The odd thing is that a cows head almost seems to fit the body...
I'm off to watch "The leisure Hive" part two. Tom Just had all his limbs pulled off. Also, it seems weird to see a tom baker episode with the davison title music. I know it was like that for a whole season, but I've seen far more of his episodes without that intro!
Oh, and the almighty moff said that the daleks are going to be rested for a bit (In other words, unexpected episode 13 appearance! )
I just got that joke. And only on the third reading. ¬_¬
*edit 2*
So the month-long sale seems to be a dissapointment, so I've decided to go for some of the main range ones. Colin Baker
6-Marian conspiracy
9-The Spectre of Lanyon Moore
23-Project Twilight
27- The one Doctor
43- And the Pirates
45- Project:Lazarus
12- The fires of Vulcan (I figured, if I don't like this one, chances are I Just don't like McCoys Doctor. It's the 5th highest rated of all his audios. And I haven't found A TV serial of his I've particularly thought was good yet.)
20- Loips Garoux (It's a multi-time period story, I think, which I always like)
24- The eye of the scorpion (Erimem's 1st appearance)
On BFD itself I'll be on the look out for Paul McGann stuff and the CC: "Periand the Piscon Paradox"
And the boldness seems to have gone weird. Oh well.
The Marian Conspiracy
The Spectre of Lanyon Moor
Project: Twilight
The One Doctor
Doctor Who and The Pirates
Project: Lazarus
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
Embrace the Darkness
Time of the Daleks
(seven apparently is the worstest and slowly becomes the bestest around now, considering his most recent trilogies has 5 classics that everyone loves)
(also Project: Lazarus is a multi-doctor with Seven too :P)
(looking at TARDIS, there are tons of secret multi-doctor stories. Seven apparently appears in
The Wormery
Thicker than Water
, while Paul McGann appears as a 'Johann Schmidt' in
The Architects of History
. That's not even counting Jon Pertwee in that thing.
It looks like you're getting mostly the same as me (including ones I already own. I think there's 2 or 3 that I don't own there). Good choices. Jubilee, Bloodtide and davros are all awesome CB serials.
Oh, and there's a new preview clip for saturday's middale (I refuse to call it a finale, as it's halfway through the series!). Nothing overly spoilery in it. At least nothing that isn't common knowledge anyway (I.e. River song is in it. With Roranicus Pondicus.) Alex kingston does some fantastic acting. The whole scene made me really excited, which is awesome, as I haven't really been excited about this series (despite it actually being pretty good!). I blame that on the fact that I've gotten into the past series' and audios more, so it's diluted the specialness of a new episode.
In other news, my mother is currently in sainsbury's, and they still have some Doctor who dvds on sale (turns out there is an advantage to seemingly being the only huge whovian in a 10 mile radius!). She's picked up Myths and Legends boxset and "The ark". So that brings my To-Watch list to 6 serials worth. I am not going to have room for these DVDs anymore! I may have to rethink the positioning of my R.C Dalek.
I'd like to point out how massively spoilery the cover of this week's Radio Times is if you didn't happen to see the end of the last episode. I honestly found this to be very annoying, like how they ruined the Human Dalek, and I'm not entirely sure why.
In other news, my mother is currently in sainsbury's, and they still have some Doctor who dvds on sale (turns out there is an advantage to seemingly being the only huge whovian in a 10 mile radius!). She's picked up Myths and Legends boxset and "The ark".
Lucky blighter. For those of you following this scintillating saga, I managed to get out to the big Sainsburys near me at the weekend. They had
1) a couple of full-price chart Dr Who DVDs
2) cut-price DVD of that one with the flying bus in the desert.
River: So that's who I am!
Doctor: I know who River is now. Knowing who River is is cool.
Amy: I'm Scottish!
*rory dies*
Doctor: Now what do we do! I know!
Let's kill Hitler!
This is hilarious, I laughed out loud, and couldnt resist: Klick!
This is hilarious, I laughed out loud, and couldnt resist: Klick!
This is the second time I've put up a mini-script non-seriously and then it's been adapted by something relating to Majus! (the other being IWWHIWWHIROTPG:TG, 'oh look a morgan' was the best joke).
And it appears, if they don't raise the price of Lost Stories Series 3 by the end of the month, that I'll be owning A Main Range (Oct-Sep1), Fourth Doctor Adventures, Lost Stories, and CC sub. Starting in May 2012, that'd mean for two months I'd get six discs a month (yesh).
Fourth Doctor Adventures gets a price raise August 1st, if you all haven't bought it yet. I'll be picking up Series One and possibly the Lost Stories Box Set before the raise.
Also: OH MY GOD! This month's releases that aren't main range are out before the weekend. If only Telltale would start releasing titles within the first three days of the month...
Mark Gatiss is going to be in the finale this year. Lolwut. I can imagine the Doctor being like 'Eye patch lady? Nope!' *rips off latex mask* 'Professor Lazarus!' 'And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those rotten kids!
Also, 13 will have a big cliffhanger leading into the next series/christmas special. TOO MUCH PLOT
Mark Gatiss is going to be in the finale this year. Lolwut. I can imagine the Doctor being like 'Eye patch lady? Nope!' *rips off latex mask* 'Professor Lazarus!' 'And I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those rotten kids!
Also, 13 will have a big cliffhanger leading into the next series/christmas special. TOO MUCH PLOT
Don't forget Danny-boy!
In fact, I'm surprised the doctor hasn't realised that Amy is really a soothsayer from pompeii.
Also, Majus, that's an awesome video. You should tweet it @steven_moffat
I love the way The Doctor holds his arms/hands, you really captured Matt Smith's mannerisms there.
Yes! I honestly, honestly thought "Probably nobody would notice that I try to imitade Matt Smiths mannerism here." while I was drawing these akward arms. So, that comment made my day.
So I watched the documentary on the Trial DVD about Colin's time of the show. That was incredibly depressing. Everything went wrong at once, and the people involved ended up going from liking eachother to hating eachother within a year. Truly saddening. Especially the last part, where Colin says 'I still feel cheated', as the expanded universe gave Colin the ending he deserved: 'I've done a lot, seen a lot. Can't complain this time. Don't feel cheated.' were Six's last words according to one of the novels.
So the episode has a few unexpected cameos apparently. I recall seeing that the woman who played Captain Wrack in Enlightenment was returning this series earlier in the year... The Doctor needs some favors from the Eternals methinks.
I found another bug on the BF site, this time to get The Four Doctors for free. Le sigh. Sent it in. Won't download unless they tell me I get to keep it.
ALSO: REIGN OF TERROR missing eps to be animated for DVD. V early test graphic to be posted here tonight. Animators to be announced soon. - from CLASSICDW twitter - HOORAY!
So the episode has a few unexpected cameos apparently. I recall seeing that the woman who played Captain Wrack in Enlightenment was returning this series earlier in the year... The Doctor needs some favors from the Eternals methinks.
I found another bug on the BF site, this time to get The Four Doctors for free. Le sigh. Sent it in. Won't download unless they tell me I get to keep it.
ALSO: REIGN OF TERROR missing eps to be animated for DVD. V early test graphic to be posted here tonight. Animators to be announced soon. - from CLASSICDW twitter - HOORAY!
Post attempt #2
You mean this lady?
She's slated for episodes 12/13 apparently.
Also, I watched the five doctors last night. It's pretty much everything I would want from a Doctor Who movie. The only downside is that it didn't have Bill Hartnell in it (being dead is not an excuse. ). And a distinct lack of Tom baker, due to him throwing a sulk for a few years. It did feature some scenes pinched from the scrapped "shada" though. I really think a multi-doctor episode would be awesome again.
Oh yeah, Hartnell's replacement was pretty decent, although there wasn't enough "Hmm? Heh heh heh"'s for my liking!
Also, I'm glad they're animating more episodes again. Although I would prefer them to have done Hartnells final episodes!
Post attempt #2
You mean this lady?
She's slated for episodes 12/13 apparently.
Also, I watched the five doctors last night. It's pretty much everything I would want from a Doctor Who movie. The only downside is that it didn't have Bill Hartnell in it (being dead is not an excuse. ). And a distinct lack of Tom baker, due to him throwing a sulk for a few years. It did feature some scenes pinched from the scrapped "shada" though. I really think a multi-doctor episode would be awesome again.
Oh yeah, Hartnell's replacement was pretty decent, although there wasn't enough "Hmm? Heh heh heh"'s for my liking!
Also, I'm glad they're animating more episodes again. Although I would prefer them to have done Hartnells final episodes!
The Tenth Planet seems to be the final planned release in the whole range, which is a nice idea due to the symbolism of everything. The other incomplete story getting an indicual release is the Troughton The Ice Warriors, which is probably an early 2013 release as well. 2013 seems to consist of 5 Pertwees, the aforementioned Tenth Planet and Ice Warriors, The Krotons, and Shada (which will be in a box with something else).
Also: There is a bonus feature with Outtakes on the Five Doctors, with Peter Davison cursing during a take as one. It's hilarious.
The Tenth Planet seems to be the final planned release in the whole range, which is a nice idea due to the symbolism of everything. The other incomplete story getting an indicual release is the Troughton The Ice Warriors, which is probably an early 2013 release as well. 2013 seems to consist of 5 Pertwees, the aforementioned Tenth Planet and Ice Warriors, The Krotons, and Shada (which will be in a box with something else).
Also: There is a bonus feature with Outtakes on the Five Doctors, with Peter Davison cursing during a take as one. It's hilarious.
Ah, that's great to hear. I'm really starting to like Bill Hartnell, after watching "The aztecs"
I haven't got to the extras yet. I started one documentary (oddly enough with Colin baker doing it), but it was an hour long and it was like 12.30 AM. So I listened to one of the audio episodes on the iplayer instead.
In fact, that seems to be the fate of all doctor who actors. Christopher Eccleston and Freema Agyeman seem to have appeared on it too! However, I've posted far more links then are likely to be viewed.
I finished a very long, drawn out listen of 'Invaders From Mars' (seeing as I thought it'd be all I have to listen to for three weeks) just a few minutes ago. That was a very fun story. I'm very excited to pick up the rest of the Pre-Divergent Eight/Charley season next week as part of the sale now. Now, I believe a certain full cast audio from the Lost Stories is being released tonight *waits patiently f5ing*.
Thanks for the link. On a side note the Doctor is a liar, I've got a Bunk Bed so I know they're not cool in fact they're annoying and make me wish I got a normal bed again.
Thanks for the link. On a side note the Doctor is a liar, I've got a Bunk Bed so I know they're not cool in fact they're annoying and make me wish I got a normal bed again.
But It's A Bed... with a ladder!
(my favorite response to the line I've seen is 'Cosmic Nine-year-old forever' because it sums up the doctor pretty well)
I've just had a scary thought. In less than 20 hours we'll know who river song is, and years of speculation will be over! And then no more doctor who for AGES!
I wish they shopped Billy Pipers head with a cows head too.
The odd thing is that a cows head almost seems to fit the body...
I'm off to watch "The leisure Hive" part two. Tom Just had all his limbs pulled off. Also, it seems weird to see a tom baker episode with the davison title music. I know it was like that for a whole season, but I've seen far more of his episodes without that intro!
Oh, and the almighty moff said that the daleks are going to be rested for a bit (In other words, unexpected episode 13 appearance!
I just got that joke. And only on the third reading. ¬_¬
*edit 2*
So the month-long sale seems to be a dissapointment, so I've decided to go for some of the main range ones.
Colin Baker
12- The fires of Vulcan (I figured, if I don't like this one, chances are I Just don't like McCoys Doctor. It's the 5th highest rated of all his audios. And I haven't found A TV serial of his I've particularly thought was good yet.)
And the boldness seems to have gone weird. Oh well.
Spare Parts
The Marian Conspiracy
The Spectre of Lanyon Moor
Project: Twilight
The One Doctor
Doctor Who and The Pirates
Project: Lazarus
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
Embrace the Darkness
Time of the Daleks
(seven apparently is the worstest and slowly becomes the bestest around now, considering his most recent trilogies has 5 classics that everyone loves)
(also Project: Lazarus is a multi-doctor with Seven too :P)
(looking at TARDIS, there are tons of secret multi-doctor stories. Seven apparently appears in
Oh, and there's a new preview clip for saturday's middale (I refuse to call it a finale, as it's halfway through the series!). Nothing overly spoilery in it. At least nothing that isn't common knowledge anyway (I.e. River song is in it. With Roranicus Pondicus.) Alex kingston does some fantastic acting. The whole scene made me really excited, which is awesome, as I haven't really been excited about this series (despite it actually being pretty good!). I blame that on the fact that I've gotten into the past series' and audios more, so it's diluted the specialness of a new episode.
In other news, my mother is currently in sainsbury's, and they still have some Doctor who dvds on sale (turns out there is an advantage to seemingly being the only huge whovian in a 10 mile radius!). She's picked up Myths and Legends boxset and "The ark". So that brings my To-Watch list to 6 serials worth. I am not going to have room for these DVDs anymore! I may have to rethink the positioning of my R.C Dalek.
Lucky blighter. For those of you following this scintillating saga, I managed to get out to the big Sainsburys near me at the weekend. They had
1) a couple of full-price chart Dr Who DVDs
2) cut-price DVD of that one with the flying bus in the desert.
This is hilarious, I laughed out loud, and couldnt resist:
This is the second time I've put up a mini-script non-seriously and then it's been adapted by something relating to Majus! (the other being IWWHIWWHIROTPG:TG, 'oh look a morgan' was the best joke).
And it appears, if they don't raise the price of Lost Stories Series 3 by the end of the month, that I'll be owning A Main Range (Oct-Sep1), Fourth Doctor Adventures, Lost Stories, and CC sub. Starting in May 2012, that'd mean for two months I'd get six discs a month (yesh).
Fourth Doctor Adventures gets a price raise August 1st, if you all haven't bought it yet. I'll be picking up Series One and possibly the Lost Stories Box Set before the raise.
Also: OH MY GOD! This month's releases that aren't main range are out before the weekend. If only Telltale would start releasing titles within the first three days of the month...
Also, 13 will have a big cliffhanger leading into the next series/christmas special. TOO MUCH PLOT
I wish you put a spoiler tag there :P
In fact, I'm surprised the doctor hasn't realised that Amy is really a soothsayer from pompeii.
Also, Majus, that's an awesome video. You should tweet it @steven_moffat
I felt that there was something missing, so I updated the movie:
Klick again!
Yes! I honestly, honestly thought "Probably nobody would notice that I try to imitade Matt Smiths mannerism here." while I was drawing these akward arms. So, that comment made my day.
| second this motion
And, yes! IWWHIDW!
Cartoon-Rory's a dead ringer for Arthur Darvill, as well.
I found another bug on the BF site, this time to get The Four Doctors for free. Le sigh. Sent it in. Won't download unless they tell me I get to keep it.
ALSO: REIGN OF TERROR missing eps to be animated for DVD. V early test graphic to be posted here tonight. Animators to be announced soon. - from CLASSICDW twitter - HOORAY!
Post attempt #2
You mean this lady?
She's slated for episodes 12/13 apparently.
Also, I watched the five doctors last night. It's pretty much everything I would want from a Doctor Who movie. The only downside is that it didn't have Bill Hartnell in it (being dead is not an excuse.
Oh yeah, Hartnell's replacement was pretty decent, although there wasn't enough "Hmm? Heh heh heh"'s for my liking!
Also, I'm glad they're animating more episodes again. Although I would prefer them to have done Hartnells final episodes!
The Tenth Planet seems to be the final planned release in the whole range, which is a nice idea due to the symbolism of everything. The other incomplete story getting an indicual release is the Troughton The Ice Warriors, which is probably an early 2013 release as well. 2013 seems to consist of 5 Pertwees, the aforementioned Tenth Planet and Ice Warriors, The Krotons, and Shada (which will be in a box with something else).
Also: There is a bonus feature with Outtakes on the Five Doctors, with Peter Davison cursing during a take as one. It's hilarious.
I haven't got to the extras yet. I started one documentary (oddly enough with Colin baker doing it), but it was an hour long and it was like 12.30 AM. So I listened to one of the audio episodes on the iplayer instead.
For some strange reason I think I've seen those two and that plane before somewhere but I can't quite put my finger on where.
Tah Dah!
Oh yeah, and peter Davison sung the theme tune to another of my favourite childhood programs, Button Moon I miss 80's/90's TV.
And Jon Pertwee was the star of a reasonably famous kids show too. And David Tennant was in "Cbeebies bed time story". Actually, so was John Barrowman, which just seems wrong! Even more so when his first lines are about two people who enjoy playing with eachother very much...
In fact, that seems to be the fate of all doctor who actors. Christopher Eccleston and Freema Agyeman seem to have appeared on it too! However, I've posted far more links then are likely to be viewed.
Thanks for the link. On a side note the Doctor is a liar, I've got a Bunk Bed so I know they're not cool in fact they're annoying and make me wish I got a normal bed again.
But It's A Bed... with a ladder!
(my favorite response to the line I've seen is 'Cosmic Nine-year-old forever' because it sums up the doctor pretty well)
Oh wait, that's me. Sorry.
And bunk-beds are uber-kewl. Anyone who disagrees is clearly wrong and must sleep on the bottom bunk as punishment.
I bet you anything Rory sleeps on the bottom bunk.
He is fragile enough to roll out the bottom one and then have Amy crying over him teling him not to leave her.
Amy gives birth. William Hartnell pops out.
Cut to credits.