a doctor who fan. I wonder if it was my 5th doctor replica shirt that gave it away? :P
Didn't like the ep, or just didn't like
On a related note, the Audios have made McGann my third favorite. Possibly second.